I--notesf rom n tundergraduate 14yr £idligan Daily Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Ann Arbor's endangered liberalism by ron lanidsmnan mmwm 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JULY 22, 0969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS i Coming back from the moon I PABLO PICASSO WAS quoted yesterday in the New York Times as saying of the Apollo 11 mission, "It means nothing to me. I have no opinion about it and I don't care." Few other men who watched the tele- vision pictures shown across the face of the globe of those first moments of man's passage on the moon could express such indifference as did that great artist. Yet as the evening wore on and the newsmen begin to pile trite adverb upon over- worked adjective many must have found a certain inkling of similarity between their own feelings and those of Picasso. There can be no question of the purely scientific value of the moon landing. The material and data which the mission will produce will add immeasurably to the fund of man's knowledge. And by means of the continuing study and exploration of the moon there seems little doubt that practical application can be made, of the purely scientific discov- eries. But what will this mean for most of the men left here on earth? Totally un- affected by the more esoteric aspects of the advance in knowledge, it seems un- likely that the average earthling will gain even from whatever practical out- comes such exploration may have. IT SEEMS much more likely that mater- ial gains from space missions will be translated into corporate profits or moon depletion allowances for some American and perhaps Russian cartel. But that has been the meaning of ad- vancing technology for a long time-the space program is only one glaring ex- ample. This country is capable of build- ing rockets and computers which can place a man on the moon and bring him back again. Human technology can build weapons able to destroy millions upon millions of people in a matter of minutes. For these advances man has paid dearly. Millions of dollars and rubles and years of the finest scientific thinking have been used to produce these technological ad- vances. But never has such massive effort been spent on the problems which have haunted mankind since the beginning of time. Men in every part of the world die of starvation and disease. And when they are allowed by a world dominated by massive technology to live many of them must do so in poverty, ignorance and hatred. For these problems the wheels of government and science have turned agonizingly slowly. Far fram the attitude of the military planners that anything which is needed can be developed, gov- ernment for thousands of years has an- nounced "the poor will always be with us." AND PERHAPS more significant than the apalling lack of concern for the everyday problems of mankind is the total absence of work to change the drudgery and meaninglessness of man's existence. Although the government and the media tout the ease of living in the future no one questions that that future will be built around a deadly system of consumption, production and daily toil. The assumption tying work - whether ditch digging or button pushing - to the earning of life's necessities is never chal- lenged. But can a country which has spent so much time, money and effort to place a man on the moon and make itself ready for nuclear disaster question the ability of man's genius to genuinely ease the burden of living? Is it possible that a nation of such technological magnifi- cance cannot free men from their mind- less burden? THE GREATEST threat to the improve- ment of the plight of the Ann Arbor black community are the radical students and street people, seconded strongly by their unintended allies, the Ann Arbor economic and political elite, the old Re- publican guard. The reason-Mayor Robert Harris. Harris is the best thing that could have happened to the Ann Arbor black com- munity and to the University's 30,000 students. Harris' liberal credentials are impeccable. For example, he was a major drafter of the state's housing legislation, used to great advantage by the Ann Arbor Rent Strike and increasingly in Detroit by black tenants groups. But his past record is not as important as what he could possibly do in Ann Arbor now. He is a mayor with an unbeatable City Council majority, with almost all the power he could ask for in the city. He has started by giving city govern- ment's effective tacit support to the rent strike. The two greatest problems for stu- dents in Ann Arbor, besides the University itself, are the merchants and the land- lords. There is nothing Harris can do about the former, but there is at least a little he can do about the latter, and most reports indicate that he has. But students don't need help nearly as desperately as do the blacks. Comprising some 10 to 15 per cent of the population, OSA (Editor's Note: The following is a discussi copy of a letter sent by Acting Vice- ing. President for Student Affairs Barbara In th Newell to Student Government Council primary President Marty McLaughlin. The let- of "bind ter, written by Mrs. Newell and the Of- appropri fice of Student Affairs directors, ex- major s plains their position on the SGC de- of OSA mand for control of OSA through stu- law 7 to dent run policy boards.) lent of a EACH DIRECTOR has received tee in a request to comment on the Commis SGC policy. We have discussed No Dea. what would appear an appropriate fails to response and are sincerely ~in- constitu terested in exploring possible ways executiv of working cooperatively in find- power, b ing an agreement. However, uni- rectly to lateral action by SGC could jeop- decision; ardize the final enactment of trator. Chapter 7 of the Bylaws, a result In our both you and we would not wel- adminis come. It is our understanding