Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 21, 1969 Page Twc~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 21, 1q69 Police control question (Continued from Page 1) Rowry says, ,"The police have always had an attorney to exam-I inae r~ecords and investigate charg- es. Let the police attorney be re- placed by 'a city attorney *who could make' recommendations di- rectly to council or the mayor.", Cappaert also suggests, estab- lishment of a police commissioner to work in conjunction with t h 0 present police chief and to be di- rectly responsible to the mayor for police operations. "We had a police commission in the 1940's but eliminated it when we adopt~d a city management, form of government," he explains. Cappaert ~says "it is important to have an effective and good po- lice force and that requires a public that accepts criticism as'ne-, cessary," "We don't have a sound pro- -gram yet because. of a sort of local sentiment that one ought ,not to meddle~. Harvey='doesn't: add any- thing to this scene;" he adds. At a *Redica J Caucus meeting last night, 25 members voted to demand community' control of police an~d 'write up a. leaflet ana- lyzing the events of the past few days on South University ' {*. . :i :.:i": si:Y::N ::::.:{hi::::"k."V Super, tear gas here:! DAILY OFFICIAL 1 T)T T UVY \UT It's ~Contl just Itke-Vietnam BULLETEN Placement Service GENERAL DIVISION 3200 S.A.B. Announcement: Oral Examination for Imanagement intern eligibility under !PSEE will be held in Room 3516, S.A.B. IMonday, June 23. Inquire at Placement ( Continued on Page 3} 1SATURDAY, JUNE 21 Anued from Page 1) certain circumstances: extremely high concentration of agent or highly susceptible victim, such as the very young, the very old or the very sick." rHersh points to this as one of the chief dangers of using CS gas. He said police usually are nob, experienced in use df gas, and even G.U.s in Vietnam ' 'ho have had more experience still 'have .difficulty controlling teargas. CS gas is used extensively in Vietnam and 50 pounds were re- cently sprayed- from helicopters Delay vote. bnlookstore' ? Continued from Page, 1) recent bolstering of security pre- cautions in the campus area., Pierpont said that last fall, af- ter negotiations with the Ann Ar- bor police, two patrol cars were added to the forces assigned, to patrol the campus area from 8 a.m. to dawA.' And two more cars were added recently for the same shift, he said., Thus, said' Piexrpont, "' the at- tention of city police to ,the cam- ;pus area has increased quite dras- tically." In addition, Pierpont said' there during the people's park disorder at Berkeley. While it is used 'in ;Day Calendar ~Vietnam and was used at Berkeley~ and now in Ann Arbor, a recent Cinema Guild: Greta Garbo, Robert report of the Berkeley conflict by Taylor and Lionel Barrymore in Ca- Sheldon Moliii and John Scharr mille, directed by George Cukor: Ar-1 in the. New York Reviewv of Books chitecture Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 asserts that CS gas is, outlawed p.m. in warfare by the Geneva con- SUNDAY, JUNE 22 (vention. :MONDAY, JUNE 23 But this point of international No events scheduled. law is subject to interpretation. Benjamin Forman, assistant gen- General Nl'otices eral counsel for international af--___ fairs, told The Daily yesterday The University of Michigan Senate that there is no specific reference Assembly, Monday, June 23, 1969, 3:151 in any Geneva agreements against p.m. East Conference Room~, 4th floor Rackham. The meeting of June 16th teargas. He said the wording 1 will be continued on Monday, June general and outlaws "asphyxiating 23rd to. discuss and act on the 'Re-? gas." port of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Forman said that the U.S. gov- Regental tiyaws. erment does not recognize' tear- D co a x m gas 'in this category though per- Dct haps other governments do. For- {I__ man, said tha~t since teargas is; Jose Miguel Coblan, Industrial En- used by local. agencies against1 gineering, Dissertation: "Optimal Op- citiens theU.S goernmnt oeseration of Pumped Storage Hydroelec- citiens th U.. gvermen dos Itric Systems,? "on Monday, June 23 at not feel that it would be an illegal 10:00 a.m. in 124 West Engineering. weapon against an enemy. Chairman: R. C. Wilson. Whoever in fact used the gas in Nell MacKewan Kettlewell, Psychol- Ahn Arbor, its actual physiological °g' Dissertation: "corneal Deafferen- tation. and the Development of the danger, and to what degree it is Classically Conditioned, Nictitating outlawed by the Geneva conven- im an:mbranie Response," on Monday, June tion' are all points "open for debate. 2 at 11:00 aa.m. in 3439 Mason Hall, Tl~eonl thng hatis crtan Cairan:J. D. Papsdorf. is ny hn thatee f ~gsis mren Donald Gerard Dugas, Romance Lang-, is tat een i CSgas S moe ,ages & iteratures: French, Disserta- dangerous than C~N gas, it is, now L ion: "Some Functions of De in being employed in "riot" control" , French: A Case Analysis," on Monday, plans in Ann Arbor. ;June 23 at 3:00 p.m. in 3050 Frieze i , s Building, Chairman: Raleigh Morar , Jr. THE PROOF ROCK, FRIDAY & *SATURDAY 9:00-1:00 1.00 AT MARK'S coffee house 605 E. William mm m mm COUPJjb9 mmm"m-"" :THOMPSON'S: PIZZA!I 761-0001 rr t I $1.00 OFF! s One a large one item for more) :pizza. One coupon per pizza.1 s s * Pick Up Only s 211 E. Ann St.