Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 9, 1969 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fleming testimony on For reasons which are not al- together clear, the University has so far been spared any major vio lence or coercion. We are under no illusions whatsoever that we are immune from the tragic events which have taken place on other campuses, and we do not believe that there is a perfect formula for either preventing or dealing with such pressures. We do believe tha we understand some of the under- lying causes of student unrest, and that we know some of the respon- ses which are required for rational resolution of them. Whether we will be wise enough, or whether the often uncontrollable course of events will be such that we can continue to steer a peaceful course only time will tell. There is much talk today about the tiny minority of genuinely dis- ruptive students w h o are to be found on almost every campus That they are present is beyond doubt. That they believe, for one reason or another, in the destruc- tion of existing institutions,- in- cliding universities, is likewise quite true. That they will engage in wanton destruction must be as- sumed. That they have achieved certain relatively professional skills in. escalating conflict and in turn- ing it tb their advantage is evi- dent everywhere. Moreover, even a "tiny minority", of students ran be a/ significant number- If one percent of our students were suf- ficiently agitated to demonstrate in Ann Arbor, we would have 300 students involved. Ashe larger socety 'well knows ,- from civil rights demonstrations, strikes in our industrial plants, poor people revolts, farmer strikes, etc. - it is rfot easy to cope with such num- bers within a democratic frame- work. Despite the presence of this 'disruptive minority, it is not, in my view, the root cause of our troubles, and 'we ido our- seles ar disservice if We suc- cumb to that illusion. The fact i that there Is very widespread dliscontent among our ,young people. nIuch of, it springs di rectly f r o m their disenchant- ment with t h e larger society. Many do not accept our present national priorities. Specifically, there is very little support for the Viet Nam war, there is a feeling that we are not facing up to the immensely serious ra- cial dilemma w h i c h faces us, and they do n o t believe that poverty needs to exist in t h e midst 'of plenty. These are ques- tions which are beyond the im- mediate power of the universi- ties to correct, but students be- lieve that universities can in- fluence the direction of our course. Moreover, there Is a real impact upon campus of decis- " ions made in the larger society. Let me illustrate with some ex- amples. Manpower n e e d s of the Viet Nam war -ware being met by the drafting of young men through a Selective Service System. In a per- iod likte World War II, when it is necessary to mobilize all manpow- er, the inequities of a particular system of selection can at least be softened. When not everyone is needed, a system of deferments is called for. Under the present Sys- tem undergraduate college stu- dents are deferred. This places the student in a most uneasy position. If he attends college andl, is not x"drafted he has certain inevitable feelings of guilt because he knows that those who are g o i n g into service ma yhbe drafted because they w e r e less fortunate in life than himself and were therefore not able to go to school. If he does 'not go to college, he is subject to being drafted for 'a war which he opposes. Either way, he lives in a state of tension. He might have preferred to work or ag year or two before going to school, or he might prefer to drop out for a year or two before he finishes his college undergraduate carerer. At the present time he can do neith- er without being subjected to the military d r a f t. If he graduates from college and wishes to go on to graduate school he cannot do so and remain draft-exempt. His career decisions are too often be- ing made for the wrong reasons. Our Engineering records show, for instance, that graduate enroll- ment is dropping off because, as many graduates frankly explain, they prefer taking jobs in a shel- tered industry to going into the army. Others are going into teach- ing, though they do not intend to make careers in 'this field. They! do so because they believe it will provide draft exemptions. Those young people continue to live with the same, set of g u il t feelings which t h e y suffered as under- graduates. That feeling will not be alleviated until we can once again h a v e either peace, which they much prefer, or a different " ... r - system for meeting military man- power needs. r On the racial front, students appear to be more sensitive than s is the larger society to thej r ' dreadful inequities which con- e tinue to exist. In a recent report on Kerner t plus' one, a study group said that we are continuing to drift to- wards separate but unequal so- cieties. Some black students are * giving up on the possibility of a society in which they can expect full participation. Many white stu- dents either agree, or believe that we are losing our last real chance for a society in which we can be ' one people. Within the universi- ties we are struggling to bring in tmore black students, and to cre- , ate meaningful black studies pro- grams which will give a fair pic- . ture of the black man in our his- tory and cuture. The problems are immense and we cannot solve them overnight, I cannot h e p but wonder if Congress is fully aware of the dis- astrous blow we have been dealt in this respect by the impending 1 cutback in the Additional Oppor- tunity Grant Program appropria- tions for 1969-70. The Congres- sional appropriation, plus carry- over funds will in a k e available 133.6 million dollars for this pro- gram in 1969-70. Of this amount only $16 million is available "for initial grants. This represents only 22 percent of the $70 million esti- mated by the U.S. Office of. Edu- cation to be needed. Michigan col- leges and universities h a v e re- quested $4,157,500 for 7,364 