Bring Breezes of Spiritual Refreshment into your summer at U of M. secoii front pag~e 5 :E s* ! iriFi4 an Dat'ly NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Thursday, July 3, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Attend Christian the meetings of the Science Organization 7:30 EACH THURSDAY in Room 3545 S.A.B. -all are welcome - THIS WEEK'S TOPIC: HOW TO BUILD PEACE at the MT. CLEMENS RACEWAY on July4 ROCK AND ROLL REVIVAL NO. 2 featuring S tate By JUDY SARASOHN Ann Arbor recipients of Aid to Dependent Children are join- ing other state "mother power" advocates this week to protest inadequate welfare budgets. As part of welfare demonstra- tions being carried on this week all o v e r the nation, approxi- mately 300 ADC mothers - car- rying their children - marched on the capitol in Lansing Mon- day. The mothers' major demands are a minimum guaranteed in- come of $5,500 a year for a fam- ily of four and a malnutrition diet allowance and clothing al- lowance four times a year. The National Welfare Rights Organization demands also a "guaranteed' adequate income rather than a "patched-up food program" as a basic sol hunger in America. In addition to the dem tion in the state's capi mothers staged a sit-in welfare department of Detroit. Today they will r a t e the boycott ca against Sears Roebuck< with a "Sock it to Sears NWRO claims "Sears fused to end its creditc ination against welfare ents and to enter into a al agreement with NWR tend $150 in revolving c NWRO members." NW called for additional s massive picketing andt tribution of fact sheets. The welfare mothers the state legislature has the Federal Social Secur According to the state mothers ution to organization, "The 1969 Mini- mum Adequacy Budget' state- aonstra- ment says that a family of four tol, the must have $5,500 per year to live in the at the minimum level in this ffice in country. "In Michigan, welfare accele- recipients get about 60 cents per impaign day for food." and Co. The Social Security Act (Sec- Day." tion 402 a23) requires states to has re- adjust welfare budgets ". . . to discrim- reflect fully changes in living recipi- costs since such amounts were nation- established." 0 to ex- When the leaders of the Mich- redit to igan ADC mothers met Monday RO has in the state supreme court hop-ins, chambers with Sen. Charles 0. the dis- Zollar (R-Benton Harbor), sen- ate chairman, and Rep. William charge Copeland (D-Wyandotte), chair- ignored man of the house appropriation ity Act. committees, they charged that welfare Michigan is not meeting t h e protest small Savoy Brown Pentangle" Frost MC-5 Stooges The Bump Third Power Brownsville Station Sunday Funnies Sky All Those Funny People TICKETS: $3.50 at the gate $3.00 in advance From 1 p.m. until whatever Take I-94 east to Mt. Clemens exit, turn right and follow the noise! AN OPEN LETTER TO BILL GRAHAM Grande Ballroom 8952 Grand River Ave. Detroit, Michigan 48204 i Dear Bill: So how are things on the west coast? If you have some spare time this weekend, you should hop on a plane and catch some of our acts. We have Savoy Brown on Thursday down in the Ballroom, which they say is their best U.S. gig as well as having been- one of their first; and appearing with them will be All The Lonely People, local band with a lineup similar to tlat of Blood, Sweat and Tears, only looser and' less sterile sounding. All this for a mere $2.50. We finally found a place to hold the Rock and Roll Re- vival No. 2 on Friday. Mt. Clemens, just out 1-94 has a race- way track we can use. Savoy Brown will be there at 2, along with Pentangle, the Frost (they're playing for you next week), Third Power, and about ten other major local acts, every one of which you should have booked for your clubs by now. The weather so far is beautiful out here and so we expect quite a crowd, especially when you consider the ticket price is only $3.50 at the gate and $3.00 in advance. Saturday, we're putting Savoy Brown back in the ballroom with Pentangle and the Sun for $3.50. And Sunday we just put in the Greatful Dead at the last minute with Pentangle. That should be quite a crowd too, because the Pentangle have separate followings for Bert Jansch and John Renbourn plus those fans of the group as a whole. We found that we can do this for only $3.00 even though both bands have top selling albums. And that's really about all for now. Keep in touch and do try and make it this weekend. Regards, ' RUSS GIBB P.S.: Watch out for my Michigan Incest Festival on August 29. federal welfare minimum. However, Zollar claimed, "The state is trying to do all it can." He said the welfare budget is $97 million more than last year, $30 million more than the rec- ommendation by Gov. .William Milliken, and w ill amount to more than $550 million. After the meeting, however, rally chairman Mamie Blacke- ley, told the ADC mothers, "All we got was the same old thing --we feel sorry for you.' " "If they don't give it to you- take it," urged Beulah Sanders of New York City, vice chair- man of NWRO. "Come up here another time and leave your children with the welfare peo- ple." Sen. Coleman