--Next to *the Armorys I I s Expires Aug. 1 UI I DIaily Classifieds Fantastic'. .Unbeliavable! ..and ALL NEW! CHARGING RHINOCEROS OF SOUL REVUE! Sunday only, June 22 from 9'ti..... IOUSE DIAL 8-6416 "He didn't know he had courage ,. . until cour- age was all he had left! M MG M pesentsthe John Frdflkeflheimer- Edwdrd Lewis. Production of the fixer 'based on tie Pulitzer n Mie-winnfing9 novel by '~ Bernard Malamnud.. with Alan] Bates Dick Bogarde' 12ND FEA'TURE i ZIA" "GrRAZIA ZIA" at 3:30-7:30 "THE FIXER" at 1 :25-5:2 5- 9:00 P.M. t Read and Use NOW ALSL AP OhPOATON. SHOWING FOR VILLUG 375 No. MAPLE Pd. "789.1300 DAILY TIMES 1:00-3:40 6:30-9:10 THUR. ONLY 3:40-6:30-9:10, 330 Maynard $L00oc "rrriil!ls* rrlri! " i"iiSi" l il r. NOW FOR THI FIRST TIME ECONTINUOUS PERFORMANES...REGULAR PRICES for the whole family! : "Come and do de camel walk" 4 Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAILY - :11e group also criticized eov- has' been increased protection The Mchgan Daily, edited and man- Kenneth George Hardy, Business Ad--------- erage by The Daily of their around certain central campus aged by students of the University of ministration, Disertation: "An Exper-} Ta yrs n th evnts n Suth uilings: b SanordsecuityMichigan. News phne: 764-)552. second iment to Study the Effect of Taste Ex- -psto nteeet nSuh ulig ySnodscrt Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi- perience on Ability to Discriminate andt . 3Q4versty ' guards. Sanford patrols have also gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Preference Reliability in Food Acept ; been increased around thei nsti- Michigan 4804. Published daily Tues- -nce Tesing," on~ Monday, June 23 at-ThUn er ty of M chg n Pa tuefrSiec n ecnlg,1day through. Sunday morning Unver- 3:00 p.m. in 816 -Business Administra- toteforSciece.and echolog, jsity year. Subscription, rates: $9 by tion, Chairman: J' W. Newman. -which was bombed in October. carnter. $10 by mail - Alan Lesie Gustman, Economics, Di-! xiig N w S m e rga Although there was no state- Summer Session published Tuesday sertation: "Human Capital. CapitalI menit from the Regets on this throug. Saturday morning. Suserp- -Theory and Occupational Earnings,"Exing N w S m e Pr ra week's confrontations on South ton rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 byI Monday, June 23 at 4:00 p.m. In Rom Aemail, 17, Economics Building, ' Chirman: _""- 1 Lindemer complemented Fleming - --____ ______ and SGC "leaders for their con- duct.i g ne e r Lindemer said, It is obvious toMmetathrhvebn"pol - from outside' sources" involved in A O Ad%~ the confrontations.'MUC1 1N THIN GET ATTETIOKtelday's meeting of the proposal intram~ural 'facilities: through aHOGA 'SG ATDOCTOR'S ---- __-__ William AlfredG.B h TONIGHT 12 Hill St. In Repertory-July 15 -August 3 PAM A ILM FOM INMAR BRGMANTHE DUCHESS O AF MILESAugust '5 -1 andB, OX OFFICE OPENM ~ayrng ciy Ip~k & lues JO HN S ~PiULLMANN MAX VON SYDOW GUNNAR BJORNSTRAND Jn ~-Jl einn PrdOLE * A RSvF~ IM Fuen uRO uM / Subscriptions: RRPRATaN EGULARTIC OTS INDIVIDaUALere B 'SndiTvidDal Tickets:UM T ueS.,3WE-,JTHUR.7 SUN.-g$2.0,$1.5 I I B I DY ! U a s t f tFRI., SAT..-$2.50$$2.0 l-.The higheres _priced, tickets are l the iSt 17 ows ofIrch str0an fist.ros)o Iniiua ikes. TUESDAY WE D.,NHUS, STHUSDAY$2FR0DA.1S.T0 29- 29 4DOC -N.Y. FilmNritis-Natonal Board of Rvieweulyt2-27e22sG a et he1firs OC ro 24ofMUchestaJ nd fist4GoA ws 26f -"--{ TBEST FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR AWRJug. 15-20 JA5 DUCH AJ6 DUHOATJ7 DUCH A18 DUCH J19AIS PARTC J5IGAT J2 -NATASHAAND PIEREtEASNotoo oadS eve U BSCR27 IBERS2PLASE J23NOTByodein4hem e a oralforwe ARIE CLASH FOFIERCENHEIBURNNG OFHMSCOW"RAs. When yo UCHv AcmpetD UrorDCHck8your CHsAn9hiDp BATLE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES! 'kepIt for your ownrerd SEASON SUBSCRIP ' INDVIDUL TICKET F'a PRINTNAME .............................. . PREFER: torc ,e ADDRESS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bale c THE PASSIONATE LOVE OF NATASHA CTYAnn ArborL AND ANDRE-TRAPPED IN THE OUTws RAGES F WAR;".~ PHONE ..................ZIP ..........Faculty L t t PLA PERFORMANCE (day and date) Price Number M } THE TW PARTPRODUTION FUCH AD-O- d E OSO' . OTRS_ BREAH-TAINGG ANEUR F TE DUHES PAAC BLLAST>USND DNC THE NGHT WAY'GOATW PREENED Y HE ALER EAE OGAIZTIO AD STR. I CI0RREEAED Y ONTNETAL~ OTA (eaon nc or idivdul tckts )I LEMMA ow NDAY TICKETS luly 7 :ida y or Saturday ticket f balcony. hn Theatre ' RDAY_ SUNDAY ;O0AT j J20 DOCT )OCT J27 MUCH UCH A3 GOAT )UCH _ A10DUCH. ks you automatically see rformance schedule and TIONQ iestra L any L iling list? I Student LI VisitorD OFFICE USE ONLY .x 1 A .1