NERVE GAS AND 'SECURITY' See Editorial Page Ci r lilt iau 47I a i t 1 0 DANK lfigh-84 Low-65 Cloudy; it will probably rain Vol. LXXIX, No. 52-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 26, 1969 Ten Cents U teaches the mili tarymaximum efficia By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN "This course," states the 1969 general The thrust of the course, as Bonder ex- The problem sets include topics like op- Bonder says he feels the conference is a which teach a Today, like last Saturday and the Sat- catalog of engineering summer confer- plains it, is to teach engineers making timal deployment of troops over wide areas, constructive step toward improving the procedures, but urday before that, a group of engineers ences, "will provide engineers, managers, military decisions "to look for alternative use and protection of missiles, and meas- U.S military. "If we're going to spend "The budgete is resting up at Baits Housing after the and decision-makers with background in methods" of solving defense-oriented prob- urement of the performance of single money on the military, let's make sure we is so much hig first of two grueling weeks of catching up the concepts, procedures, assumptions and lems, and to use mathematical models to round and multi-volley weapons. spend it wisely," he says. better chance o in their fields. effectiveness of quantitative approaches analyze and compare effectiveness and But unlike the groups which have pre- to planning for the next-generation wea- cost of the proposed systems. Basic topics in. the course include: Academic staff for the conference is a Disney's posit ceded them, mostly engineers seeking to pons." t-Weapon Capabilities,: This group in- combination of Unversity professors and versity in the n ceded the, moslengineers seking to Bns hsWithe1000 pages of course material to cludes methods of pedicting weapon cap- visiting lecturers. In addition to Bonder fined, however. improve their industrial capabilities, this But is the conference designed solely cover in 10 class days, the visiting engin- abilities such as target acquisition, delivery and Disney, staff from the industrial en- it." he says. "IN week's engineers are apparently more in- for the military? eers are subjected to about six or seven accuracy and damage potential. Emphasis gineering department includes Robert Far- "These topics terested in improving capabilities in a "I would guess the answer is yes for hours of lectures ,a day. ispacdoTapiatostogoudt- el arsarhasoiteirf.AturWg different area-the military, especially this course," says industrial engineering Bonder saystheenginers are first given grundad aatrtgids anestorhersoctoralcanddt all kinds of di weaponry and logistics. Prof. Ralph Disney who gives about five background lectures in the basic statistics ground and air-to-ground weapons. a tnseems to me al Entitled "Topics in Military Opera- lectures on probability and random pro- and probability theory involved. Then they -System Effectiveness: In this portion Visiting lecturers are Lt. Col. Carl Hess, educated I gue tions," the 10-day conference sponsored cesses for the military operations conferees, are introduced to "decision-theory"-the of the course, students become familiar Dr. William Marcuse of MITRE Corp. and cerned about th by the University's Chrysler Center for And industrial engineering Prof. Seth use of mathematical models to synthesize with the use of analytical and simulation logistics expert Djoerd Hoekstra. from." Continuing Engineering Education has Bonder, who runs the military conference, and test the capabilities of military sys- combat models to test the use of military Bonder says Hess is a former doctoral But Disney s drawn some 60 engineers from across the more than agrees. "The Defense Depart- tems. systems. student of his. between the su country. About half work at laboratories ment wastes a lot of money," he says. "I And to provide some practical experience, -Logistics and Costs: This topic includes tary operations run by the Department of Defense; the can't tell them how to use it, but I can the engineers are given a number of prob- basic principles of cost analysis as well as Bonder says he can see little difference "Should the Un rest are employed by private companies attempt to give them methods of analyz- lems to solve-all of them "very defense- deployment problems in a number of types between the military operations course and research is an e heavily involved in DOD contracts. ing what they best need for the future." oriented," Bonder says, of operational theatres. the other 42 summer conferences, some of he says. Four Pages .lmost identical technical in different areas. of the Defense Department her," he notes. "There's a f gain." ion on the role of the Uni- nilitary is not so well de- "I dont know how I view wrestle with that." have found application in verse fields," he says. "It 1 these people need to be ss I can't get terribly con- e place these people come ees a definite distinction mmer conference on mili- and war research projects. iversity be doing sponsored entirely separate question," , MISSING THREE DAYS: Police searching for eyclist seen with coed Mass. backs Kennedy By JUDY SARASOHN Police are searching for a man reported to be riding on a motorcycle with Eastern Michigan University student Karen Beineman when she was last seen Wednesday af- ternoon. after talk By The Asso Massachusetts was throw Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's sta that he was contemnlating r -Associated rress MISSING EMU COED