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July 24, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-24

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See Editorial Page

C, r

Sir tian,


Variable cloudiness.
possible thundershowers

Vol LXXIX, No. 50-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 24, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages






HOUSTON (t-Rested after
a long sleep and yearning for
the good earth, Apollo 11's
moon explorers neared the
halfway point of their home-
ward j o u r n e y yesterday,
streaking on a perfect course
toward today's landing in the
Mission control let the space-
men sleep past noon, resting for
the critical re-entry and landing'
that will climax man's greatest
Apollo 11 was on such an ac-
curate course a small engine cor-
iection scheduled today was can-I
The Apollo ship, gaining speed
second-by-second as the earth's
gravity tightened its hold, passed
the halfway point of its journey
through space at 3:56 p.m. EDT.
Its speed will continue to grow a
to about 24,000 miles an hour be-
fore the splashdown. It was going
3,663 miles an hour when the
astronauts awoke yesterday to
start their final day in space.
President Nixon, meanwhile,
Press prepared to fly to a flotilla of
on- Navy ships in the Pacific to await
the return of the men who put the
nation's flag on the moon on Sun-
The target area is 1,196 miles
southwest of Honolulu. Splash-
down time is 12:49 p.m. EDT
(11.49 a.m. EST).
rt Meanwhile, scientists at the
Manned Spacecraft Center stud-:
ied the first hint of the scientific
gain that may come from Apollo




on landlords
Arguments for the dismissal of a federal antitrust suit
filed by Ann Arbor tenants against members of the Ann Ar-
bor Property Managers Association will be heard today in De-
troit by Federal District Judge Fred W. Kaess.
The suit 'charges the landlords with conspiring to avoid
competition in the Ann Arbor housing market.
Kaess will also hear arguments on a motion to dismiss a
counterclaim filed by the realtors charging the tenants with
The antitrust suit was filed March 11 by eight tenants as
a "class action." This means they represent all tenants who
are living now or have lived here within the last four years
and have rented from the de - - ®.__ .

The suit charges the landlords
with violating section one of the
Sherman Antitrust Act by con-.
spiring, combining and agreeing to
avoid competition in t h e rental
market in the central campus ar-

wilns $100

-Associated Press

THE THREE ASTRONAUTS will have to wear these dec
tamination suits immediately after splashing down today.
Weeks denies repo
of fundin delays

The new royal family
Princes Juan Carlos de Borbon and family will be Spain's reigning mi
Franco steps down. Juan Carlos was named Tuesday by Franco an
Franco's successor-designate. Juan Carlos' father has always claimed t
he would not interfere with his son's succession. Franco has not indic
Although Juan Carlos will eventually be allowed to rule Spain, he ha
the nationalist political party, the only legal party allowed by Franco.



They reported that a seismic N
device left on the moon by Neil
By JUDY SARASORN Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr.
City Housing Commission Chairman Robert Weeks denied recorded movement of the lunar
crust, raising the possibility that
yesterday reports that federal funds for city housing projects the moon and the earth are of the'
may be delayed because the commission will not have a di- same origin.
rector as of Aug. 18. Dr. Don Latham said the tremor
"There is no immediate danger of losing federal funds" may have originated from either
said Weeks. "There isn't any apprehension." a moonguake or the impact of By JUDY KAHN
William Bergeron, regional director of the U.S. Housing a large meteorite. The Board of Education of thef
If the movement was a quake, Ann Arbor Public School System
Assistance Administration (HAA), said Tuesday that Ann Ar- ihe said, it could mean thenmo, last night voted to continue its
bor may not be able to obtain federal money for projects un- like the' earth, has a molten core'.lastntvotedaltoamcotifanu ext
til a full-time director or - If the moon and earth are of sim-Econ r gramyi d
ilar structure, it could mean they Education Program.
qualified consultg firm is UOS said are of similar origin, he said. Ten recommendations for im-
hired.1Meanwhile the Apollo 11 flight proving the existing program were
"It's not a matter of law," said director said yesterday that thealso approved last night. The rec-'
Bergeron. "It's a matter of doing lunar module was low on fuel as it ommendations were presented to
business. We need to have some- taneared the surface of the moon the board by Michael Sniderman
body we cap talk to who can op- lebut not low enough to abort it' assistant superintendent for in-
erate a program."' landing. struction. The recommendations
Peter Hurkos, the mystic, may include:
Tho fr:nti~ nmoiv Asked[3about k blh d Pt ofnt



rca(ion p,
-The establishment of a pro- !.
fessional advisory board to con- cu:
sider all health education mat- six
ters; scl
-The designation of a part-time
health education consultant to ti
develop health education pro- al
grams and integrate them withr
existing school subjects;
-Changing the emphasis of theFse
sex education materials taught in n
the first and fifth grades to bet-
ter correlate with what is taught thi