that the vari there is agreement that differences ulty, sti between the faculty and SGC will etc., cal be worked out through discussions terest to before either takes final action. the adr There are a number of points in they dea your resolution which appear which ti either in direct conflict (for ex- may de ample, the issue of membership necessari ratios and voting rights on com- flictingi mittees) or areas of possible severe resolved misunderstanding which require all polic they have always been the most disen- franchised group, politically and economic- ally. Harris, with his 7-3 Democratic majority on Council, can now help them. The first opening is through the Model Cities pro- gram. The previous Republican administra- tion was on the verge of dismembering the program just days before the election. Only Harris and the other Democrats' victories prevented that. But the program will need continuing support from the city government for quite a few more years. Only the Democrats are interested in pro- tecting Model Cities and all it can do for the black community. Harris also could have moved to control the police more effectively in their dealings with both the black and student com- munities. Harris could have moved toward greater control of the police bycity hall- the most effective means of controlling them without creating a police reaction. HARRIS IS NOW' almost completely barred from any action against the police because the entire city is so sensitive to the issue. Where once he might have been quietly effective behind the walls of city hall, now every move will be open to critical public investigation, by a public that has nothing but respect for the police. Harris is not a majority mayor. He was elected by hard work. Dick Balzhiser, who was wandering around South U. during the "riots," probably enjoying the show, had an easy victory waiting for him last spring but he, and the rest of the Republicans, blew it. The GOP pr'obably has an easy 60 per cent majority in this city, but they were fat and lazy during the campaign while the Democrats got out the vote as though their lives depended on it. Once the situation was created on South University, Mayor Harris was obviously in no position to move to either extreme, and there was no satisfactory way out. But what can be said definitely is that the street people did unforgiveable harm to a cause they never could-and never would--explicitly renounce. What it means is that Harris and other Democrats are going to have a veryhard time winning election or re-election in the next two or three years. THE LOSS this would mean to most students and to most blacks in the city is considerable. Moreover, the situation is ludicrous considering the paucity of con- tent to the demands of the street people. Their demands somehow pale when compared to students' desire to gain some effective power against the landlords who have taken advantage of students for too' long. But compared to the desires of blacks- to get out of their decrepit housing in the north central part of the city, to revitalize their community, to improve education and job opportunities, in general, to im- prove the quality of their lives-compared to all this, the demands of the street people are criminal. It is not as if they were asking for sig- nificant gains in return for such losses. Their demands are trivial, selfish and, in fact, unrealistic. They aren't the only peo- ple in the city. WORSE THAN harassing Harris in- directly, one Radical Caucus member has gone so far as to demand that the mayor be recalled. It is odd that a young radical should find himself with such strange bedfellows-Fred Ulrich, Dick Balzhiser and the rest of the Republican establish- ment in this city would like to see Harris recalled. Who does he expect to get elected in Harris' place? These aren't Student Gov- ernment Council elections, where bending the rules and petulant candidates blowing another easy victory would insure success for the radicals. Far from it. Such idiocy is shortsighted, impolitic and unforgivable. For the first time in a generation, liberals have the power in this "All-American" city. To see it squandered now by a group of foolish kids would hurt, and hurt in the worst way. 1* Ii 4l nd the 'binding mandate' on and more careful draft- is latter category, , our concern is on the matter ding" decisions. We see as Iate the inclusion of a. tudent voice in the affairs and read the drafted By- have proposed the equiva- a dean's executive commit- line with the President's sion on Decision-Making. n can remain for long who recognize the needs of his encies. For this reason, e committees wield great but they neither report di- the Regents nor are their s binding on an adminis- r view, it is not possible to ter a University in which ous constituencies, i.e. fac- udents. employes, alumni, 4n define what is of in- o them and then mandate uministrators with whom al to take certain positions hat particular constituency sire. Any large university ily encompasses many con- interests which need to be . The Regents, as an over- y Board, do not administer the daily affairs of the University. They must rely, on administrators. If individual administrators do not demonstrate competence, Ith e y should be replaced. Let us give an example of why we do not believe it is possible to operate under a "mandate" sys- tem. Many of our employes in the auxiliary enterprises, i.e. the dor- mitories, the hospital, etc., are or- ganized in unions. We bargain with them over wages, hours, and working conditions. Since such enterprises are, by definition, self- supporting we must derive enough income from them to pay the ex- penses. If a student committee, which clearly has an interest in dor- mitory rates, can mandate an ad- ministrator to hold the line on rates, and an employe committee, which clearly has an