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June 21, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-21

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See editorial page

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Increasing cloudiness,
warmer tho'

Vol. LXXIX, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 21, 1969 Ten Cents
Super teargas on South U. -- just like iet
By STEVE ANZALONE gas or any other gas on South University." another law enforcement agency present physiological effects, Hersh makes use of standard CN ga
Summer Co-Editor Olson also said that he had no knowledge Tuesday night. State Police officials would information from a U.S. Army manual in higher conce
Clouds of doubt and a veil of uncertainty that teargas was being used at all until not discuss whether or not they stock CS (TH 3-215) which says: ilar to sunburn
hang over the use of a "super" teargas by he smelled it himself. Asked whether or gas. Sheriff Douglas Harvey refused to talk "CS produces immediate effects even in less and disapp
*..> police in dispersing crowds on South Uni- not Ann Arbor police stock CS gas, Olson to The Daily. low concentration . . . The onset for In- But doctors i
veisity Ave. Tuesday night, replied that he did not know. There is also some dispute whether or capacitiation is 20 to 60 seconds and the cology departm
But one thing is certain. Police did use However Mayor Robert Harris said that n CS gas is more dangerous than the duration of effects is five to- 10 minutes in that depart
a"faster acting, more toxic" variety of Ann Arbor police did, in fact, use some regular CN teargas normally used in "riot after the affected individual is removed to last year, raise
teargas called CS. The CS gas is used form of teargas. control." fresh air. During this time the affected gerous effects a
extensively by the military in Vietnam and If it was the Ann Arbor police who used individuals are incapable of concerted ac- and Dr. Julian
was used recently during the violence at the CS gas, it cannot be known conclu- Seymour M. Hersh, Washington journal- in. an Dr an
Berkeley. Some people consider CS gas sively. It was dark during the South Uni- ist and an authority on chemical and bio- tion.theaing that in
to fall outside of the bounds set by the versity incident and often difficult to logical warfare, told The Daily that CS "The physiological effects include ex- e ive ad s
Geneva convention. distinguish between the different police gas is a "major escalation" from the use treme burning of the eyes accompanied by
At least two CS teargas grenades were agencies, of CN and compared it to adding MIRV copious flow of tears, coughing, difficulty However, the
picked up in the street after police charges Nevertheless, four witnesses claim s-multiple-missile heads to a conventional in breathing, and chest tightness, involun- not yet comple
POSrz issl ytm tary closing of the eyes, stinging sensations effects of CS g
during Tuesday night's conflict. Several tively it was Ann Arbor police who threw missile system.
' witnesses said that the CS grenades were the CS grenades toward them and these Hersh quoted from his book. "Chemical of moist skin, running nose, and dizziness Hersh's book
thrown by Ann Arbor city police. grenades were picked up in areas Ann and Biological Warfare, America's Hidden or swimming of the head. Heavy concen- Harvard doctor
Deputy Police Chief Harold Olson denied Arbor police were known to be patrolling. Arsenal," in describing CS as a "faster trations will cause nausea and vomiting and CN "arei
that city police used CS gas. In fact, Olson It is possible that the witnesses are mis- acting, more toxic teargas" developed by in addition to the above effects." non-lethal, alt
said, "The Ann Arbor police used no tear- taken and the grenades were thrown by the British in the 1950's. In describing the The same manual described the more See

Six Pages
s as "irritating to the skin"
ntrations with effects "sim-
" that are "entirely harm-
ear in a few hours."
n the University's pharma-
ent who were instrumental
nent's report about MACE
d doubts to the more dan-
f CS gas. Dr. Ian MacLeod
Villarreal both sighted tes-
ecent Senate subcommittee
dicated CS might be "more
afer" than CN gas.
doctors said that they have
ed a thorough study of the
reports the findings of two
s who said that both CS
incapacitating, but usually
hough they can kill under

Boos tore

de layed

as po





The Regents yesterday postponed action on the proposal
to form a student bookstore. The decision followed a stormy
closed session earlier in the morning, which involved a debate
apparently re-ignited during the Regents luncheon break.
In explaining the postponement, President Robben Flem-
ing said four steps would be taken to provide further infor-
mation concerning Student Government Council's bookstore
-- Analysis will be made concerning the operations of.
other bookstores in the state, including, for example, the use


