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47a it1
Cloudy, wind,
and wet
Vol. LXXIX, No. 4-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 10, 1969
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
~" r k Sen. Robert Huber (R-T roy),
chairman of the special state;,
Senate committee studying t$ V,
campus disorders, issued an ,
interim report on the commit-,
tee yesterday saying the com-
mittee will take on a "dialogue~
~> approach" to the problem by
bringing together educators, <
k> N >, -:c :, ,"lawmakers, police and stu-
'2 Huber said the group, which has
met four times since it was cre-
ated in January, is planning to
break into individual study units\
concentrating on specific matters
relating to campus disorders.a
The subcommittees will solicit
fuds from "major foundations
to supplement the $25,000 in legis-
lative monies appropriated to con-
duct the study.
>' \ The committee's goal is to de-
velop a workable definition of the
role of higher education,, and ob-
tain facts relevant to the situation
\a' as it now exists, such as the depth,
~~ Haten, an causes of the unrest,
' .sn Huber explained.
4 t *4 K' Huber said the committee pres- u
ently has no plans to hold hear- ,
ngs on the campuses of the vari- &BM
4 ; ta a. t \ hh> ous colleges and universities in the A osated Pres
state, although members of thie
; Ksubcommittees will visit campuses R iqC imliIaIli buinis sitliiiohis
this summer.
But he added, "As the focus of James Forman, director of the United Black Appeal, burns a summons after meeting today with
the problems take definite form, Roman Catholic officials at the Archdiocese of New York headquarters. Police issued Forman the
it may be necessary to hold such summons for disrupting the Riverside Church services on Sunday. Forman came to the meeting at
hearings," the headquarters demanding that the Roman Ca thohc Church pay 40 per cent of a $500 million
'lfHube announced yesterday reparation bill to the Negro community.
afternoon that Dr. Tom Emmet,
\;president of the Higher Education
Executive Associates of Detroit WORK PROGRAM, PERSONNEL:
-Daily-Jay Cassidy and a past administrator at the
Cigarettes at bargain prices University of Detroit, will be work-'
ing to coordinate the groups.
Forty of the sixty educator and it CO]UjIj 1 , to vote
student advisors to the committee'
have agreed to work as a consult-c
S C1scu nt M. ~ore stdnadiostthcmiteNM '
ing staff to the senate and serve
"6on subcommittees. The members
include representatives of Stu-
said Huber. es ]
Senate Minority Leader Sander
By TOBE LEV Levin (D-Berkley) yesterday call- By NADINE COIIODAS six-year program aimed at solving antil the Model Cities board was
"We are optimistic about the store in the sense that we ed Huber's report "vacuous." City Council will vote at its the social and environmental approved.
didn't expect it to do as well as it is doing," says DennisWeb- "The report showed they haven't Monday night meeting on a reso- problems of urban areas. A one A board was selected and un-
done much of anything for several lution to approve the Model Cities year HUD grant, which is renew- animously approved by the council
ster, manager of the Student Government Councils Discount months," he said. work program and personnel re- able provides $111,842. and the onFbu t ron My eti-
Store and treasurer of SGC. "We have attempted so far to quirements. At a budget hearing remaining $27,960 will come from tion from see March 4Centr
The store first opened for business on the first floor of the delineate the scope of enquiry," Thursday night, council approved local sources area residents charged the board
Student Activities Building on Jan. 19. It has been fighting hard since explained Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R- a total budget of $139,802 for the In Ann Arbor the target of the was unrepresentative
then to make its presence known to students Ann Arbor), a member of the program. Model Cities program is the North
committee. Complete plans for the project Central area of the city between An open hearing to consider
Wete adds ms"I've had some reservations must be in the hands of federal Division and 7th streets, north these grievanes was held April 8,
at it,' Webster adds. about the committee all along, but authorities by May 15. from Huron to Brooks and Sunset. but revealed no real opposition to
On Tuesday, SGC will issue a financial report evaluating the there has been no witchhunting Model Cities, primarily funded The city was awarded the HUD the board's, makeup nor to its
success of the store. so far," he'added, by the U.S. Department of Hous- grant last November, but planning proposal to be the administrator
"Much of the support the SGC bookstore proposal gets from the See HUBER, Page 3 ing and Urban Development, is a for the program could not begin for the entire, program.
