__--- Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Backlash: Ann Arbor's 'concerned'citizens 00 1 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aol reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN Street people' and the Street Fair JUST FOUR WEEKS after the disturb- ances on South University, the street is barricaded again. And not only is Soutl University closed this time; parts of North University Ave. and East Liberty St. have been taken, too. But it's all legal - e v e h traditional. This is the tenth, annual Ann A r b o r Street Fair and giant sidewalk sale. Local merchants - who trembled at the possi- bility of damage to their property when 700 street people held an impromptu par- ty - are happy to invite larger crowds to gather on South University for the four days of the fair. It seems ironic that the merchants who complained so fearfully after t h e first night's peaceful activity on South Uni- versity could be the same g r o u p who readily open up their precious property each year. Aren't they afraid of the crowds? ?bviously not. The street fair is offi-, Drug, abuse? 5 { RESIDENT NIXON'S message to Con- gress on narcotics fs a very mixetd bag. It reveals a desire for humanitarian re- form coupled with repressive measures and a total lack of understanding of the problems involved. By his desire that the law treat those addicted to heroin and other opiates as sick rather than criminals Nixon displays a compassion which has been singularly lacking in all previous legislation. But' in his approach to other 'drugs Nixon shows a frightening lack of knowl- edge as well as a bull headed assumption of self-righteousness. Quite rightly, Nixon advocates an ex- tensive program of research into the effects of LSD, marijuana and other hal- lucenogenic drugs. The limited scientific research into the use of these drugs (limited because of the enormous govern- ment restrictions which have been on such research) has done little more than indicate the huge amount of research still to be done. Nixon proposes as well that the knowl- edge gained from this research should be compiled and placed before the people of the nation so they can "make a prudent judgment as to, tAheir personal course of conduct." But Nixon goes on to assume the re- sults of research yet to be done will fol- low .his own opinions. He calls for massive action to limit the traffic in marijuana apd to provide ridiculously heavy penal- ties for the use of LSD. And he assumes the information distributed by the gov- ernment will serve to show that all drugs are evil. PERHAPS IT would be well for the Pres ident to complete his program of research before he embarks upon "crack- down" plans which may prove to be en- tirely unwarranted. -CHRIS STEELE cial, respectable and entrenched. The city will clean up the streets when it is over, and the good upper middle class people of Ann Arbor who can be expected to pat- ronize a street art fair can be trusted to maintain order. If there is any acciden- tal damage, the fair's sponsors can be ex- pected to cover the cost. JUT THE HAUNTING question is this: What was so different about the peo- ple who had that party on South Univer- sity one month ago? They weren't upper middle class, and they don't have an up- per middle class vocabulary. But t h e y are, in the largest sense of the word, re- sponsible. South University w a s left cleaner than it started that M o n'd a y night, and the street people offered to pay for a window accidentally broken at Discount Records. When the people came back the second night, they weren't looking for trouble. But the police came too, mainly because angry merchants had demanded an end to what they called an unlawful disturb- ance. Nothing would have happened to South University if the police had stayed away, and the enthusiasm for street par- ties would eventually - probably quickly -died down. Clearly, the merchants and the police reflect one of the most distasteful and po- tentially dangerous attitudes of our so- ciety. To be different is to be suspect. It is all right to break laws - as long as they are the rightlaws. IT IS FINE to cheat on tax returns, drink in public parks at official establish- ment picnics, and break traffic rules. Ev.. erybody does that. But if you have long hair and choose to smoke pot instead of drink alcohol, you are different, and you a r e in trouble. There could never be an Ann Arbor Street People Fair; the community would not stand for it.I Perliaps the street people will decide to take advantage of the four-day closing of South University. The day people will go home at 9 or 10 p.m., and the night peo- ple may want to take their turn at using the area. But the odds are very good that they will never get that turn. Even though the street will be barricaded, the merchants will be afraid of long hair and different politics, and they would ask for the po- lice. And the police would, for the most part, be only too happy to come and pro- tect the