Young (D-De- troit), spoke to a rally Monday saying, "Social welfare has been Rogerl troop WASHINGTON OP) - Secretary of State William P. Rogers said yesterday the drop-off in Vietnam fighting and in enemy infiltra- tion, if it continues, could speed up the withdrawal of U.S. troops. "During the last week we have had the lowest level of combat activity in Vietnam for a 1o n g time, possibly during t h e whole war," Rogers told a news confer- ence. But he took a wait-and-see stance on what far-reaching sig- nificance, if any, this development might have on the effort toward ending the war. He noted that one of the yard- sticks President Nixon uses in de- ciding on the rate of American force withdrawals "is the level of hostilities by the enemy." Rogers voiced hope t h a t the enemy is responding to the June 8! Nixon-Thieu Midway Island peace bid and announcement of a 25,000 man U.S. troop pull-out. But he also cautioned t h a t the enemy may just be lying low now because of heavy combat losses - or may be "regrouping f o r another at- tack." 'Obviously," Rogers added, "if the level of hostilities decreases and if it is significant - other than just a part of their short- term strategy - that would affect our decision on the question of troop replacements." Rogers pledged that the United States "will certainly be willing to take some risks to end the war" if Vietnam developments present the opportunity. The secretary of state also ranged over Nixon's forthcoming visit to Romania and other cur- rent foreign affairs matters. He said: - The United States and Cam- bodia have agreed to resume Im- mediately diplomatic relations broken four years ago, "a positive step looking toward peace in Southeast Asia." A neighbor of South Vietnam, Cambodia severed. ties with Washington in 1965 amid neglected, It is about time the state is trying to do all it can." welfare people became organ- ized." Young said yesterday he ap- proved of the mothers setting up committees to represent themselves in Lansing. "They should do just like others who oppose certain legislature - raise hell." The Detroit senator said it was good that the ADC mothers are developing an "organization- al consciousness. For too long there has been a stigma attach- ed to welfare aid and recipients have been reluctant to c o m e foreward." Young .said. "Every citizen has the right to demand from the government minimum subsistance. It's a disgrace that we have a 'dole system' which dehumanizes people." budget Rep. Jackie Vaughn III 1D- Detroit) told the rally Monday that the legislature is presently debating a $50 million new cap- itol building but "what you are here for is far more important than any building. You are not asking for charity, but what is due to you." Young claims the legislature is just refusing to m e e t the needs of welfare recipients. He charged the state with the "fail- ure to recognize that there is no more important committment than keeping needy persons at poverty level at least," Young cited the $3 million al- location for emergency needs as particularly inadequate. "One allocation - such as the imme- diate need for school clothing last fall - would wipe the fund out," Young said. s hints early withdrawals complaints over U.S. and South' Vietnamese violations of h e r borders. - Nixon's stop a month hence in Romania, t h e East European Communist country notably at odds with Moscow on foreign pol- icy, is not calculated to antagon- ize the Kremlin. The Soviets were not - advised of the President's travel plan "but we do not think there is anything inconsistent with this trip and with friendly rela- tions with the Soviet Union." -The Nixon administration is not "dragging its feet" on start- ing strategic arms limitations talks with the Soviets. The admin- istration has a responsibility to proceed carefully with the impor- tant proposed nuclear disarma- ment talks which "go to the heart of the security of the American people and that of o u r allies." Meanwhile, the Kremlin has not yet replied to a U.S. statement of readiness to begin the talks around July 31. Associated Press Secretary of State William Rogers Senators hit I Vie t WASHINGTON 0P) - S e n. George S. McGovern (D-S.D.), said yesterday that a secret ses- sion with Communist negotiatorsI in Paris convinced him that the United States must start a "sys- tematic withdrawal" of troops and quit supporting the Thieu regime in Saigon if it hopes to end the Vietnam war. McGovern sparked a new round of Senate criticism of the Nixon administration's Vietnam policy with his report on a 10-hour pri- vate meeting he had with North Vietnamese and Viet Cong nego- tiators in the French capital. "So long as we cling to our mili- tary policy of maximum pressure and our political embrace of Gen- eral Thieu," McGovern told the Senate, "the negotiations in Paris + are a sham and a delusion." McGovern discussed the May 23 talks in Paris, which he said were : conducted with the approval of the State Department and chiefj U.S. negotiator Henry C a b o t Lodge, and told reporters at a pre- speech briefing "It fortified the views I have held