For federal jurisdiction to ap-'
ply to the case, interstate com-
merce or an effect on it must be
onarchy when Gen. Francisco shown. The complaintants say the
d the Spanish parliament as effect of the landlords' violations Tenants Union member Bev-
he Spanish throne, but he said restrains prospective out-of-state erly A. Nescot yesterday was
ated when he will leave office. tenants from coming to Ann Ar- awarded a $100 reduction in
ad to pledge his allegiance to bor because rents are too high. the amount of back rent and
The landlords in their motion to utilities that, she owed Cam-
dismiss have claimedthere is no pus Management.
federal jurisdiction because real pu3aaeet
estate is not interstate commerce. After nearly two hours of de-
liberation, t h e six-member jury
In their counterclaim the real- returned the verdict which grant-
tors have charged the tenants with ed the reduction from the $240
the same conspiracy charges of a rent and '$10 utilities fee Nescot
ta i n slocal case which will be tried owed f or an apartment on 114
starting Aug. 21, in Circuit Judge Thayer.
William Ager's court. The land- Rent strike eviction trials will
lords charge the tenants are con- continue tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.in
spiring to withhold rent, encour- District Judge Pieter Thomassen's
Mrm age others to withhold rent and court.
to obtain libelous articles in The Testimony in the Nescot case
Daily. was presented Tuesday, but the
-The establishment of a pilot The tenants have filed a motion case was adjourned until yester-
irriculum for the second and to dismiss the counterclaim be- day at 3:30 p.m. when final argu-
xth grades during the 1970-71. cause they say there is no inde- ments and the verdict were given.
hoolyear: pendent federal jurisdiction for Nescot, represented by Tenants
the' conspiracy counterclaim. Union lawyer Robert Reed, claim-
-The establishment of a con- ed that 'Campus Management had
nuous sex and family education- Under federal regulations, cer- failed to live up to its contract be-
n material review. tain counterclaims can be permit- cause the apartment was not up
ted in federal courts if they are in to housing codes. Qhe held that
-The purchasing of supplies for fact related to the main claim, she was not obligated to pay the
x enucationandamiy pan- The landlords claim the con- full amount of rent due because
spiracy counterclaim is related to of alleged breach of contract.
-Establishing the m e a ns the tenants antitrust action. The Nescot, said the apartment was
rough which all interested tenants say it is not. dirty when she moved in and re-
oups-parents, teachers, and ad- Besides charging'members of the quired four days for her and her
inistration-can communicate; Ann Arbor property Managers three roommates to clean It. In
-Increasing parent involvement sociation with violating the anti- any was a limited amountio t-
rough the Parent-Teacher Or- trust laws, the tenants' suit speci- water, sometimes none by Friday
inization, designating an adult fically cites John Stegeman of
lucation consultant to meet with Charter Realty, Apartments Lim- or Saturday afternoons.
rents, and distributing a booklet ited, Campus Management, Sum- Nescot added that in December
questions parents are generally mit Associates, J. Patrick Pulte,up intohewattetnga
ncerned with in discussing sex of J. Patrick Pulte, Inc., Wilson- odor into the bathtub creatitng a
ith their children; White, Inc., Ann Arbor Trust Co. pdumbers came after she called the
-Establishing a parent, teach- and J. L. Shipman. landlord Nescot said, but the prob-
, and administration evaluation Although Ann Arbor tenants lem still existed until Jan.'8, when
oup and and some Tenants Union legal a plumber came again and reamed
staff are involved in the federal the pipes.
-Extending the program to all suit, the plaintiffs say the anti- Later in spring, Nescot testified,
ndergarten, first and fifth grade trust action is not officially con- dirty water from one of the wash-
asses in the Ann Arbor school nected with the Tenants Union ing machines in the basement
strict. or the rent strike. started to back up into the kit-
Despite the approval of these However, law student Greg Curt- chen sink.
comlmendations sex ucatin ner who has been working on the She also said that many of the

in flhn hnma-

i in w~e nome ;

