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July 10, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-10

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See Editorial Page



A little sun,
maybe some rai

Vol. LXXIX, No. 40-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 10, 1969 Ten Cents
arvey vs. arris: Calm before the st
By DANIEL ZWERDLING the last election - takes root in the outer specter of a major confrontation between vately, has got to go. The problem is, the move the sheriff from office. The first think he's doi
Daily News Analysis county and in Ann Arbor's working class students and police. Frenzied negotiations city has little or no power to oust him. tactic would require extraordinary evi- people (Harvi
Law enforcement disputes between Coun- muscle. last week, however, apparently restored Legally, Harvey's jurisdiction spreads dence that Harvey has violated state sta- Harris me
ty Sheriff Douglas Harvey and M a y r -Harris, on the other hand, rode into of- temporary cooperation between the city throughout Ann Arbor and the county. "I tutes, committed gross misconduct, or been losing supp'or
Robert Harris may have cooled down this fice on the support of students and middle and county-and Sunday's peoples' picnic am the chief law officer in Washtenaw habitually drunk-charges his opponents on the law ax
week, but sources in City Hall say privately class liberals, who champion his lawyer's proceeded without violence, County," he says rightly, "and I can en- have tried to investigate but never proven. have started
the two offinialsappear destined for a ma- approach to governmental reform and "re- Tonight City Council is meeting to de- force state laws wherever they are being And a recall movement (such as one Significant
- r confrontation. sponsiveness to the people." termine whether future rock'concerts can broken." now underway, called RECALL) would tro his own
Harris and Harvey cannot likely coexist The conflict first flared publicly when be permitted-Harveys threats to enforce probably fail and make Harvey look better attacked hisa
than the future pattern of government and Harris cautiously criticized Harvey's role the law at any future rock concerts will laws coincide-which is common for most than eversimply because his popularity Park onughthe
law enforcement in the county and the in June's street disturbances -- and Har. be on their minds, crimes-the sheriff's department and po- ighty er cn onahtnw.on Assocgiatn
city vey flatly told him to stop "butting" in And supporters of the concerts-who are lice both have the same jurisdiction under ty probably stands with Harvey," estimates istration for'
A microcosm of current national political sheriff's business, against Harvey completely-will not be separate commands. Cyuncilan and M arvro emeo of Ann ro
struggles, the sheriff's and mayor's battle But the dispute really threatened to ex- likely to simply accept outright cancel- The only way the city could stop Har- Cappaert (D-Fifth Ward), whose phone toward law er
pits martial "law and order" against pro- , plode after a West Park rock concert, when lation of further concerts. vey would be through an injunction in the rings six times a day with pro-Harvey. The statem
gressive.government for "social justice." Harvey charged "local politicians". - So the seed of another confrontation circuit court, trying to prove in advance anti-Harvey calls.dyor-H yhSund
Harvey's po tics thrive on a constant meaning Harris - had prevented police- can grow in any student demonstration, that his intervention would cause trouble. "Constituents call and all they talk juana smoki
war against student disrupters and "hip- men f r o m "enforcing the law" despite any march, any sit-in, any student action It's a move some would like to see, but about is law and order. Particularly order, can flag, n
pies" - whom he discounts as "dope widespread "criminal activities." which breaks the calm and angers police agree is unfeasible. which they want at any cost," he says. squarely on V
heads," and "faggo." Harvey threatened to move his deputies -or at least Harvey. Otherwise, only direct action by the "Harvey may shoot off his mouth," said ministration.
His strength - which cultivated votes in in to any future concerts, raising the The Sheriff, admit city officials pri- Governor or a recall election could re- one constituent, recalls Cappaert. "But I Se

Six Pages
ing right. He should get those
ey's 'hippie weirdos') out."
anwhile, has been steadily
t because of his "soft" stand
ad order issue. (Some citizens
a recall petition to oust him.),
ly, Harris cannot even con-
police force, which publicly
administration after the West
ersy. In a statement released
Ann Arbor Police Officers'
he force blamed the admin-
"fostering crime in the streets
" by its "hands-off" attitude
Lent added that "responsibility
y afternoon sessions of mari-
g, desecration of the Ameri-
udity, etc., must be placed
he shoulders of the City Ad-
e HARVEY, Page 2

Accused coed

y 25,


trial Jul




Ernest R. Bishop, accused
murderer of Margaret Ann
Phillips, will face first degree
murder charges before Circuit
Judge William F. Ager Jr. on
July 25.
Bishop was bound over to Cir-
cuit Court by District Judge S. J.
Elden following a preliminary ex-
amination yesterday. The exam-
ination was a judicial inquiry to
determine if a crime was com-
mitted, and if there is probable
reason to believe the defendant
committed that crime.
Major testimony came from
Clifford R. Shewcraft, an acquain-
tance of Bishop,. who first told
police he saw the murder suspect
throw a gun into the Huron River,
from U.S. 23.
Shewcraft said that Bishop had'
bought a .22 caliber gun in Lan-
sing but he did not know when
or where. However, he said, Bishop
bought bullets at K Mart Store
the morning before the murder,
while Shewcraft signed a voucher
for them.
The gun remained in Shew-
craft's car or in his possession un-
til about 11 p.m. July 4, he said.
Press Shewcraft claimed he was driving
res around Ann Arbor looking for
Bishop and found him on Wil-
liams St. near State. Bishop asked
for the gun, said Shewcraft, and
said he was going to collect some
I money from a man he did not