Regents may depend on what the report indicates about our success - - - At the April 14 council meeting
here," Websternotes, . - -* 1Republican councilman James
Business has slipped during spring term. "There has been about a Mt" Stephensen - (R-4th Ward) sub-
50 per cent decrease because of the drop in the total number of .J grad s to . (cLL [N ad er. 1ntu mitted a resolution to revoke the
students, and because new students on campus don't even know board, but the newly-elected coun-
the place exists," said Webster. cil defeated his proposal. Since
"We're launching a publicity campaign, distributing leafletsW to n f lu ence 1 then the board has et three
leaflet l.o w t o o v ernlu e n times to establish plans for the
and contacting house governments in the quads open this summer, program.
in ordier to inform students that th place exists,i' he added.!
"We haven't been overwhelmed by business," says Webster's wife, By MARCIA ABRAMSON Three students from the Medical The center has a five-man Council will also consider Mon-
Marylou, who works part time in the store. "There are a lot of people I sAt least three University stu- School will be working at the cen- board of trustees, including Nader, day night whether or not to re-
dentsowill be working with Ralph ter as part of their senior course Gikas, and Prof. Layman Allen of scind its moratorium o the in-
who come in. but all they buy are alot of pens and cigarettes,"she Nader in his new Center for Study work, Gikas explains. And the the Law School. The other mem- stallation of any more short-term
mused.- j of Responsive Law, which has center also hopes to recruit other bers are Prof. Laura Nader of the parking meters.
Webster says the stre sells almost every item at 15. per cent been awarded a $55,000 initial interested students in law, medi- University of California at Berke- The moratorium was approved
discount from the list price. "Sure it sounds trite, but we really do Carnegie grant to find ways to cine and engineering. ley, and Edmund Shaker, i Cana- by coun i April 21 after counco -n
have the best deal in town," he commented. provide for more individual par- Last year Nader ran a pilot dian lawyer m councilbert Faber D2aftecouncil-
"We're open five days a week, but if anyone starts coming in ticipation in government decisions, study with a few student assist- The three medical students who requested council to study more
Saturday, we'll keep it open then too," he added. "Besides if anyone' The study is aimed at develop- ants, including one University law will be working at the center will thoroughly the entire parking situ-
wants anything we don't have, we'll go ahead and order it." ing a layman's handbook explain- student. At least 30 students will be working on specific projects. ation in the city.
Webster hopes to move the store to the Michigan Union by Sep- ing the operation of government I be involved in the new center, One project will study and rec-
m r. bster's plans hinge tn the proposals of a newly-formed agencies and ways in which ordi- which is located in Washington' ommend improvements in the Food ity t r a f f i c administrators
nary citizens may affect policy D.C. and Drug Administration's food would like to construct approxi-
committee to study the utilization of space iz the Union and the and register complaints, explains The new project is expected to regulation responsibilities. mately 200 more one to two hours
Student Activities Building, Dr. Paul Gikas, a University med- run for two years. Nader is receiv- The second project will study meters on Monroe, Tappan, East
The comipittee was formed to study the recommendations of the ical professor who is on the cen- ing no compensation from the
t h ne problems of occupational University.'Madison, Thayer, Ann,
By The Associated Press
A week marked by a major fire and a bloody clash
between black, Puerto Rican and white students at City Col-
lege of New York was climaxed by the resignation of Presi-
dent Dr. Baell G. Gallagher yesterday.
In a three paragraph statement, President Gallagher said
that his resignation from CCNY was caused by'"politically
motivated outside forces." Gallagher emphasized the fact
that it was not student violence which had caused his resig-
One month before the recent difficulties, Gallagher an-
nounced that he would quit because he was not being allowed
to run the school. Gallagher also charged that CCNT was not
receiving enough money from
the state and city govern-D h DartmOuth-,
He said the lack of funds would.
prohibit CCNY from admitting a
freshman class. The Board of l 1i lestei
Trustees later conceded this point
and said that a freshman class
could be admitted-provided each g days
Last Friday, Gallagher promised /
rebel students that CONY would WOODSVILLE, 'n.H. (A -
not reopen until the demands of Forty-five Dartmouth college
the black and Puerto Rican stu- students were sentenced to 30-
dents had been met and imple-
mented. day jail terms and were fined
But CCNY's Board of Trustees $100 each yesterday for crimi-
intervened by ordering the school nal contempt in refusing to
to reopen on Tuesday when only obey a court order to leave the
three of the five student demands college administration build-
had been met.
Tuesday's reopening was tumul- ing they had seized.
tuous, as sporadic fighting broke County Atty. George Papade-
out between blacks, Puerto Ricans mas, who prosecuted the cases,
and engineering students. There asked only for, 15-day jail terms,
were also incidents of arson and and he also suggested the stu-
vandalism. Police were then order- dents be allowed to take textbooks
ed onto the scene to quell the dis- to jail with them.