street. Even if the area is closed to cars, there is no doubt some charge that can be pressed against any im- promptu gathering. nHE STREET fair is a nice thing, but it will be marred this year-at some for some - by the remembrance of another kind of street fair that wasn't allowed to happen because of the artificial and un- reasonable prejudices that are rotting out the core of our society, especially in Ann Arbor. -MARCIA ABRAMSON By JUDY SARASOUHN WHEN THE MAYOR walked in they yelled. When he and the council sat down they stamped their feet and jeered. When Ann Arbor's governing body began its work they chanted "The hell with you." Radicals? Hippies? Com- munists? No, just plain old middle aged suburbanites. They came in droves to the council meeting Monday - the American Legion members, Dis- abled American Veterans and "concerned" citizens - and they behaved like animals. The antics and behavior of toe 400 people who came to complain about concerts in the parks and the "lax" enforcement of law are only kept from being humorous because they are so frightening. They shouted "Hail Harvey" and "Sock it to 'em Doug." They virtually halted the work of the council with shouts demanding its resignation. They shouted down the Mayor when he tried-to speak. And there could be no mistak- ing their real desires. When they shouted for Harvey they meant it. They wanted people beaten and dragged away to jail. They wanted the long-hairedhpeople hurt--hurt bad-because they hate them. The content of their rhetoric would be humorous as well if it was not so frightening. JACK GARRIS, an attorney who claims to represent all the "anti-concert" forces in Ann Ar- bor, presented a statement which declared that White Panther lit- erature "is a diabolical, political and psychological campaign to de- stroy the minds of our youths." Garris even drew an absurd con- nection between rock concerts in Ann Arbor and an attack on the United States. And what were the young peo- ple doing while the older genera- tion reviled them? The 30 or so who attended sat quietly. They did not shout. They did not at- tempt to provoke anyone. And this they did in the face of verbal and, in one case, physical assault by the "concerned" citizens. During the course of the coun- cil meeting one of the youths present, who was holding a gun with ',a flag attached to it was attacked by one of the protesters. He had not used the gun or menaced anyone with it; he was just holding it. But the man who attacked him, and another indig- nant "concerned" citizen who joined in, felt insulted. The as- sault was halted only when police intervened, And the police, how did they react to the screaming, shouting and name' calling in council chambers? Did they take pictures of the anti-concert people as they have done in the past to pro-con- cert people? Did they remove the disrupters from the chambers as they would surely have done to anyone younger and longer-hair- ed? No, of course not. Only the young people who have no political pull are fair game for the police. And that is exactly the way the "concerned" citizens want it. They want law and order for everyone else but not for them- selves. One of the self-appointed pre- servers of American justice yelled during the general melee that that "City Council is undermining law and orderrinyAnn Arbor." But, what he really meant was that the city government is un- dermining discriminatory law and order. They mouth i justice and equality but the anti-concert peo- ple proved themselves hypocrites on every count. THEY EXERCISED the right of free speech loudly and long at the council meeting but they tell the Mayor he is "making it too easy for these hippies to pass out their filthy literature and spread their insane communistic ideas." It is hopeless to try to explain the meaning to the protection of free speech to such people. To them anyone who uses this right to say something they do not agree with is part of a 'plot." And as far as enforcing the laws -these "concerned" citizens are only interested in using the law against the people they don't like. They would be quite shocked if 4 the laws concerning stopping at stop signs, and speeding were more strictly enforced. And if the laws concerning drinking in public and the use of profanity were enforced against the very self-righteous supporters of law and order as stringently as they are against the street people there would be an uproar of com- plaint. The very same American Legion members who attended the coun- cil meeting would be outraged if the laws concerning public drink- ing were applied to their picnics in the same way they have been applied to the people on South University. If the profanity laws were en- forced that night In the council chambers the same way they were last 'week in front of the Whistle, Stop there would be quite a few "concerned" citizens in jail. But what is the meanlijg of all this hypocrisy and Teaction? Clearly the pressure from both sides has brought an increasing