The Laghing Man A film of white mercenary troops in the Congo ADMISSION: 50c Wednesday, July 9 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 P.M. 330 Maynard second front page im4c tci igttn atly NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 A.L7SINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, July 8, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Congressional conflicts stymie campus legislation I PLAYBOY ran ten well-stacked pages on this film! WASHINGTON (A) - Con- gress, which has criticized col- leges for failing to deal with stu- dent uprisings, is having a hard time itself coming to grips with the problem. Dozens of bills have been in- troduced, scores of speeches made and committees have spent weeks studying the situa- tion but Congress is still not sure what, if anything, it should do. The problem is much the same as on m a n y campuses: Sharply conflicting views as to what might be a proper course of action canceling each other out , and producing confusion and indecision. Some tactics used by student agitators have also appeared in the halls of Congress. A boycott by members opposed to legisla- tion effectively shut down the House Education and Labor Committee when a majority ap- peared ready to approve a bill. The committee, which has prime responsibility for guiding Congress in this area, has borne the brunt of the battle and its failure to reach any k i n d of agreement illustrates the con- flicting forces working on Con- gress. It began looking into the problem in the early spring when disorders bloomed on cam- puses across the land. T h e pressure for committee action mounted as the flow of mail denouncing t h e campus rioters increased in congression- al offices. And members re- sponded by introducing bills that would deal harshly with the colleges a n d students in- volved. It was an effort to head off such stringent legislation that Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore.), chairman of the subcommittee w i t h direct authority to act, tried to find a solution. But she g o t no encourage- ment from a parade of college officials and other educators who said it was their problem and the cause of academic free- dom required Congress to stay out of it. She also received no encour- agement from the administra- tion, which sent Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Robert H. Finch and Commis- sioner of Education James E. Allen to express firm opposi- tion to the kind of legislative remedy she was seeking. In the end she was without the support of her own subcom- mittee and transferred the fight to the full committee, where a coalition of Republi- cans and senior Democrats pro- duced a shaky majority for a bill that would require colleges to establish rules of conducts for students and faculty and file them with the government. Failure to do so would result in a loss of federal education funds. It was the meeting at which this bill was expected to be ap- proved that the opponents boy- cotted, leaving the committee one short of a quorum and thus unable to act. During the time gained, college presidents in- creased their lobbying against the bill and so did the adminis- tration. The majority crumbled. Also helping shift the balance was the experience of 22 Repub- licans who made an unpubli- cized trip to colleges throughout the country. They came back to tell President Nixon they were convinced student unrest w a s far more widespread than gen- erally believed and the kind of action the committee was con- templating would m a k e it worse. Mrs. Green then agreed to a bill that would require colleges only to draw up rules but not to file them and again it appeared it might squeak through, But two Republican members who had participated in the GOP campus visits - joined the opposition and killed it, and by an 18-17 vote the whole matter was sent back to Mrs. Green's subcommittee for burial. While the Education and La- bor committee wrestled with legislation on the subject, the House Internal Security com- mittee launched an investigation of the riots themselves and the Senate permanent investigat- ing Subcommittee started look- ing into both militant campus organizations and the colleges. Mrs. Green and her support- ers still insist the mood of the nation demands action by Con- gress and that repressive legis- lation is now likely to appear in the form of riders attached to other bills. Several members w h o have separately introduced bills more repressive than the one the House committee rejected are now working together to see if they can agree on just such a rider. _______________________________-_____1 the news today by The Associated Press and Collge Press Service Thant may pull UN observers HELD OVER Features-7 :00, 9:00 FIFTH FORUM 761-9100 "It's t whimsical, satirical, bawdy, , and very funny! Shows originality through-' out and a zest for being en- tertaining !" -Cue I MIHIA '69 REPERTORY MUCH ADO{ HOGAN'S GOAT DOCTOR'S DILEMMA DUCHESS OF MALFI ESINGLE SALES NOW AVAILABLE x .a r . Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office Open 12:30-5:00 P.M. Monday-Friday CSEIEST THE KREMLIN announced yesterday it is sending a Soviet naval squadron to Cuba for a "friendly visit." Western diplomats expressed belief the action was a display of displeasure at President Nixon's scheduled visit to Romania in Au- gust. The Soviet squadron will consist of a rocket-armed cruiser, two destroyers, two submarines, a tender and a tanker, and will remain in Havana from July 20-27. Economic and military aid has been sent to Cuba previously in freighters, but the Kremlin has avoided sending military warships. The feeling in Moscow seems to be that Soviet leaders have no in- tention of provoking a serious international crisis but simply want to emphasize the point that each of the powers should stay out of the other's area. * * * THE FIRST U.S. TROOPS scheduled to withdraw from Viet- nam by the end of August pulled out of the area yesterday. 814 of the 25,000 Americans who will leave, headed for home; while Viet Cong sappers-specially trained demolition teams-stormed a U.S. military headquarters northeast of Saigon. Six Americans were killed and 18 others were wounded. The U.S. command declared it was only an "isolated attack" and said it suggested no change in a lull that has lasted about three weeks. * . * ITALY'S SMALL REPUBLICAN PARTY, one of the three partners of Premier Mariano Rumor's outgoing government, ruled itself out of any future center-left formula yesterday. The decision by the junior member in the alliance with the So- cialists and Rumor's Christian Democrats brought an end to the hope that the center-left could be reconstituted in its original form. The Republicans said the breakup of the Socialist party and Ru- mor's resignation over the weekend proved "the necessary conditions for a center-left government to no longer exist." The two new socialist groups, divided on the issue of communist' relations, already have hinted that they would not serve the same government. CH4RLES EVERS, brother of the late civil rights worker Medgar Evers, was sworn in today as the first black mayor in modern times of a Mississippi biracial town. Evers returned to Fayette, Miss. from Chicago in 1963 shortly after his brother's slaying to carry on civil rights work. r After he was sworn into office by a black justice of the peace, Evers thanked the hundreds of onlookers. "The most important are those who have walked with me and gone to jail with me," he said. -Associated Press Evers- sworn in from Suez,,zone By The Associated Press Secretary-General U Thant declared yesterday t h a t "open warfare has been resumed" along the Suez Canal cease- fire line and warned that he might have to withdraw the UN military observers from the area. Thant said the staff of 96 observers "cannot be expected to serve as what amounts to defenseless targets in a shooting gallery." ' In a special report to the council, Thant said increased firing on the observers, "their posts, shelters and equipment, further demonstrates the degree of disregard which now pre- vails for the Security Council cease-fire in the canal sector." "It is certainly true to say," Thant added, "that since June 1967 the level of violence- -- in the Middle East has never p 1 been higher than it is at pres- .fSu its Iiie ent." In the Middle East yesterday two patrolling Israeli jets ran into four Egyptian MIG 21s over the inl rai al, Sinai Desert and downed two of them in a dog-fight, Israel claim- ed. i Israeli spokesmen said the bat- tle with the Soviet-built MIGs oc- curred south of Sharm El-Sheikh and both lIsraeli planes returned WASHINGTON P) -- T-h e safely. Nixon administration filed deseg- The Israelis now claim t h e y regation suits in the North and have downed 27 Soviet-built Egy- the South yesterday, carrying out ptian aircraft since the 1967 war promises made last week when it including 17 MIG 21s, Egypt's top eased rigid timetables for com- fighter plane. plete school integration. The air battle followed scattered In the first of several scheduled artillery firing across the 103-mile actions, the government attacked long canal Sunday night and a freedom-of-choice plan that it Monday. An Israeli lieutenant was said had failed to eliminate racial killed and two soldiers wounded segregation in the school system of. in the firing, an Israeli spokes- 13arnwell County, S.C.