: £a-B- Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. .. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING . Cutting the strings on the budget bill EGISLATIVE action last week on the higher education appropriations bill can evoke at best only mixed reaction from the University community. Indeed, the bill passed by the State douse of Representatives would provide enough funds for the University to avoid an increase in tuition this year. But at the same time, amendments tacked onto the bill can only be charac- terized as foolish and, in some cases, clearly unconstitutional. The state constitution gives the Re- gents (as well as the governing boards of Michigan State and Wayne State) "gen- eral supervision of its institution and control and direction of all expenditures from the institution's funds." UT DESPITE this constitutional pro- vision, three of the amendments passed by the House last week would have a direct, coercive influence on the Re gents in their handling of the financial operations of the University. The most widely publicized of these is tde amendment which would have the effect of barring therRegents (as well as tl~e governing boards of "other state- supported schools) from instituting an increase in tuitior On its face, thi amendment appears. to be one which most students would readily endorse. And indeed, with a state ppro- priation at the level which the House ap- proved, University officials say no tuition increase would be needed'- The principle underlying such legisla- tion is, however, dangerous in applica- tion, and simplistic in approach. Accompanied *by a lower appropria- tion - a distinct possibility even this year because the Senate bill passed in May would give the University $4 million less than the House bill - the tuition- limitation could compel cutbacks in edu- cational programs which would seriously undermine the quality of University edu- cation.' IN FACT,.another of the House amend- ments would direct the Regents to cut back programs if current sources of reve- nue prove inadequate to meet the present levekof expe ditures the Ki's xren RICHARD NIXON recently appointed William J. Casey to a high-ranking position in the Arms Control and Dis- armament Agecy, the same man who conducted a nation-wide poll for ABM and who subsequently claimed that 84 per cent of the nation supported it. Six former Presidents of the American As- sociation for Public Opinion Research thought his methodology "damaging" to the reputation of the profession. -DREW BOGEMA . And a third amendment even casts doubt upon the sincerity of the House in requesting additional funds for the Uni- versity. Under this provision, such com- ponents of the University's budget as un- restricted alumni contributions would be negated by corresponding cuts in the state appropriation. This provision could seriously undercut the effects of an in- creased state appropriation.. The direct threat implicit in ' the amendments to the quality of University education is bad enough. What is worse is the concept, inherent in the amend- ments, that the Legislature - not the Regents - should have control of Uni- versity finances. THE RIGHT to limit the gross amount of the state appropriation to the Uni- versity already gives the Legislature con- siderable power in affecting the course higher education will take at the Univer- sity. And given the political nature of the Legislature vis-a-vis the University, administration - and even the Regents - this power is already too great. The specter of political manipulation by the Legislature tends, even, now, to influence an all too wide range of Uni- versity decisions - everything from the performance of plays with nudity to the granting of tenure to a controversial as- sistant professor. Decisions at an institution of higher education should be based on their aca- demic merit, not upon political expe- diency. The threat of increased legisla- tive influence in University decision- making is a sad omen indeed for those who seek an institution dedicated to lib- eral education and an atmosphere of free and open academhic inquiry. A FOURTH amendment- to the higher education appropriations bill under- lines the unfortunate determination and even paranoia of the Legislature in its quest for greaterf influence in the Uni- versity. Under the amendment, all state ap- propriations to the University would be immediately suspended if ,the University challenged in the courts the constitu- tionality of one or all the provisions in, the appropriations bill. Hopefully, the absurdity of at least this last amendment will be exposed when Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley rules on the legality of provisions added to the bill by the House. But the attorney general's office is al- ready defending the Legislature in a suit brought by the University, WSU and MSU concerning provisions in 'former appro- priations laws which are similar to the limitation on tuition and other financial restrictions. It is, therefore, unlikely that Kelley will rule those restrictions uncon- stitutional. .HOWARD KOHN To the firmament NOW WHEN the earth was still alive, there came a ruler out of the west with great herds of sheep and asses. And he was called America, the son of General Electric, the prince of the Pentagon. And America gathered unto him wise men and generals who had nerves of steel and steeds of nerve gas. And he made them his man- servants to carry his teachings into every land. AND THEY went and slew false prophets and pulled down idols and scattered the heathen across the face of the earth - which was then barren and desolate and without form from the great winds of pollution. ButAmerica showed mercy in his anger and brought heathen cap- tives to his land and gave them refuge. And the heathen captives came with the sheep and the asses to give thanks to America, who had saved them. AND AMERICA was pleased and he bade the generals to dream great dreams. And so it came to pass that America called together all his people, his sheep and asses, and his heathen captives, and he spake upto them. Behold me, I have done great deeds. I have cured men of living and built national cemeteries.. I have taken alms from beggars and built holy fortresses. I have stilled the songs of birds in the valley and slain the bear where he sleeps in his lair. I have destroyed mountains