~ Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The total irresponsiblity of the police 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editoriols printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thi must be noted in oil reprints. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JOEL BLOCK Whose streets are they really? THE POSSIBILITIES of continued dis-. order upon South University remain substantial - especially considering the vast influx of "weekend warriors" that can be expected to swell the ranks of spectators. "Teeny-boppers" from t h e outskirts of the city as well as cyclists, -youth, and tourists from Detroit may very well demand a re-enactment of this past week's dramatic confrontations. The prospects for another peaceful evening are severely jeopardized by in- dividuals who come merely to observe the erotic nature of the street-people and freak life-style, freaks and teeny boppers who come only to exhibit and defy, and the curious who come to see Doug Harvey send his storm troops to the street en masse again. Their presence only enhanc- es Harvey's chances for renewed vio- lence, and seriously endangers the lives of others. A sensible and rational ap- proach would be for people to keep off South 'university altogether, yet, who is to say who has the right to walk the streets? A JUDGEMENT of the whole affair re- quires an understanding of the partici- pants and of the influences that act upon their lives. The grounds of the University and the beauty of the campus have always attracted an/cl fascinated youth f r o m outlying areas of the city and from other parts of the state. They imitate the styles of life upon the campus as they, revel in the forms of entertainment designed to amuse and divert students from the aca- demic grind. University communities are becoming,. aside from their academic character, libertarian communes for those that have become dissatisfied with mass-regimented life-styles and motor- ized group life. South University provides, perhaps; the only meeting and gathering place for teen-aged youth that urgently need the security of the congregation, lest the un- settling, intense, and powerful temper of our times push them to spiritual death. Our age of hopelessness and futility fortunately harbors within it vast sourc- es of dynamism and rebirth that provide new visions to replace sterile dreams. Many have found emotional security and hope within the confines of hippie, re- volutionary, and "freak" life-styles that offer a comfortable niche, ideology, and world-view. This is similar to the sub- stantial numbers of careerists and pro- fessionals who continue to adhere to the tnaterialistic aspects of the American Wream, and "bear from within" the soc- ial norms of the middle-class model of life. There is no question that many find the behavior of the South U. "freaks" and "teeny-boppers" objectionable. After all, some have criminal records, some drop Editorial Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON ...................... Co-Editor S'TEVE ANZALONE................... Co'.Edltor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER .......... Summer Sports Editor PHIL ETZ .....Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIO PERGEAUX, JAY CASSIDY ...... Photo Editor acid, smoke pot, or at the least, drink openly and publicly. They may often seem obsessed with the obscene and vulgar which appears reprehensible to the mor- alists and ludicrous to the large numbers of free spirits that float in our midst. All of this does not by any means, however, diminish their equal and valid claim .to frequent such areas. And most tolerate the rampant commercial exploi- tation that is everywhere evident along South University. Most tolerate the bur- densonie presence of steadily-moving traffic through their "mall." For it is a mall in an informal sense, and it has only been their rapidly-in- creasing numbers combined with police and city unwillingness to recognize t h e peculiar stature of the street - instead, crying of the need to protect the rights of motorists - has brought on t h e crisis and its subsequent tension-ridden atnosphere. THE CHANGING complexion of the com- munity only illustrates the precarious state of the fate of the University. Left- ists may rant and rave at the bourgeois flavor of the University, and the number of imperfections and abuses of the school' seendaily to be mounting, but the es- sential fact remains that it is more than anything else a resting place for t h e dreams, aspirations, and hopes of thous- ands of people. Good people, many of whom oppose the existing order of society as passionately as the freaks, yet h a v e reconciled themselves to the overriding need for a congruence of means and ends, and have rejected violence, demogoguery, and totalitarian control as an unnatural state of man. Harvey's performance to date indi- cates that he will make every