Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 21, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 21, 1969 Force vs. persuasion: The battle of South U. 1V A -Daily-Eric Pergeaux Harvey tells President Fleming to mind his own business -Daily-Eric Pergeaux SGC President McLaughlin and Mayor Harris plead successfully with Thursday night crowd t ' 4 -Daily-Eric Pergeaux Sheriff Harvey runs his show -Daily-Jay Cassidy Handling confrontation: The law and order way . . . . .. . ......... . .. . ........... ............. . .. 1V1 The events of the past several days have demonstrated that: Sheriff Harvey's police force has shown that it overreacts in regard to student protest, and there- fore should be kept out of the campus area. The efforts of President Fleming are greatly appreciated by the majority of students. A majority of students at Tuesday's noon rally on the Diag rejected the demand for the immedi- ate closing of South University by use of illegal means. The rally was called by Student Government Council officers to supposedly determine what course the students wished to take. Three times the question was posed in regard to the closing of South "U.," three times the question was voted down, yet the leaders of the rally disregarded the results of their own mechanism--a democratic vote. "If a majority of students feel a particular way, it is my responsibility to get those feelings implemented." -Marty McLaughlin quote from The Michigan Daily, March 27, 1969, page 2 1 I'1 A Mike Farrell '70 Wendy Kress '70 II I