and turned rivers into sewers. I have slain thousands upon thousands of my enemies and brought peace to this land. Now this I promise ye - who are of so little faith that ye tremble in my shadow - I shall fill the heavens with my armament and the moon shall be my armor-bearer. AND THEY marvelled at his words, for he'spake things of won- derment: And they returned to their homes and were glad. But America kept all these things in his head. And he sent his tax collectors among his people and they gathered in tithes and offerings of gold and silver. And he sent his laborers into the mountains to hew round stones out of the rock. And he commanded them to build a staircase of steps leading to the sky and to adorn each step with precious stones, AND THEY gathered in great crowds to watch America ascend the staircase with his chariot. Now the chariot was drawn by three golden stallions and driven by three white horsemen. One was from the tribe of Army and had slain a hundred enemies in one day, and one was from the, tribe of Air Force and had burned five cities in one day, and one was from the tribe Fof Navy and had lost two ships and a submarine in one day. And America was exceedingly joyful and shouted to his people, Lo, I am more majestic than any ruler and stronger than any god. AND GOD looked down from the heavens and saw the people bow- ing and kneeling and worshiping America. ' And he saw America ride his chariot through the firmament. And he spake softly, Fool thou art, and fool thou shalt always be. *te I Photograph taken from Apollo 10 w l LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Cooperating on, housing To the Editor: AS YOU MAY or may not know, Northwood - Terrace Association (N/TA) has been negotiating with the Housing Office for the past few months in order to determine the Northwood's a n d University Terrace r e n t structure for the 1969-70 year. On the negotiating committee were two N/TA repre- 4 r f t s L aJAMI E S W E C S e J d e ad. DAY AFTER day for too many recent years the newspapers of the land have carried a small notation such as the one that be- gan this way in the New York Post the other day. WASHINGTON UP) - The Defense Dept. has released the namesaof116 servicemen killed in action in Vietnam. There usually ensues a list of those who came from the area in which the paper is published. In- termittently there are feature stories describing the grief of the individual families, and special remembrances. But usually there is only a single line of type, with- out elaboration; the names are of youth who will forever remain faceless and forgotten except to relatives and friends. Now, in an extraordinary jour- nalistic exercise, Life magazine has imparted a dramatic new di- mension to these bleak rosters. Its current issue devotes 12 pages to portraits of the 242 Americans' who perished in Vietnam during the week of May 28 through June 3. As Life observes, "the numbers of the dead are average for any seven-day period during this stage of the war."I No document that has been pub- fished on this conflict is likely to have as much impact as this gallery, assembled in the fashion of a college year-book, but with the somber reminder that, for all of those whose countenances ap- pear, time has cruelly and pre- maturely run out in the Vietnam wasteland. perly avoids any labored editorial manifesto and specifically d is- claims any intention "to speak for the dead" in any doctrinaire terms. In muted accompanying mater- ial - based on interviews with the families of the victims and examination of letters from t h e front - it documents the diver- sity of view among those who were slain, ranging from those who deeply believed in the U.S. effort. to those who were "desperate to come home." There were those who had re- enlisted and those like the one who, in the words of an aunt who had raised him, felt "it was a ter- rible thought going into the Army and winding up in Vietnam and shooting people who hadn't done anything to him." Amid all the varied tones and nuances of comment, it is the pic- tures that cumulatively cry out a message of poignancy and waste. Some of those portrayed are white and others are black; they come from every area of the nation. Some wear smiles that lend addi- tional retroactive sadness to the exhibition, and some seem to dis- play a somber premonition. BUT THE REMINDER that sha- dows each page is that a com- parable collection of the lost could be published again next week, or the week thereafter-and could have appeared during so m a n y other weeks that have slipped away during this interminable en- trapment. Despite Life's disclaimer of edi- torial design, it is hard to believe that even the most hawkish die- ANot this face Editorial Stafr MARCIA ABRAMSON...............Co-Editor STEVE ANZALONE .........Co-Editor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER.........,Summer Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ.......Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX, JAY CASSIDY.......Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Joel Block, Nadine Cohodas Harold Rosenthal, Judy Sarasohn. FOR THE moment, the University can only sit on the sidelines and await the results of Senate-House conference com- mittee negotiations on the appropriations bill. But if restrictions on the Regents re- main in the final bill, the University may once more be forced to turn to the courts to seek reaffirmation of the autonomy that is so explicitly granted to them in the state constitution. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN THE MAGAZINE QUITE pro- hard will be able to look at this presentation without internal an- guish and some instinct of re- appraisal. Surely anyone who ponders these pages must be im- pelled to ask how many more must die to enable Mr. Nixon to "buy time" or "save face." All wars are hell. What makes this album so unusually tragic and devastating is that this war has been perpetuated by so many misconceptions and miscalcula- tions and that the sacrifice goes on despite growing national awareness - avowedly shared by the President -that military vic- tory cannot be won. Thus each additional casualty becomes increasingly indefensible. Long ago Gen. Gavin urged an "enclave" policy under which our troops would, in effect, have fought only in self-defense while we pursued the quest for a set- tlement. Was he wront? H o w many lives might have been spar- ed if we had at least reduced our commitment to the level he urg- ed? INSTEAD, EVEN AT this late hour, when most of the earlier military delusions have been ex- ploded, young men are still sent up. Hamburger Hill and into val- leys of death to maintain what is called a "posture of strength" at the negotiating table. Whom are we kidding? The other side has fought for' more than 20 years; does anyone seriously believe it will be intimi- dated if we continue to send 242 young men to their deaths each week until late 1970? Does anyone really suggest that the American people will tolerate this spectacle for an indefinite period? sentativeq; two Student Advisory Committee on Housing represent- atives, and two sta ff members from the Housing Office. All facets of the picture that were mentioned, were discussed and studied, and after concluding its study, the Rent Study Commit- tee issued a report pointing out that it is both feasible and desir- able to keep rents in Northwood. and University Terrace at the present rates. At no time was re- quested information witheld from the Rent Study Committee. THE RENT STUDY REPORT was then submitted to the Student Advisory Committee on Housing (SACH) which is chaired by John Feldkamp, director of University. housing, and composed of students representing on and off-campus housing facilities and married and single students. SACH agreed to the report's conclusions with the only exceptions coming from Feld- kamp and a student representative from the dorms. The report was then, submitted to the Student Affairs Policy Com- mittee (SAPC), which consists of four students and four staff or faculty and is chaired by M rs. Barbara Newell, vice president for student affairs. Mr. Feldkamp, at the same time, wrote a letter to Mrs. Newell, of which he sent a copy to all mem- bers of SACH and the Rent.Study Committee, in which he mention- ed that SACH had supported the report but that he still favored a $5 rent increase. Mrs. New'ell also provided her SAPC members with a copy of the letter thus giving them a broader picture than the report alone rep- resented. After consideration of the Rent Study Report and Feld- kamp's letter, SAPC unanimously voted to support the report. THE REASON for this rather lengthy and possibly boring nar- rative is to g i v e you a factual background upon which to judge my following comments. The SAPC then decided to con- demn Feldkamp f o r supporting his own opinion, through his open letter to Mrs. Newell, as opposed to abandoning his o w n opinion and fully supporting the report. The majority of SAPC obviously feel that staff and faculty chair-i men should not have the right to openly and honestly, as was the case at hand, disagree with their student a d v i so r y committees, 'Thinly-veiled To the Editor: IT APPEARS THAT our liberal mayor, Robert Harris, has been working behind the scenes or is incredibly lax on the job. For the past two weeks there has been a surfeit of police pa- trolling in the two block area from East University to South Forest. I have conferred with the managers of business establishments in that area who maintain that up to 9 or 10 policemen have been pres- ent each night, armed with riot sticks. Saturday night, I saw a po- liceman wave a riot stick threat- eningly at a youth seated between two parked cars near the sidewalk. That same night I distinctly re- member seeing no more than 15 people on each side of the street per block, the majority of them eating ice cream cones. There was which leads directly to the aboli- tion of minority opinions. The fact that SAPC condemned Feidkamp in an attempt to cen- sure him, smacks at bigger and more important things t h a n whether his opinion was right or wrong. Over the past few years many students, staff, and faculty have been working hard to establish a meaningful and cooperative rela- tionship,so students may partici- pate more actively in University affairs. The basic reason given is that until very recently students have had virtually no voice In im- portant matters concerning'them. The student advisory committees were established and are still be- ing molded to provide a means fqr the three groups to work coopera- tively. I HAVE FOUND, through many dealings with the Housing Office staff, and it was particularly pointed out during the rent study deliberations, t h a t the Housing Office is truely attempting to work openly and honestly with us. The fact that our rent study report has succeeded as far as it h a s demonstrates that the student ad- visory system is effective. It appears to me that if we con tinue to allow committees such as SAPC to condemn people who are actually making a constructive ef- fort at adding to the student-fac- ulty relationship, that these people will eventually - sooner than lat- er- desert the student commun- ity thus leaving us where we were before the student advisory com- mittees were established. Only this time the lack of com- munication will be due to the stu- dents we allowed to lead us, rath- er than the lack of staff and fac- ulty interest. I cannot condone or support the actions of any committee which attempts to remove the freedom' of constructive dissent from any person whether he be student. staff, faculty, or other, nor can 'I support any group that intentionally tries to remove the open and honest type of commun- ication that has been established between students - married stu- dents in particular - and the ad- ministration over, the past f e w years. -Alan D. Mast, President, N/TA; Rent Study Commit- tee member; SACH member June 27 m artial law tention has been diverted? Does Mayor Harris really feel it is that easy to fool the people of Ann Ar- bor into believing him a man of "authority and reason"? It is my' feeling that if Harris intends to maintain South University as a "gestapo z o n e" while he makes "liberal" statements to the press, he should at least make that pub- lic. To all the students and people of Ann Arbor who worked very hard to elect a good liberal mayor like Robert Harris, I would ad- dress one question: Who among you believes that it would be pos- sible to bring Harris and the ex- tra patrolmen to court under the federal offense of "Incitement to Riot"? -Barb Addison, '70 July 1 10 4 4 C' rn~ 4 AMR~ I OAT PO YOU CALLF TWH1? - I