TV RENTALS $10 per month FREE Service and Delivery --NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED--- CALL: Nejac TV Rentals 662-5671 SERVING BIG 10SCHOOLS SINCE 1961 second front page ("SIP fKtr441Pt ttn ttti NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Saturday, July 19, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three ', prof to study moon dust FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 18, 19 FOOTLIGHT PARADE Dir. LLOYD BACON, 1935 JAMES CAGNEY JOAN BLONDELL "Zestful comedy has famous Busby Berkely Dance numbers" "ALL POWER TO THE PROJECTOR" SHORT: Terror Trail (Tom Mix) 7 & 9 ARCHITECTURE 662-8871 75c AUDITORIUM II HOUSTON - W h e n astro- nauts Neil Armstrong and Ed- win Aldrin step onto the sur- face of the moon early Monday morning, most people huddled arount TV sets on earth won't be able to do much except mar- vel at the feat and cheer them on. But a few people will be watching much m o r e closely. They'll be ready to field ques- tions from the astronauts them- selves, and also w ill suggest what the astronauts do w i t h their time on the moon. Among those select few will be geology professor Edwin N., Goddard. Prof. Goddard is a member of the Geology Experiments Team of NASA's Lunar Exploration Program, a group he joined five years ago. The team planned most of the experiments t h e astronauts will perform and helped design much of the equipment they'll use. Monday morning, Prof. God- dard and the other team mem- bers will be sitting with experts from the U.S. Geological Sur- vey's astro-geology branch in an isolated communications room at Houston's Manned Space- flight Center. At the center they'll be ready to suggest which rocks the as- tronauts pick up, and what they should do if time runs short and they can't finish all their pro- jects. Suggestions by the geology team will filter through capsule communicator Charles Duke, who will also receive comments from medical and engineering teams monitoring the astro- nauts and their equipment. Duke relays all messages to the astronauts. On the moon, the astronauts will carry out a two-part series of experiments. First they'll set up three scientific instruments. There will be a solar wind ex- periment to capture and meas- ure tiny particles thrown into space by the sun. The astro- nauts will also position a "pas- sive seismometer" to measure lunar quakes, and a laser reflec- tor which will allowearthbound scientists to measure the dis- tance between the earth a n d moon to within six inches. With the equipment in place, the astronauts can begin t h e second phase of experiments, collecting moon samples for an- alysis on earth. The Geology Ex- periments Team planned this part of the moon walk. In their bulky s u i t s, Arm- strong and Aldrin won't be able to bend over, so they'll collect samples using special tongs and scoops on long poles. If they have time, the astro- nauts will perform a "geological traverse." They will make ster- eo photographs of prominent rock formations, then take sam- ples of the area. Back on earth, the Geology Experiments Team will study these photos along with others taken of the samples brought back. To protect against con- tamination by possible moon germs, the samples themselves will be kept in an isolated vac- uum for about '50 days. Prof. Goddard and his col- leagues will spend that t i m e making an exclusive report on the samples, describing where they came from and how they fitted into the lunar terrain. Then, when the quarantine on the moon rocks is o v e r, the team's report w il l accompany the 142 tiny samples to be sent to various laboratories through- out the world for testing. Order budget cuts to stop fee increase OBJECTIVE FUNDING: Regents reject two bookstore proposals U (Continued from Page 1) Gov. William Milliken last Janu- ary. The $67.3 million state appro- priation is almost identical to the allocation which the governor had recommended for the University. The budget also includes $805,- 600 f o r expanded operations in the dental school and $350,000 for increased enrollment in the Medi- cal School. These two items were specifically recognized in the ap-; propriations bill, passed by t h e Legislature. The student aid account will be increased by $100,000 to a total of $2,630,000. Ordinarily student monies are increased only when tuition is hiked, but the demand for scholarship and loan funds has been high and certain federal loan programs need additional funding. Part of the general fund budget will be provided by expenditure of the University's $1,755,983 work- ing capital as ordered by the gov- ernor and the Legislature. Lan- sing officials have told the Uni- versity they recognize this source of funds can only be tapped once. The University has, in the past, maintained this extra money to pay bills due after the end of the fiscal year, but before passage of the state appropriation. This year the funds will be spent during the regular fiscal year. f (4 "11 "LET IT SUFFICE TO SAY THAT -.IS A MASTERPIECE-PLAYBOY NN- "THE MOST INTERESTING FILM SO FAR THIS YEAR::. -VOGUE "IF YOU'RE YOUNG, YOU'LL REALLY DIG L -COSMOPOLITAN (Continued from Page 1) tary basis. Later, however, he voted against the voluntary fund- ing plan proposed by the admin- istration. Regents Otis Smith, Robert Nederlander and Dunn empha- sized the legislative problems in- volved in the $1.75 fee assessment, but said they would support the voluntary funding plan. After the SGC proposal was de- feated, President Robben Flem- Potsit-in plann ed A two-day sit-in has been calledj for this week by an ad hoc local group to protest the unavailability of marijuana in Ann Arbor and to call for legalization. The demonstration is scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday at noon. The sit-in will be held in the area in front of Mark's Coffee House, on East William St. be- tween Thompson and State. The sit-in was called for by an impromptu group. Members say that demonstrators will sit on the sidewalk on East William, but will make no attempt to block the street. Members of the group also say they are unable to estimate how many persons would join in the demonstration, but said that they personally had been distributing literature calling fqr the sit-in. "The situation is ridiculous," explained one of the originators of the sit-in. "There is just no potj in town, and people are taking all kinds of other. drugs and really messing up their minds." ing explained the proposal drawn up by the executive officers. The president agreed with the Regents on the question of leg- islative reaction to the fee assess- ment. Fleming agreed with SGC that space could be provided in the Union or the Student Activities Bldg. for the bookstore. "At worst it will fail because it cannot compete with