initial grantees. If our state institutions are allocated their proportionate share of the $16 million available, they will receive $720,000 which will .limit the number of young- sters receiving awards to a maxi- mum of 900. This will cause a 1drastic cutback below the 1968-69 level at the very time when all of us are convinced that we should be accelerating our efforts in this area. At The University ,of Michi- gan we have b e en campaigning hard for private funds to improve our program for black or other disadvantaged students. It is iron- ic that if we are highly successful we will but stand still. - Last fall several hundred of our students supported ADC mothers in the area of Ann Ar- bor in their request for increas- ed clothing allowances for their children. More than two hun- dred students were arrested for a nonviolent sit-in beyond work- ing hours In the County build- ing. They were released on bail, first through a modest bail fund ' which has always been available from universiOy sources for stu- dents who get in trouble, but later by far more thai adequate contributions from other stu- dents who wished to support the cause. The students were in vio- lation of the law, they w e r e tried, they were convicted, and they now have paid their fines or served their work sentences. Incidentally, the benefits for the mothers were increased. The point is that the cause of these inipoverished mothers h e I d great appeal for the students. I do not wish to suggest that if the priorities of the larger society were readjusted ;to meet the' wish- es of the students all our troubles would go away. They would not. There is a good d e a 1 of unrest 'about the sinternal operation of the universities, and Oe must not ignore it. Indeed, it is usually this kind of issue which is of sufficient magnitude to ignite an explosion which will extend well beyonI the' demands of the minority of ex-# tremists. Let me illustrate once again with some examples. j In the early history of our uni- versities, many of them paid little attention to the conduct of stu- dents outside the academic arena Where they lived, for instance, was largely their own affair. Lat- er, as universities grew and at-, tempted to provide living space for their students, dormitories were erected. Since such buildings were usually financed through loans which had to be amoitized over a long period of years, it was essential that universities keep them filled. All of this contributed to rules which have been increas- ingly irksome to students. Closing hours, and the prohibition of visi- tation on the part of members of the opposite sex, were resented on several grounds. The majority of our young people still do not go on to college and they are free, once out of high s'chool, to live and: work where they will. Some states have lowered the voting age to 18, 19, o 20, and the Selective Ser- vice System says that a young man is old enough to fight and die at' 18. Since many of our brightest young people are in college, it is' not apparent to them why a clos- er watch over their personal lives should be maintained than over their peer group which is not in college. One need not agree with their point of view to understand why they are annoyed. In the area of student disci- pline, curricula, evaluation of professors, and the setting of university priorities, students are demanding that t he y be ' heard. It is not apparent to me why they shouldn't be heard. I differ with them frequently about the weight to which their views. are entitled, but I do not differ at all on the ground of their legitimate interest and involve- ment. Taken en masse, I do not find students less reasonable than faculty or administrators. It is true that campus rules are likely to be better enforced if they have the consent of those who are governed by them. It is true that students perform best when they are well motivated, and the curriculum need not be so inflexible that it cannot ad- just to their major needs. It is true that they have a contri- bution to m a k e in evaluating teaching. They should be heard with respect to university pri- orities. The flaw in their analysis of the present situation is not that they are wrong in insisting that they be consulted. Rather, it is that they too easily ignore the role of others. No student, in either a public or private school, pays the full cost of his education. It is heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, or through endowment. Faculty members do have more life ex- perience than students, and they do h a v eagreat contributions to make in areas of curricula and judgment of the w o r k of their peers. We will, in the, years ahead, have to find an accommodation among these various interests. It will nottbeseasy, but I believe it can be done. The same formula will not work everywhere, per- haps even within the colleges of a single university. We must experi- ment, and we must not always in- sist upon maintenance of the stat- us quo. Some campus issues, like ROTC. and classified research, are ex- acerbated by the present unpopu- lar war. They are likely targets because even in peacetime the campus community is divided on the merits of ROTC or classified research as a part of the academic enterprise. It is hard in the pres- ent climate to get * hearing for the view that it may be healthy in a democracy to have an army pop- ulated largely with civilian offi- cers. In another period that argu- ment might prevail. It is hard to get people to understand that cer- tain kinds of research have both military and civilian potentials, and that elimination of basic in- quiry may b r ing certain kinds of scientific advance to a halt. Perhaps I should conclude with a sateentofmy views about fu-? ture student unrset,ew n d about how best we can meet it. I do not see it ending soon be- cause I believe it is basically attri- butable to a rejection by a sizeable segment of our youth of our na-! tional goals, particularly with re- spect to war, race and poverty. Since the future of this country lies in the hands of our young peo- plc, I conclude that we must find