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July 15, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-15

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See Editorial ?age


Sit rigan


Sunny and humid, possible
afternoon or evening showers

Vol. LXXIX, No. 43-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 15, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages


. .t
Prouty joins
WASHINGTON ( - With an announcement that he will
support deployment, Sen. Winston L. Prouty gave President
Nixon a fighting chance yesterday to win Senate approval
of the Safeguard antiballistic missile system without com-
The Vermont Republican's decision to back the Presi-
dent's proposal left Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del.), and Sen.
Thomas J. McIntyre (D-N.H.), as the only uncommitted
The latest Associated Press rundown indicates 49 Sena-
tors oppose deployment and 49 favor it.
Earlier (R) headcounts had included McIntyre among op-
A ponents but he insists now that he is uncommitted on the
--- -final vote even though he has
* offered an amendment, f o r
01'01 ndeployment of radars a n d
computers but not missiles,
r gwhich the administration thus
far has declined to accept.
Later yesterday Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) requested a
" closed Senate session tomorrow to
('0 1! R 1 ji e; present what he said was "con-
clusive evidence" against imple-
menting the ABM system.
By JUDY KAHN - Senate majority leader M i k e
group of about Mansfield agreed to Symington's
A grup o abut 1 forignrequest
students met last night with Mansfield, an ABM opponent,
representatives from the In- assessed the vote situation as "still
ternational Center, Student a tossup." Republican Leader Ev-
Government Council, and the erett M. Dirksen of Illinois, a sup-
engneeingschol o slveporter, +said Prouty 's announce-
engineering school to solve mnt confirms his conviction that
the problems which most for- deployment will be voted in with-
eigners face while studying at out compromise.
the University. Informal polls indicate the Ad-
ministration might have to de-
Approximately half of all for- pen o the tieaking votedof
eign students on campus are en- Vice President Spiro T. Agnew for
rolled in the engineering school. a victory. But it is rare that all
The students formed an Inter- 100 Senators are recorded on a
national Students Congress -and roll call. And at times those who
A set up eight committees to deal have been publicly committed
with a list of 35 problems dis- have switched at the last minute.
cussed during the meeting. Prouty, himself, told reporters
Among the most important of he believes ABM deployment will
these are lack of adequate hous- be voted by a narrow margin. He
ing facilities, the need for im- said he isn't sure his vote will be
proved academic counseling, and decisive.
the need to coordinate the activi- "Those of us who support the
ties and facilities designed to aid program would like to see it pass
foreign students, by a very substantial margin," he
The congress hopes to become said. "I don't think that's going
affiliated with various faculty and to be the case."
student organizations -at the Uni- The Vermont senator denied he
versity so it can develop an effec- was put under pressure by the ad-
tive international student voice on ministration. He said he reached
campus. his decision about a week ago and
campus. rtold Nixon after a Sunday White
The formation of the congress House church service he is sup-
is largely the result of recent ef- porting the President.
forts by Iranian student Kazem "The President said he was de-
Iravani' lighted to hear it," Prouty adled.
"We would like to 4ncrease the.-
intercultural exchange on the
campus," he said last night.
4 Henry Malin, program advisor P e~ j I
for the International Center, saidI
inadequate funds are the major; ~., L
drawback to any program im-
provements foreign students might
want to initiate. 5,
"Foreign students are zero pri- i
ority on this campus as far as
money is concerned," said Main. E
For example, the International BERKELEY, Calif. (A) - Hund-
Center has only fourncounselors reds of young militants violently
to help the 6800 foreign students revived the "People's Park" con-
who'attend the University each flictyesterday clashing withpoicek
year. (The students come in in an intermittent battle of rocks
groups of 1700.) Much of their and tear gas.
time must be spent helping stu- A police lieutenant and three
dents fill out immigration papers. newsmen were slightly injured by
Iravani 'said more counselors missiles.
familiar with the backgrounds of Police answered the rock throw-
foreign students must be hired to ing with tear gas from cannisters
help students adjust to the cam- and a fogging machine and made+
pus and plan their program. 28 arrests.
There will bc a meeting today The scene was the vacant lot1
to plan a drive to recruit foreign that was the center of mass dis-1
students to the newly formed con- orders last May. The University of
gress. Another mass meeting will California, which owns it, erected,
be held next Tuesday. an 8-foot fence after ousting