-Associated Press
ECOnOmiCS summit,
President Nixon meets with top economic advisors to discuss alternatives to the surtax extension,
in the event Congress rejects it. Chances for passage dimmed yesterday as the measure was loaded
with tax reform amendments. From left in the picture are aide Arthur Burns, Budget Director Rob-
ert Mayo, Chairman William McC. Martin of the Federal Reserve Board, Chairman Paul McCracken
of the Council of Economic Advisers, and . Treasury Secretary David Kennedy. See Page 3.~


Police search for the missing gun
NiXOn'S voting bil


school .,suHits

may talli ursi test
WASHINGTON (M--President Nixon's proposal to junk,
the 1965 Voting Rights Act in favor of his own broader meas-
ure appears doomed to fail its first congressional test.
A solid bipartisan majority of a 13-member House judic-
iary subcommittee was lined up against the President's bill
in advance of today's vote, indicating the panel would ap-
i ddprove extending the 1965 act which is favored by civil rights
The outlook for the administration's proposal, which
would expand voter protection to all 50 states rather than the
seven southern states covered by the current law, is not much'
better in the full Judiciary Committee which will take up
the legislation next Tuesday.
The 1965 law was designed to increase black registration
and voting in the South. Since ,,.------ ----- -
its enactment 800,000 blacks:
have been registered and
scores have been elected to,
local offices.
The:chief provisions in the law
are a ban on literacy tests in the~ Faculti
seven states and a requirement
that they get court approval be- By NADINE
fore putting any changes in elec- A
tion procedures into effect. Although Sheriff Harvey, Ann
Nixon has proposed extending concerts have become prime-cente
the ban on literacy tests to all fessors have not forgotten the Vietn
states and eliminating the re- F
quirement for prior approval of Four faculty members-psych
election changes. Under his bill ography professor Rhodes Murp
the attorney general would be Warner and Ernest Young-sent
authorized to bring court action faculty inviting them to particip
to block a change he found dis- July 16 to plan anti-war projects:
criminatory. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m
GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford (R- Rackham,
Mich), looking for cosponsors ofe "Inorder to preserve our soci
the administration bill among the Y,,__1- ---AA"ninfrw

Shewcraft testified he returned
home by 11:30, where Bishop
came some time later.
He testified that Bishop "looked.
scared" and seemed as if he had
been crying. Bishop asked him to
go for a ride with him, said Shew-
Shewcraft claimed that while
they were driving on U.S. 23, ish-
op said to him, "This guy (not
referringto himself)shot a girl
three times and I saw the last
bullet go through her head."
As the car neared a bridge over
the Huron River, Bishop asked
Shewcraft to stop the car, he said.
According to Shewcraft's testi-
mony yesterday, Bishop got out of
the car and threw the gun into the
Later, when they returned to1
his apartment, Shewcraft said,
Bishop identified the man he
See BISHOP, Page 2

against Chicago,
WASHINGTON MP-The Nixon education Jack P. Nix, demanded
administration continuing a rapid- "complete disestablishment" of
fire campaign to counter criticism dual schools for white and blacks
of its civil rghts records, threaten- in the state's 194 districts.
ed the state of Georgia and the If Georgia does not act in 15
city of Chicago with law suits yes- days and the issue is taken to
terday unless they move to end court, the suit would mark the
public school segregation. first government attack on segre-
Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leonard, gated schools on a statewide basis.
who issued both warnings, said Leonard said such a wide-rang-
there-will be additional desegrega- ing suit is fully justified because
tion suits filed in the next few of "broad authority" exercised by
days. the Georgia Board of Education
over "rules, regulations, policies
It was the third day in a row and standards" of the entire state
that the Justice Department has system.
acted to force desegregation of In Atlanta, Nix said local school
schools in the North as well as the boards are separate constitutional
South-the 10th and 11th moves bodies and "I don't think the state
by the government in that short can set policy if desegregation
time. means reorganization of schools.
The Georgia warning, contained The state board doesn't have that
in a letter to superintendent of authority."