interest in wages, can mandate the same ad- ministrator to raise their wages, the two things may be irrecon- ciliable. Someone has to make a decision on the proper balance be- tween the contending interests. Some decisions will be made by the Regents. Other decisions will be made through procedures au- thorized by the Regents. THERE IS another aspect of the problem on which we may have a deep-seated philosophical difference of opinion. If we do, it is probably best brought to the surface. The resolution suggests that there are "University policies which affect students alone." There are few, if any, policies which have so narrow a scope. Within the Office of Student Af- fair, for instance, there are sub- agencies dealing with sucl things as housing, health services, and financial aids. Surely none of these would qualify as affecting students alone. Future generations of students are affected, for ex- ample, by planning decisions made in housing. Further, the develop- ment of new programs like the Residential College are of deep concern, also, to' our faculty. In the area of health, the total environment of our community is affected by the services provided through the Health Service.' The way in which a financial aids program is administered has a great deal to say about the kind of students who can attend the University. This is a matter of in- 'terest to all segments of the Uni- versity, as well as to the citizens of the state. FINALLY, it is pointless to ig- nore the interests of the taxpayers, expressed through the legislature. Out-of-state students pay an average of 75 per cent of the cost of their education at The Univer- sity of Michigan. The difference between cost of education and tuition is a direct subsidy from the taxpayers of Michigan. Whether students agree or not, these taxpayers and members of the legislature feel they have an interest in many of the questions which concern students. Students can see clearly the impropriety of a legislative mandate over internal University affairs; it is necessary at the same time that they rec- ognize the importance of recon- ciling interests both within and without the University. Mandated decisions are anathema to such conciliatory effforts. Assuming you wish to discuss this matter further with us, please feel free to contact us. Such dis- cussions would be most welcome before more definitive action is taken. 4% WITH THE MOON men coming back earth it would be well for the rest us to follow their example. of to of --CHRIS STEELE Letters: Democracy and the marketplace of ideas (Editor's Note: The writer is the Vice- chairman for _State and National Issues of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party. His letter is written in response to a letter (Daily, July 18) by Shelly Kroll concerning "street people" and radical politics. This letter is not intended as an official statement of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party.) To the Editor: A DEMOCRATIC government can fail in 'two ways: First,t the gov- ernment could be unresponsive to the wishes of the people, slow in redress- ing grievances, lax in passing legis- lation desired by the majority, con- trolled by illegitimate interest groups, or unwilling to make desired consti- tutional changes. Second, the people themselves could be amiss in under- standing the nature of current prob- lems. The people - through more- or-less well functioning democratic channels - could require their gov- ernment to take the wrong steps at the wrong time, or prevent govern- ment from taking steps which his- tory would judge as being b a d 1 y needed. If the first flaw obtains, the ma- jority has the right to rise up and reclaim the government by whatever means necessary. But if the second case holds, any attempt by a minor- ity to take over governmental power can only lead to reaction or repres- sion. It is this second situation that holds in America today. Consider, for example, the prevail- ing attitude of Americans towards the police. While the police are in- creasingly "acting as political gangs ;1 whose use of violence is directed at political "targets," to quote Shelly Kroll, polls showed that about 80% of Americans approved of the police tactics at the Democratic convention last August. Americans are not both- ered by continuing police harassment of young people and blacks, the tre- mendous waste of energy and money on enforcement of questionable "mo- rals" laws (s u c h as those against marijuana), and automatic treat- ment of left wing activists as poten- tial criminals. IT IS POSSIBLE to trace such po- lice action to events like seminars held by the FBI to teach police de- partments how to "deal with sub- versives." But the fact of the matter . 'fit.bra i I n ;: ,¢ a is that the FBI, the Chicago police, and Sheriff Harvey (complete with his Harvey Jugend) have the over- whelming support of the American people. Thus, no matter how cour- ageous an individual it is who takes a stand against the political use of the police, any changes he brings about are bound to be at best tem- porary if democracy is functioning at all. We have seen other areas in which the public has been slow to under- stand. Most Americans have not yet realized our government's large and continuing part in maintaining the arms race with the USSR, nor have they understood the lack of justice- and thus ultimately lack of wisdom- in our military and diplomatic sup- port for unpopular and dictatorial foreign governments, and our lack of support for popular governments committed to reform. Perhaps the area in which misin- formation and lack of understanding hurt most is that of our racial prob- lems. Large numbers of Americans still vote and take other political ac- tion out of unadulterated racial prejudice. A majority have not yet understood the nature of a more sub- tie, but no less insidious, kind of pre- judice that results from their pas- sive acceptance of lines of authority that are discriminatory. Even fewer h a v e grasped the nature of social and economic systems which, even in the absence of discrimination, would still act to perpetuate a large, mostly black, urban "under class" genera- tion after generation. . A similarly dangerous situation is the possibility that widely accepted aims of our society are false and bas- ically meaningless. A growing group of young Americans are stating that t h e y cannot be fulfilled or happy within the options provided for them, and they are met with scorn and in- tolerance. These people are now starting to see our economy as one problem, the fullest expression of di- verse ideas will be needed. 