The Ann Arbor Street Fair: You can't miss it By LAURIE HARRIS There was an airplane in the middle of State Street yesterday. And there were people everywhere-listening to the band on South University, looking at paintings on East Liber- ty, buying antiques on North University. The Ann Arbor Street Fair is back again, and for the next three days it will be bringing a smattering of life, color and creativity to the town's summer lethargy. This year's street fair-unlike any other-has become more than anything else a meeting ground for street people, middleclass people looking for bargain cultfure and sales at the -local stores, and, of course, the police. The airplane was on display on State Street, and people stopped to look in it. Kids and streeet people played with balloons, and everyone ate ice cream to fight the heat. A stand was set up at the corner of East University and South University, and local theatre and musical groups entertained the crowds all during the fair. At the antique tent, many customers brows- ed. But what they found was, as one spectatgr put it, a melange of over-priced goods without much real quality. The greatest attraction of the fair for many - outside of staring at the hippies, of course, -- were demonstrations and displays by artists who used all kinds of media. People milled around Charles Haubrich as he cautiously welded metal to make models of old cars, airplanes and coaches. Others were fascinated by George Kafka's carefully balanced mobiles. The air plays with golf balls while they balance precariously on a metal pedestal. Viewers wait for the balls to topple -- but they never do. Thomas Hibben's fountains also entranced the crowd. His copper fountains are made of small fish which magically appear to swim in the air. Small stalls lined South and North University, most selling little objets* d'art. But their cost was often staggering and many careful shop- pers resorted to price comparing to combat the overpricing rampant everywhere. The street people --along with the 300 in- vited artists - had their stands too, in front of the shops of friendly merchants and right on the street. They sold all kinds of things, from incense and hats to fur rugs. On State Street and Main Street, the fair took the form of a gigantic bargain sale, and the streets were jammed with shoppers.. The fair is here until Sunday, and don't worryY. about missing it. You can't. It's everywhere. 1af&jau -Daily-Jerry BDaiti -Daily-Larry Robbins Vol. LXXIX, No. 45-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 17, 1969 Four Pages CEASE-FIRE: ccept truce in Honduras By The Associated Press Honduras and El Salvador accepted a cease-fire last night proposed by a peace committee of the Organization of American States, but each nation insisted on conditions. The two Central American nations began fighting three days ago. A spokesman for El Salvador's Foreign Ministry said his government demanded assurances that persecution of Sal- vadorean citizens in Honduras would stop and that the situa- tion would return to that pertaining before fighting broke out.j He said the cease-fire would go into effect as soon as Honduras stopped hostilities and the OAS committee accepted El Salvador's conditions. Ed Wi' on students 1 seats top unit BULLETIN YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio )P) - Firebombings, v i o I e n c e and looting broke out here for the second straight -night yester- day. The National Guard was ordered into the city. Gov. James A. Rhodes called out the guardsmen after vio- lence was reported s p r e a d throughout the city, and police said they were fired upon by snipers. r Details were unavailable. Mayor Anthony B. Flask re- quested the troops. i - J I Cohen urges ed reform- LANSING tp) - The Gover- nor's Commission on Educa- tional Reform yesterday con- cluded public hearings after( taking testimony from a num- ber of educators, including Dean Wilbur Cohen of the{ education school., Cohen emphasized the magni- tude of the problem of educational] reform. "By the end of the decade of the seventies," he predicted, "educa- tional expenditures in Michigan are more likely to be double those today than be 50 per cent larger." Unless the Mtate is willing tor spend' more money on education,; Cohen warned, the state will lose some of its future economic po- tential to such states as Texas and California-current leaders in edu- cational reform. ' Cohen suggested elimination of the property tax as a means of financing education. He urged shifting Tresponsibility' for all industrial and public utility taxation to the states instead, since business is the greatest ben-: efactor from increased education. "Alternatively," C o h e n said. "levy a special corporate income tax for