private book- stores or because the Legislature removes the sales tax exemption," Fleming said. "At best it will be successful in offering modest sav- ings to students." a"In either event it will recognize adeep interest which they stu- dents have, and it will provide a genuine educational experience for those who are involved," he said. Dunn then proposed that SGC be consulted on the plan and agreed that the Regents should order creation of the bookstore if the needed capital were collected. Regent Robert Brown spoke against the Dunn resolution. "If This Sunday's rock will be in Fuller Flatlands on Fuller Rd. from 3 to 6 p.m. The Catfish, Elysian,. Fields, Chain and The People will perform. the University opens a bookstore and gives us direction and control as in the administration proposal, it can't fail," Brown said. "But it's not going to satisfy desires of stu- dents to make discounts." Regents Dunn, Nederlander, Smith and Gertrude Huebner voted in favor of the Dunn resolution. Regents Lindemer, Brown, Paul Goebel and Richard Cudlip voted against the proposal. After the meeting Lindemer ex- plained that he had decided to vote against the resolution at the last minute. He said he was afraid that if sufficient funds were not collected, those who had already contributed would not be. reim- bursed. SOC President Marty McLaugh- lin yesterday expressed disappoint- ment in the regental action on the bookstore, but said he had no plans concerning the issue. the news to day by The Associated Press and College Press Service SALVADORAN TROOPS thrust on into Honduran territory yesterday when another cease-fire collapsed. The Salvadoran troops moved farther into Honduras after taking the provincial capital of Nueva Ocotepeque. Although the Organization of American States came up with a four-point peace plan in Wash- ington yesterday, Salvadoran President Fidel Sanchez Hernandez said he will not withdraw his troops from Honduras until he has firm guarantees for the safety of Salvadorans living there. The OAS plan called for a cease-fire at 10 p.m. Central American time and for mutual troop withdrawals over the next four days. * * * * THE FIVE-MONTH OLD hospital strike in Charleston, S.C. was settled yesterday. Black nonprofessional workers agreed to return to work at Char- leston County Hospital after an agreement was reached on rehiring of the striking workers. Forty-two will return to their jobs immediately and the remaining 23 will be re-emnployed within three months if possible, and contingent with openings that had been filled by replace- ments during the strike. The workers, members of local 1199-B of the hospital and Nursing Home Workers, AFL-CIO, had sought recognition of their union, higher wages and revision or grievances procedures. * * * * PRESIDENT NIXON yesterday told Congress that within five years he wants to make available free birth control advice to American women of child-bearing age with low incomes. The president estimated that nearly five million U.S. women "do not now have adequate access to family planning assistance." He proposed an expansion and recorganization of federal family planning services but gave no estimate of the increased spending. However Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert Finch said to expand family planning services an initial $30 million would be needed plus an additional $30 million for at least five years. Nixon also asked Congress yesterday to create a Commission'on Population Growth and the American Future to study the entire pop- ulation problem. SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Mike Mansfield yesterday told colleagues that "many weeks" of debate are in store if an attempt is made to bring the income surtax bill before the Senate. Although any senator could move to bring the bill, approved Thursday by a 9-8 vote of the Senate Finance Committee, before the Senate, Mansfield said it would be "fully debatable" and loaded down with "Christmas tree" amendments. Mansfield has been pushing for tax reforms as a prerequisite to extending the surcharge. He said yesterday the issue of what to do about the bill will go before the Democratic policy committee Tuesday. Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen said there will be no move to bring up the bill until after the Tuesday meeting. SEN. STUART SYMINGTON (D-Mo) yesterday withdrew his request for a second secret Senate session on the Safeguard ABM. Toward the end of Thursday's 53/4 hour closed session, Syming- ton had announced he would seek a second secret meeting within 10 days. But yesterday the senator said he could see "no reason for another closed session on the ABM." Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mon) said first votes on the issue may be either July 29 or 30. The vote would be on an amendment sponsored by Senators John Cooper (R-Ky) and Robert Griffin (R-Mich) which would limit the ABM to research, barring deployment or site acquisition. * * * * SEN. JOHN McCLELLAN (D-Ark.) said yesterday he plans to ask Congress to crack down on college rioters with a new law which could authorize imprisoning disruptive students. McClellan who has held several weeks of hearings on campus disruptions said he would introduce his measure very soon. One of the Senator's aides said the measure would make it a federal crime, punishable by prison sentence or fine, to disrupt opera- tions of any college receiving federal financial help. Hwever, Mc- Clellan pointed out his proposal would not cut off federal funds to rioters or colleges, like other bills before Congress. * * * * THE SOUTH END, Wayne State University's controversial student newspaper, will resume publication under new guidelines set by the university's newly created Newspaper Publication Board. Summer Editor Cheryl McCall and the paper's staff have agreed to follow the guidelines, John Grant, news editor, said yesterday. WSU President William R. Keast had suspended the publication of the South End July 11 only hours before a special edition was to be run off because, he said, "the paper would do serious damage to Wayne State University and the future of student journalism here." Keast apparently objected to the use of obscenity and radical articles in the paper. The exact date of publicaton of the' diciplined paper has not been set. WINNER BEST PICTURE CANNES I on the big stage THE PSYCHEDELIC STOOGES plus on the silver screen GIANT CARTOON FESTIVAL friday 18th, saturday 19th, 11 :00 p.m. only separate admis: FIFTH FORUM THEATRE 761, I I II 1:30-3:25-5:20-7:00-9:00 NOW K IT DIAL 5 -6290 : --COUP ON , -= new. THOMPSON'S PIZZA 761-0001 ra $1.00 OFF SOne a large one item (or more) v pizza. One coupon per pizza. Pick Up Only a rI r r r r 211 E. 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