polarization of the city's political scene. Clear as well is the poten- tial for destroying the liberal re- gime now in control of the city. The council, at the same meet- ing, passed an ill conceived and repressive regulation on t h e amount of sound bands can make during outdoor concerts. And, ap- parently,the measure passed out of pure fright - a council prev- iously favorable to concerts voted almost unanimously for the regu- lation. Only the mayor did not succumb to the hypocritical rhe- toric with which he was attacked. PERHAPS THE BEST explana- tion of what is happening here in Ann Arbor, and perhaps in the rest of the country if recent elec- toral politics are representative, was explained best by one middle- aged woman, not among the anti- concert protesters. She said the "concerned" citizens sounded like Germany in 1930. 1 r AV, j # i Oki ya' 'uS tntTa . t a i { X11e+y. ,' N _ in L martin kir4sc hma,i 7Fleming .and OSA "The Commission recommends that the executive functions of the Office of Student Services be performed by the Vice President and Director of Student Services, assisted by an. Executive Board which should be charged with formulating policies for the office." -The Hatcher Commission Report "Each administrative unit of the OSS shall have its own policy board to set general policy for that unit." -Proposed Regents bylaws on the' student role in decision-making AFTER YEARS of fighting for the power to make decisions that affect the lives of students, Student Government Council has been told, rather curtly, that they cannot have this power and, in effect, that such power does not exist, Although seemingly a simple one, the issue-the authority of the policy boards of the Office of Student Affairs and its nine admin- istrative units-have provoked a frustrating pseudo-dialogue in which neither students nor administrators are speaking to the substantive questions involved. Three weeks ago, the OSA policy board censured John Feldkamp, director of University Housing, when he sent a communication to Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell. The effect of Feldkamp's memo was to undercut a recommendation of his policy board, the Student Advisory Committee on Housing. THE OBJECTIONS of OSA policy board members to the memo were not immediately intelligible. Traditionally, the "housing director forwards his recommendations to the vice president-especially when they relate to financial matters as in the controversial case at hand. What is only just becoming clear is the radical - but no less commendable - nature of the complaints of SGC and the policy board - the censure of Feldkamp seemed out df place because it was never clear that student leaders were proposing something new. As SGC and the policy board envision OSA, John Feldkamp's job would be entirely restructured. And in the end, he would have no say in the decisions of the housing office. In accordance with the draft of the proposed Regents bylaws - which has already won approval of Senate Assembly - only the student housing policy board would make decisions in the housing office. As an administrator, then, Feldkamp's job would be t'o administer that policy, not to make it. In this context, Feldkamp's attempt to pull the rug out from under his policy board was unconscionable. His, job is to make room assign- ments and balance the accounting sheets, but not to decide whether a fee increase in married housing is necessary. His memo to Newell constitutes simple insubordination. O PRESIDENT ROBBEN FLEMING did not, of course, take it e quite 'that way. "Staff officers like John Feldkamp, are expected to give us their best advice ,and judgment at all times, and cannot be 10 mandated by advisory committees to do otherwise," the president said is in a letter to Newell. Unfortunately, this sentence was lost in Fleming's lengthy letter m which spoke mostly of the "administrative chaos" which would result - from a concept that advisory committees can mandate the executive S committee. Under such an arrangement, Fleming noted, everybody , would ask for more money than the University has available, and, with e, the executive officers bound by these requests, there would be no way of balancing the budget. t hile the "administrative chaos" statement is an accurate one, it is also irrelevant. SGC and the policy board are not challenging the right of the executive officers to review budget requests from of below, but rather, they are calling for the granting of policy-making it power to the policy boards - a position supported by the proposed s Regents bylaws. e But on this point '- as ill-defined as it is - there is also, clearly, 1- a sharp disagreement. With the mentality of an administrator, Flem- y ing cannot accept the idea that a student committee will replace Feld- o kamp and other OSA directors as the low-level source of policy recom- rn mendations. FLEMING'S POSITION constitutes a denial of even the possibility that students can have policy-making powers