'IF, THEN, the opinions of the American people are the main cause of our' current problems, we should try to understand how these opinions a r e formed and maintained - in hopes of finding some solution. As we seek this understanding, we should compare what we find to our historic ideal of the "marketplace of ideas": Citizens should be able to reach a consensus about how to gov- ern themselves as a result of expos- ure to a freely flowing and diverse stream of opinions and facts from one another throughout their /lives. Although such a consensus may not be ideal in a philosophical sense, the method of reaching it - the f r e e market - has not been improved up- on in fact or theory. But when we examine the current idea market, we will find that t h e ideas expressed most freely are conventional ideas, and that the structure of the market is the greatest force opposing order- ly change. One major way in which opinions are influenced is by the mass media, TV in particular. According to a Roper poll, most Americans regard TV as the most credible news med- ium and get most of their informa- tion from it. Many TV stations are controlled by large corporations or other conservative interests that ex- ercise effective veto power over n e w s broadcasting, by selection of .staff and even direct censorship. Journalism aimed at exposing in- tolerable situations is practically ab- sent on TV. The Public Broadcast- ing Laboratory, which attempted to expose the "military-industrial-con- gressional complex" in one of its pro- grams (for example) came under at- tack in Congress when its appropria- tions came up for renewal. S o m e congressmen thought t h e program was "one-sided." One problem - perhaps the most basic one - is that the p r e s e n t means of support for TV is advertis- ing. As Arthur Alpert has pointed out (The Washington Monthly, July 1969), this means that TV time is a tool sold to an advertiser for the pur- pose of delivering an audience to him. Thus TV programmers must seek the widest possible audience at all times. This prevents having a large variety of programs each of which would ap- peal to segments of the mass audi- ence, or taking stands that s o m e viewers might find disagreeable. A hopeful sign is the spread of ca- ble television (CATV), which might largely replace over-the-air TV in the next few years. CATV will per- mit many more channels to be used, and thus a greater possible variety of programs. Facilities for transmis- sion will be less expensive, thus mak- ling neighborhood programming feas- ible. But most important, the legal and economic structure of CATV is still sufficiently flexible and unde- fined that a determined onslaught by those concerned with the issues raised here could move control of CATV out of the hands of corpora- tions and advertisers and into the hands of the people. A SECOND MAJOR way that American attitudes are formed is by politicians. Thus it is particularly unfortunate that those with money - and thus those that stand to lose in the course of change whether they be business- men (including most doctors) or la- bor leaders - have such great influ- ence over political campaigns. This is so because of the high cost of ad- vertising, as well as other campaign costs, and the resulting need for large contributions. H e r e is yet another conservative force acting contrary to the principle of the marketplace of ideas Certain specific changes in laws relating to TV a n d political cam- casting than advertising , u s.t be found. Some institution should also take on the job of getting our best writers and film-makers out of their garrets and into television. WE HAVE ALREADY lost a great deal of ground in the fight for a real marketplace of ideas. Many of the views that should be expressed have already been muted. Some of our best political thinkers have left the coun- try because of some kind of harass- ment. Others are afraid to speak out. What is worse, the bulk of Ameri- cans will not even listen as long as freedom of speech is limited to "off- beat" channels of communication. Times a r e changing quickly. In terms of the speed at which people adapt their attitudes to the times, the balance between peaceful change and civil war is precarious. The es. tablishment of a real marketplace of ideas should be among our highest political priorities. -Jonathan Baron July 21 'Mug' mismanagement To the Editor: THE MANAGEMENT of the "Mug" cafeteria should resign today if they haven't already. This evening (Monday) about 6:00 I began to savor one of their much-heralded student specials. Fi- nally at 6:15, able to stand it no longer, I burst out of my office on a beeline for the Union. Pleasant thoughts of a steaming bowl of in- stitutional minestrone followed up with mulchy pork chop a-la-Wolver- ine dominated my imagination over the several-block hike. When I final- ly arrived my parched throat craved -in addition a tall, cool glass of ice tea. Just in time for the 6:34 news on TV too! Only the "Mug" was dry. A cold barrier ,of steel and glass separated rly famished frame from the dark, lifeless Interior. k 4r I