effort to bait the community into confrontation in order to secure and hasten his political standing and future. The handful of freaks or street-people, or whatever, who seek disorder in order to secure a confrontation of defiance, the ones who were so painfully evident Tuesday or Thursday nights, do not have any claim to speak for the community, nor are like- ly in the future to obtain one. T h e i r actions only make Harvey's intent that much easier, and thereby endanger inno- cent lives as well a their own. MORE THAN anything else, then, we must recognize the fundamental need to discipline ourselves. The city has prov- en itself unable to perform this task with- out a return of IIarvey's storm troopers. The action displayed Thursday evening by Mendel, Wheeler, Feuerwerker, Liver- more, and others - faculty who intend to make sure that an unhindered flow of traffic occurs - cannot be praised enough. If we are to prevent another display of Harvey's fascism, responsible direction of the community must take place in- cluding the creation of a mechanism to quell the rowdier spirits within us - whose course can only lead to massacre. -DREW BOGEMA To the Editor: THE "INSURRECTION" ON campus late Tuesday night was more frightening as a revelation to me, than it was as a deplorable event to witness. The revelation is the more frightful because it was obvious on too many occasions during the disturbance that, far from "con- trolling" the situation, the police were, in fact, contributing 'to the disorder - completely ignoring the most common courtesy to the most quiet persons or group(s) on the scene. Let me explain that, being more conventional t h a h radical as a University law student, I believe that my initial reactions Tuesday night were tojustify the "need" for police action in the situation then at hand. But let me now protest, all my good-liberal conventions notwith- standing, that the clear respon- sibility for Tuesday night's dis- order lies with - and only with - the police. To the extent that I suspect it was our "o w n" Sheriff Harvey who called in the troopers from areas external to Washtenaw County, I personally do care to feel that the sheriff himself is more responsible for the disorder's growth and nourishment than is any other person. I suggest that: - He irresponsibly called in po- lice authorities over whom he ex- ercised no control once they were on the scene;t - that he invited these author- ities to the scene utterly failing to establish any advance understand- ing as to coordination of commun- ication, movements, and actions' between the several forces; and - that it was this gross negli- I personally witnessed five in- cidents Tuesday that I believe spawned; the eventual raids and barricades on East University Ave- nue: (1) At 11 p.m. President Flem- ing was convincing non-Ann Ar- bor authorities in front of Clem- ents Library that they would best aid the situation at hand by re- moving themselves to the business section of South University Ave- nue, where "the trouble" was cen- tered. After the passage of 40 minutes, Fleming succeeded and the troop- ers (I believe from Monroe Coun- ty) retreated. Within seconds thereafter, as Fleming just began to discuss the situation with angry students, a contingent of Ann Ar- bor police launched a gas attack on the crowd at Clements Library. That attack was from the rear and it was completely without warning or notice to disperse. Superficially, it smacked of police bad faith - of a police set up. That attack, unprovoked and ar- bitrary, did m o r e to galvanize otherwise merely curious students against "The Badges" than did" any other possible cause of the disruption that followed. (2) A NUMBER OF officers stood across the avenues, palm- ing their clubs with considerable deliberance. If our police were, in fact, trained to deal with mass tension situations, they should have learned early that their re- sponsibility is to display authority calmly, and with an impartial ap- pearance. No trained officer, in such a sit- uation, should ever convey by phy- sical mannerisms, a desire to have just one man move so that the against that force which, while engaged in such irresponsible con- duct, is indeed "piggish." S u c h conduct, again, threatens m o r e violence and does not help to re- store peace. (4) RUNNING DOWN East Uni- versity Avenue at about 2 a.m. was not what I wouldcall a "force of law-enforcing policemen." Rath of 1 a w - enforcing policemen." Rather, from my vantage point. what I saw was a screaming; shouting, whooping, rampaging mob of about 50 uniformed police- men who needed only pinto ponies to be cast as the meanest Indians of a TV Western movie. Their clubs were swinging as they shouted war-whoops, and they might just as easily have been chasing ,Vietcong. Again, no self-respecting citi- zen can give such conduct any credit for "controlling" a situa- tion. Such