E 4dn Studensan D t Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan :.JAMES WECHSLER Vietnam 's politics of imprisonment 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODASl The faculty 35 THIRTY-FIVE MEMBERS of the faculty here have decided to begin local organ- ization for the mobilization of anti-war sentiment at the 'U' this fall. The agita- tion will, the group hopes, spread to other campuses and mark the beginnings ,of yet another democratic insurrection to force an end to "the chicanery and de- ceit of Washington." The student-faculty workshop of Sept. 10 will discuss tactics for further mobili- zation and dramatic means by which their opposition can be broadcast by national .media and to make clear to Washington policy-makers the risks they run through a continuation of the war. The activity represents a rebirth of a McCarthy groundswell that will, provided it attracts enough followers, force the warmongerers to abandon the Thieu re- gime and unilaterally withdraw from Vietnam. The movement will differ from the Mc- Carthy crusade because of its non-elec- toral, pressure group nature that urgently seeks a fundamental change in direction but not necessarily of directors. It will differ from the teach-in campaign be- cause of a wider, more respectable mem- bership. Predominantly it will include the "forgotten students and faculty," the, moderate elepnent, who are not ideology- spouting - radicals, draft resistors, or freaks, but independent-thinking prag- matists. The ideals of this new movement em- phasize the underlying justice of Ameri- can democratic methods and intend to further t h e i r viability and vitality through a complete usage of every means of acceptable protest available. What their tactics resemble is a resurgence of faith in the populist effect on "public" policy. The university is. clearly defined as the 'most valuable agent of society, and the membership threatens to foster a palace revolt against the national leader- ship lest the sacred preserve of rational- ity, free thought, and free speech be de- stroyed by a domestic barbarity brought on by the blunders of foreign policy. AT FIRST GLANCE, the proposed action seems very encouraging: an affirma- tion of virtue by respectable elders of the substance of controversial protest. Un- fortunately for the faculty doves, how- ever, the diverse activities of the student movement have accelerated the thrust of its grievances past a one-issue preoccu- pation with the Vietnam War. The failure of the McCarthy candidacy, the police Summuler Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON .... . ......... ......Co-Editor CHRIS STEELE. .....Co-Editor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER.............Summer Sports Editor LEE KIRK.........Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX............:..... . . Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodasi Martin Hirsch- man, Judy Sarasohn. Datniel Zwerdling. riot in Chicago, and the ensuing non- campaign brought on a wave of cynicism and apathy toward American institutions that will be difficult to erase, Widespread faculty migration into the ranks of activism upon the campus might have been welcomed with open arms two or three years back, but now many will feel that it is far too late for faculty members to utilize their steadily-deterio- rating authority to channel student par- ticipation in political struggles. As long as faculty link the continuation of the war with a future destruction of the university, without concurrently pushing for a greater democratization of the in- stitution, their governing 'urge will only appear to be asubconscious wish to shore up their own power. Campuses across the country have developed a skillful radical; opposition to the existing regime that will easily be able to capture such a movement and push it toward any direc- tion it wishes to go, if such a limited orientation is adopted. ALL OF THIS is not to deny that faculty There and throughout the nation in the recent past have been as passionately against governmental policy as students. It is not to deny faculty a role in the fu- ture guerrilla warfare that may very well be fought in order to change the social, political, and economic shape of Ameri- can order. This is only to point out that faculty initiative will, to many, reek too much of paternalism designed to bolster an institution - the university - many have lost faith in. It will contain too little empathy with the monentary cares and contemporary thrusts to capture the van- guard, or even the ranks, of populism. Where were you, some will cry, when we were at the Pentagon? Where were you, others will add, when we burned our draft cards? Where were you when the police rioted in Chicago? Has not the fol- lowing year convinced