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July 02, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-02

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'' Vol LXXIX,

No. 36-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 2, 1969


Eiaht Pages








A three-way showdown among County
Sheriff Douglas Harvey, City Hall and
Sunday rock concert-goers appeared im-
minent yesterday as Harvey pledged his
deputies will move in on future concerts
and "enforce the law."
Harvey charged "local politicians"_ _
Mayor Robert Harris and City Adminis-
trator Guy Larcom-have prevented Ann
Arbor police from enforcing city laws at
concerts and said he will exercise his
jurisdiction under state laws to make ar-
The sheriff's attack followed reports
that drug, alcohol and indecent exposure
laws were broken at Sunday's West Park
"There will be no pot smoking, no booz-
ing, no sexual acts and no profanity-or
my department will take action," said
Harvey. He said the State Police and

sheriffs' departments in Oakland and other
counties have promised to provide men
and equipment.
Harvey's declaration -- first announced
Monday night-sparked a conflict be-
tween his department and the city police,
which assumes authority for enforcing
Ann Arbor ordinances.
Both the sheriff's department and the
city police have overlapping jurisdiction
in Ann Arbor-especially where state laws
and city ordinances are the same.
"As chief law officer in this county, I
can go over there (City Hall) and tell
them what I want them to do," said Har-
Larcom disagreed. In a sharp statement
yesterday, he said, "I want to make it
clear once and for all that the Ann Arbor
Police are in charge of law enforcement
at the parks and at the rock concerts ...

Any information to the contrary is er-
Larcom added, "The sheriff can be of
greatest help to the city if he will work
with our chief in a cooperative manner as
he previously indicated he would. In this
way, he can support the Ann Arbor Police
Department in the manner he indicates
he wants to."
But this weekend's concert is scheduled
for Gallup Park, which is outside city
limits but inside the county. Enforcement
falls naturally under Harvey's jurisdiction,
and the Ann Arbor police must assist
under his direction.
Plainclothes policemen circulating at
last Sunday's West Park concert reported
marijuana smoking, one case of nudity,
possession of intoxicants, and use of "vile,
profane and obscene language in the pres-
ence of women and children."
Harvey claimed the city administration

asked police to ignore such "criminal ac-
tivities"-including, he added, "sexual in-
tercourse with people cheering on."
Larcom contended that Harvey's ver-
sion of the concert is "terribly wrong."
The Ann Arbor police did make several
arrests for possession of marijuana, drunk
and disorderly charges, and have obtained
a warrant to arrest Terry Warren Tate,
leader of the Tate Blues Band, for inde-
cent exposure, Police Chief Walter Krasny
According to Krasny, however, there
were "no overt sexual acts."
Krasny also denied that Harris or Lar-
com issued any instructions influencing
police activity. "At no time have the mayor
or city administrator directed this office
specifically on police operations," Krasny
See HARVEY, Page 8

-Daily-Eric Pergeaux
Sheriff Harvey

-Daily-Richard Lee
The weekly concert


SGC deletes
key section
rom bylaws
New disagreement between Student Government Council
and Senate Assembly over the proposed draft of the Regents
bylaws emerged last week as SGC expressed opposition to
an entire section of the bylaws.
In preliminary deliberations last Thursday, Council struck
from the proposed draft most of a key section (7.07) which
gives faculty "primary authority to set reasonable standards"
for curriculum and for evaluating students.
The section also would grant the faculties of certain pro-
fessional schools the authority to establish student be-
havioral standards affecting the awarding of licenses in
:;their fields.


South U.

Six more persons arrested
in the South University Ave.
disorders last week have been
tried since last Wednesday in
District Court, resulting in
two convictions, two acquit-
tals, and one mistrial. One
case is still in progress and
will be decided this morning.
All the trials were on misde-
meanor charges. Of the 24 arrest-
ed 'on felonies, two have been
bound over for trial in Circuit
Two persons also have been
sentenced to date in District
Judge Sanford Elden's court as
a result of convictions stemming
from arrests the night of June 17.
Rose A. Painter, 19, of 1513 S.
University, was sentenced last
Thursday to serve 30 days in the
county jail and pay fine and