- man said. A few hours later, it sought in In Tel Aviv,/ Defense Minister another suit to end racially seg- Moshe Dayan declared Israel must regated teacher assignments in prepare itself for "partial war" Madison County, Ill,, the first with the Arabs along the cease- school district outside the South fire lines. He made the comment to become a. target of a Nixon after spending three days at the administration lawsuit. canal talking to soldiers and as- sessing Egyptian fire. Three actions in the North At a meeting of supporters of and two in the West were insti- n~pnPMiie, M P l An _ tuted by the Johnson administra- CHARLES EVERS, brother of the late civil rights avorker Medgar Evers, is sworn in as the first black mayor in a southern biracial town in modern times. Holding the Bible for her husbandpis Mrs. Evers. CITE 5 CHARGES: i" Local group starts Harvey, recall drive 11 N ow , .... DIAL 8-6416 NNL "LET IT SUFFICE TO SAY THAT L-IS A MASTERPIECE.". , O "'THE MOST INTERESTING FILM SO FAR THIS YEAR"!. -VOGUE A group of Ann Arbor citizens will begin a drive to force the recall of Washtenaw C o u n t y Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey at 8:30 tonight at RECALL Headquart- ers, 203 E. Ann St. Composed of citizens from the academic;, professional and labor communities of Ann Arbor, the group is "concerned with the fact that Sheriff Harvey and the pol- ice should be responsible to all people in the community." Based on five charges, RECALL will attempt to secure the requir- ed 15,000 signatures necessary to hold a recall election. The five charges are: 1) "Sheriff Harvey has ap- pointed deputies to his depart- ment who have been forced to resign from the Ann Arbor Po- lice Department. 2) "The Sheriff and his depu- ties have been racist, insensitive,' harsh and harassing in their deal- ings with Washtenaw County cit- izens. 3) "Sheriff Harvey has at- tempted to thwart his deputies' attempts to bargain collective- ly, thereby demonstrating h is anti-labor attitude. 4) "Sheriff Harvey has demon- strated his contempt for t h e democratic process and his un- responsiveness to his electorate by refusing to cooperate with the Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors, the County Judiciary and the State Prison Board. ' 5. "Sheriff Harvey has demon- strated his incompetency and in- ability to cooperate with other po- lice agencies during the investiga- tion of recent murders in this area." I "IF YOU'RE YOUNG, YOU'LL REALLY DIG -.cosoeourwo J ..,.wich side Mi y6 be on? I RADICAL CAUCUS General Meeting TONIGHT 8:00 Rm. 3529, S.A.B. I ueiense vinlser 1vosn e Dayan - called to consider whether t h e Rafi group of t h e party should break away and form a new par- ty - Prime Minister Golda Meir said a split now would be "a dis- aster for the nation" at a time1 when Israel "is again faced bya difficult security problems." Mrs. Meir later walked out of the meeting.] Thant told UN officials yester- day that UN personnel and instal-1 Ilations were fired on 21 times by Egyptian forces and five times by Israeli forces during June. "It is unreasonable to ask men, however well trained, disciplined and courageous they may be to continue their duties under t h e physical and mental recurrent in- cidents of firing upon them," he said. In May 1967, just before the outbreak of the war, Thant with- drew the UN Emergency Force from Egyptian territory and Gaza at the request of the Cairo gov- ernment. The UN force had served as a buffer between Israel and Egyptf since 1956.4 The UN force along the canal has been acting only in an ob- server capacity now, however. tion. The two actions raised to o n 1 y eight the, number of school de- segregation 'suits filed so far by the new administration in its first six months. Under President Lyndon B. Johnson, 125 suits were filed last year. Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, in laying down new procedures last week for public school desegre- gation, promised increasing legal action to speed the process. But the new procedures, which included abolition of th' Septem- ber deadline for complete inte- gration, brought a round of crit- icism from congressional liber- als and civil rights leaders. The South Carolina suit seeks a court order to force Barnwell Dis- trict 45 to take "prompt affirm- ative steps to eliminate racial identities of schools" in regard to pupils, faculties, transportation and new construction. In line with the new policies, the government moved also to re- quire the district to seek technical assistance from the Department of Health, Education and Wel- fare in drawing up a suitable de- segregation proposal. LAST TWO BIG DAYS . . . SHOWS AT: 1:05-3:40 6:15-8:55 I I I I A GIANTTO0FA"I OVIE FEATURE oNL COATOTIMES N THATRE~ VILL E:30 MAPLE RD. -7694300 7:00 THURSDAY le':?%;. "G TIM ES 7:00 9:30 y, C OLI+1t BI A' P'ICTURES PRESENTS I WANT A DATE? Consider the Advantages of Computo-Date!. Throughout America respectable unattached people ponder over the problem of how to meet suitable people of the op- posite sex. Match-making efforts of well meaning relatives, friends and business associates often prove to be embarrass- ing or unsatisfactory. For many single men and women the idea of finding companionship in bars, at dances, at the, beach or other public places is highly distasteful . . . Indeed such a meeting is hardly the ideal foundation for a mean- .- _ , -I 4 - - , 0 TA T E - Iz.ulu ?J.UU O.Vv I I I I 11 II 11 .I ~.~ m. .A m.A ~ w~4~m I I I ina ;.. im hn rfamis tnlaea I nndl stave to nIona.