NIXON AND GUN CONTROL See Editorial Page CEr SAir itzrn &titIbr UILI-M1ANNEREI) Iligh-84 Low-58 -Neither rain, snow, sleet, nor hail ... Vol. LXXIX, No. 51-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 25, 1969 Ten Cents Cohen forges reforms in education s( By JUDY KAHN The educators suggest that a "harmony director who will be responsible for co- work school and the psychology depart- tended a m Daily News Analysis of study and action" should be created, ordinating the research activities of the ment. which was Former Secretary of Health Education and that the best way to achieve this is school's faculty. To begin implementing this recom- ucational I and Welfare Wilbur Cohen has been dean to make the field of research the primary In this way, Cohen may be able to avoid mendation, Cohen has already held a A report of the education school officially for only interset of the school. the lack of coherence of goals and priori- meeting with heads of other departments of what th three weeks yet he has already begun to Cohen points ut, however, that the tra- ties which the report says have immobil- and schools in order to open up lines of should be institute radically new policies. ditional roles of service and teacher cer- ized the faculty in the past. communication, and he has suggested con- Aug. 8. Cohen has begun to forge a new direction tification should be continued by the In another organizational change recom- tinuing such meetings in the future. To impr for the school, using as a blueprint the school. There should be more research, he mended by the report, Cohen has begun In addition to fulfilling much of the re- Cohen is p1a special report presented last March to says, "but not at the sacrifice of the teach- to coordinate the education school's activi- port, Cohen has instituted many of his which will 1 President Robben Fleming by top educa- er certification program." ties with those of other departments and own ideas during the first three weeks as section of r 'r + ~~tors, all members of the Academy for shoso h nvriy .s A Changes in the organizational structure schools of the University. education school dean. the lounge Educational Development. These educators of the school which were recommended by Although the report recommends drop- Two non-voting student representatives groups can concluded that one of the primary con- the report have also been adopted by ping the entire teacher training program, have been seated on the executive commit- Cohen is cerns of the education school dean should it also suggests that if the program is re- tee, the top decision-making body in the Forum eve: be to establish a new, badly needed direc- tained it should be changed drastically to school. No other school in the University year where tion for the school. For a new emphasis on research, the re- provide experimental, innovative teacher has student representation on its executive facing edu "In recent years the school has flounder- port suggests creation of an office of re- training, committee. and faculty 1 ed badly in its efforts to define goals and search services headed by a research This type of experimental teacher edu- And during the past three weeks, Cohen And Coh establish priorities. The faculty is im- cation would be facilitated by collabora- has been meeting with student leaders to from the A mobilized by its failure to seek and demand director. And although it is not yet clear tion between the education school and discover their concerns and plans for the into the ed coherence in its own work," says the re- whether Cohen will establish such an of- other divisions of the University-such as education school. He has met with several logically a Dean Wilbur' Cohen port. fice, he is actively searching for a research the Institute for Social Research, the social stnr " _:dividually, and last week he at- both studen + RENT CONSPIRACY CASE: 1 RIIT Tu RFWF ()TT [R rmAVATTN Four Pages ~hool eeting of student representatives sponsored by Students for Ed- rnnovation. based on the group's discussion ey believe's priorities will be presented to Cohen on ove student-faculty relations. anning a student-faculty lounge be located in a newly-renovated the school. He says lie believes will serve as a place where both freely exchange ideas. also planning to hold a Dean's ry Monday during the school he can discuss current problems cators with both the students of the school. en plans to move his offices nn Arbor Bank Building back lucation school to be "psycho- well as physically closer" to its and faculty. rA.FZ..Jt1 llAIllL.4 L'-i L L' l VUZIlV1Y I1- Federal judge nextu plans Apollo 'I ends perfect flight to rule' peek 4 By NADINE COHODAS A. Davis, counsel for the landlords.' tained that the landlords' viola- A decision on a motion to dis- and Mrs. Virginia Davis Nordin, tions 'restrict potential out-state4 miss an antitrust suit filed by whois representing the tenants tenants from coming to Ann Ar- eight Ann Arbor tenants against in this action. bor because rents are too high. local landlords will be handed The landlords claim that the Davis has claimed that real down "within a week," Federal suit, which charges them with vio- estate is not interstate commerce. District Judge Fred Kaess said lating section one of the Sherman He also said yesterday that the yesterday. Antitrust Act by combining to re- tenants action "is not an anti- strain competition in the housing trust suit but, a student protest." Kaess will also decide on" the market here, has; no jurisdio.Mlon He added that the suit was merely tenants' motion to dismiss a coun- in a federal court, a tacti of the rent se t'er claim filed against them by the 'eea uidcino1 pisa tactic of the rent strike. landlords aFederal jurisdiction only applies