Senate Assembly earlier
week approved the entire by
draft after eliminating only
provision concerning professic
SGC members argue that
controversial section 7.07 wo
give the faculty formal autho
over curriculum at a time w
campus debate has focused
the extent of student involvem
in curricular decisions.
SGC President Marty McLau
lin said elimination of thes
tion from the bylaws would le
the question "up in the air"
subject to further considera
by the University community,
Council members who opp
deleting section 7.07 feart
move would hurt the prospects
acceptance of the entire by
package by the Regents.
McLaughlin said those S
members who are out-of-town
be polled by telephone before
end of the week.
The next step for action on
bylaws remains uncertain beca
no formal guidelines have b
established to determine w
Fleming may ask the Regents
take action.
In a recent letter to SGC, P
ident Robben Fleming said t
if "thecfaculty and the stude
have certain differences wh
they are unable to resolve .
a decision will have to be made
to whether or not to go to1

s to
e. G

In a sweeptng move, the
State House last week passed
a series of amendments which
would have the effect of re-
stricting the Regents in their
control of the operations of*
the University.
lAdded to the higher education
appropiations bill before it was
passed last Friday, the amend-
ments would largely affect the
power of the Regents In controll-
ing University expenditures. The
amendments include:
-A provision which would ne-
gate any tuition hike instituted
after June 30, 1969, by deducting
from the state appropriation an
amount equal to that raised
through the Increase in student
-A provision which would ef-
fectively bar the University from
challenging the constitutionality
of the higher education appropri-<
ations bill, or any part of the
bill, Under the amendment, all
state funds would be immediately
cut off from any school which
challenged in .the courts the le-
gality of the appropriations bill.
The University is presently chal-
lenging a number of provisions
embodied in former appropriations







Passes $69.3ii~ion
appropriations bil
Chances for avoiding a substantial tuition hike this year
went from bad to fair last week as the State House of Repre-
sentatives passed a higher education appropriations bill in-
cluding $69.3 million for the University.
The House figure is $4 million higher than the amount
the University would receive in the bill passed by the Senate
in May, and $2 million higher than the recommendation filed
by Gov. William Milliken in January,
University officials have said they can avoid a substan-
tial tuition hike only if the Legislature appropriates ae least
the funds which the governor requested.

The appropriations bill is now
under consideration by a joint
Senate-House conference commit-
tee which could make cuts severe
enough to necessitate a tuition
hike. Conference committee rec-
ommendations have, over the past

D isorder
hill nac~


court costs of $200. Elden gavej

Sher credit for nine days already Regents.
served in jail while awaiting sen- But, McLaughlin charged in
tencing. response to Fleming yesterd
Jeffery A. Hoff, 24, of 533 Eliz- "The implication is that thatc
abeth, was ordered by Elden Mon- cision will be made not by
day to serve a 14-day jail sen- students, faculty, or Regents,l
tence on weekends so he can hold by you (Fleming) and the exe
Shis job as a garage mechanic and tive board (the vice presiden
demanded $200 in court costs and according to your own criter
fine. ~

hat -A provision which would re-
tha quire the University to cut back
hich existing programs if total fund-
ing of the institution fails to meet
e as present expenditures. In the past,c
the the Regents have increased tui-
tion to meet pressing financial l
day, -A provision under which all'
de-{ monies received by the University1
the for overhead expenses - regard-t
but less of the source - would be,
cu- considered part of the state con-d
ts) tribution to the general fund
ia." See BILL, Page 8 V
0 , 'A 7r '

~**" "" few years, usually been accepted -"JLJL. L
-Associated Press by , both chambers with little
New ritice of Wales debate.
University officials appeared
Charles, Prince of Wales, does homage for the Principality of Wales after Queen Elizabeth invested mildly pleased with the $4 million
him yesterday in Caernavon Castle. Later, a sol dier was killed by a bomb. hike approved by the House, but
- im - s r yi-- - - - - - - - - - - - --a-l-w- -----__bcautious as to the final outcome A m ove to discipline stu-
of the appropriation, dents involved in disorders
'UNNECESSARY INTR USION': "I'm not spending any of it won all but certain passage
yet," said Vice President for Aca-h
demic Affairs Allan Smith, through the State Legislature
! President Robben Fleming and last week as the House voted
Vice President for State Relations 68-29 to tack it onto the high-
and Planning Arthur Ross were in er education appropriations
Lansing Monday lobbying in- bill.
creased funds for the University.
Ross said yesterday the Univer- The amendment, already passed
earnpus disorders billsity will avoid a tuition hike if by the Senate, would cut off fi-
the $69.3 million House figure nancial aid to students convicted
stands as the final appropriation. for disorderly conduct, personal
But there were indications that violence, damage, or "while par-
W A S H I N G T O N (P) - A the committee it had opened the to knock the key certification theuconference committee will ticipating in a disorder."
wrangling and divided House Edu- way for "repressive and punitive" provision out of the bill. 4 make substantial cuts in the Uni- In addition, the amendment
cation and Labor Committee measures from the House floor. The winning margin in the 19- versity's appropriation, would direct college or university
ditched efforts yesterday to write The opponents won their first 16 vote was provided by Reps. Rep. Ray Smit (R-Ann Arbor) presidents to report names of con-
a compromise bill on student un- victory by knocking out a provi- Ogden R. Reid (R-N.Y.), Marvin said he fears the conference com- victed students receiving scholar-
rest. sion that would bar federal aid to L. Esch (R-Mich), and William A. mittee could cut as much as $3 ships or tuition grants "to the
After weeks of stalling and par- colleges and universities lacking Steiger (R-Wis.). million from the University's ap- awarding authority which shall
liamentary maneuvering, commit- rules, regulations and contingency The opponents argued the propriation. forthwith terminate any such as-
tee liberals first stripped and then plans against disruptions. measure would be an unnecessary Last year, the amount approved sistance."
killed legislation aimed at campus federal intrusion because they by the House was $2.3 million
disorders. The bill was killed moments fdrlituinbcuete yteHuews$. ilo In a statement issued. Friday,
said schools already are moving above the Senate figure. The con- President Robben Fleming criti-
Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore), a after three Republicans joined to meet student disruptions. ference committee then comprom- cized the amendment:
principal sponsor of the bill, told (liberal Democrats in voting 19-16 The bill was then entombed by ised at a figure only $300,000 be- "I understand the unhappiness
an 18-17 vote in a subcommittee. low the House figure. , on the part of the general public
Thnes fthpegsaio;a This year, however, a number with campus disorders. Neverthe-
ANDARD HOUSING The rest of the legislation was torsmakeiesikelyth a.
a rewrite of existing federal laws less, it seems to me unwise to
on student unrest. the committee will compromise mandate the forfeiture of finan-
, * n stden unrstnear the $69.3 million figure set cial benefits on the part of stu-
! r_ Rep. Roman C. Pucinski (D- by t , , , -