City officials, pressured by an Judge Martin Loughlin doubled
election year,* were .quick to cri- the suggested jail penalty and
ticize Gallagher. City Comptroller made no mention of the boolf pro-
Mario Proccacino, a mayoral can- posal. He issued the original im-
didate in the Democratic primary, junction.
accused Gallagher of "lacking the Students took over the admin-
courage to act forthrightly and istration building at Dartmouth
prevent the terrible troubles we Tuesday in an invasion led by
have had, at City College.", Students for a'Democratic Society
Democratic City Council Presi- in a protest demanding immediate
dent Francis X. Smith, who is expulsion of RQTC from the col-
seeking re-election, said that Gal- lege.
lagher "had lost control of the
situation and for a short time, of They forced some 3 persons to
himself ." leave the building, including Dean
Manhattan Borrough President Thaddeus Seymour who sai he
Percy Sutton commented that was forced "physically" to leave
See PRESIDENT, Page 8 his office.
--- .
Dean sought in
Nat Resourees
A search committee is being set
up to find a replacement for R.
Keith Arnold, the present Dean of
the natural resources school.
Arnold will leave the school
June 15 to accept thepost of
Deputy Chief for Research in the.
U.S. Forest Service. He was ap-
pointed to the post by the Nixon
Dlartmouth trustees. iater oo-
tained the injunction from Judge
Loughlin, ordering the students to
leave the building immediately and
forbidding them to cause any
damage to it.
When ,the students refused to
leave, the court called in 128 state
troopers, most of them from New
Hampshire, but with a detachment
from Vermont under a mutual aid
The troopers broke in the main
doors which the students had nail-
ed shut, and arrested 55 students
Those arrested were lodged in
various jails, some to remain lock-
ed up for nearly 12 hours until
their supporters could raise a total
of $11,000 in bail money - $200
In' addition to the 45 convicted,
and jailed Friday, nine others of
the 55 arrested obtained court con-
tinuances to May 19; and the case
of one other was referred to juve-
nile court.
Loughlin's decision is th6 most
stringent yet against student pro-
In response to a request made by
i President Robben Fleming, the
natural resources school submitted
nominations for the search com-
mittee. Fleming will chose the
final committee from those nom-
inations by May 15.
The committee is to be composed
of both student and faculty mem-
bers, but the ratio of students to
faculty has not been determined.
Arnold has' been, dean of the
natural resources school since May
1966. He succeeded Stephen Spurr,
who is presently dean of the Rack-
hm School for Graduate Studies.
See DISCOUNT, P4ge 8
ter's board of trustees.
Carnegie grant for himself.
Stu ents
favor legal abortions
Airecent survey of student attitudes on
contraception, abortion and sex education
has revealed that an overwhelming num-
ber of University students favor liberaliza-
tion of the state abortion laws, and a sub-
stantial number know of someone who has
already sought an abortion.
The survey was conducted by Kathleen
Jeffrey, '70, under the guidance of Dr. John
Eliot, associate professor of population
planning. The 135 students were picked by
random sampling.
Miss Jeffrey presented the survey as
"One of the most remarkable findings
in the survey," explains Eliot, "was the
large number of people who knew of some-
one who had sought an abortion"
Forty-six per cent of the women sur-
veyed and 39 per cent of the men said they
knew of someone who has sought an abor-
tion in the past year. Fifty-one per cent of
those who had intercourse knew of one or
more students who had sought abortion.
Only 22 per cent of those without sexual
experience knew of students who had
sought abqrtions.
Only 26 per cent of the men and 48 per
4 r f h m rnn-x, mn hPA h4A c'xiiml
health and safety losses. At the and Ingalls streets.
present time occupational health
and safety is a state responsibil-
ity, and the states spend only 40
cents per worker a year in these
The third medical student will
study and recommend improve-
ments in the federal air pollution
control program.
Most of the center's projects will
be worked on by teams of stu-
dents from all three fields.
The University students who
will be working at the center are p
Virginia Soret, Larry Bedard, and3<
Lowell Schoengarth.
The center will concern itself
with all the major regulatory
agencies of the government as well
as the executive branch depart-
ments which have regulatory func-
tions, such as the post office, the
agriculture department and the
transportation department.
The students' jobs will involve
maamsnomstam I
l -r i r r rf' ~ J, r y r s ~'' : <rg;;y if-