you that there is no truth or beauty in American democ- racy, that such a movement is a leader- ship designed token to diminish-our ener- gies and divert our dedication for wide- spread change? IF THE FACULTY thirty-five wishes its workshop to have any chance of suc- cess, they should make every effort to purge their body of any elitist claims to leadership that would quickly alienate student involvement on this campus. They must rest their leadership base up- on a wide-ranging coalition that could guarantee the fullest faculty and student involvement possible. They must utilize eVery contact with other campuses in order to further the chances for success. We have spent entirely too much time telling each other how much we hate the war. -DREW BOGEMA /JHE CASE of imprisoned Truong Dinh Dzu, runner-up "peace candidate" in South Vietnam's 1967 election, is steadily assuming the dimension of a critical poli- tical scandal. It may offer a deci- sive clue to the seriousness-or lack of it-of the Saigon regime in the peace negotiations, and of Washington's will or desire to deal with the intransigence of the Thieu-Ky junta. The latest word on the affair came yesterday from David Truong, Dzu's 23-year-old Stan- ford-educated son who has been staging a valiant one-man fight- for-freedomcampaign in his father's behalf here. Accordingtorinformation David has obtained from what must be described as "reliable sources" in Saigon (I have reason to believe they are wholly authoritative), Dzu, suffering from a serious heart ailment, was recently offer- ed a transfer from prison to a hospital. The bid followed wide-, spread publicity accorded a news conference David had held in this city at which he described his father's mistreatment in prison. But just a few hours before the transfer was proposed to him, Dzu received smuggled information warning him that the hospital would be a death house. A grenade would hit his room and the government would promptly an- nounce-as it has in similar slay- ings of opposition leaders - that the Viet Cong had commItted the terrorism. SO DZU LET it be known that he would prefer the health haz- ards of prison to the exposed hos- pital terrain. "My father is really concerned now," young Truong said yester- day. "He desperately needs to be in a hospital. But the message he got came from someone in a posi- tion to know. In prison, at least, he feels the government has to assume complete responsibility for his safety." To comfortable Americans this may have the sound of exagger- ated melodrama. But in Saigon, Dzu is very much a life-and- itative, is keenly aware that his dedicated efforts here-he is now organizing a Vietnam Political Freedom Committee - have en- raged the Thieu-Ky cabal. He has well-founded r e p o r t s indicating that his mother was subjected to intense harassment by Saigon of- ficials after his voice was raised here. But he is convinced that si- lence and inactivity would be even more perilous to his embattled father -and all those associated with him. TRUONG DINH DZU, who got 900,000 officially recorded ballots (no one is sure how many were "lost") in the 1967 balloting, was initially arrested in September of that year for allegedly writing a bad check five years earlier. Later that month, such pretexts were put aside; he was seized for caustic comments he had voiced about Saigon justice and subjected to prolonged "house arrest." Then, in May of last year, he was rearrested; the key charge against him was that he had ad- vocated peace talks with the NLF and suggested ultimate creation 'f a coalition government. He was sentenced to five years in prison for "actions harmful to the anti- Communist fighting spirit of the South Vietnamese people and armed forces." The "trial" lasted 85 minutes. As previously reported here. Sen. Fulbright took up the Dzu case with Secretary of State Rog- ers before the Midway conference and received assurance that it would be on the agenda there. Numerous other Senators -rang- ing all the way from liberal George McGovern to conservative Dick Russell and, most recently, Senate whip Hugh Scott (R-Pa.) Thien Ky death issue-with the regime ob- viously debating whether his sur- vival constitutes a larger threat than would the repercussions of his elimination. In those circum- stances a grenade exploded in a hospital, and promptly attributed to the VC, would contain clear elements of a "final solution." David Truong, a thoughtful, ap- pealing youth whose past infor- mation has proved grimly author- -have responded warmly and af- firmatively to David Truong's per- sonal pleas. BUT SAIGON tenaciously "e- fuses to liberate the ailing dis- senter. When David obtained an' audience with a State Dept. offi- cial not long ago, he received a friendly hearing but was finally told: "This