Both Painter and Hoff also re-
ceived one year of probation.
The pair freed on the charge of
creating a contention, a misde-
meanor, were Rance Teeple, 20, of
Dearborn Heights, and Thomas L.
Gregory, of 2698 Packard.
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Kent Talcott attempted to prove
that Teeple had thrown a bottle
at a passing car during the dis-
turbance after two sheriff's depu-
ties asserted they had seen Teeple
and a friend in the act of throw-
.However, Judge Pieter Thomas-
sen ordered the not guilty verdict
when Teeple denied from the wit-
ness stand that he had seen a
car, thrown a bottle, or tried to


The Department of Housii
and Urban Development (HUI
approved a grant of $1,703,4
for Ann Arbor's Code Enforc
ment Program last week.
The grant covers housing i
spection and rehabilitation
b r i n g low - income famili'
homes up to city code. T
funds include about $437,000 f

Ill.), a supporter of the legislation,
rants $"1.7~ mituion to cit ...---
offered the motion to recommit
because he said the key vote
ers for the area, legal assistance, qualification for the funds have pot; west on Depot to N. Main; "made the billtotally and coms-
and electrical and plumbing in- not been defined at present, N. Main to Sunset extended;plet Mrs. Green said the recommit-
D) spectors are also provided for funds will also probably not be northeast on Sunset to Daniel; Mrs reen id the it-
18 by the grant. granted to the owner of a build- south on Daniel to Pearl; and tal vote effectively killed the bill,
The three major areas covered ing with more than four dwell- then back to Brook. bheeda-
by the program are the "north ing units, says Dr. Bowler. Last October, the city applied lommitteetwadispue
central neighborhood" which, The 698-acre area to be in- for the grant. HUD informed She described the legislation as
to for the grant, has 41.3 per cent cluded under the program is Congressman Marvin L. Esch moderate and said its approval
es' "dilapidated housing;" the "old bordered by Brook St. and Pearl, (R-Ann Arbor) by phone that would have headed off "repressive
he west side," with 17.5 per cent south on Mill to N. Seventh at Ann Arbor's application was and punitive bills" which she said
or "dilapidated housing;" and the Huron; south to W. Madison; accepted June 23. will be offered on the House floor
I__ -east to Third St.: south to P io- h nnitin n, +. Clffl

Dy Lzkt .LLousV dents who are convicte. of par-
Most importantly, the difference ticipating in any such disorder.
between the two bills is almost Degrees of participation are often
See HOUSE, Page 8 quite different, and students are
quick to see inequality in the ap-
plication of the.law.
X po sj "Ordinary citizens who are con-
viced suffer one penalty. Stu-
dents suffer a double penalty ---
* one imposed by the law upon con-
1u a1 iw ayu viction and the other by with-
drawal of financial aid," Fleming
Six faculty members have been said. "However great our difficul'
singled out for special $500 awards ties, I do not believe we want to
for distinguished teaching of Uni- widen the generational gap in this
versity undergraduates. fashion."
-rri, - --- XXV..T 41..... Try",. 1 'h, nnhl,.a , I1apr entr n4 n -


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