irresponsible, out-on-a- hunt action by police against un- armed, angered, chanting citizen- ry provides a greater propensity to join the angry chant against "the mob" of policemen, rather than to help in the effort to re- sume sone semblance of "order." Only the police are responsible for such feelings. (5) Finally, there is the case of raw stupidity by police in which students leaving central campus libraries were clubbed by police "on t h e Diag" without warning and without provocation. The li- braries were ordered closed, and thanks to the police authority's unmitigated stupidity, students obeying an order to leave libraries were assaulted by clubs and gas upon entering the Diag. Simply being present - existing of t h e i r breacl through arbitrary gassings. of public trust beatings a n d WERE SHERIFF HARVEY mmi- imally qualified to hold the public trust the people of Washtenaw County have placed in him, one reasonably would expect that: -he would by now have seen to it that his men w e r e properly trained on mass tension control: - that, prior to inviting various outside authorities in to assist himn in keeping the peace. he would have established a coordinated communications/control system to prevent elements within his "col- lectivized force" from being at odds against themselves: - that he would educate h i s men in the law that they rightful- ly may employ only such force as is necessary to restore order, short of brutally beating unconscious women on the streets, and - that he would at least in- struct his men that before beating, gassing or 'taking any affirmative action against citizens they must give warning. THE BULK OF US admonish the young revolutionaries who seek to "destroy the system" that they must realize that any human so- ciety must live by rules, because ,people collectively need rules to protect themselves, their property, and their rights f r o m the en- croachment of others, How may we truly expect that' argument to merit consideration by the yippies when our police, as the "enforcers" of society's rules, go about' their business ignoring those r u 1 e s which appertain to them in their job: namely, that civil disruption by means of con- trolled coercion, respectful of the people's rights, r a t h e r than through unmitigated, raw, and brutally unnecessary force - the "police riot." -John Paul Davis, '69 Law Junce 18 Bull fighting' To the Editor: "BULLFIGHTING" is becoming a popular sport in Ann Arbor. The stupid but dangerous bovines are taunted and baited until they charge at their tormentors in blind rage. The picadors stand in the path of the churning hooves for a moment of bravado before deft- ly side - stepping t h e. clumsy charge. But the bullfights in Ann Arbor lack the beauty of their Spanish counterparts. Here we see no mat- ador's grace, but only the picador's inhumanity. I can't decide which party to these contests is most disgusting. -D. M. Gilliam, Grad June 19 Luu g enforcement To the Editor: IT WAS PERFECTLY obvious to anyone who observed at close range the relationship involved in the Tuesday evening riot near the Engin Arch that the students were hated in an extreme manner by Sheriff Harvey's forces on duty there, and almost as much so by the Ann Arbor police. Offhand, I couldn't see much of a race relations aspect present, but what I did see I could say .was probably more of a blind hatred on the part of the armed men. Why was such a blind hatred so noticeable? It would need more than a race and ethnic relation- ship statementito depict tle sit- uation. Could it have been a fi- nancial comparison aspect that needs more evaluating? Many persons are extremely sen- sitive on that basis, without doubt, and bne c a n easily understand, how many students aretmuch less disadvantaged than the" armned ien pursuing them. It does seem necessary that t h i s comparison aspect be much more thoroughly looked into, because I saw 'one of the armed men put his roundrod around the back of a student and puUl him up tight and drag him away about 50 feet. I FEARED the student's neck would be injured or broken ; was about 8 feet away and I did not hear the student say anything - he was looking, like the others. He did not seem to resist. The only explanation I could offer was that of a blind hatred for the student involved. I believed that actions in a riot were not to be on that basis surely-most certainly not by the armed 'men whom we asue to be well-trained against that pos- sibility. I think it must go into the field of over-reaction, heard so often nowadays. It seemed to me that much of _hat I saw was "advertising" - smoke bombs, tear gs, the dog I saw, the up-raised guns or rifles, etc. - all seem to be in evidence to impress usof the necessity of keeping armed men on duty, and justifying shighersalaries. The days of conservative police work seem gone - into limbo even. THE UNIVERSITY will simply have to obtain better control