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July 10, 1969 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-10

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speaking on
(Gottes Zeit ist die
allerbeste Zeit)"
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West of Arborland

second front page




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Thursday, July 10, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three
State board sets sex education hearings
Special To The Daily Legislature to extend to Nov. 15 Kelly, a member of the state The strongest opposition to Novak said the occurrence of When the advisory board re-
LANSING-In quiet contrast the deadline for the Department board, moved that the board the advisory report came from some diseases is reported to plied that sex education should
to a stormy session Tuesday of Education to set rules and receive the advisory report for O'Neil, who apparently had the have increased in Genessee be integrated with the entire
night, the State Board of Ed- guidelines for family planning, the purpose of public hearings, support of most of the hundreds County while the sex education curriculum, Brennan said he did
ucation yesterday continued its Previous deadline was Aug. 15. But board member James S. of concerned parents and citi- program has operated there be- not see how a parent could pre-
consideration of the controversy The board will not take final O'Neil amended this motion to zens who attended Tuesday's cause methods of detection have vent his children from being ex-
over teaching sex education in action on the report of its Ad- add the minority report submit- meeting. become more sophisticated. posed to sex education. Parents
state public schools. visory Committee on Sex Edu- ted by himself and Miss Sus- O'Neil received the biggest Miss Kelly asked if birth con- have the right to ask that their
The board ordered public cation until all the public hear- anne Talt, a member of the ad- applause of the evening and a trol would be discussed in sex children be taken from sex ed-
hearings on sex education in ings are finished. visory committee from Swartz standing ovation when he said eucation classes. Ae dvisoryco- omitesrptsaed
hear ngs on ,x Lucaisnng, G raandf nis ed. i-o yDc mmIt ee rCmewak. s aTdi g o ationdh ndh sairuc tio clhses t"e ad.soIrDet oit Lan iyg Gr nd dp - ree .vTh adnded verionthat "Dr Ira P.leydould ser eyeucat o- lass s. dvi ory'am -com m tte 's eporast te .
ids, the Flint-Saiaw area, the Dr. Ira Polley, chairman of passed five to three. tha p ra o y would ser mittee member Dr. Eleanor Sku- When the board room was
idteFitSgnwaete the board, has recommended the people of Michigan betterfloe wihspcarte
northernp art of the Lower ttheboard asoptctmended O'Neil objected strongly to if he would consider resigning sis replied that under the guide- flooded with spectators, the
Peninsula, and the UpperPen- a te oar ado e d - the advisory report. He said he from the state board." lines presented in the report, the meeting was moved to an audi-
insula. Dates and specific lo- had been told one purpose of torium in another building.
cations of the hearings in the ily planning presented in the the sex education program was Yesterday, Dr. Edwin Novak, teacher would not talk about Even so, many people were
cities may be considered at the report. He also recommended to reduce venereal disease and another member of the board, birth control. forced to stand.
next mieeting.that the part of the report illegitimate births. He quoted who is from Genessee County, Board member Thomas Bren- The crowd started shouting
nex meting nr dealing with the establishment statistics that he said showed said that O'Neil's figures were nan said he wanted some type and demanding that it be heard.
The board's action came after of a library of instructional ma- both of these problems had in- taken out of context. Novak said of sex education but was con- Polley said the purpose of Tues-
more than 600 opponents of all terials and training for techers that Erwin Davis, superinten- cerned about students whose day's session was to read the 62
sex education programs stormed in school with sex education creased in Genessee County, the dent of the Genessee County parents had requested that they page advisory report and allow
a Tuesday night session. programs be studied further. location of one of the best sex School district, had given him be withdrawn from sex educa- board members to ask questions
The board also asked the On Tuesday Marilyn Jean education programs in the state. conflicting figures. tion programs. about it.


"A New York version of
'The Graduate'! I rre-
Judith Crist, New York Magazine

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hits ABM
sponsors of a committee lobbying
for approval of the Safeguard an-
tiballistic inissile ABM system
were identified yesterday as offi-
cers or directors of companies
which hold contracts to build the
William J. Casey, chairman of
the group called the Citizens Com-
mittee for Peace with Security,
said he had sought to guard
against participation by people
with an economic stake in ABM
Casey told the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee he would be
prepared to return any contribu-
tions made to his organization by
people associated with Pentagon
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.),
the Foreign Relations Committee
chairman, reported the participa-
tion of 11 men affiliated with
ABM contractors.
"That would indicate we didn't
do a very good screening job,"
said Casey.
The disclosure came as the Sen-
ate committee heard testimony
from Casey on his nomination to
be a member of the general cd-
visory committee of the U.S. Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency.
Casey said his role as a cham-
pion of President Nixon's ADM
plans would not conflict with his
selection as a disarmament ad-
Fubright disagreed. "Here's a
man nominated to the advisory
committee on disarmament," he
said, "and he is the organizer and
promoter of a committee for the
promotion of arms of a certain
kind. It seems a rather odd coin-
The testimony centered on full-
page newspaper advertisements
published by Casey's committee,
one of them headed :
"84 per, cent of all Americans
support an ABM system."
Fulbright and other critics of
the Safeguard - missile system ar-
gued the advertisements were in-
accurate and misleading.