educational purposes." The mammoth job of sorting out( the testimony of more than 100 Vyita ra - onnp +h n mm -i- Earlier yesterday fresh Hon- duras troops moved up to Nuevo Ocotepeque, an emptied town near the border of El Salvador, in prep- aration for what a senior officer predicted would be a big-scale battle to drive Salvador troops out of Honduras. The town normally has about 10,000 residents, but all have fled in the direction of nearby Guate- mala to escape the armed hos- tilities. Col. Arnaldo Alvarado said he expected the big fight to develop. by early today. Ocotepeque is five miles from the Honduras - Salvador border and has been the scene of someI hard fighting between the out- manned Honduran and the Sal-1 vadorean forces that crossed the border Monday. Earlier Honduras accepted yes- terday a conditional cease-fire in the war with El Salvador, a peace, committee of the Organization of! American States announced. But, Salvador troops thrusting deeper into Honduras showed no sign of halting. Instead, the Salvador army de- manded that the armed forces of; Honduras "surrender or be de- stroyed on the battlefield" on the third day of the war between the two small Central American na- tions., It was understood El Salvador demanded as part of a cease-fire a guarantee for the property and rights of the 300,000 Salvador people who live in Honduras, one of the causes of the outbreak of the war. El Salvador accused Hon- duras of committing atrocities against those people. ( oitig ab)oad...I -Associated Press ..goinig upI Apollo 11 heads for moon ct launch I I i I C I i _I C following perfe By DAVID CHUD WIN f Special To The Daily CAPE KENNEDY - The three Apollo 11 astronauts are streaking +f~xi-Me ha Ynnn fftrn nr By JURY KAHN The executive committee of the education school has unanimously agreed to seat two non-voting student repre- sentatives on the committee. The committee's decision was announced yesterday in the minutes of last week's meeting. The action makes the education school the first Univer- sity college' or school to allow student representation on Its top decision-making body. The journalism department, which instituted voting stu- dent representation on its executive committee last winter, is presently the only literary a- ------- - - college unit whose executive -- committee has student mem- bers. P io that all Americans be given a holi- day Monday to celebrate lunar landing "a moment of transcend-. ent drama." I t t 1 tjUWar themoon aser a spc- A five minute burn of the Sa- tacular blast off viewed live by turn V Boosters' third stage en- a million people in the C a p e gine put Armstrong and crew Kennedy area. mates Michael Collims and Edwin Their course is so accurate that (Buzz) Aldrin on their- moonward a scheduled mid-course correc- path at 12:18 p.m. yesterday. The tion was cancelled yesterday. 'We firing increased the speed of have scrubbed the mid-course," Apollo 11 to about 35,500 feet per radioed; spacecraft Commander second, enough to break the bonds Neil Armstrong as Apollo 11 pass- of earth's gravity. ed the 28,000 mile mark in its three-day trip to the moon. "The velocities were almost President Nixon urged yesterday exactly on the track," reported SEEK GENERAL MOBILIZATION Prof s plan fall anti-war w4 Launch Operations Director Roc- 'against the partially cloudy sky. co Petrone. Smoke wafted from the rocket, The epic voyage began after a the product of liquid oxygen boil- nearly trouble-free 28-hour count ing off in the humid air. down. At exact 9:32 a.m. the rocket Through the night launch crews came to life. The ignition sequence pumped propellants into the 363 began and the small flame burst foot tall Saturn V. Computers con- from the bottom ,of the rocket. tinuously checked out the various Suddenly the area around the systems of the rocket and t h e base of the rocket exploded with Apollo spacecraft atop it. flame. For what seemed like an eter- As dawn broke the mammoth nity to those watching from near- booster was illuminated by a by roads, the booster just sat on searing sun. Despite its three-mile the pad. Then excruciatingly distance from observation posts, slowly, it began to rise. Huge the vehicle loomed clearly visible amounts of smoke and flame de- flected from the launch pad by Ihuge steel sheets, flared hund- reds of feet to the sides. Picking up speed the white ar- row cleared the umbilical tower ork shoas it rose higher and higher. The noise and heat began to reach the thousands of spectators. Repeat- ed thunder claps buffeted cheer- cept was further developed by ing crowds who watched the Prof. Donald Brown. "We peach-yellow flames spew forth the University as a center to from the five engines of the first prepare students to go back to