GeOrgi a

v'plan new. Viet protests


rn Arbor streets and Sunday rock
ers of action here, University pro-
lam war.
ology professor Richard Mann, ge-
hey, and history professors Sam
letters Monday to more than 40
ate in an organizational meeting
for the fall.
n. in the west conference room at
ety this academic community must

"We cannot finance black fellowships, we cannot undertake new
urban research and training programs," their letter states. "Foreign
study programs are closed, the library expansion halted, and the
ecological sciences are neglected for defense work."
Another destructive element of the war is that "students struggle
against the shadow of the draft." The professors claim. "Everywhere,
in Washington, Lansing, and Ann Arbor, anger and frustration breed
reckless attacks oi the university.
No formal proposals for action will be presented at next Wednes-
day's meeting, but Mann says faculty members will try to decide
what courses of action might be taken. Some suggestions include a
one day faculty-student strike in the fall; an information campaign,
perhaps similar to the 1965 teach-in; and a protest visit to Wash-


James S. Peters of Manchester,
Ga., chairman of the state school
board agreed with Nix.
Both Nix and Peters said they
will follow the advice of Georgia
Atty. Gen. Arthur Bolton, who
said he expects the board to de-
clare it has no authority to distatej
to local boards and that the mat-
ter will then go to the courts.
Gov. Lester Maddox called the
move "just another step to stamp
out local control over education
and put people at the mercy of
federal whims."
In Chicago, the Justice Depart-
ment demanded ina letter to
School Board President Frank M.
Whiston complete faculty integra-
tion, contending teacher assign-
ment policies deny equal educa-
tional opportunities to black
Leonard said the department
had reached such conclusions af-
ter an extensive examination that
showed over a third of the city's
578 schools had either all white
or all black faculties.
The largest school desegregation
suit filed thus far is aimed at
alleged segregation in the Hous-
ton, Texas, school system. The
Chicago system, third in size be-
hind New York City and Los An-
geles, has 580,000 students, 53
per cent of whom are black. It
has 22,000 teachers.
In Chicago, Warren Bacon, a
black member of the school board
who opposes Whiston, welcomed
what he called "this belated ac-
tion on the part of the federal

f {

Student Government Council passed unanimously last
night a motion which demands that advisory committees in
the Office of Student Affairs assume policy-making powers.
The move-which SGC President Marty McLaughlin calls
a "direct challenge to President Fleming"-stipulates that
SGC appointees will refuse to participate on any committees
which do not conform to the demands by July 15.
Under the SGC motion, the OSA committees must:
-Consist of at least two thirds student membership;
-Make decisions which "the administrator is to recog-
nize ... as official policy of his office."
In addition, all the members of
the overall OSA policy board must
be students, according to the de- AS
SGC has requested all depart-
ment heads in the. OSA to report
where they stand on the issue.
Several have indicated they sup-
port its demands, McLaughlin
says, but SGC expects most to
side with Fleming. iaeiip lln
The resolution's tactics, say
SGC leaders, are designed to de-
stroy any legitimacy of the com- By LAURIE HARRIS
mittees by depriving them of Gaut sebymm
r reNE.Graduate Assembly mew-
student representation. As a re-bes icsdth roe f
sult, they hope, the administra- bers discussed the role of
tion will be forced to grapple policy making boards last
publicly with the issue and pro-' night at an informal meeting.
yoke student support of the SGC Ms tdnsprsn upre
dmas.'' """t' '"C Most students present supported
Fleming declared recently that Student Government Council's
giving advisory boards mandate proposal to make advisory boards
powers is "impossible." In a letter into policy boards, However, no
to Vice President for Student Af- action was taken on f1et issue be-
fairs Barbara Newell, Fleming cause the assembly fell two short
wrote "from the standpoint of the of a quorum.
Administration, chaos would re- Norm Wilson, president of GA.
sult from a concept that various felt that SGC could operate as a
and sundry advisory committees, legislative wing In areas relating
of which there are many, can to the student.
mandate the administrators with Ideally, he said, the administra-
whom they work." tors in the student service area
"Such committees can be, and should be subject to student ref-
are, an important influence on the erendum or recall by SGC. How-
ultimate decision . . . But they ever, Wilson explained, under the
cannot mandate it," wrote Flem- new by-laws presently under con-
ing, sideration, SGC does not have the
Fleming's letter came in re- power of recall.
sponse to a specific issue raised Wilson also explained that if
last month after the OSA policy policy boards were established as
board criticized Housing Director subcommittees of SGC, appointive
John Feldkamp for not following problems could be avoided.
a recommendation of his Student Richard Munt, a representative
Advisory Committee on Housing. to the . assembly from areospace
SGC is currently considering a engineering, fell into the minor-
separate motion which would de- ity, backing advisory committees.
mnand policy-making powers on He felt that students should be
all advisory committees not in the heard by a policy making body.
OSA-including the powerful Cur- However, he said administrators
riculum and Academic Affairs should listen and respect what the
committees. dioybad sy
Discussion of the proposal has advun also paed that if ad-
been postponed until fall, since visory suggestions were turned
SGC members feelit is too im- down or reversed, the administra-
portant to handle during the tors should be willing to explain
summer," according to Executive.teratonI ul
Vice President Mark Van Der their action in full.
Hout. ~.Executive Vice-President of GA
_wu. William Price was in favor of
policy boards with one major res-
e ervation. He felt the boards should
E viction Ihave a representation of students
varying in proportion to what
they are advising.
Price also stated that SGC's
motion to withdraw from all ad-
Rent strike trials will resume visory committees if they do not
M'onday when District Judge gain - policy-making status would
__ 1__-- - - - .nnlu' we'aken ,the tchanc'esof tet

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