City tightens

for c



concerts in city parks and to show
Participants in last week's un- yer
derground media conference are coni
planning to press charges against Uph
local police and sheriff's deputiesP
today for armed robbery of under- yest
g r ou nd literature, trespassing, by
breaking and entering and usmng a fo
profane language in the presence Sati
of women and children. Kr~o
Mrs. Magdalene Sinclair of had
Trans Love Energies, who was one lice
of the conference participants, Mis
said the group has talked to a law- W

An angry crowd of 400 American Legion members, Dis-
abled American Veterans, and other citizens marched on
City Hall last night demanding that rock concerts in city
parks be prohibited.
Although council did not formally reopen action on
the concert, it passed an amendment, which had been intro-
duced last week by Councilman Nicholas Kazarinoff (D-Third
ward), restricting the volume of electronically amplified
music and voice.
The anti-concert group, carrying signs saying "Politics
and music? Let's hear Harris sing," "Save the'children,"sock
it to 'em, Harvey," and "Sin as in Sinclair," demanded that
Mayor Robert Harris and city councilmen resign if they do
not wish "to- keep Ann Arbor an all-American town."
As council members and the

American Legion and the Disabled American Veterans march on City Hall yesterday to protest rock
support for Sheriff Douglas i arvey's promise to enforce the laws.




may ask
law levy

against police

but has not retained one. The
erence was held at a house on
And Dr. off Plymouth Rd.
olice Chief Walter Krasny said.
erday Ann Arbor police aided
county sheriff's deputies made
orced entry into the house on,
urday while seeking Allison
ner of Shicago for whom they
a criminal warrant. The po-
had received information that
s Kroner was in the house.
Vhen they came for Miss Kron-

's park


in Berkeley

A recommendation for a spe
er, officers were denied admitance election on a one-mill tax b
to the house and M r s. Sinclair for a "quality law enforcemc
claimed they were told Miss program will be presented to
Kroner was not there. County Board of Supervisors
The police later returned with their July 22 meeting.
additional forces and when en- The tax increase, if appro
trance to the house w a s again by the board and by the vo
denied, Krasny said forced entry of the county, would bring ir
of two doors was made. additional $3 to $5 million for
After failing to find Miss Kron- cal county enforcement ager
er, officers left. Krasny said no over a three year period.
other arrests were made. The election would probably
At the time police entry was called for n November.
made, officials said the house was The :recommendation came
being used for a meeting of work- Thrcomnainam
ers on undergroundnewspapers report from Board Chairman I
from several states who had gath- Nielsen who asked the Law.
ered for the conference. forcement Committee of
Although Krasny said Ann Ar- board to begin work immedia
bor police were aided by sheriff's with the county prosecutor
deputies, Mrs. Sinclair said she both the wording of the n
was notified that. Sheriff Harvey question and a formula for
denied any knowledge of the Sat- tribution of the revenue.
urday incident. In his report Nielsen sugge
A prosecutor's spokesman said a four-part program which
yesterday police holding a felony eludes:
warrant who believe the person - - "substantial per c a p
they seek is concealed inside a grants" to municipalities, to,
building have a legal right to force ships and villages given "ur
doors or windows to gain entry if specified conditions guarante(
they are denied it. the use of such funds solely
However, participants in the improved law enforcement";
conference maintained that rifle- - a "substantial allocation'
toting city police and sheriff's help finance "the rising cost
deputies illegally ransacked t h e maintaining a county police f(
jhouse. of such size and caliber as tc
Local attorney Peter Darrow able to enforce the laws of t
said yesterday, "You have to have State of Michigan" within t
a search warrant to make a county";'
search. The only time you don't - a "degree of financial s
need one is if you have knowledge port" for courts and for the 1
that a felony is being committed. secuter's staff to insure "real
But you can't just make a guess, ably prompt justice for both
you must have knowledge." cused persons and the public"
A f i Im of the entire incident - the establishment of a p(
will be shown tomorrow night at training school for all area fo:
7 and 9 p.m. in the Archictecture i at the new Washtenaw Cou
Aud., Mrs. Sinclair said. Citizens Service Center.