government ican only get so far with Saigon." The Dzu matter is much bigger than an isolated injustice. (Many U.S. Senators and editors could be jailed for advocating positions comparable to Dzu's, and Thieu himself is now engaged in the ne- gotiations branded criminal when Dzu urged them.) It has become a deeply symbolic issue-inside and outside Vietnam. It caricatures all high-flown talk of "free elec- tions." If Saigon dare not risk freeing Dzu, it is surely unpre- pared to tolerate any real broad- ening of its base and any authen- tic climate of freedom - and is seemingly unable to arrange the minimal goal of independent med- ical aid and sanctuary for him-it is still as mucP the prisoner of the Thieu-Ky oligarchy as Lyndon Johnson tragically became. Not until and unless Dzu-and others like him-are liberated can there be any authentic hope of a meaningful turn toward peace. (c) New York Post The dea('th,: of the bookstore (Editor's Note; The following statement was prepared for The Daily by Student Government Council 'rsident Marty McLaughlin in response to the Regents' rejection of the University bookstre proposal yesterday.) By MARTY McLAUGHLIN THE ACTION of the Regents at their meeting yesterday only it1 lustrates once again the necessity of making the decision-making authorities responsible to those whom their decisions affect. In the face of overwhelming student support for the idea of a bookstore and willingness to bears substantial share of the costs, the Regents refused to give their consent. The only publicly voiced opposition to the book- store proposal came from the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, which does not even belong to the University community. Unanimously, Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conser- vatives, the Regents refused to cooperate with a genuine student initiative because they were afraid: afraid that the legislature might react unfavorably; afraid that the private merchants might take of- fense; afraid that the store might not succeed, although they could offer no evidence to support that fear; most of all, they were afraid that the Regents, who serve as a loyal rubber stamp for the routine administration proposals, might act on a proposal where the initiative and direction lay with students, thus opening up a 'Pandora's box,' to reveal the hideous specter that students could obtain just a little deci- sion-making power within the University. Several specious arguments were used against the SGC proposal. The Regents questioned whether the store would be able to give students a discount, citing the fact that most university bookstores in the state do not give discounts. However, they ignored the fact that all these stores make sub- stantial profits, in the same way that private bookstores do. The other universities have decided to use the profits for scholarships, expansion, or paying off debts. The profits could just as easily be returned directly to the student body in the form of a discount. If Ulrich's makes a large profit selling at list price, and no one thinks that Fred Ulrich is going bankrupt, a University bookstore which needed only to break even could sell below the list price. This seems a fairly trivial economic pro- position and yet one which neither the Regents nor the bookstore owners they consulted have dealt with squarely,. vi' N ""Well there goes Cairo' . . '* ik Landing men on the moon: A propaganda farce By DANIEL ZWERDLING WHILE THE APOLLO 11 hurt- les toward the moon, the United States with characteristic bravado is already decking out the banners, popping the corks, show- ering the confetti and starting the hometown parades in optimistic celebration of the first moon land- ing - ignoring the very real pos- sibilities that the astronauts may crash to cosmic bits, or be strand- ed forever and ruin all our plans. Americans have a penchant for throwing caution to t h e winds, chewing cigars before its babies are born with the back-slapping bravado of a man who never dreams one of his efforts can go wrong. If it's American it has to work. The government had rocket- side grandstands stuffed with world dignitaries at the launch to prove it; the corporate public had moon day color television sales in support. And now that President Nixon has proclaimed Monday a nation- al holiday we are buying American flags and packing picnic lunches in prepature patrotic salute to the moon landing. EnThe publicity of the voyage, in fact, has eclipsed t h e scientific achievement. America has sucked the mission for its prestige and apparently has forgotten to con- sider its technological implica- tions and purpose. So the moon-landing attempt why. Moon shots, like movie stars and Sir Chesterton's lone sailing voyage around the world, give us ready-packaged human