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July 19, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-19

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See-Sports, Page 6


Bk 43az1~


Cloudy, showers
and thundershowers

Vol. LXXIX, No. 47-S /fAnn Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 19, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages









- E

The Regents yesterday took a hardline stand against
the creation of a University bookstore, defeating both a pro-a
posal sponsored by Student Government Council and a sub-
stitute plan sponsored by the administration.
The SGC proposal-which called for the creation of a
bookstore financed by approximately $250,000 from a fee
assessment and by contributions-was unanimously defeated.
A motion to support the plan submitted by the adminis-
tration also failed as the Regents .deadlocked, 4-4. Under the
administration proposal, capital for creation of the book-
store would have been obtained through outside gifts and
voluntary student contributions.
Under the second motion, proposed by Regent Geraldf
Dunn, the Regents would have asked SGC if it were interested
I in working to solicit theI
funds needed to start theI
O th , ir I bono k sneeded e The resolutio
would have committed the &
Regents to creating the storet
nif such funds were accumu-
"R 10During discussion of the SGCE
bookstore proposal, some Regents
questioned whether the store
could offer a. discount of more
In addition to actions on the than four per cent. This is the
budget, the bookstore proposals size of the state sales tax which Members of the east of the upcon
and.-dormitory policies, the Re- would not have to be charged in the Gilbert and Sullivan Society.
a University-sponsored store.
gents yesterday: SGoC and Acting Vice President
* Authorized the engineering for Student Affairs Barbara New- WOULD SLASH P
college to begin preparation of a ell have argued that the total dis-
s p e C i a 1 instructional television count on textbooks could be as ;
system in Detroit which will be high as 10 per cent. Newell has
used to offer graduate - level been the only executive officer to
courses. The system will involve a support the SGC proposal. D cls
network of industrial subscribers O
interested in providing working Other Regents attacked the
engineers with continuing educa- proposed one-time $1.75 tuition Democratic C i t y Councilmen,
enineers ith coninuindg pessca- assessment which Council mem- reportedly will introduce a cityj
tion. Itir considered apossible bers had planned to use as part income tax ordinance at Monday'
forerunier of similar arrange- of the store's starting capital. The night's City Council meeting!
ments in other fields. assessment had been overwhelm- which has provisions to reducej
* Created a Center for Com- ingly approved in a student refer- the existing property tax.
parative Ancient and Modern endum last March. The income tax - one of the
Studies which will facilitate re- Some questioned whether the major campaign promises made

-Daily-Richard Lee
i get a kick out of'yole.
ming production of "Paint Your Wagon" rehearse for their Aug. 6 opening. The play is being put on by

-nC l l

The Regents yesterday voted to maintain current tuition
levels for the 1969-70 fiscal year and approved a record $111,-
201,338 general fund budget.
The decision caie only hours after the State Legislature
early yesterday morning passed the higher education appro-
priations bill which included a $67,372,392 net allocation for
the University.
The Regental action on tuition was the first time in three
years that student fees were not increased.
Total University expenditures had been tentatively set at
$113,384,582 and the administration was forced to make a ser-
ies of last-minute cuts to balance the budget without rais-

eitvir emP rrmi

search on parallels between the'
' ancientF and modern worlds and'
study the influences of classical
ideas on modern thought. Vice
President for Research A. Geof-
frey Norman explained that the
center would be an attractive re-

bookstore would be financially
sound in the hands of the stu-
dent-dominated board of directors
which would have run the book-
store under the SGC proposal.
"It's my judgment that the


pository for research granms in the blimate saving tost ses wou
area.duction," said Regent Lawrence
a Appointed historian Edward Lindemer.
Arthur Thompson as visiting "By and large the average price
Bentley professor of history. of textbooks (at other college'
Thompson is currently a professor bookstores) is the list price," he
of classics at Nottingham Univer- explained. "Those in operation
sity in England. His special in- have been unable to find a wayI
terestis the history of the late to give discounts like the ont
Roman Empire and early medieval proposed by Student Government'
period. The A.M. and H.P. Bent- .Council."
ley Chair in History was estab- Lindemer also argued, as did the
lished two years ago by the late executive officers, that a $1.75 as-
Regent Alvin Bentley. j sessment would be considered a
0 Named Dr. S. Ross Tocher, tuition increase by the Legisla-.
a lecturer in forestry in the nat- ture. Next year's state appropri-
ural resources school, as associate ation would then be cut on the
professor in the newly' created assumption that the University
Samuel Trask Dana Chair of Out- G had raised more money in stu-
door Recreation. Named for nat-' dent fees, he said.
ural resources Dean Emeritus I Lindemer then proposed that
Dana, the new chair is the first students obtain funds on a volun-
of its kind in the country . See REGENTS, Page 3

by Democratic candidates last
spring-would provide for a one
per cent levy on Ann Arbor resi-
dents and a one-half per cent tax
on non-residents who work in the
Cappaert t
o con1cert
Councilman LeRoy Cappaert
(D-Fifth Ward) Monday will ask
City Council to repeal the park
ordinance amendment which re-
stricts the volume of electronically
amplified music and voice.
Cappaert said yesterday he will
ask for "reconsideration" of the!
amendment, passed 8-1 by council
last week, because he believesj
council "acted too hastily with
many important questions un-
Although Caplfaert had origin-