previously." Secretary of State William P. Rogers, who was asked about Mc- Govern's speech before it was de- livered, declined comment on ground he had not heard it. Leading war critics, such as Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark.), of the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee, and Sen. Frank# Church (D-Idaho), rose to praise McGovern and to protest lack of progress toward peace by the ad- ministration. In addition, Fulbright, in two Senate speeches and in talking to newsmen, denounced as "especial- ly offensive" a speech Tuesday night in which Vice President Spiro T. Agnew lumped Senate criticism and former Johnson ad- ministration aides among those whose "sincere opposition is un- dermining our negotiations f-o r peace and prolonging the war." "It comes from one with so lit- tle background and so little know- ledge of what he is talking about,"' Fulbright said. On the Senate floor, Fulbright suggested 'that since President Nixon's war policy seems to be the same as former President Lyndon B. Johnson's and candidate Nixon criticized that policy, the Presi- dent himself "could be classed as a critic of Nixon's war policy." K PLAYBOY ran ten well-stacked pages on this fil the news, today, by The Associated Press and College Press Service ISRAELI AND EGYPTIAN JETS battled over the Gulf of Suez yesterday, hours after Israeli commandos raided three Egyp- tian shore installations. Both sides also traded heavy artillery fire along the Suez Canal. Israeli military sources claimed four Soviet-made MIGs were de- stroyed in the dogfight, and Egypt claimed two Israeli Mirage Jets were downed. Neither side admitted any losses, however. Israel now reports that 25 Egyptian aircraft have been destroyed since the 1967 war, including seven in the last 10 days. * * * THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE approv- ed yesterday a resolution that could be a step toward recognition of Communist China. The measure would express the sense of the Senate that United States recognition of a foreign government and an exchange of dip- lomatic representatives "does not imply that the United States nec- essarily approves of the form, ideology, or policy of that government." The resolution, which now goes to the Senate for consideration was introduced by Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) with Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) as a co-sponsor. THE SOVIET .UNION plans to launch an unmanned moon probe July 10 that will attempt to scoop up a sample of moon soil and return it to earth, Moscow Communist sources said yesterday. If successful, the experiment would precede by six days the Amer- ican Apollo 11 shot designed to land two men on the moon. The sources, who have contacts inside the Soviet space program, said the July 10 launch would be the third attempt to carry out the complex voyage. The first shot reportedly blew up on the launching pad in early April, and the second exploded in flight last month, according to the sources. Neither have been reported by Soviet authorities. PICKETS CONTINUED TO MARCH at the Charleston Coun- ty Hospital yesterday as about 100 former strikers returned to their jobs at the Medical University of South Carolina Hospital. Civil rights leaders and county officials failed to reach an agree- ment. by the afternoon in the County Hospital strike, which has en- tered its 14th week. Progress in the talks has bogged down over the issue of rehiring all 69 workers who remain on strike. The Charleston County Council has agreed to rehire 37 workers and find jobs in other hospitals for the rest. The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, president of the SCLC, remained in the Charleston County jail yesterday. He has been there since his ar- rest June 20 on charges of inciting to riot and riot. Abernathy was arrested while leading one of his nighttime marches in support of the strikers. He has vowed to remain in jail until the county strike is settled. The strike began originally at the Medical University last March 18 over demands for higher wages and recognition of the workers' union, Local 1199-B of the Hospital and Nursing Home Employes, AFL-CIO. AMERICAN LAUNCH CREWS at Cape Kennedy meanwhile, repaired a leaky fuel valve and successfully completed a count- down rehearsal for the Apollo 11 moon shot scheduled July 16. Space program officials said the test, which lasted over five days, was the smoothest rehearsal ever conducted with a Saturn 5-Apollo rocket. On the space flight, two of the three astronauts will leave the command ship's nose in a lunar module landing craft land on the moon, and then return to the command ship for the return voyage. Astronaut Neil Armstrong is scheduled to make man's first footprint on the lunar crust at exactly 2:17 'a.m. on July 21. SEPTEMBER 16-28 SAROYAN'S c~ WOe Another delightful APA revivalof an American classi t N A SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 12 Ghelderde's 4 whiff of satanical sulphur" by the author ofthe APA hit ".Pantagleze" . Uirected by John Houseman '_ 4_ OCTOBER 14-26 Gogol's Um W.I - "- rn