mayor came into the chambers,
the anti-concert groups stood up
and loudly jeered them.
The amendment, which o n 1y
Harris voted against, stipulates
that within the park grounds
music can not go above 97 decibels
for longer than three hours meas-
ured at a distance of 10 feet from
each loud speaker.
More importantly, for each sub-
set of the three hour period the
volume cannot reach or go above
} 100 decibels for two hours, 102
decibels for one and a half hours,
105 decibels for one half hour,
or 115 decibels for one quarter
If the volume reaches 120 deci-
bels or exceeds the said time limit,
the group responsible for the noise
would be guilty of misdemeanor.
90 decibels is the volume of
heavy traffic during rush hour.
John Sinclair, White Panther
I minister of information and man-
t ager of the MC-5, said the amend-
I ment is "ridiculous." "It's a ruse
against the people who like rock
e music."
t "We're not concerned at all with
volume," he added. "People have
d been listening to the MC-5 for
s four years and no one has com-
a plained. I've been right next to
- the amplifiers and loudspeakers
s and I'm not deaf."
Sinclair said there currently are
e no plans for action concerning the
amended ordinance. "I guess we'll
a probably just have to go down to
t court and pay the money they'll
- say we owe."
e Det. Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier
Y said last night that the volume at
a last week's concert ranged from
t approximately 60 to 110 decibels.
- Except for that amendment,
Harris said Council did not have
any other plans for action on the
- concert park.
a Jack Garris, an attorney claim-
ing to speak for all the anti-con-
cert persons, told Council he had
S6,000 signatures of residents de-
m manding that the concerts be pro-
r hibited. He claimed he would
have 10,000 signatures by the end
> of the week.
e The attorney said the Ann Ar-
e bor citizens were disturbed with
profanity, drinking, disrespect to
e women and children and those
who incite others to riot-all ele-
- ments of the rock concerts, he
- "You have capitulated the city
- to - hippies, not citizens," Garris
claimed. He added that if Council
e did not act firmly against the con-
s certs now, it would "leave us no
y alternative but to recall" all
Council members and the mayor.

Stop ease
Grant Fischer, arrested during
an incident early Saturday in
front of the Whistle Stop restaur..
ant, failed to appear for arraign-
ment yesterday.
District Judge Pieter Thomas-
sen subsequently issued a bench
warrant for Fischer's arrest and
forfeited his bond money.
Jacqueline Evans and Audrey
Simon, also arrested during Sa-
turday's incident, appeared before
the court yesterday afternoon.
They -claimed they failed to ap-
pear for arraignment earlier in
the day because they were not in-
structed to do so.
Thomassen set arraignment for
the two women for Thursday. At
that time they will be asked to
plead guilty or not guilty to the
charges brought against them.
Fischer, Miss Evans and Miss
Simmons were all charged with
misdemeanors. Fischer w a s
charged with obstructing, resist-
ing, hindering and opposing a
law enforcement officer in the
discharging his duties.
Miss Evans was charged with
disorderly conduct for using vile,
profane or obscene language in
a public place.And Miss Simon
was charged with conducting her-
self in a public place so as to
obstruct the free and uninterrupt-
ed passage of the public.
The incident occurred early Sa-
turday morning when police or-
dered Richard Gartee, manager of
the Whistle Stop, to remove a
table and chairs from a patio
owned by the restaurant.
When more police arrived, Gar-
tee told Miss Evans to get the
officers' badge numbers. Witness-
es said she returned to the res-
taurailt saying, "I got the pigs'
Police then arrested Miss
Evans for her profane language.
Both Miss Evans and Fischer
are employed by the Whistle Stop.
Witnesses said Miss Simons
was arrested while trying to ob-
tain signatures for a statement
saying Miss Evans had not spoken
profanely. They claim she inad-
vertently stepped over a li n e
police had drawn and ordered the
crowd to stay behind.


young people who had planted it
as an informal park.
About 900 persons converged on
the lot shortly after noon yester-
day. The ripped gaping holes in
the fence with bolt cutters andI
wire clippers.
Ostensibly, they were observing
Bastille Day, 180th anniversary of
the start of the French Revolution.
About 50 Berkeley police and a
dozen university police guarding
the lot were showered with rocks,
bottles and occasional cherry
bombs. a
Traffic was blocked on Tele-j
graph Avenue alongside the uni-
versity. About 200 demonstrators

there sang "We Shall Overcome"
and shouted "We want the Park."
Some university students were
recognized among the demonstra-
tors but most appeared to be the
so-called Berkeley "street people"
who have spawned numerous out-,
breaks in recent years.
No one would claim leadership
of the demonstration, which had
been promoted with unsigned leaf-I
lets over the past few days.
One demonstrator boasted that
the wire cutters had been taken'
to the scene in a dummy coffin'
and had been baked in loaves of
Police said no firearms were
used in repelling the crowd.
Shotguns loaded with birdshot
and some buckshot were used in
uellino the riot of May 15 .when