With the income tax, the Demo- referendum this fall. Even if this payment which would be due in+
crats will propose a 7.5 mill reduc- were not done, however, citizens|May, 1970.
tion in the property tax. The re- could file petitions forcing a ref- Some Democrats fear that last
duction is designed to offset the erendum on the issue. month's street disturbances on
income tax. If the tax ordinance is Acted South University Ave., the con-
An ordinance must face two upon and if it is approved by i flict over rock concerts in city
readings in regular council meet- voters, Democrats will try to in- parks and strong "law and order"
ings before council members vote sure that it becomes effective Jan.{ backlash may confuse the income
on it. Therefore, if the tax pro- 1, 1970. tax issue and cause its defeat.
posal is introduced Monday, it There are also plans for slash-| However, Councilman Henry
may then be acted upon, as ex- . |Stadler (D-Fifth Ward) expresses
pected, at the July 29 meeting. ing more than 7.5 mills from the optimism over the acceptance of
At that time council is expected property tax to be levied in July, the income tax. The majority of
to refer the ordinance to a public 1970, to offset the first income tax the "many, many" residents he in-
terviewed before last spring's elec-
tions were favorable to the idea
)of a local income tax, Stadler says.
I~j (_JStadler claims the property tax
9 is unfair, although he admits the
income tax would also be unfair
e or in n ceincmt awbecause it would be a flat rate and
However, he says, "The com-
ally voted for the amendment- health hazard) are injurious to bination of an income tax and a
only Mayor Robert Haris voted health, it should be regulated reduced property tax is the equit-
against it-he now believes the wherever we can regulate it in the able solution."t
"control of volume in electronic city-not in parks alone or regard- Some disagreement will prob-j
music should be part of the noise ing electronic music alone." he ably come from Councilman Jamess
ordinance not of park regulations. maintains. Stephenson (R-Fourth W a r d)'
"I am not unwilling to enact a . But, Councilman Nicholas Kaza- who, "talking in generalities" ob-
resolution or ordinance that pro- rinoff (D-Third Ward), who in- jects to a city income tax.
tects the health of Ann Arbor troduced the amendment at last "The problem is that people
residents," says Cappaert. "On the Monday's meeting, says council don't always understand that there
other hand, I believe that we need may not have the authority to are two sides to the issue," says1
to be more careful in enacting regulate noise volumes in business Stephenson. "The federal and
such laws." or construction areas, where there state government are both taxingl
"Indeed, if 120 decibels (the may already be existing state or income but have left the city to
volume by the amendment as a federal laws. I tax property'
Kazarinoff admits that the fig- But "as long as people get to
ure of 120 decibels as an unsafe vote on the issue," Stephenson be-
volume is somewhat arbitrapy. If lieves, there will be no "fight."
at tomorrow's concert tests show
that 120 decibels is not dangerous,
Kazarinoff says he would be will-W a _
landin to have the amendmentre- SU,a
g djusted to a higher maximum lvl
He morning, Armstrong and Al- However, Cappaertcly the -
Ne monigArsrog nd- Mr ! entire resolution is "terribly weak" lm r as

ing tuition.
Funds for rehabilitation and
equipment were reduced by $1,-
088,244 from the 1968-69 level.
In addition, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Alan F. Smith
will recoup $1,095,000 by cutting
an average of one per cent from
the 1968-69 budgets of University
James Lesch, assistant to the
vice president for academic af-
fairs, said yesterday that several
budgetary conferences have been
scheduled for the n e a r future.
There, deans and department
chairmen will be asked to find
items they could cut if ordered to
do so.
Not all academic divisions will
be forced to make cuts, however.
The social work school, for ex-
ample, has already been allowed
to hire three additional faculty
members for the coming year and
Smith has told the school that in-
creased funds will be available.
An additional $300,000 will be
raised as a result of a uniform ap-
plication fee also approved by the
Regents yesterday. Those apply-
ing to any University unit will
now be charged $15. In the past,
this fee has varied depending on
the division to which the student
was applying.
Undergraduate tuition will re-
main at $480 for state residents
and $1,540 for out-of-state stu-
In the graduate school, the fees
will be continued at $540 and $1,-
648. Tuition in the Law School
will remain at $6$.0 and $1,740;
and in the Medical School, t h e
school of dentistry and the school
of public health, it will stay at
$960 and $2,140.
The $111,201,338 general, fund
budget includes money from stu-
dent tuition, the state appropria-
tion, indirect cost reimbursement
from federal contracts and other
smaller sources. The Regents yes-
terday also approved three other
budgets - the designated fund,
the expendable restricted fund
and the auxiliary activities fund.
Total University expenditures
for the 1969-70 fiscal year will be
$249,594,436 - about $17.2 mil-
lion more than last year.
The general f u n d budget in-
cludes $5,363,803 in additional
salary and wage benefits for fac-
ulty and staff as recommended by
See ORDER, Page 3
lie State
udent fees