of university subsidies to main
-- Study will be made of SC
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Uni-
versity of California regents voted
16-7 yesterday to build a parking
lot and playing field on Berkeley's
Sdisputed "people's park" land,
with housing planned for the near
t ed after abt two ho
discussion, was supported by Gov.
Ronald Reagan. The regents at
the same time, rejected alter-
lo nateplan forelprkdoos reeyby
Bwdserke eophane'sorkRogernW,
wiheysng n Cprnesd frenar
Heyns left the meeting before
the final vote and would not an-
swer reporters' question. He told-"
the meeting that the parking lot
proposal would be "one of the
most serious mistakes we would
He urged that regents lease a
portion of the university-owned
three acref south of the campus to
the city for a park.p
Heyns argued that an orderly
user-developed park would show
the majority of students who sup-
ported the plan that they would
achieve results in the system.t

ntain financial solvency;1
GC's suggestion to solicit alum-
ni funds to support the store.
-SGC will be asked for more
specific plans for a non-recurring
fee assessment to support the
- A statement will be obtained
from Senate Assembly's Student
Relations Committee concerning
pians for a co-operative bookstore.
Fleming also lashed out at SGC
President Mary McLaughlin and
Executive . Vice President Marc
Van Der Hout concerning their
comments after Thursday's Re-
gents open hearing on the book-
store issue.
Van Der Hlout and McLaughlin
had attacked the president f o r
asking local bookstore owners tol
prepare a financial report on the[
student bookstore.
Apparently referring to their
comments on the influence 'of
Fred Ulrich over the decision to
postpone action for further study,
Fleming said the SCG officers
seemed to have "a devil's advocate.
theory of history."
"If SOC is serious, it is much
more likely to make serious pro-
gress through discussion" than by
making such statements, Fleming
Fleming reaffirmed yesterday
that bookstore owners were wel-
come to file any report' they wish-
ed with the University.
In other action, the Regents
voted to make $7500 available to
law enforcement agencies investi-
gating the six recent murders in
the local area.
Vice President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur Pierpont cited
See DELAY, Page 2

-Daliy-Eric Pergeaux
.. . Peace reigns on a deserted South University Ave.

Harvey blasts


South University Ave. was
quiet last night as Mayor
Robert Harris sent in about
15 helmet'ed, uniformed Ann
Arbor police to patrol the
four-block stretch between
East University and Wash-
ten aw.
About four persons were arrest-
ed peacefully during the night, re-
portedly on minor charges. Ann
Arbor police declined at 1:30 a.m.
to release any information con-
cerning those arrested.
During the evening, police walk-
ed mostly in pairs up and down
each South University block,-oc-
casionally chatting with passersby.
There were never more than
200 people on the avenue and
most of them appeared to be
passing through.
By 1 a.m., Ann Arbor police had
left South University. With the
weather brisk, few people remain-
ed on the street.
Mayor Harris was on ,South
?University again for about two
hours last night, but, unlike
Thursday night, there was never
any attempt by a 'orup of people
to move into the street.
By midnight there were only a
few dozen people on S. Univer-'?
sity-including plainclothes police-
men and city officials.
State police, who had. been on
standby along with Ann Arbor
- police Thursday night, were sent
home earlier yesterday. One city
g official said that if trouble had
e brocen out last night, it would
t have taken two hours to mobilize
y the Ann Arbor force.
e There were a few tense moments
around 9:30 p.m. as 'two fire-
crackers exploded on the streets
e within a ten minute period. Buta
t police continued their patrol with-v
out seeming to notice, and no
- crowds developed.
e There appeared to be a pro-
) portionately large number of Uni-
e versity faculty members on theV
1 avenue throughout the evening,
e including many who had beenR
present the night before urgings
d people to leave.
No Washtenaw County sheriff'so
t deputies were 4seen in the Southn
University area last night. Early
in the evening, two empty busesd
- were seen at the sheriff's bivouac
e on Washtenaw Ave. near Carpen-
y ter Rd. in.Ypsilanti..

-Daily-Eric Pergeaux
Students chat with city police

for criticizing tactics

13 still in


From Wire Service Reports
Mayor Robert Harris' criticisms:
of police behavior in the South
University Ave. disturbances was
labeled "political interference" by'
Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug-
las Harvey in harsh confrontation!
early yesterday morning.
"As far as I'm concerned you
are just plain playing politics,"!
Harvey said. "We are trained law
enforcement people and you know
nothing about it," he said to Har-
ris, who is a law professor at the
The stormy meeting took place;

in the office of police chief Walter'I
Krasny, where Harris and Krasny
were discussing the successful at-
tempt Thursday night to avert a
third night of violence. Harvey
was asked not to come in and
Harris took control of police, who
were not used.
Harvey was enraged by Harris'
complaints about the way Wash-
tenaw and Oakland county sher-
iff's deputies handled earlier dis-!
turbances on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday nights.
"From now on you butt your
nose out of our business," Harvey
said. He said the undersheriff of.


