Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 11, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July11, 1969 cinema= I John Wayne and By DREW BOGEMA story line, the decision is also made to What would you do if you were Hal forego stylistic experimentation and Wallis and you had just outbid John photographic or editorial trickery. In- Wayne fQr the production rights to stead, you, Hathaway, and screenwrit- Charles Portis's runaway best-seller er Marguerite Roberts, decide to pre- True Grit? sent True Grit in the traditional mode as an action-packed, suspenseful, yet al- irtof all, you'd eedrn gfnrst rate ways humorous drama of Mattie's search director from the Western genre, one for vengence. who could squeeze f r o m Portis's de- And, because the story line is a bit lightful and entertaining tale all of the snort for a full-length motion-picture, dogged determination of Mattie Ross, yoit attept expanitet who at fourteen decides to hire Rooster you might attempt to expand its length through spacing the adventure with the and who mcapture the drifter anch- picturesque beauty of Montrose, Colo- h an wh meed herfaherkn, rty, rado, or the Dallas Divide, or the Blue accompany this mean, reckless, crusty, Mesa Reservation. bastard of a federal marshal in his pur- As forcatin. suit ~ As for casting, you'd need an actress suit. who could double for a fourteen-year And, because you'd wish to retain as old kid with all the spunk, drive, and inuch control over the production of grit that Portis gave to h i s heroine. the movie as you can, because Howard And, because none of the current crop Hawks or John Ford want too much of child actresses seem to have that sort money or are busy in other films, you of ability you heist Kim Darby off the hire the less appreciated y e t equally tube. To compensate for her 1 a c k of talented Henry Hathaway. drawing power at the box office you Hathaway and you decide that the oast Glen Campbell to play the lanky, most essential item to be retainedfrom vain, dandy of a Texas Ranger. the novel is the archaic, campy, y e t And, finally, as your crowning glory, somewhat stilted dialogue of backwoods knowing full well that John Wayne is Victorian Arkansas vintage. Confront- eating his heart out to play the vicious, ed w I t h Portis's linear unfolding of ignorant, bandit turned marshall, you real, True Grit' hire him as Rooster Cogburn. Quite un- expectedly, Wayne turns out the best performance of his carder, easily off- setting the inadequacies of Darby and Campbell, perhaps because the char- acter is so close to the roles the Duke has talen all his life minus the g ory and glamor, perhaps because more than anything he plays a drunken tinhorn of a fool who somehow turns out to be quite a hero. The result is a sparkling, highly pol- ished adventure that Ford or Hawks would have been proud to direct. Hath- away illustrates a keen perception of exactly what is needed for action scenes, which are interspersed with such skill as to maintain a tension-ridden atmos- phere throughout the entire movie. The photography is first-rate, the scenery admirably chosen, the final shoot-out brilliant, Hathaway's finest talent is employed in muting the few inadequacies that mar the film. The story line at times does go slack when the lush greenery overly preoccupies the editing, but Hath- away has made sure that in each case some progression of plot is involved - however insignificant. Kim Da-rby ap- pears too well-developed, t o o pretty, with too little bluster and familiarity with the speech patterns of the Arkan- sas backwoodsman. Glen Campbell also has difficulty with the Arkansas way of speech, and his first acting performance is not that distinguished. But s