However, the suit has been filed l oin cases which are shown to in- by eight Ann Arbor tenants as a Yesterday Kaess heard argu- volve or have an affect on inter- "class action." This means they ments on both motions from Peter state commerce. Mrs. Nordin main- represent all tenants, not just those on strike, who are renting 1 now or have rented from the de- Hurkios names suspec fendants during the last four The tenants claim the counter " suit charging them with conspiring eto withhold rent, encourage others in searc for slayer to withhold rent and obtain libel- ous articles in The Daily has no By JUDY SARASOHEN ;independent jurisdiction in the federal court. Although there are reports that mystic Peter Hurkos has Some cases c a n be heard in1 provided police with the name of a "prime suspect" already federal courts as counterclaims if under investigation, police deny any break in the search for they are related to the maint the murderer or murderers in the six area slayings of young cspiracy suit isenantdirectlyt e women. lated to the antitrust action. Ann Arhnr PnlinA Oh i e+~ rz.ras-a-testrda xmru or oce Chli waiter Krasny said yesterda that Hurkos did give police a name of a suspect but added the man is "not a prime suspect." "Hurkos did give us a name which we will treat no dif- ferently from the five or six names, we receive in the mail every day," said Krasny. EM U co Krasny said he believed Hurkos e did have "something" in the way of mystic powers, but the police I chief was not optimistic about ~ iii1 S~fl ~Hurkos solving 'the mystery sur- "The counter suit is a harass- ment technique and violates the; policy of federal rules," Mrs. Nordin said yesterday. "The rule allowing counterclaims is to avoid, multiplicity of trials. But in this particular case it would have the opposite effect." The suit is similar to the local conspiracy suit against Ann Ar- bor tenants which will be tried starting Aug. 21 in Circuit Judge William Ager's court. Davis yesterday asked Kaess to order that all money held in es- p-Associated Press PRESIDENT NIXON exchanges jokes with the Apollo 11 astronauts aboard the U.S.S. Hornet yesterday. The astronauts are inside their special mobile quarantine chamber which was provided with a glass window just for the occasion. They will be flown to Houston and will remain in quaran- tine there until Aug. 12. The President invited them for dinner as soon as they're out. ABOARD USS HORNET it?) - The Apollo 11 astronauts flashed safely home yesterday to a h a p p y but hands-off hero's welcome. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Col- lins splashed into the Polynesian waters of the Pacific in their ship Columbia at 12:50 p.m. EDT, just nine miles from this aircraft carrier. President Nixon hailed their feat as he stood outside the silver isolation van in which the astronauts were immediately shielded from the world by metal and glass. Smiling broadly at the three fresh faces in the window, the Presi- dent said, "This is the greatest week in the history of the world since the Creation." The end of man's first voyage to the moon ended with a splash and a bump 950 miles southwest of Hawaii, eight days, three hours and 18 minutes after it began from Cape Kennedy, Fla. After a quick medical examination, the astronauts were declared to be in "great shape." The flight's successful end brought hundreds of messages to the White House, the President said, from "ambassadors and presidents, prime ministers and kings." "They represent over two billion people on this earth, all of them who have had the opportunity to see what you have done," he added. Once below decks, the starboard doors of the white and yellow Navy helicopter which had picked them up opened. The weirdly garbed astronauts stepped out. For a brief moment they waved, and then strode quickly into the isolation chamber. It took all of six sec- onds. Immediately afterward, a scientist in a short-sleeved yellow shirt appeared and sprayed disinfectant along the ten feet of deck where these men of history had walked in their isolation suits. The air in the hanger deck hung heavy with the acrid smell of the germ-killing bleach with which the astronauts and everything they touched had been scrubbed. The astronauts and about 15 other persons will live in isolation until about Aug. 12, quarantined from the world. The astronauts yesterday transferred into a 35-foot trailer where they will stay during a 2%/2-day sea-air trip to the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex., where they face 16 days additional quarantine. Welcoming them to the trailer were Dr. William Carpentier, NASA physician, and John Hirasaki, NASA engineer, both of whom volunteered to be isolated with the astronauts. The astronauts' meeting with the President had to be delayed pending a quick medical examination, after which the astronauts showered and shaved. Collins appeared to have grown a moustache. In New York City, lunch-hqur throngs jammed the sidewalks in front of television showrooms to see the landing. Fifth Avenue echoed with church bells. In San Francisco, they threw firecrackers out of skyscraper win- dows and tossed out ticker tape in the financial district, For the first time in the Apollo program, the astronauts took manual action to change their landing site. This became necessary when a threat of thunderstorms forced officials to shift the landing 250 miles to the east. Armstrong changed the guidance computer so that Apollo 11 dug a little deeper into the atmosphere, enabling it to shoot for the new See APOLLO, Page 3 ' 47 schools create research group .., space rounding the six murders. YPSILANTI VP) - An Eastern IHurkos is concentrating on the Michigan University coed has murders of Joan Schell, 20, an been missing for