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Cloudy, warmer
showers or thundershowers
Vol. LXX IX, No. 34-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 25, 1969 Ten Cents
Arrestees challenge claims ofpolice resti
By DREW BOGEMA four times with a billy club by an uniden- night. Gus Stager, University swimming clubbed five times in the head and neck allegations that sheriff's deputies physical- Three wome
While police and city authorities have tified officer as he was being dragged 30 coach says he saw Hudson being arrested and then dragged by his hair and clothes ly molested a woman who was taken from main unidentif
claimed officers used restraint during the yards to the corner of South University and pleaded witi Sheriff Douglas Harvey to the police van where he was thrown to the bus. The woman was reportedly offer- to "obscene a
disruptions in the South University area and Church early Thursday morning. to release the wrestler. But Harvey stood the ground, handcuffed, kicked in the ing cough drops to fellow prisoners while public address
last week, there appears to be a growing Pierce says he was then dumped into the behind the s t o r y of his deputies, who chest and held down by an officer's boot. giggling and saying that the drops con- and Wednesda
body of testimony by those arrested which gutter. Charges against Pierce were drop- charged Hudson with inciting to riot, a Devine was charged with acting in con- tained LSD, allegedly invol
stands in contradiction to those assertions. ped later Thursday. felony. cert or unison with five people to do dam- County deputies allegedly entered t h e These witne
Nearly all of those interviewed - 30 of - Robert A. Galardi says he suffered re- - Mike Wilson, '73, said he was arrested age. bus, threw the girl to the ground outside deputies repea
the 69 persons arrested last week - say peated blows from rifle butts a n d billy and charged with a felony for no apparent - A graduate student who says he wish- the bus and forced her to pull her blouse quarters of the
they felt police used excessive force in ef- clubs as police charged into a h'ouse on reason as he left the Undergraduate Li- es to remain unidentified, reports he was over her head as she was being searched. jail matrons.
feting their arrest. Church St. to arrest him early Thursday brary at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday night and was forcibly pulled from his car by police early While the woman was being thrown from Nicholas Ber
fe nying thsarestrmorning. Galardi, who had been discharg- caught in a police charge up to the Diag. Thursday morning, immediately after he the bus, her companion was allegedly confirmed the
Many of those interviewed also provide ed from the U.S. Marines the previous day - Michael Devine, '70, says he was help- parked at the corner of South Forest and
accounts of questionable practices used by also reports seeing police ignore cries from ing a friend with laundry at the laundro- Hill. He says he was struck repeatedly and
police after the arrests were made, a girl on the police bus whose head ,was mat on South Forest Tuesday night. Leav- hit "viciously" with billy clubs and rAfle The prisoners on the same bus also say after posting b
Concerning the tactics of p o 1 i c e and "split open." ing for home at 1 a.m., Devine was passing butts before being dragged by his collar they witnessed county deputies spray at Mayor Robe
nteriwd expressedmaking arrests, the -Lou Hudson, '70, a reent Big Ten Hill and East University when he saw dogs for an entire block by police. least one man in the fact with a gas, al-
wrestling champion, says he was struck and police charging toward him. He says On the police bus manned by Washte- legedly Mace. The prisoners said everyone
wrepltling ichampionwasaysfehed bv ahesstrucke- mittee to study
complaints:f he ran to avoid them, but was struck in the naw County sheriff's deputies Tuesday, i the bus was affected by the spray be-
-Dr. Edward C. Pierce, former Ann Ar- twice i the stomach by the rifle butt of a face with a rifle butt and then clubbed by night, those arrested reported a number of cause of the close quarters. doing. In addil
bor Democratic Party chairman and one- county sheriff's deputy before being drag- county deputies as he sat down to recover irregular incidents. Questionable incidents were also cited fice would rec
time mayoral candidate, said he was struck ged down East University Ave. Tuesday from the initial blow. Devine says he was Several of those on the bus confirmed by those who spent time in County Jail, and pass them
Four Pages
,n who say they wish to re-
ied report they were subject
nd filthy" threats over the
system in the jail Tuesday
.y nights. These statements
ved sexual threats.
sses also assert that county
tedly entered the women's
j ail without the presence of
toni and Aaron Carson each
other's report of being held
y deputies two to three hours
rt Harris Monday night an-
)rmation of an ad hoc com-
allegations of police wrong-
tion, .the mayor said his of-
eive charges against police
along to the committee.
Low-cost student
housing planned
A dispute has arisen over funding of the project, but no one
will dispute the need for low-cost student housing-a need which has
been so effectively dramatized by the rent strike.
Both the Office of University Housing and its student advisory
committee have agreed on plans to build low-cost apartments for 1000
students by 1972. Projected rent in the two 200-unit housing complexes
in now estimated at as little as $40 a man for a two-man apartment.
Edward Salowitz, assistant director of University housing, says
construction is tentatively planned to start in fall 1970. But neither
the exact cost of the project nor a method of funding has been
definitely determined although price estimates are currently in the
area of $10 million.