t i11, whenever True Grit seems momentarily to go stale, Hathaway p ulis out his magical trump card of a strong John Wayne acting performance. Wayne's huge, burly y e t fattening frame, his booming voice, his familiarity with mannerism and gesture, his start- led demeanor when taxed with the nev- er-ending common sense of Mattie give the adventure a life, a vitality, and a spirit that sets it far apart from the typical fare of American westerns. As the coarse, craggy, yet peculiarly lovable marshal, he single-handedly outshoots and captures four desperate outlaws, saves Mattie's life from the drifter and rattlesnakes, but also de- lightfully falls off his mount after a drunken spree and manages to be con- stantly outwitted by the shrewd mind of Mattie. What a pair! What we have here, th'en, is the clev- erest adaptation of a tired overworked medium that we have seen since Rio Bravo. Order Your Suhscrilotien Today 764-0558 "All the things you could be by now if Sigmund Freud's wife were Your mother." ~1 REYNOLD LOWE Painting and Sculpture 'II 'I . I, it JULY 7-26 GALLERY HOURS: Tues'-Thurs, 10-6 Fri. 10-9 Closed Sun, and Mon. Sat. 10-4 editions gallery editions inc. 213-215 E. WASHINGTON I 761 -6245 w =-t=== _ ---- 4 ...n v .....+:1...t' ......N F.. .r .. , S7 FY s. t:........ d .. .. ..... ..R.,. . ...... ..v .~.~DA.ILY 'OFF ICIAL-BU-LLETIl :r :. :.~ ... L....r . ......rr".r.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............s..,... . ....... ........ ....,. ..r..., ,. DIAL 662-6264 FOR YOUR COMFORT +. NOW SHOWING' NOTE SPECIAL SHOW TIMES SUNDAY THRI THURSDAY 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:50 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY AT: 12:30-2:35-4:45-6:55-9:05 Official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to Room . 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- cation ,and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday'. and, Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of tdo times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. - Student organization notices a r e not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9270. FRIDAY, JULY 11 Day Calendar Department of Astronomy Visitors' Night-James Louden, "The Mon, and Apollo 11." To view: films and photg- graphs of an Apollo flight; look at Mars, the Ring Nebula and a star cluster through telescopes: Auditorium B', An- gell Hall, 8:00 p.m. Degree Recital-Philip Rehfeldt, clar- inet: School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m. Astronomy Department Visitors' Nights. Friday, July 11, 8:00 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall. James Loudon will speak 'on "The Moon and Apollo 11." 'After the lecture, the movie "Apollo 10-To Sort Out The Unknowns" and photographs of an Apollo flight will be shown. Also, the §tudent Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for in- spection and for teescopic observations of Mars, the Ring Nebula and a star cluster. Children welcomed, but m'ust be accompanied by adults. Doctoral Exams Charles Edward Billings, Education, Dissertation: "An Inquiry into Some As- peqts of: The Political Socialization of Black Activists in High Schools," on Friday, July 11 at 9:00 a.m. on the 3rd Floor, Oumet Building. Chairman: By- ron Massialas. James Albert Swan, Resource Plan- ning a nd Conservation, Dissertation: "An Analysis of Attitudes and Coping Strategies of High School Youth: Re- sponse to Air Pollution," on Friday, July 11 at 9:00 a.m. in 1032 Natural Re- sources Building, Co-Chairmen: J. C. Kelly and W. B. Stapp. Martin Arthur. Ludington, Physics, 'Dis-sertation: "The Decay of 160Tb, to 1Levels in 160Dy," on Friday, July 11 Areas of Health Care Quality in a Pre- at 1 00 am. in 618 Physics-9stronomy paid Group Practice," on Friday, July Build ng, Chairman: J. J. Reidy. 