in the Office of Student a Affairs. His argument is, in effect, that students cannot make decisions 4 4 a " . '1 ,,469, Tie Register F _ ~ - -- I Troop Withdrawal On the intricacies of domestic disarmament By DREW BOGEMA ONE APPROACHES the idea and - promises of gun control with mix- ed emotions. The ideal is so very at- tractive - just think - complete do- mestic disarmament. If we could only force the hundred or so million guns owned by forty million Americans to be surrendered, the severe dangers that, threaten the life of the Republic could be quelled, our problems would move toward solution, and domestic order, stability, and peace would be assured. With the dangers of insurrection and revolution eliminated, the forces be- hind repression could also be checked. Gun control represents a liberal re- action to the unprecedented scale of violence that has afflicted the United States this decade. However, liberals try to put an end to violence by de- escalating the level of conflict and ig- noring the conditions from which it sprang. They refuse to acknowledge that the growing armament of t h e ghetto implies a disenchantment with the affluent liberal who tries to speak ists could massacre t h e government, and install themselves in power with little difficulty. Regardless of the ideological nature of government, the police and military would exert an influence in dispropro- tionate measure to t h e i r numerical strength. Could' one trust the police, the cynics ask? Could one really be- lieve that they would honor the enor- mous responsibilities imposed upon them if they were the only ones to have guns? Given the federalized na- ture of law enforcement, given the so- cial and psychological types so pain- fully evident in police agencies across the country, could they even with se- lective licensing perform their tasks in a humane manner? IN ANY CASE the Gun Control Act of 1968, passed last October at the tide of liberal and moderate horror with the assassinations of King and Ken- nedy, which supposedly defeated the money and efforts of the gun lobby, has been riddled to virtual death by own firearms-control laws. Only in 24 states, however, are there restrictions on the sale or ownership of firearms. New Jersey has a relatively stiff sta- tute requiring permits and identifica- tion cards from police before any kind of gun can be bought. Elsewhere loose statutes require only a license to carry a gun, one available to almost anyone upon request. In 26 states, there are virtually no restrictions, and control legislation is pending in only three of these. THE GUN LOBBY prevented the in- clusion of two crucial items in the Act when it was before Congress, and by its pressure was able to ease the harsh provisions originally devised for the administration of the Act. While the bill was before Congress, the federal registration of all firearms, and the federal licensing of all gun owners, considered crucial by liberals if they were to enact a tight gun con- trol law, were killed by the lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Associa- In face of such testimony, the ATFD dropped their previous requirement that firearm purchasers h av e their identity verified by a notary public or a law enforcement officer in order to purchase a gun through the mail in interstate transactions. Instead, a gun dealer was simply required to inform the chief law enforcement officer in the purchaser's locality that the per- son whose name appeared on the pur- chasing order was being given a gun. Further, shooting clubs t h a t pro- vided guns and ammunition to mem- bers for use on their premises would be exempt from the dealer-licensing and record-keeping provisions of the Act. Shotgun shot and unprimed shells would be excluded from the definition of ammunition under the Act and therefore could n o t be subjected to regulation. And, prior police approval for the :transfer of destructive devices would no longer be necessary. There s also substantial doubt that ATFD will continue to define "business prem- ises" for gun dealers to exclude pri- be putting out close to 500,000 a year What the Act has done, then, is ti foster American protectionism in th domestic production of armaments. To offset the import loopholes, tw remedies have been' suggested. One i to forbid the importation of paits fo guns which are already banned fron importation as a completed unit. An other is to depress domestic productiox by applying the same standards of size barrel length, quality and safety speci fications that now comprise the impor restrictions to pistols made here. UNFORTUNATELY for gun-contra liberals, the prospects for remedia legislation are slim. The gun lobby i already working hard to weaken th present gun act with m o r e amend iments. So far this year, over sevent bills have been put before Congress t exempt certain types of ammunitio and firearms from the Act, or to en tirely repeal it. Only Senator Thomas Dodd has; hill in the hamner to stengthen it