review of
dorm rules
The Regents yesterday voted
that current dormitory policies on
curfews and visitation by mem-
bers of the opposite sex "be con-
tinued and enforced" but also
slated an intensive review of the
question for the fall.
Visitation rules are presently
set by the.student governments of
the individual housing units. Cur-
fews exist only for women under
21 who do not receive parental
The decision to study the func-
tioning of the rules came as sev-
eral Regents cited complaints they
had received concerning condi-
tions in the dormitories.
"I don't see how it's possible to
have any, enforcement of the
rules," said Regent Paul Goebel.
Goebel said the present policy
stipulates that visitation rules
must include "meticulous safe-
guards for the rights of minori-
ties," but claimed there are cases
of women who complain room-
mates are inviting visitors in "all
the time."
"I am against the entire present
President Robben Flemig
has announced the University
will not close Monday because of
the Apollo 11 mission. Although
he said the University had a
"special interest in the space
program," Fleming said it is
"extremely difficult and in
some cases impossible to com-
pletely close a University."
visitation policy," he added. Goe-
bel was the only Regent opposed
to the policy when it was first
adopted in January, 1968.
"I'm beginning to w o n d e r
whether the policy is being en-
forced at all," said Regent Robert
Brown. "To make this policy ef-
fective there's got to be more
work done by the resident ad-
Discussion of the dormitory
policies was prompted by a report
received from Acting Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Barbara
Newell which included results of
a survey of advisers and dormitory
The poll, conducted by the Uni-
versity's Survey Research Center,
shows that both male and female
residents overwhelmingly support
the present policy.
Most male students and staff
said they thought the parental
permission requirement for wo-
men's curfew should be dropped.
Female students were evenly split
on the subject, while women staff
members favored this requirement.
The survey showed that only 15
ner cent of the women and 16 per

Astronauts set for moon

special To The Daily
CAPE KENNEDY-Speeding towards the
moon, the three Apollo 11 astronauts yes-
terday checked out their lunar lander in
preparation for breaking'into lunar orbit
this afternoon.
Lunar module pilot Edwin (Buzz) Aldriin
entered the spidery spacecraft, still linked
to the Apollo mother ship, at 5:11 p.m.
yesterday. Minutes later, Commander Neil
Armstrong joined Aldrin in the craft
scheduled to reach the moon's surface to-

Early in th

drm will crawl back into the two-stage
lunar module and reactivate its systems.
At 1:47 p.m. the lunar module, dubbed
"Eagle," will separate from the mother
ship, "Columbia," and head for the lunar
surface. While Collins remains in lunar
orbit, four burns of Eagle's engine auto-
matically lower Armstrong and Aldrin to
within 500 feet of their landing site in the
Sea of Tranquility.
At this point, Armstrong will take over
manual control of the spacecraft and slow-
ly bring it to the surface. Five feet above

..iii V . ../ i n../ tis i

because council did not provide
expert testimony or "written docu-
mentary evidence to substantiate
the health hazards."
"The resolution was dealt with
late in the evening and I for one
was not entirely clear about the
final motion passed," he explains.
"The enforceability is uncertain."
If council does reconsider the
amendment, Cappaert will "move
to table the measure pending an
administrative report as to the de-
sireability of such a resolution."
rarnns r+vil acr tha+ thie vip-

Both Wayne State University
and Michigan State University
were forced to raise their tuition
yesterday as a result of cuts in
their appropriations requests by
the State Legislature.
At Wayne State, tuition for in-
state undergraduate students went
up to $525 per year, a $114 in-
crease from last year. Graduate
students must pay $630, an in-
crease of $150.

One credit for in-state under-
graduate students costs $13; a
graduate credit costs $31.
Credit assessments for out-of-
state students were not available
last night.
Eliot G. Ballard, assistant to
acting university president Walter'
Adams, yesterday said the new fee
assessment would mean an in-
crease on the average of only $2.01,
for each in-state student. The
highest possible tuition per se-
mpatpr it nnwm4k Ra n in-ere a f k

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