Chuck Snyder, Grad, a member of the Student Advisory Com-
mittee on Housing, says the new units would mostly house single
students, although married, students without children would also be
accommodated in about 25 per cent of the units. No exact percentage
has been set yet.
The project is still in the planning stages as the dispute over
funding emerges. No site has been selected yet and no construction
firm has been contracted.
The proposed units would provide a combination of two-, three-
and four-man apartments. Most of the apartments would be for two
students with some larger units.
-Asociated Press
Detroit's Mayor, Jerome P. Cavanagh, announces yesterday he
will not seek a third four-year term. The mayor insisted this
decision is not a result of recent liberal setbacks in Los Angeles,
New York and Minneapolis. The man who seems most likely to
gain as a result of Cavanagh's decision is Wayne County Auditor
Richard Austin, the first prominent black to seek the Detroit
mayoralty and the most liberal of the four candidates currently
in the race.
One guilty, one ree
in South U. trials
-Associated Press
A different kind of sit-in
Both the University housing office and SACH, its advisory com-
mittee, agree that the new units should be funded in part through Eight Detroit women sit-in in Episcopal Bishop Emrich's office to protest his refusal to meet offi-
student fee allocations and largely-70 per cent-through bonding cially with representatives of the National Black Economic Development Conference. Bishop Emrich
or a government loan. said no action would be taken to evict the women, who planned to stay "until we see some meaning-
ful communications." The black group is demanding $500 million in reparations from religious
But what they disagree on is the amount of student fees to be gop.
used. Feldkamp wants also to use $500,000 a year for three years groups.
from the residence- hall reserves-profits from dorm operations and
married student housing. GOVERNMENT REPORT:
The Regents have already passed an average $40 dorm fee hike,
which will be used to maintain the reserves and would help pay for -
the new units if Feldkamp's plan is followed.
Feldkamp had also hoped to pass a $5 rent increase for married
students which would be used for the planned construction. But SACH
disagreed and voted against Feldkamp.
Monday the student affairs policy board voted to back SACH
and censured Feldkamp for going against the recommendations of
his advisory board and proposing the fee increase in a letter to
Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell.
Social turmoil blamed
for SF State violence
case sent
to state
Ask investigation
by civil rights
f omlmnission1
The Human Relations Com-
mission will ask the State
Civil Rights Commission to
make a fact-finding'investi-
gation of the entire Ray
Chauncey-Wade Wagner inci-
dent of May 13.
Chauncey, an HRC staff mem-
ber, was arrested by then Ann
Arbor patrolman Wagner while
he was testing the Star Bar on
Main St. for discrimination.
Chauncey charged he was assault-
ed at the police station by Wag-
ner, who had arrested him on
charges of disorderly conduct.
After investigation, charges were
dropped against Chauncey, and
Wagner Resigned from the Ann
Arbor police department. He was
immediately hired by County
Sheriff Douglas Harvey.
HRC took its action at last
night's meeting after more than
an hour of heated debate during
which assistant HRC director Bob
'Hunter walked out of the meeting.
Hunter, commission chairman
Lloyd Williams, and commissioner
Ruth Hobbs wanted the commis-
sion to approve a statement as-
serting what HRC believed to be
the actual facts of the entire in-
cident. Williams drafted the state-
ment after he and two commis-
sion members, Mildred Officer and
Ruth Hobbs, heard the tapes of
all testimony in the case.
However, several commission
members-most notably Deborah
Grubbs-ref used to support Wil-
liams' statement. Mrs. Grubbs
said she could not approve the
Istatement without hearing the
tapes herself.
She added she was "sick and
tired" of the Chauncey affair and
said she already has spent "hours
and meetings discussing the same
thing and I don't know anymore
now than at the first."
Both Mrs. Grubbs and recently
appointed commissioner Theodore
St. Antoine, a law professor at
the University, said they believed
With this issue, The D a ii y
makes its exit for the spring
half-term. But we'll all be
back for the usual five-day-a-
week grind next week, and a
special summer preview edi-
Ition will be out on Wednesday,
July 2.
HRC should discontinue any fur-
ther discussion of the Chauncey
incident and move on instead to
other, "more important" HRC bus-
HRC director David Cowley told
commission members that the
tState Civil Rights Commission
could provide a more objective
view of the incident than RRC
nr +the nncmhih n th ha
By SCOTT MIXER However, the relationship of the student-faculty policy board and
Mrs. Newell is not clear, although Student Government Councill
The third and fourth misdemeanor trials of persons members argue that the policy board's recommendations are binding
arrested last Tuesday night resulted yesterday in a con- on Mrs. Newell.
viction and an acquittal. It will be up to Mrs. Newell to make final recommendation on
Jeffrey Hoff, 25, of 533 Elizabeth, was found guilty of funding to the Regents. She has told the policy board that she believes
"unlawfully making a contention or a disturbance in a Feldkamp has a right to express his opinion to higher authorities.
public place" by a 6-man jury in district court. Judge S. J SACH members opposed Feldkamp's plans because they think
Elden presided. Hoff will be sentenced at 8:30 a.m. on residence halls reserves should be used for needed dorm renovations
June 30. before being applied to new construction.