T e city housing commission ' be on the verge of solving at least
accepted Monday by a four to one one of six Ann Arbor area mur-
vote the resignation of former Di- ders, according to his associate
rector Mrs. Joseph Mhoon. The Ed Silver.,
resignation is effective Aug. 18 or
sooner if a replacement is hired In fact, Silver optimistically be-
before that date. lieves that Hurkos may be able
"We're going to have a new di- to wind up the case" today.
rector; we're interviewing a num- Hurkos is concentrating on the
ber of people," Weeks said. There murders of Joan Schell, 20, an
would only be a problem if there Eastern Michigan University coed
were no chance to find a director, whose body was found July 5,
according to Weeks. 1968, and Dawn Basom, 13, of
At present, the commission has, Ypsilanti, whose body was found
127 public housing units under last April 16.
construction. The commission is According to Silver, Hurkos has
also in the early stages of plan- told the police the name of Bas-
ning 300 additional public hous- om's killer, although Ann Arbor
ing units. Police Chief Walter Krasny -claim-,
A $60,000 planning loan from ed yesterday that no new infor-
HAA has been reserved by the mation has been discovered.
commission for the 300 unit pro- Silver claims Hurkos has given
gram. Weeks said that there was police new information, and has
no danger of losing the planning reconstructed the actual murder3
loan. scene.

a j i u posne a report-.
that mission control almost called
the landing off because of low fuel,
Clifford Charlesworth replied: '
"It was getting close. But Arm-
strong actually had plenty of fuel
left when he landed. No one at
mission control was ready to push scheduled next weey
the panic button."(
He noted that the astronauts
initially descended toward a crater By JUDY KAHN
filled with large rocks and had Ann Arbor will go on a "Black Odyssey" next week during
to fly over it and hover like a
helicopter to find arelatively the stay of a pictorial history exhibit containing any little-
smooth spot. ;known facts relating to Afro-American history and culture.
On a normal landing without The exhibit, called the "Black Odyssey," includes a series
hovering, the craft called Eagle of biographical displays-including pictures and photographs
maneuveing fuel lef ecaue of-which highlight the achievements of famous black men.
the extra maneuvering, Eagle had Historic figures such as Hannibal, Alexander Dumas, Marcus!
49 seconds remaining when it Garvey, and Nat Turner are featured. In-depth displays ex-
touched down at Tranquility Base! plore the lives of modern black leaders such as Malcolm X
and Armstrong said, "The Eagle and Patrice Lumumba.
has landed."
Scientists will start Saturday on In another section of the exhibit, reproductions of works
See ASTRONAUTS, Page 3 by Charles White, one of the foremost Afro-American artists


i tCnl 1nt1MIU uull SUA CUUUL4UlU,,
instruction is not compulsory. A
parent may ask that his child be
excused from these classes and be
assigned alternate study material.
Voting followed a two and a
half hour discussion which in-
volved an audience of about forty.

tenants' brief says the suit is a' screens in the apartment fit im-
result of "the same violations and properly and had small holes in
rental, problems" that the rent them. One window was without
strikers are facing. screens, she said, which allowed
The plaintiffs of the suit are flies to come in on hot days when
Steve Marston, Barry Rubin, Jon- the window had to be left, open.
anathan Moselle, Helen Cooper, One of the windows in the bed-
Drew Bogema, Daniel Zwerdling, room fit improperly. Nescot add-
Kurt Wiener, and Laura Magzis. See TENANT, Page 3

u ca gt anythingyou want...

in the world, are displayed.
The contributions which thous-
ands of black soldiers have made
from the Revolutionary War
through the Vietnam conflict are

described in
the exhibit.

a third segment ofj

The party is downstairs at
Marshall's Bookstore. A pro-
fane purple finger points the
way down a bright green stair-
well to Teeguarden and Leabu's
General Store.
,r Teeguarden and Leabu's isn't
a general "store" in the profit-
making sense. People with things
to sell bring them in to the
store, and Teeguarden and
Leabu deduct only enough to
pay the store's rent.
The result is a wide variety
of merchandise sold at pheno-
menally low prices. The bright-
ly painted walls of the shop are
covered with wall decorations--
including paintings, second hand
purses and hand made clothing.
And the racks, shelves and

aging people to bring in any
crafts and stuff they want to
sell," he explains.
But eventually he and Vic
Leabu, the other proprietor,
hope the back wing of the shop
will be made into a reading
room with underground news-
papers and an information bul-
letin board.
The bulletin board will dis-
play advertisements explaining
how to get conimodity items re-
latively cheaply, Teeguarden
says, and the underground press
will give the general public who
frequent the shop an opportuni-
ty to come into contact with
papers they might not otherwise
be able to find.
There are also plans for the
store to start selling dried

Other panels include "The
Black Cowboy," "The Golden Age
of Africa," and a series of black

A new exhibit displaying black
literature is being presented by
Vaughn's Bookstore of Detroit.
Other exhibits will also be pre-
sented for the first time.
George Norman, who is black
himself and who created "Black
Odyssey," says it has a double
purpose. This is to strengthen the
black man's awareness of his large
': : contribution to the world and
western civilization, and to give
Americans a historic background
which will help us to better un-
derstand the nation's black citi-
"Black Odyssey" is sponsored

: .

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