Karen Beineman was last seen at this shop in downtown Ypsilanti on Wednesday. An employe of the shop says she left on a motorcycle driven by a clean-cut, slender young man. Bishop stands mute in murder c arraignment Ernest R. Bishop, accused in the murder of University coed Margaret Ann Phillips, stood mute yesterday at his arraignment in Washtenaw County Circuit Court. Circuit Court Judge John W. Conlin set the date of r Bishop's pretrial hearing for Aug. 27. Bishop is charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of Phillips, a graduate student in sociology. ' Phillips was the seventh young woman in the Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti area killed in the last 25 months, and the fourth since last April. She was shot three times while in her apart- ment on July 5.' Bishop was represented in court yesterday by David! Rosenthal, a partner in the Detroit law-firm Otis and Rosen-! Two witnesses told Ypsilanti po-.which claimed the life of a Schell, who was found dead on: hh July 5, 1968. young secretary. Schell was the second of seven: In Hyannis, near the Kennedy young women murdered in the home, the Western Union office Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area in the reported that it had been swamped last 25 months. Beineman was re- with telegrams, and at the West- portedly last seen in an area with- ern Union office in Boston extra in blocks from where three of the Associated. Pess help had to be called in to handle slain young women had disap- SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY appeals to the citizens of Massachusetts to help him decide whether he the flood. peared. should continue in public office after being convicted of leaving the -auto accident last weekend in A source close to the Kennedy Friends of the missing coed said which Mary Jo Kopechne was killed. Kennedy spoke on a nation-wide television broadcast from the family said the senator seemed she was going downtown to buy a Kennedy family compound in Hyannisport. more relaxed last night after his wig Wednesday afternoon. When .;statement. He spent the evening she missed a 7 p.m. class and the with family members and friends. 11 p.m. curfew for freshman SENTENCING MONDAY: From barrooms to church so- women living in EMU's Downing cials, from crowded amusement Residence Hall, roommates re-' parks 'to quiet residential areas, portd he mising..t the talk was "Kennedy . .. Ken-, Her family and her boyfriend ttShnclakarnconvicted nndyedy...Kennedy." have described Beineman as theA kind of woman who would not At the senator's Boston office, suddenly drop out of sight.a spokesman said telephone lines; James Dwyer, 24, her boyfriend0weeflodeds of 14 months, said she was "ari N h o bot10hcls hl Ssm art gir' sHe added UjUlan hour and would have had more cautious, smarbutpeopercoldn'egetthrogh, that she never hitchhiked aroundbtheplok ln'sgtt. og, Ypsilnti.the spokesman said. Ypsilanti. Police, meanwhile, are showing DETROIT (I)-John Sinclair. Pre-trial motions and a mis- Sinclair was arrested a month! Id say about 99 per cent we e the sketch of the 'motorcyclist to White Panther party minister of trial have held up proceedings. later. favorable.' he added. EMU students in the hope that information, was convicted yester- The two undercover agents, Nar- + The pre-trial appeal held up Tie someone may recognize him. day by a Recorder's Court jury on cotics Bureau Patrolman Vahan court action until last month. A Teoffic h theenoming He was described as white, six charges of possession of mai- Kapagian and policewoman Jane mistrial occurred when a police- ment ranged from "brutally frank feet tall, thin to medium build, juana.iMumford, infiltrated the Wayne woman made a prejudicial remark to "I don't believe it.,, d State underground community in testimony before a jury. The t with short side-burns-and wear- Energies-was sent to Wayne late in 1966. retrial was arranged for this week Ofte newspaper-the Springfield ing a T-shirt with wide green and County jail without bond until! a gin tsdh.n r because a new panel of jurors Union-said it would publish bal- yellow stripes. Witnesses say the Monday when he will be sentenced Kapagian testified that Sinclair were available for selection. lots Saturday morning for an im- motorcycle was a Honda 450 with by Judge Robert Colombo. He gave him and Mumford two free promptu election. a good deal of chrome. faces a possible 10 year prison sen- joints when they visited his apart- Sinclair's attorney, Justin C. An editor at the Boston Globe The man with whom Schell was tence. ment at the Artists' Workshop Ravitz, claimed police chemists said: reportedly last seen wore an EMU Police said Sinclair, who now near the WSU campus. used "now outdated" tests to de- "All hell's breaking loose over green T-shirt, and was approxi- lives in Ann Arbor and manages Kapagian and Miss Mumford ermine wh erte confisca here. I've never seen it like this." mately the same age and height. the MC-5 rock band, gave two. made excuses about not wanting substance was marijuana. Early in the evening it was im- But witnesses in that case say they joints to two undercover agents to smoke them and turned the When the decision was an- possible to judge accurately how saw the couple in a car. on Dec. 22, 1966. two joints over to the police lab. nounced, Ravitz slumped into his sentiment was running, but by ----chair and put his hands to his 11:30 p.m. a pattern seemed to 7 forehead. Sinclair, dressed in a have been established in Ken- TUITION HIKE IN 1970-71? blue workshirt