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service

-Associated Press
Apollo fire drill
Pad safety firemen at Cape Kennedy, Fla., rehearse their operation yesterday in careful preparation
for handling any fire which may start during the countdown of Apollo 11. The firemen faced tem-
peratures of 225 degrees farenheit to go into a mockup of the command module to rescue the crew.
In this rehearsal the rescuers have already brought out one crewman and are going back into the fire
for the other two.



A $4.35 BILLION SUPPLEMENTAL BILL containing extra
funds for the Vietnam war, federal pay raises and other items was
sent by Congress to President Nixon yesterday.
It also contains a disputed $191.9 billion spending ceiling for the
new financial year which began Tuesday ,of last week. The ceiling is
$1 billion less than Nixon asked after revisioning President Lyndon
B. Johnson's budget.
But the ceiling will change with an increase voted by Congress in
the regular money bills for the fiscal year, all of which still remain
to be cleared to the White House.
The bill also provides Nixon with leeway to spend not more than
$2 billion additional for "uncontrollable" items such as interest on
the national debt and Social Security benefits.
*' * *
SENATE PROSPECTS OF speedy action on the surtax ex-
tension dimmed, meanwhile, as President Nixon met with his eco-
nomic advisors yesterday.
The administration has said it may have to look for other avenues
to stem inflation if the surtax renewal is delayed by loading it with
tax reform proposals.
The stock market fell sharply yesterday to a new 1969 low of
861.62 points.
Brokers said an atmosphere of uncertainty had been created by
the Nixon administration's indications that wage and price controls
would be considered if the income tax surcharge isn't extended.
* * *
THE PENTAGON poured $1.2 billion into a faulty missile-
firing tank, a House armed services subcommittee charged yes-
A report by the committee said the Sheridan tank, under develop-
ment for 10 years, would not be a significant military improvement
even if it worked.
The unanimous findings parallel an earlier but still unpublished
General Accounting Office report that accuses the Army of rushing
Sheridan tanks into production before testing had been successfully
The Sheridan weapon system is a tank turret that can fire either
a conventional 152 mm anti-tank round or a Shillelagh missile from
the same barrel. It has been mounted on the mainstay M60 taik, on
the new Sheridan chassis and is planned for the Main Battle Tank
MBT70 of the 1970's.
The subcommittee also accused the Army of exaggerating the
Soviet tank threat in 1959 to justify the Sheridan.
THE APOLLO 11 COUNTDOWN is scheduled to start today at
8 p.m. aiming for a liftoff next Wednesday at 9:32 a.m.
The countdown includes 93 hours of work and an additional 40
hours 32 minutes for crew rest and solving of problems that may arise
with the 363-foot-tall Saturn 5 rocket and spacecraft combination.
The high points of the flight will be Sunday, July 20, when the
lunar module is to touch down on the moon, and on Monday, July
21 when the two astronauts walk on the lunar surface.


PLAYBOY ran ten
well-stacked pages on this film I



"A sort of 'What's New Pussycat?' brought up to
today's level! Filmed in the new style...slick
cinema...bright wit.. satiric barbs!"
-Judith Crist. N. Y. Magazine




WASHINGTON ()-The value
of mineral exploration company
stock which was owned by Interior
Secretary Walter J. Hickel and
which he has received Senates per-
mission to delay selling, has soar-
ed to a new high. Nobody seems to
be able to explain why.
On Tuesday, the stock in Alaska
Interstate Co., closed on the Am-
erican Stock Exchange at 32%, up
3 7/8 points on a volume of 39,-
300 shares traded.

FDA study reveals
poor drug labeling

Anthony Newey -Joan Collins - Miton Beede
"Can Heironynms Meddi evar forget Mercy .Oumppe and find te happiness?"'
*. Bue Forsyth " Stubhy Kaye wGeorge Jessl.eft / ®
m i ri lid li JnrCrMuM " Iip m is6io " id nd
A IE0W..sM. S'ktO ~MO *'l 00I *83 id"S

WASHINGTON VP) -- A govern-
ment-sponsored study shows two-
thirds of the medicines used by
Americans are badly labeled and a
large percentage are partly or to-
tally ineffective.
The study, by the National Aca-
demy of Sciences-National Re-
search Council, was released yes-
terday by the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration. Its conclusion result-
ed from a three-year, $1 million
study of drug efficacy.
About 4,000 drug preparations
-85 per cent of them prescrip-
tion and 15 per cent over-the-
counter - were included in the
study. The drugs were supplied by
237 firms and represent more than
50 per cent of the total sold.
The study said a majority of the
drugs varied in efficacy, includ-
ing 7 per cent it found totally in-
effective "for all cited claims."
Others were found effective for

some diseases and partly or not
at all for others for which ef-
fectiveness was claimed.
The study said two-thirds of
the drugs were found to have la-
bels that were "poorly organized,
repetitive, out of date, evasive and
promotionally oriented.
"In brief, the majority of the
inserts were found to fail b> their
primary purpose of providing the
physician and pharmacist with
authoritative and objective guides
to prescribing or dispensing the
drugs in question," the report :aid.
FDA Commissioner Herbert L.
Lay said, "The Academy's panels
have reviewed and recommended.
Now it is the FDA's responsibility
to decide what regulatory action
will be required and when."
The study covered drugs mar-
keted between 1938 and 1962 when
Congress passed a law requiring
for the first time that drugs not
only be safe but effective too.