a way to reconcile our views. Violence and physical coercion on campus must be handled byl the university community, anddby local officials. If we fail to do so, we will have lost control of the ac-' lisorder ademic communities to which so many of us are devoted. We know this. It is not clear what Congress can do about campus unrest, des- pite the fact that the public is immensely aroused by it. Legisla- tion which deprives individuals of financial benefits or deprives in- stitutions of financial aid will do more harm than good. "Law and order" are not impressive when administered in a context which gives rise to enequities. Withdraw- al of financial aid does not affect students equally. To deprive in- stitutions of their financial sup- port because some of their stu- dents misbehave is to punish the great majority for the acts of a few I do not wish to be understood as condoning students acts of vio- lence and coercion. Indeed, I have spoken out on this topic repeated- ly. I see no difference between the Nazi bully boys who removed and burned "unsuitable" books f r o m the German libraries and those students who insist that certain speakers not be heard on Ameri- can campuses because their views are not acceptable to those stu- jdents. I am totally unimpressed withtheir contentionnthatmt h e y are somehow possessed of a higher morality whichjustifies them in imposing their views on others. If and when we have to face violence or physical coercion at The Uni- versityofcMichigan we will do so resolutely and, I hope, with the support of our community. Those students who are truly destructive do not want a viable compromise. Their response will simply be to escalate their demands. This is a technique too well known in his- tory to deceive any of us. But I cannot emphasize too strongly that we should not con- centrate all of our attention on the destructive few. Of course they are troublesome. Some of them are vicious. Even so, the best chance of containing them is to win the support of the rest of the community - students, faculty, administration (including govern- ing boards), and alumni. We try to do this by maintain- ing wide open channels of com- munication up to and including our Board of Regents. We have several times held public hearings before our Board on issues which are of interest to the student, fac- ulty or community constituencies. At such hearings we provide an opportunity for anyone who wants to speak to the issue to do so in his own way- The action of the Board reflects the factthat the members do listen to valid argu- ments. Our faculty members have tried, not always to the satisfaction of the students, to be receptive to student interests. Our; students have, in turn, generally tried to respond reasonably and construc- tively.sSometimes we momentar-: ily lose our atmosphere of con- structive tension. We have had a building seized for a few hours. We have had a recruiter disrupt- ed. We have had a lecturer hooted down. We have had peaceful sit- ins. We are the home of the teach- in. We have differed over the whole range of items which stir up every campus, including parie- tal rules, classified research, re- cruiting policy, disciplinary rules and enforcement procedures, ROTC, curricular changes, student power, etc. So far we have been able to recover quickly when mo- mentary tensions have carried one or another of us too far. I I I 4 I, +t I I I '"'THE SEA GULL'IS A BRILLIANT PIECE O AF,. ,-, .:, , , t r k The cast is marvelous." 'it --WINS Radio "'THE SEA GULL' IS A BEAUTIFUL AND MEMOR- ABLE EXPERIENCE! It is a play of unrequited loves, each loving the one who oVes s another, but it is much more, too, very Chekhovian in its presentation and acnablysis of character. In its quarrels and reconciliations, its philosophies and generation gaps it speaks very directly to us across the years and the nations -New York Post w At, "'THE SEA GULL' IS EXQUISITE AND BRILLIANT I 'The Sea Gull' is an exquisite movie, faulflessly acted by a brilliant cast impeccably directed by Sidney L u me t. It is one of the very besfilmsof 1968." -Newsday "A SMASHING FILM ! Beautiful beyond words. An ex- tremely rewarding experience. A classic only too well revis- ited and revitalized by experts. This is a film, a true film.: 0 even though it adheres strictly and faithfully to Chekhov's four-act stage structure. Anton Chekhov ou have rous- ingly approved of Sidney Lumef's film version!" - Women's Wear Daily "BRAVOS TO DIRECTOR SIDNEY LUMET ... AND A MARVELOUSLY SKILLFUL CAST FOR ACHIEVING A MEMORABLE, TOUCHING MOVIE TRIUMPH." -Cue Magazine :; In the last analysis, campus See FLEMING, Page 5" JANISJOPLINWITHBJGBROTHERANDTHEHOLD INGCOMPANYSCOTTMCKENZIEMAMASANDPA PASCANNEDHEATHUGHMASEKELAJEFFERSO NAIRPLANEWITH6RACESLICKERICB1JRDO'NAN DT HEANIMALSTHEWHOCOUNTRYJOEANDTHE FISHOTISREDDINGJIMIHENDRIXRAVISHANKAR un- 1 1 1 1 .+ r C 'p «A contemporary music film . Captures the pop musical willingness Q to hurl yourself into things without all the action stopping self-.consciousness of an earlier generation.-"r -Renata Adler. New York Thes "Yeah, the camera made love to the Monterey Pop Festival .. .a beautiful, well- done, OK-fantastic-filet, doing what a filmshould and rari' does do, by taking a real-life event t I I 4 I, +t I I I 4 -41 Know how to swim? Learn to S'AIL and creating a living form, another reality ...Ive just seen a film that's worth seeing. 12 minutes of what mush:L can do and what a filmmoaker with some heart can do." -LitaElisc%,EastViage Othee "What is your mind-blowing level? A guitar being raped ata pop festival? Something more substantial, like Ravi WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS PRESENTS JAMES MASON "-VANESSA REDGRAVE - SIMONE SIGNORET -DAVID WARNER IN SIDNEY LUMET'Sr PRODUCTION OF CHEKHOV'ST E CO-STARRING HARRY ANDREWS - DENHOLM ELLIOTT - EILEEN HERLiE - ALFRED LYNCH RONALD RADD -KATHLEEN WIDDOES -TRANSLATION AND ADAPTATION BY MOURA BUDBERG PRODUCTION DESIGN BY TONY WALTON - PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY SIDNEY LUMET TECHNICOLOR® G SUGGESTED FOR GENERAL AUDIENCES$. I m