over all this - it's too easy to say no to the younger people. I don't hate those younger people, period, but I feel some ill-advised persons do. And that, really, is too ridiculous for words - they'll be the gradu- ates of the future, and many will be running things! Of c o u r s e (as I said above) Sheriff Harvey a n d his helpers went through their usual act, in- cluding their pet dog, but we'll live through all that: in a few years we may even giggle a bit, as rem- iniscenses occur. But wait a few months until the taxpayers read of how the Board of Supervisors, the City Council, and the State Legislature are "passing along'' the bills for what I describe as mostly law enfore- ment nonsense! -Lewis C. Ernst June 18 A 4 i. gence, focusing on communication, that allowed the police opportun- ity to alienate many impartial ob- servers by acting arbitrarily, by acting in a contradictory manner as to different authorities as little as 50-yards distant, by acting with malice and with unnecessarily brutal force in specific situations. WHAT I 'SAW ON South and East University avenues Tuesday night was what the National Com- mission on Violence has been tell- ing us about; a Police Riot. The tactics were like those I saw via TV in Chicago last August. Unmitigated police stupidity pro- voked the situation and, by abus- ing their authority, the police suc- ceeded in making the situation worse, not better. Control would more quickly have been achieved had the police been present in far fewer numbers. club he holds can be used. Too many police on South University taunted students and other civil- ians by their simple - yet so de- liberate - mannerism of palming that club nervously - and, sadly, eagerly. It was that old grammar school psyche: "c'mon kid - just move, and see what I'll do to you . . ." It was threatening vio- lence, not controlling or imposing a peace. (3) I saw 'ne girl clubbed un- conscious, and I watched as a po- liceman continued to whack her neck five or six times after she had fallen passive to the sidewalk. Had I a brick at the time, my con- cern for the helpless girl subject- ed to such an unnecessary beating would have justified my con- science in giving the cop some of his own medicine. Again, such police conduct only galvinizes self-respecting people - seemed reason ,nough to just- ify a crack across the neck or back. Unless police authorities did order such conduct, - the only plausible explanation is that the individual policemen were indeed "out-on-a-hunt." Everything that, resembled a student and moved was fair game. Again., what self- respecting citizen tolerates such treatment from "responsible au- thority?" Only the police are responsible for their own arbitrariness, stu- pidity, and ultimate abuse of au- thority. To that extent they should only expect to bet called' "pigs" by a society that places premiums on good conduct and on giving consideration to other in- dividuals. They should in no way expect a peaceable restoration of order af- ter alienating the trust of those of the majority who are the victims notice is given before any threat- ening coercive action., We ask youth to accept a society of rules, yet we! allow our police to' beat, poke, and gas human be- ings without so much as expect- ing th'at they give notice before commencing such harmful acts. After Tuesday's police response to a relatively simple social situ- ation, Ann Arborites, MAVichigand- ers - indeed, all Americans - have some disturbing questions to reconcile. 4 It is past time for us to "talk" about our police. It is well into the time when it is incumbant on con- cerned citizens to begin to demand (and give) m o r e money, better legislation, higher standards, bet- ter tiaining programs, and effee- tiveĀ° civilian .review mechanisms for police conduct. THE GOOD SHERIFF Harvey no doubt is not so displeased with Tuesday's extravaganza. No doubt, he has won some'confidence from many of his constituents by his "full use of power" to restore "or-' der" to campus. He needed that "victory," perhaps, to reinforce public confidence in him as the unsolved coed murders continue to go unsolved. Here's one apology for the rec- ord, Sheriff: in my book y o u r competence in office is even lower after seeing the type of "law and order" you and your men impose. Surely this society is yet cap- able of achieving o r d e r during At, the risk of sounding reasonable... 