heroics, plastic opiates for the drudgeries and catastrophies of real life. When the Apollo'goes up, Amer-, icans can lift their eyes to the moon, and quite literally t u r n them from the stench right here at home. Good salve it is - for o n c e newspapers splash stirring copy which pre-empts Vietnam death counts, a n d Nixon sends silver peace plaques to a planet where there are no Vietcong to refuse them. American sell has turned t h e Apollo rocket into a giant Briggs hot dog with seven million pounds of thrust. Well, why not? A moon landing, after all, is exciting. The moon: man has poesized it, worshipped it and made love to it for thousands of years. Now finally he is grasp- tng the moon, destroying the in- cense and mystery, and replacing them with a museum vial of moon dirt. GRANTED, landing men on the moon may be aesthetically rous- ing. But does it serve a useful pur- pose? Will the moon shot dra- matically increase man's knowl- edge of himself, help solve his des- perate problems of survival tear- ing him apart here at home? ture worthwhile. Vietnam and the military is where the real money is destructively wasted, money which could'support both human rehabilitation on earth and ex- ploration on the moon. However, we still have the space program to contend with. And so far, its best products have been some national propaganda a n d pomp and full-color pages in Life of exquiste .Hasselblad photos. THE SOVIET UNION has ap- parently concentrated on straight forward, sober space exploration with largely unmanned capsules- consequently, they expend less and risk less. There is no reason why the United States cannot follow the same approach, and turn to unmanned missions for science's sake. We really do not need men in our capsules. The experiments they perform are largely busy- work designed to relieve boredom; serious tasks can be completely computerized; and even NASA: ad- mits the space photos are prettier than they are useful. Scientifical- ly, manned and unmanned shots accomplish the s a mn e thing - contrary to the testimony of one top NASA official, who sneered re- cently that even if the Soviet craft does scoop up- some moon dirt, the American samples will be m o r e valuable. Inanimate capsules, of course, THE REGENTS. also argued 'that it would be uinf air to impose on all the students a $1.75 levy for the bookstore, even though tihe stu- dent body agreed to this in referendum. The reason given is that this levy would* by undemocratic, without the consent of the governed, unless voluntary. The real reason is a fear that students will in the future be trying to gain more say over the University's financial plans. Allowing students to determine what their own fee money should be used for, even so trivial an amount as $1.75, would in the eyes of those who now exercise total control over fees be a dimimution of their authority, something to be fought at all costs. AFTER REJECTING SGC's proposal, the Regents did a very in- teresting thing. They considered a 'compromise' proposal prepared by President Fleming and the administration backing creation of a book- store if SGC could raise the money through voluntary contributions. And they rejected it. In other words, even if it would not cost the University a penny, the Regents will not consent to a bookstore, they will not give it the benefit of being able to write off state sales tax by being associated with the University. So much for conscience qualms about voluntary contributions. The Regents real concern is revealed, that is, that the students not be given any unfair advantage over private merchants. The virtues of free enterprise, the extortion of profit out of a captive market, these are more important to the authorities of the University than the manifest desire of the student body they should be here to serve. Something needs to be said, too, about Fleming's attempted com- promise. At the last Regent's meeting, in June, Fleming was. openly hostile to the bookstore proposal. He made misleading comparisons between the Wisconsm student bookstore-initial capital $6,000, and the proposed University bookstore-initial capital $250,000, to try to dis- credit SGC's plan. He consistently took the lead in attacking the proposal, playing the role of devil's advocate, even though opponents of the store were well represented among the Regentsand the book- store owners. Now, trying hard to be subtle, he comes up with one of his more blatant attempts to co-opt students by paying lip service to the ideal, that is, the bookstore, while satisfying the powers that be by making the ideal impossible to achieve. The effect of his proposal would be to require SGC to choose between rejecting a 'sincere' offer of Regental sinnnrt for the hnnkstore which is meaninole withnnt funding, and * A