11 at 3:00 p.m. in 3008 School of Public John Vincent Murphy, Englis Lan- Health, Chairman: C. A. Metzner. hguage and Literature, Dissertation: "Gothic Elements in Shelley's Canon, "J , on Friday, July 11 at 10:00 a.m. in 1602 Haven Hall,. Chairman: E. J. GENERAL DIVISION Schulze. . 3200 S.A.B. Isaac Michael Rubin, Social Psycholo- Current position openings received by giy, Dissertation: "The Social Psychol- Placement Services, General Division, ogy of Romantic Love," on Friday, July by mail and phone; for further in-y 11 at 2:00 p.m. in 4th Floor Conference formation please call 764-7460. Room, ISR, Chairman: T. M. Newcomb. State of Washington-Pesticide Inve§- George Calactiou Vernardakis,. Politi- tigator, degree in entomology, chem cal Science, Dissertation: "Experts for plus 1 yr in this area. the United Nations Develppment Activ- State of Wisconsin - Acctg, 2 yrs. ities: A Comparative Analysis," on Fri. supv. exper. Admin. 9sst. in exposition day, July 11 at 2:00 p.m. in 6627 -Haven space sales, 2 yrs. public relations. Bud- Hall, Chairman: H, K. Jacobson. get 9nal. 5 yrs. State-Local affairs, 2 Azinna Nwafor, Political Science, Dis- yrs mgmt in urban aff Consumer Aff. sertation: "United Nations Use of Rep., 4 yrs poverty exper. Attorney, I Armed in Internal War Conditions for Indust. Labor & Human Re., 3 yrs. legal the Maintenance of International Sta- exper. Ed. Serv Asst in bus mgmt., and bility," on Friday, July 11 at 3:00 p.m. recreation. Lab tech in several areas £ 6627 Haven Hall, Chairman: K. H. Ja- Mfmt. Info spec, EDP 4 plus yrs exper, cobson. Other programming jobs. Public Health David Barton Smith, Medical Care Educ, 3 yrs. Rehabilitation. Occup, Organization, Dissertation: "Differeun- Physical Therapists ,new grads and ex- tial Perceptions of Health Care Quality: per. Voc. Ed. Supv, 3 yrs supv. expdr. A Study of the Relationships Between Volunteer serv. asst. Apply immediately Roles and Attitudes Toward Different for these positions i r . . f , .i State of Utah-Accountant Info. Of- ficer, Journ degree, new grad. Local Mi- nority Rep, degree and 0-1 yr, similar, work. State of 'Connecticut-Tax Investig,, degeeand 3 yrs tech. work for agency investigating standards for protection of consumers. City of Minneapolis-Accountant, de- gree or CPA. State of Michigan - Econ. Analyst, Econ., Stat or math degrees, BA plus 6 yrs, MA plus 5 and PhD plus 3. For- ensic Psychiatry Program Director, Cert -in psychiatry plus 3 yrs admin, ex- per. Bactelologist, BS/MS plus 0-3 ys. * mi JIHN WAYNE * GLEN CAMPdELL- KIM IJAFBY The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by carrier, $10 by mail. Sumr'ner Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscript tion rates: $2:50 by carrier, $3.00 by mail. OPENING NEXT CAREY BELL BLUES BAND WAIL TONIGHT and SATURDAY 9 P.M.-$2.00 SUNDAY NIGHT-ANDY COHEN-9 P.M.-$1.00 *ELUEN~ii SellI a, POT in Daily Classifieds nI igh adventure-J i'. :" -Saturday Rft.,.:.,,.f R* JEREMY SLATE -ROBERTl6u~,. GLEN CAMPBELL ETS CHARLS PORTIS. K S tA S G M o . TECHNICOLOR* A PARAMOUNT ICTOR K a.ww ,*or I Jul a s -_ . _ v _ _ ._ _. _ _.. Bob Hope andJackie Gleason request the honor of your presence at a swinging session on How To!Commit Marriage. WEEK I TUESDAY MUCH ADO ABOUFNOTHING Shakespeare WEDNESDAY HOGAN'S GOAT Alfred THURSDAY DOCTOR'S DILEMMA Shaw AIR-CONDITIONED Lydia Mendelssohn BOX OFFICE Mon. 12:30-5:00 P.M. I1 " '~A~T.__--_ PROUDLY I PRESENTS ... A MODERN MINISTRY IN MUSIC FOR THE NEW GENERATION BOB HOPE*JACKIE GIEA&ON JANE WYMAN' A nFntrAT~n [:fflP 1F YntrViNC. rl4RKOTIAK IS Cf'ANS III A UtU1C.Aitu UKVUY VF TVUNU t.MKIWIAN MUWI-IAN r i