Wednesday, June 18, 1969
Page Three
Police teargas, club
1500 at South U.
(Continued from Page 1 At about 10 p.m. police began
students into the Undergraduate to use teargas and riot sticks to
Library. move the people further down E.
Thirty minutes later, police University, toward F 1 e mi n g ' s
charged through the Engin Arch house.
onto the campus chasing a group At about 11:30 about 20 Ann
of students who had been cursing Arbor police emerged from t h e:~
them from behind a barricade campus area near President Rob-
which was placed in front of the ben Fleming's house on S. Univer-
arch. sity and threw a smoke bomb at
In the early evening, people be- a group of about 100 people near-
gan. to crowd on the four block by. ~
stretch on S. University Ave. be- Fleming and Student Govern-
tween Washtenaw and Church, ment Council President Marty
Police arrived at about 8:30 McLaughlin w e r e in the crowd
p.m., stationing themselves at when the smoke bomb went off.
Washtenaw and S. University. J.'
crowd As people fled from the area, ......._
At 9 p.m. Olson told the crowd lAs rused upro the police
over a bullhorn that he was going Fleming rushed up to the police
to have the street cleared. Most and angrily asked them to leave.
people then scattered to the side- Fleming believed it w a s high
walk, school students and non-Univer-
The police then moved down S. sity students who were responsi-
University to E. University, clear- ble for the rock throwing. "We
ing the road, arresting several can't control the high school kids,"..
people. Most of the crowd moved said Fleming.
onto the sidewalk. Fleming and several student
Police then turned and moved leaders met with police around
people who were on the sidewalk midnight and asked them to leave.
back toward Washtenaw. Many of Police began to withdraw back
the people moved off to the side- to E. University on S. University.
streets, S. Forest and Church. Po- But some rocks and bottles were
lice then began pushing people thrown at police and they re-
back down the side streets. mained.
-Daily-Jay Cassidy
z"-"+::: Current Position Openings received by Police dreg person (away
General Division, call 764-7460 for fur-
D AILY OFFICIAL ther info: Local department store: As-
sistant manager of store, respon. for
BULLETIN toy, hardware, departments. Will dolvt#
mec adsn ,ivnoy cnrl r -motion, display, adv. and other runt-Mao
.. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .:........., ; ; ........tions. rPefer over 22 age, with degree
and some work experience, degree and!"
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 exper. ned not be in any specific field.
Departmnt Manager for Camera, Elec-y
Day'Calendar week arranged as you like, 3 people
working under you to cover sales hours,
display, inventory and sales contacts AN OPEN LETTER TO THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT COMMUNITY
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- work, could be student and arrange From: Mayor Robert J. Harris
nar: "Management of Managers, Pro- hours around classes.F
gram No. 92": North Campus Commons
8:15 am. 9State of Vermont: Sanitary Engineer, The sad events of last night were not a "police riot"; they were
Education Institute: Lary Bary, Uni- East China Public Schools, St. Clair, not Chicago all over again. On Monday night a group of young people,
versity of Michigan School of Social Mich. - Accountant. almost none of them from the University, attempted to take over a
Work, "Black Self-Determination": 245 Burroughs. Corporation, Detroit: city street. Last night a group attempted to take over the samle street
Physics Bldg., 9:00 a.m. Paul Glasser Communications staff' seeks graduates again. The group came armed with bottles, cement bricks and other
and Norma Radin, University of Mich- with 0-3 years exper, in public rela-
igan School of Social Work, "Preventive tions, adv., journalism, and approp. de- weapons and lay down in the street. When the police ordered them to
Intervention in Work with Parents: A grees, leave, one youth attacked a police officer with a knife and others
New Dimension in Social Work": Lob- San Diego County, Calif.: S o e i a 1 tlevonesyoutheattaced
by, Physics Bldg., 9:00 a.m. Worker, MSW, exper, in field of child/ threw rocks at the police.
College and University Administra- family welfare pref. In the course of the evening, as police tried to keep crowds off the
tion Institute: Rackham Assembly Hall, Rohm and Haas Co., Phila., Pa.: Che.
Fourth Floor, 9:00 a.m. PhD In Che. BS/MS Chem. PhD Or- street, they were time and again pelted with 'large rocks-from people
gan Chem. Ph.D. Phys. Chem. BS/MS in the crowds and ontop of buildings.
PlacementService E. BS/MS ME Plant Path~, Parasitol, I recognize the hostility many students feel toward the police. I
GENERAL DIVISION State of Illinois: Activity P r o g r a m am sure rumors are flourishing. But in this case I ask students to
3200 S.A.B. Aide, Correction Couns., EDP person- listen to the facts about the incident. Fifteen law enforcement officers
Announcement: Oral Interviews for nel, Auditor. 4 were taken to, the hospital with injuries. Seven young people were
Management Intern applicants to Fed- Amer. Friends Service Committee, taken to the hospital. About 45 arrests were made.
eral Service will be held on June 23, N.Y.C.: Community Peace Action In- I have discussed this with President Fleming. He expressed his
in Room 3516, S.A.B. You will be noti- ters, graduates with some study in
fled of your eligibility for this exam. respect for the restraint of the Ann Arbor Police and from the time
If you have any questions aobut the international relations and interest in
FSEE call Miss Webber, 764-7460. vocation in peace education. he was on the street until the matter was under control, the police
-----_-.- --- - showed great restraint in the face of rocks, bottles and abuse from
--- - .-- -- -the non-students who were obviously trying to bring on a confronta-
TONIGHT 1421 Hil St We will not allow South University to be taken over by a sma
3:34 P, who declare themselves to be the people. I hope there is no
further trouble along South University. I ask students, in the event of
further trouble, to stay off the streets and not join in.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students of the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-052. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by
carrier. $10 by mail.
Summer Session published -Tuesday
FRIDAY and SATURDAY through Saturday morning. Subsorip'
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by
and --CAMLLE
DA E JOHNS ____ Ren
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Wednesday, June 18 ceed as a whore"
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