Oakland county was "flabbergast-
ed" by Harris' criticism.
Harvey said Harris was "looking
a gift horse in the mouth." "These
departments come here withou
pay and this is the thanks then
get. They won't forget it, I assure
you," he said.
Harris did not respond to the
outburst and Harvey stormed ou
of the office.
At a news conference later yes-
terday Harris commented on the
dispute. "I'm not in a position t
evaluate Sheriff Harvey but ther
have been complaints and we wil
evaluate the whole situation," he
He said the police tactics had
been discussed at confidentia
meetings, which hie was not at
liberty to talk about.
Harris also praised the coopera-
tion of members of, the White
Panther Party and the University
faculty in preventing further out-
breaks on Thursday night.
Harris was in Pittsburgh for a
mayors conference and returned
on Tuesday night-after the most
criticized police action had El
ready begun.
He subsequently defended the
actions of Ann Arbor police in
volved but agreed with people
from the street who were concern-
ed about Harvey.
However, he added that he wa.

as. trials begin
Trials began yesterday of persons arrested in Tuesday's
and Wednesday's disturbances on South University Ave.
while 13 of the 71 arrested still remained in jail.
Six of those in jail are charged with misdemeanors while
seven are charged with felonies.
The first to be tried was Rose Painter, 19, of Ypsilanti,
who was convicted of contention, a misdemeanor.
A jury of six in Judge S. J. Elden's district court ruled
Miss Painter had violated the Michigan Penal Code which
states, "any person who shall make or excite any disturbance
or contention iri any place of business shall be guilty of
The charge carries a penalty of $100 fine and/or 90
days in jail.
Miss Painter was remanded to the county jail without
bond until sentencing at 9 a.m..on June 26.
> Prosecuting attorney Thomas E.
Shea built his case around Ann
is to L Abor Police Deputy Chief- Harold
S nalile A repeated requests for the
crowd to clear the street. Olson
-' testified he used the bullhorn 8

Police control:

Police control has surfaced as
a major issue in the wake of this
week's turmoil on South Uni-
versity Ave.
Prominent officials, w h i 1 e
generally praising the actions of
the Ann Arbor police, admit the
possibility of tactical mistakes
and isolated instances of out-
right brutality.
Control of much-criticized
County Sheriff Douglas Harvey
seems almost out of the ques-
tion. Harvey can be recalled by
the County Board of Supervis-
ors but he would likely win a

a hearing. All the facts must be
reported. People threw every-
thing under the sun at the po-
lice and someone went after De-
puty Chief Harold Olson with a
"I haven't heard any bad re-
ports on state police although
I have heard very little one way
or the other. We are in the ef-
fort of collecting complaints
and getting an exact recap of
what haplened. If I was wrong
in my appraisal I will re-eval-
uate," he adds.
"The people who shot tear-
gas in front of President Flem-

Key question
com, "can hire and fire the po- p o 1 i c e - community r
lice chief, but otherwise c a n through increased com
only consult with him on parti- control of police in his e
cuar.'decisions on particular platform. He has appoi
nights." - seven-man committee to
The decision to bring Ann Ar- the issue, and the comm
bor- police into the South Uni- scheduled to make itsp
versity area Tuesday was made inary recommendations
by Krasny with the concurrence two weeks.
of Borut. Harris and L a r c o m, ,'Rev, Russel Fuller, ch
who would normally influence of the committee, say
Krasny's decision, were both out haven't finalized anythi
of town. We just started on our
Councilman Leroy Cappaert, and then this week'st
the mayor protem, tacitly ap- came along to add grist
proved Krasny's decision. Cap- mils."
paert says, "Nothing Borut told
ma -nt maalrm7 av-Ezra Rowry. former ch

nted a
ittee is
s "We
rng yet.
to our


Harris plai


on mails


Mayor Robert Harris announced
e yesterday that he is appointing a
- special committee to consider
malls, temporary closing of streets,
s dances, concerts and "the whole
e general subject" to see what can
be done.
t T-7nric i4 tat ha ilm - t

many injuries, is a busy thorough-
fare and there were no thoughts
of turning it into a mall before
this week.
However, the University and the
city have been negotiating for
many years construction of a mall

to 10 times prior to the fiai an-
nouncement that the street would
be cleared by the police and any-
one in the street would be arrested.
Shea called the arresting offi-
cers to the stand and they testi-
fied that Miss Painter was in the
street during the announcements
and was only a few feet from
Olson. They stated the defendent
Ifailed to leae the street and was

unable to do anything because
Harvey is an elected >fficial.

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