The charge carries a maximum penalty of $100 and/or And the student affairs policy board has mandated SACH to
The charge . reamspend the money from the $40 dorm fee increase-some $360,000-
90 days in jail. jfor dorm renovations. Policy board members also objected to using the
In the second trial yesterday, Judy A. Jeska, 17, of 812 reserves because they felt current University housing residents should
E. Kingsley, was found not guilty of the same charge after not have to pay extra for facilities which will be open to the entire
a two-hour court trial presided over by District Judge Pieter student body.
Thomassen. Frank Munger of -- -------
the Washtenaw County Legal ADC MOTHERS
Aid Society, a clinic funded by
the Office of Economic Op-
portunity, defended M i s s
Thomas E. Shea, assistantI
prosecutor,.: represented the state
in both trials.- By NADINE COHODAS gaining recogni
Miss Jeska's court trial differed repeated the re
from the previous three jury trials '*-~ Last September, recipients of Aid to rpae h e
in tha the judge alone weighed { Dependent Children found that only a board April 23.
the evidence and returned a deci- {1?.demonstration could force the county Thmmltter pr
sion. Thomassen cited in his sum-Social Services Board to listen to their
mary comments a particular se- -jrgent need for more money to buy board decisions
quence of testimony made by Miss school clothes for their children conditions of pu
Jeska's arresting officer, Ann Ar- a - thetieate wrareumothr s hcounty.
f ,:.; - ," +.:t'::. ";7i khave organized a central group to re- Tecmit
A playback of the. testimony £4, -:,; ,- ..." j.x stfaorarl
from the court recorder revealed H: .'present them as a bargaining agent in
Munger asking Dailey What did r coming discussions with the social ser- . temero
the defendant appear to be doing vices board, and theye asking the KeEesn
when you first saw her on South board to accept their bargaining agent mittee and a re
University?" Dailey began, "She now manizing Existin
appeared to be clearing the street And although the three-man board Ann Arbor, sai
. acommittee were0
WASHINGTON A) - Social ; for the National Commission on
turmoil on the American scene - the Causes and Prevention of Vio-
not the plots of outside agitators lence on the wave of violence that
- lit the fuse of violent confront- swept over the 70-year-old college
ation at San Francisco State Col- during the past academic year.
leg., a report to the government's "It is misleading to attribute
antiviolence commission asserted the causes of violence to outside
yesterday. agitators," the study group said.
The staff study, entitled, "Shut "The causes lie much deeper."
It Down! - A College in Crisis," "The students see themselves as
warned, however, that angry pub- noble people fighting battles to
lic opinion may force that school, uplift the nonwhite races and pro-
and most other U.S. universities, mote reforms or revolution t h a t
to withdraw behind guarded walls will produce a better way of life,"
unless solutions to a thorny tangle the report said at one point. "Of-
of national and local problems ficials who slow down or interfere
can be forged. with this process are branded en-
The 172-page report was made emies of the people."
But the report calls for a re-
cognition by students "that t h e
language of the gutter, the shock
rhetoric, a willingness to mount
barricades, vandalism and person-
al assault do not constitute a
valid or effective means of get-
ting a better education."
California officials are urged
also to restore student and public
confidence in the educational pro-
cess by closely reviewing policies
on admissions, curriculum, stu-
dent discipline and student par-
ticipation in school life.
The researchers said they found,
after interviews with Republican
and Democratic state legislators,
that violence at San Francisco
State and other public schools
likely will result in legislation
placing criminal penalties on cam-
pus conduct deemed unacceptable.
"They feel it is a political im-
perative, notwithstanding the re-
cognition among most of those in-
terviewed that, realistically, there
'is nothing- the legislature c a n
produce that will give officials any
greater legal foundation t h a n
they already have for dealing with
conduct on the campus," the re-
port said.
It said it is unlikely appropria-
tions for education will be reduc-
ed. But it added that faculty sal-
aries will be vulnerable to attack
because of the feeling that teach-
ers who went out on strike acted
The report made this estimate
of the situation now:
" ... the groups involved in the
conflict are for the most part po-
lan.yc. P f4iida+ntc,.a or~ n- rwe+.-
ition on Jan. 23 and
quest in a letter to the
oposes that the rights
sent aid recipients in
on policies, terms and
ublic assistance within
ee would not regard as
ole as adviser or as pe-
board," the letter adds
, a member of the com-
!resentative of the Hu-
ng Welfare (HEW) in
d Monday that if the
only advisory, the board
Board members have expressed doubt
that they can delegate statutory re-
sponsibilities to anyone, but Stewart
said Monday that "legally the problem
of delegation can be worked out with-
out exceeding the board's authority."
In addition to legal questions, t h e
board seemed concerned Monday that
the present rights committee was not
representative enough of the county's
nearly 650 ADC families.
The four groups comprising the com-
inittee are HEW and United Friendship
in Ann Arbor, and Welfare Action and
Ypsilanti Welfare Rights in Ypsilanti.