El Salvador invades Honduras,
"}bombs cities, military plants

-Troops of El Salvador invaded
Honduras last night, authorities
announced. They said Salvadorean
planes bombed cities south and
west of Tegucigalpa.
However, in San Salvador, cap-
ital of El Salvador, Foreign Min-
ister Jose Guerrero said his coun-'
try was not at war with Honduras
but, as he put it, there was a
state of aggression on the part of
In Washington, a Honduran
representative told the Council of
the Organization of American
States that the invaders had
broken 40 miles inside Honduran

contend the migrants are trouble- The State Department said it;
some and a potential fifth column. had received no reports of any
Reports said yesterday's inva- U.S. citizen being involved or hurt
sion came at Amatillo in southern in the trouble.
.Honduras and Poy in the west. The Salvadorean government3
Cities reported bombed were Nue- did not acknowledge broadcastsd
va Ocotepeque, Santa Rosa de from Honduras reporting grounda
Copan, Gracias and Choluteca. and air attacks by Salvadorean
Salvadorean aircraft attacked f u e r r e r o said Salvadorean
Honduran army and air force in-. -
stallations near the airport in the narohad itercepted a ingthat
capital city of Tegucigalpa, the hundreds of Salvadorean youths
reports said. living in Honduras had been I
Heavy Salvadorean antiaircraft jailed.
fire met the attackers. In Washington a Salvadoreanj
Thb Honduran government was delegate told the OAS councilj
said to have ordered an immediate that Honduras had carried outI
counterattack by air and ground, massive deportations of Salva-.

qu lli g e1uUU V-aY1 , W1-1 __..
more than 140 persons were in-
jured and one man was killedO-
More than two weeks of disor-
ders followed, with the National
Guard on duty for 19 days and
nearly 500 persons arrested. - I
In the ensuing quiet period, the
university regents refused a sug-
gestion that part of the lotsbe WASHINGTON (P)-President
leased to the city for park pur- Nixon called yesterday for tight-
poses, and ordered construction to er laws, more money and man-
=proceed on a parking lot, power, stiffer' rules on mari-
University of California regents 1 juana and LSD and no-knock
have voted 16-7 to build a park- search warrants to combat the
ing lot and playing field on "peo- "serious national threat" from
ple's park" land, with housing drug abuses.
planned for the near future. In a message to Congress, the
The vote, after about two hours President asked for swift action
of detailed and sometimes heatedI on legislation "to mount and
1dcsion, as sotes ay continue a new and effective
Rsussion, was suporte r Gts a.fpderal program aimed at eradi-
Ronald Reatm reiegted ster- cating the rising sickness in the



for war on, drugs-

"It is doubtful that an Ameri-
can parent can send a son or
daughter to college tbday with-
out exposing the young man or
woman to drug abuse. Parents,
must also be concerned about
the availability and use of such
drugs in our high schools and
junior high schools."
To begin to cope with what he
called "this growing menace to
the general welfare," Justice
Department officials said Nixon
will send Congress two bills in

session would be raised from the
present one-year maximum to
from two to ten years for first
offenders, and to from five to
20 years for second offenders.
The LSD penalties would be
made similar to those for mari-
juana, and heavier fines were
proposed for marijuana sales.
To close a gap in federal law
resulting from a recent Supreme
Court decisior in the case of
Timothy Leary, a drug experi-
menter, the new law would

narcotics agents to use federal
warrants for search of suspected
premises without announcing
themselves-the no-knock rule
-where there is cause to be-
lieve that evidence might be de-,
stroyed if entry were delayed.
In calling for tightened con-
trols and stronger enforcement,
Nixon declared that "society has
few judgments too severe, few
penalties too harsh for the men
who make their livelihood in the
narcotics traffic."

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