stage. towns for a weekend or a The rocket quickly picked up eekends to ring doorbells and speed, soaring into the distance. ganize the high school student After two minutes the wide white as." contrail began to form high in the tactic that will be discussed at sky. Sopn all that was visible was a dot of flames. iop is the organization of a , op is theoranizaton ofh a ,"I've never seen anything like' ally, for example, one which it," said television performer Ed football stadium with 35,000 McMahon, one of the invited give people a visual concept of guests. "As an old marine pilot I people have been killed, or the can't believe what I saw." Education school students al- ready have non-voting seats on all other committees of the school. The decision was made last week at a closed session of the ekecutive committee. This session followed a discussion of the stu- dent representation issue between student representatives and mem- bers of the committee. Announcement of the decision was delayed u n t 11 committee chairman Wilbur Cohen, dean of the education school, discussed the issue with committee member Irene Heller, who was not present at last week's meeting. Cohen had also indicated last week that he might confer with members of the Regents and Pres- ident Robben Fleming before making the committee's decision public. The new student representatives are Nancy Sprague, Grad., and Terry Terteling, '70. They were selected last March from a group of applicants by a six-man com- mittee. The selection committee, estab- lished under the auspices of Stu- dents for Educational Innovation, is composed of three volunteers selected during a mass meeting, and, three students who had pre- viously sat on faculty committees. SEI President Jack Eisner, who ROTC forum Senate Assembly's Academic Affairs Committee will hold an open meeting at 8 p.m. to- night in Aud. A on the rela- tionship between the Univer- sity and the Reserve Officer Training Corps. was present at the earlier meeting last week, said last night that the total significance of the commit- tee's decision will not be known for some time. "The committee's attitude will decide whether non-voting stu- dent representation is the highest gas tests suspended WASHINGTON l4) - Sec- retary of the Army Stanley R. Resor announced yester- day a suspension of the use of poisonous gases in defensive training at Ft. McClellan, Ala. He confirmed also that open air . testing of lethal chemical agents has been suspended at Edgewood Arsenal, Md. That ac- tion was disclosed Tuesday by Rep. Clarence D. Long (D-Md). The suspension follows con- siderable congressional criticism about the Army's use of lethal. nerve gases in the open at mili- tary bases. Resor said that in the meantime a committee of civilian scientif- ic experts will be appointed to review procedures used in t h e Edgewood tests as well as Ft. McClellan's trAining program. A Pentagon spokesman said an example of the Alabama base's defensive training with l e t h a 1 agents involved trainees decon- taminating artillery shells filled with mustard gas. The Army recently reported to a House Government Operations subcommittee that it was con= ducting the open air tests at the Maryland and Alabama facilities as well as the Dugway Proving -Ground in Utah, where 5,000 sheep were accidently killed last year by nerve gas. Resor's statement made no men- tion of the Dugway activities. The Army said later testing would continue at Dugway. "A thorough study was com- pleted recently concerning t h e safety procedures at Dugway and it was concluded that testing could continue safely," the Army said. The Army said all other test- By ALEXA CANADY Thirty-five professors from 15 different departments met last night to discuss the mobilization of anti-war sentiment in the University community, Washtenaw Coun- ty, and Southeastern Michigan., The professors' aim is the immediate unilateral withdrawal of the United States from Vietnam although they differ on the basis for this withdrawal. This group will serve as the planning body for a Sept. 10 action workshop where the groun hones to involve people opposed workshop here will spark action on other campuses immediately after their school years begin. "The workshop is distinctly different from the traditional protest action of a teach-in," explained history Prof. Glen Waggoner. The workshopis not intended as an end in itself, but as a "vehicle for further mobilization" and as. an oppor- tunity to produce concrete plans for future action, he said. Yesterday, the group discussed some possible programs for action which will be This con psychology should use train and p their home series of wx perhaps or in their are Anothert the worksh dramatic r filled the people, tog how manyI