01 (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is pire - ident of, Student Government Council.) By MARTY McLAUGHLIN Daily Guest Writer THE DISTORTION of the events of Tuesday and Wednesday night in the news stories and editorials of the press - all the press - requires some answer. The fact that the situation on the streets put the authorities in an impossible position does not excuse the actions that they took. Mayor Harris seems to be unwilling to face the facts about the disorders on Tuesday and Wednesday night. There are two clear cases of either factual error or ignorance that distort his per- spective. He stated that most of the people on South University Tuesday night were not students and that the Ann Arbor police acted with restraint - even if no other police did. From eyewitness reports, it is clear chat Ann Arbor police charged the En- gineering Arch and routed a group of students who had peacefully assemb- led on tJniversity property only after the crowds blocking South University had been dispersed. Indeed, Deputy Chief Olson publicly takes the credit for ordering that r..a.,ara r'lfl..,. armnn rw r.'ianbz h n, d The mayor has stated repeatedly that the city cannot allow a small group to take' over city streets by force and violence, that the city's authority must be preserved. And yet who was out there leading the charge to defend the city's authority? - Sheriff Har- vey, over whom Harris claimed Wed- nesday night to have no control or au- thority. If Harris is so concerned over pre- serving city authority, why doesn't he publicly appeal to the governor to keep Harvey in line, to defend the' city's authority from encroachment by a madman who enjoys street con- frontations because he has more guns than the street people? Why did Harris run for mayor promising real change to the student voters who turned out for him, if he knew that he could do nothing w i t h Doug Harvey, the mayor de facto of Ann Arbor and any other town where he can send his deputies. The answer is that it serves Harris's image as a compassionate liberal to be mildly disapproving of police bru- tality, while Harvey does the d i r t y work and provides a perfect scape- goat. By making arbitrary and untrue dents was gassed on his front lawn, he seev's to have realized that he could no longer successfully dodge be- ing involved and came out into the streets. But the facts of Tuesday and Wednesday night indicate that more vigorous action from the pres- ident was necessary to protect t h e student body than simply wandering around and ineffectually preaching sweet reason. Repeatedly, columns of police in- vaded University property and dis- persed groups of students who were notrioting and who never tried to at- tack police. The police arrested on felony charges students whose only crime was to be studying at the UGLI on the wrong. night. It is clear that Fleming's statement that the police were acting appropriately was effec- tively an authorization for them to consider rioters any students assemb- led near South University for what- ever purpose. If after finding out what went on, he no longer condoned this type of search-and-destroy mission, why wasn't the University in .court seeking an injunction against arbitra- ry use of the police? THE RE~AL . A TIO~TN I wouildilike ing the beating or killing of apolitical people who simply hate the naked face of our police state. It is not a radical action to provoke a massacre. The street actions have no deeper political meaning than the much-de- served obscenities shouted at the po- lice, and a glimmering insight into the facade behind which liberals like Fleming and Harris operate. For, the majority of the people there, even that represents an awakening conscious- ness. We have to learn about repres- sion and deception before we can know how to fight it. Tuesday night's confrontation was an emotional thing sparked by in- competent and heavy-handed use of police. The people have articulated no political demand, and to spur them on to further struggle is sheer egotism, the manipulation of a spontaneous event for thei political purposes of the radical minority. As one of that minority, J share those purposes; but for radicals to as- sume that every violent confrontation with police is another "vanguard" ac- tion is the silliest kind of wishful thinking. Any attempt to add political IT IS UNREASONABLE not to ex-' pect the curious bystanders to come. The more risks we face, the more likely they are to show up. But there is no necessity for anyone who really gives a damn about the politics of the street to come and provide a show for the entertainment of the public, for the show is to no one's benefit; by now everyone knows that the police will go to the limits of action that their su- periors permit. As long as Mayor Harris and other '"good liberals' are condoning force, with a big assist from Harvey, we must face the fact that the powers of repression that they possess are great- er than our power to resist, no matter how extreme a form of collective de- fense we might be foolish enough to choose. At the risk of seeming reasonable, I think that those who wish to accomp- lish anything political - that is not simply ego gratification -- must real- ize that retreat is in order when it is the only course that leaves us able to act on the real political questions in the future. These real questions are how the '4 A 'eq A