Last month The Associated
Press disclosed that as of the be-
ginning of June, Hickel had not
begun to sell the stock. Sources
close to Hickel refused yesterday
to say how much if any of the
stock has now been sold.
The value of the stock had nev-
er previously been as high as the
closing price Tuesday, according
to Alaska President Robert Bald-
win. The volume of shares traded
Tuesday is approximately 40
times the normal volume, Baldwin
said in a telephone interview from
company headquarters in Houston.
On Tuesday, in a market that
has been bad in recent weeks for
similar stocks,, Alaska Interstate
recorded the largest price gain on
the entire American Stock Ex-
change list and was the seventh
most actively traded issue.
Both Baldwin and market anal-
ysts in New York said they were
at a loss to explain the activity
and rising price.
During his confirmation hear-
ings last January, Hickel told the
Senate Interior Committee that he
held 32,316 shares of Alaska In-
terstate. He said he would sell it
"within a reasonable time and not
later than six months after taking
The initial six-month period
ends July 21.
On June 18, the committee
granted Hickel an additional six
months to get rid of the stock.
The action came in response to a
request from Vernon Hickel, the
secretary's brother and financial
adviser, and president of the Hick-
el Investment Co. of Anchorage.
Asked how much of the stock'
had been sold before it was turn-
ed over to the broker, Vernon
Hickel replied: "None of it."
Reached by telephone in An-
chorage yesterday, Vernon Hickel
refused to discuss the stock mat-
In mid-June,.Vernon Hickel told
AP that the stock was turned over
to a broker at the beginning of

Af"N r


Lul pu lout I
FT. LEWIS, Wash. (M)-Most of the soldiers
withdrawn from Vietnam Tuesday were near
completion of their one-year tours and were
transferred into the unit for withdrawal, a
check of Army records showed yesterday.
The records showed that 138 of the 778 men
who arrived at McChord Air Force Base Tuesday
actually had fought under the banner of the
Army's 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infan-
try Division.



that month with instructions to
sell "at an opportune time."
Asked how much, if any, of the
stock had been disposed of, he
said: "I'd rather not say. I don't
think that's a public matter."
The heavy activity in Alaska
Interstate stock began on June 19,
one day after Secretary Hickel re-
ceived permission to delay selling
his shares.

_1 £

Today 7, 9-Fri 7911

The rest were men from other outfits who had
almost completed their tours of duty in Vietnam
and were transferred into the unit for with-
Soon after President Nixon announced the
withdrawal of 25,000 American troops from
Vietnam, the Pentagon explained there would be
a reshuffling of soldiers in and out of the re-
turning Army units. Soldiers with little time left
to serve in Vietnam would be withdrawn and
soldiers with a longer time of their normal tour
of one year would stay, the Pentagon said,
More than 700 of Tuesday's returnees had
served 11 months or more in Vietnam.
"The important thing is that this is symbolic
of something-that we are cutting back," said
Spec. 5 Laboy Jones, Washington, D.C. "Most of
us were due back anyway, but what's significant
is that we won't be replaced."
The Army first said 814 men would come
back in this first wave of troops ordered out of

nanipu fated*
Vietnam by President Nixon in an attempt to
transfer more responsibility for the war to
South Vietnamese soldiers.
Of the returning men, 658 will be reassigned
after home leave to stations in the United States,
and 130 will be discharged as scheduled.
Yesterday, the returned troops went through
routine processing at this Army post alongside
soldiers being readied for flights to Vietnam. '
The combat veterans underwent physical ex-
aminers, drew pay and waded through normal
red tape attending discharge or reassignment.
They also drilled for a mile-long parade through
Seattle today.
The officer who led them home has to go right
back to Vietnam. "I'll have about 3/2 days to
rest," said Lt. Col. Peter B. Petersen, who will
return Saturday for reassignment with his divi-
sion in the Mekong Delta.
Petersen, 36, said he wouldn't even have time
for a visit with his wife and three sons in Ar-
lington, Va.
Big C141 Starlifter transport planes thundered
into McChord near Ft. Lewis for seven hours
Tuesday. Other units will be streaming through
that air base and this Army post in coming
weeks. The 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry is ex-
pected early next week.
President Nixon, meanwhile, ordered the with-
drawal yesterday of nearly 15,000 American
troops from overseas bases in the next year.
None have been recalled from Vietnam, however.

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