more than a day Eastern Michigan University coed' from her dormitory, authorities whose body was found July 5,. in Washtenaw County reported 1968, and Dawn Basom, 13, of yesterday. Ypsilanti, whose body was found During the past two years, last April 16. seven young women, two of them The mystic has searched the Eastern Michigan coeds, have supposed murder sites and the been murdered in the Ypsilanti-' girls' clothing, although police did Ann Arbor area. An Ann Arbor not give Hurkos the clothes the man has been 'charged with one girls wore when they were mur- of the slayings, but there have dered. Hurkos reportedly has felt been -no arrests in the other six. "vibrations" at local coffee houses. The missing girl was identified Ed Silver, an associate of Hur- as Karen Sue Beineman, 18, of kos, said Hurkos will remain in Grand Rapids. Police said jhe was Ann Arbor for as long as it takes Sec POLICE, Page 3 'him to solve the murder cases. . 4 Wr.. Xfrom the rent str"cy 11cuIk Id While the three Apollo astro- acquire, plan, construct and ope- tions, composed of an official rep- to the Federal Court. William D. 3 nauts returned 'from their historic rate laboratories and other facili- resentative from each member Barense, attorney for the land- voyage yesterday, the University ties for research, development, university. Chairman of the coun- lords inhattorneyforsthelysuit, - along with 47 other schools - and education associated with cil is Donald Alexander MacRae, lordsi the local conspiracy was preparing to take on a major space science and technology. who is chairman of the depart-' has asked Ager to order the samerole in future space exploration. ment of astronomy and director thing. Vice President for Research A. The suit charges the Ann Arbor In an agreement announced last Geoffrey Norman describes the of the David Dunlap Observatory Property Managers Association week on the day of the successful consortium as being "primarily at the Univeisity of Toronto. with violating the antitrust a c t Apollo launch, 48 universities have involved in lunar studies and ulti- The idea of creating USRA orig- and specifically cites for violations joined together to create the Uni- mately planetary studies." inated with the National Academy John Stegeman of Charter Real- versity Space Research Associa- "NASA has goie it alone up to of Sciences last August. Some 45 ty; Apartments Limited; Campus tion (USRA) which is expected to",, representatives of various institu- Management; Summit Associates; take on major importance in post- this point, Noiman said, "b u t tions met in Washington Oct. 13 J. Patrick of J. Patrick Pulte, Inc.; Apollo programs of the National now is facing financial shortages. to discuss the project. John W. Conlin of Wilson-White Aeronautics and Space Adminis- The NASA request for assistance Inc.; Ann Arbor Trust Co. and J. tration. becst t ouniversities comesoaitor fl L. Shipman. The new consortium expects to! beas.hyr okn o ud ing. OUTLINES SPECIAL COMMISSION WORK Milliken discusses ed reforms LANSING W) Charging that the state's educational sys- tem is "antiquated, inadequate and inequitable," Gov. William Milliken yesterday outlined the work of his special education reform commission in a state- wide television broadcast. The commission has been charged with making recom- mendations for possible imple- mentation at the fall session of the State Legislature. The com- mission is to report by Sept. 30. Milliken expressed special concern about problems in voca- tional and college preparatory not adequately preparing young men and women for vocational and technical careers relating to the job market they will find when -they leave school," Mil- liken explained. Milliken skirted the contro- versial issue of state aid to non- public schools, saying only that "total educational r e f o r m" means decisions on several is- sues, including "means to ease the plight of non-pub li c schools." Educational reform also in- cludes decisions on more effec- tive use of school facilities, im- assess primarily the student, but also the school," he said. -Development of incentives for stimulating and rewarding excellence in teaching and for increasing teacher productivity. -Development of a mechan- ism for setting minimum size for school districts to assure resources for an adequate pro- gram. Milliken said the commission is also delving into the possibility of "something similar to a state- wide civil service system for teachers." , "I have yet to be convinced that he would "not evade my responsibility of recommending whatever I think should be rec- ommended in October to the Legislature-no matter what the political price may be." The commission recently fin- ished three days of public hear- ing at which parents, educators and students spoke. One of the major speakors was Dean Wil- bur' Cohen of the education school, who urged that the state use a tax on business to pay for education, since it is business which is a prime recipient of the benefits of education. USRA has submitted a proposal to NASA under which the n e w consortium would manage the Lunar Science Institute in Hous- ton. A contract for management of the institute by the National Academy of Sciences expires this fall. University membership in t h e consortium was approved by the Regents last November. In a pro- posal to the Regents, Norman ex- plained t h e nature of proposed functions of USRA: "Although not expected at this time, a larger role is envisioned for the consortium later as the post-Apollo NASA programs are developed," he wrote. "Such ex- pected efforts as the Space As- tronomical Observatory, earth re- source satellites, and planetary probes will extend the opportunity for interaction between the uni- versities and the snace agencv. Tn U U-