and blue jeans, nedy's favor. showed no reaction to the verdict. The Globe said sentiment in Bsfore he was taken to jail, Sin- favor of Kennedy remaining inj clair emptied his pockets to his office was "overwhelming," and at sqeeze: A nd nextywife. They kissed quickly and the Boston Herald Traveler re- Sinclair was taken to the prison- er's elevator. Mrs. Sinclair left the academic units to find one per one per cent doesn't mean very dered the University to spend courtroom and declined to com- ' SUNDAY cent worth of cuts to m a k e much." its $1.7 million working capital ment. from the "final" expenditure The actual cuts from individ- which had, in the past, been Sinclair has been free on bond' Last week's rock concert was budget they submitted prior to ulal units will be made after used to tide the school over be- pending appeal on a June 10 con- called off because of wet the regental budgetary decision consultation with the deans and tween the end of the fiscal year viction of assaulting a police of- weather, but this week they'll last week. directors, Smith says. The re- and the passage of the new ap- ficer, and pending federal charges try it again. The concert is " T h e vice president suggests sponses to his request for sug- propriations bill a few weeks of leaving the country without scheduled for Fuller Flatlands that the additional one per cent gested cuts and the initiation of later. notifying authorities of his nar- from 3-6 p.m. will be recouped in a number of these consultations is expected The Legislature and the gov- cotics record. Sinclair has been ways, varying from unit to unit. to come in about three weeks. ernor have promised to recog- convicted twice before on posses-: Some, he says, will leave va- But these cuts from Univer- nize that this money must be sion of marijuana charges. sponses were running 2-1 in sup- cant academic and non-aca- sity divisions are not the only added on to next year's appro- The jury of nine women and port of the senator. demic positions unfilled, while ones which were made to bal- priation, Smith notes. But the three men deliberated about an Kennedy pleaded guilty earlier others might cut their current ance the budget without a tui- vice president says he believes hour and a half yesterday before in the day on Martha's Vineyard accounts. (For example, he says, tion increase. this will still look like an in- returning the guilty verdict. to leaving the scene of an auto "vni i(nn't huv a tvnewritr. ") The yexectivo nfficersh hd al- . ..-_3__ -----.- -. .acident which clnimed the life ,ciated Press n into turmoil last night by itement, broadcast nationwide, 'esigning because of his auto of the state to tell him whether e Senate. d radio and television stations flooded with calls for hours. largely was favorable to the he Kennedy brothers. Lty earlier yesterday to leaving Eviction ease heard in court By NADINE COHODAS Testimony w a s presented yesterday in the evictiofi case of Campus Management ver- sus rent strikers Marlene Mi- lewski, Susan Willis and Eliz- abeth Huebner. District Judge Pieter Thomas- sen adjourned thencase until 8 a.m. r'Monday when final' argu- ments and a verdict will be given. Brian Urquhart, attorney for Campus Management, said yester- day that Milewski, Huebner and Wilson owed $900 in back rent for February through June in an apartment at 1335 Geddes Ave. Another roommate has paid her rent regularly. The tenants, represented by Robert Reed, said they did not believe they were obligated to pay the full rent because the landlord has not "fully cooperated." Both Huebner and Willis took the stand to explain the alleged breach of contract by Campus Management. Huebner said the apartment was dirty when the women moved in and testified there were fleas in the living room rug and a faulty hot water system for the shower. Willis said she had to call Cam- pus Management at least twice before the rug was cleaned, and then, she added, "the apartment stunk." The landlord was called "eight times" to repair washers "and driers in the 17-unit building, Willis testified. She said on sev- eral occasions she was told by the answering service that "someone was coming or the washing ma- chine 'should' have been fixed'." In January, Willis said the apartment flooded, immersing all rooms in water. Dwaine Lightham- mer, Campus Management presi- dent, said he visited the apart- ment Jan. 4-the day of the flood- ing-and explained that the flood xxe onom he xa rak in the thal. Rosenthal said yesterday' " he will present motions at the pretrial hearing but said it would not be proper to discuss them now. 3 Originally, Bishop had claimed he did not have funds, so court- 4 appointed- lawyer Ralph Keyes represented him at his pre-trial examination in district court. For an unexplained reason, however, Bishop's family later retained: Rosenthal. Keyes said yesterday that when Bishop informed him that Rosen- thai was going to be retained, Keyes informed Circuit Judge Wil- liam Ager, July 14, in court. "Bishop confirmed under oath that he was satisfied with my Budget By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN With the University's budget for this fiscal year now set - though not completely settled - at least one top administra- tor has begun looking ominous- ly toward the prospects for next year. Although the University did avoid a tuition increase t h i s year, the tightening up of ex- penditures which was necessary to make this possible may have doomed University students to a substantial hike next year. "WP',P CQMIPP7A +hink +haf