Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al: reprints. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD ROSENTHAL I T(DLAY TO US- IT ASKSIW F EF: (U I - E UA CPPURtUNffY- PIOW -0 RIGT)T The aspiring quest of Norman Mailer AMP Fl 19At MATS TDTALl IMMOR I T WHO AP6 COMPMM' OARr WE TO 4 TODAY, MIL IONS OF New Yorkers flock to the polls to cast either a vote of confidence or a ballot of contempt for the impudent upstarts that have chal- lenged the rigid New York City party hierarchy. Norman Mailer, novelist-jour- nalist-film-maker, and Jimmy Breslin, columnist, are candidates for the Demo- cratic nomination of Mayor and Presi- dent of City Council. While their chances seem slim and the impact of their candi- da~y small, their platform can only be described as visionary. It is easy to ridicule the Mailer-Bres- in candidacy. After all, who are the can- didates? Mailer, considered a devilish- rake and publicity-hound by most people, has only become an established national figure because of his erratic behavior. Breslin, a two-bit columnist at b e s t, only recently made it big when he sold a book to the movies. These are not re- presentative of the men American wis- dm thrusts to the position of public trust. The mass media has decided that the campaign is just another episode in the ego-trip of Norman Mailer the public personal ty. Others no doubt believe that Mailer and Breslin are unfit because they lack the qualifications the office de- mands. Many are resentful that the two have not shown the proper respect for their political predecessors and have not' served the required apprenticeship and granted the necessary loyalties to the party of their choice. Indeed, a few hold steadfastly to the view that Kurt Vonnegut was right when he said that the novel as an art form'had declined to such an extent that Mailer and other novelists were forced to act out their characterizations in public. Most, then, would conclude that Mailer is only capitalizing on his public reputation. ALL OF THIS shows how deeply the cliched and stereotyped mind per- vades our society; how difficult It is for new visions to be inserted into the stale American body politic. Lindsay and Wag- ner offer up only the specter of failure; their politics, wliich is to say, their lack of political initiative, provides us only of the opportunity to watch urban decay strangle the future of our megapolis. The plight of New York strikes a deep and sensitive chord within all of us, re- gardless of residence; its future is o u r destiny, its joys our delights, its enter- tainment our recreation. The death of New York, or any American city, would spell the end of our own corroding and declining public spirit. If somehow the miraculous does occur - and Mailer wins - he will be free to impose his own vision: New York City as the 51st state. Mailer's politics stem from the convic- tion that the party hacks and careerist scoundrels can no longer (if they ever could) benefit the City. Their continua- tion in power, the continuation of t h e structure that pushes them to power, steadily diminishes the possibility t h a t New York City can become a "livable" place for Puerto Ricans and blacks as well as affluent professionals, manager- ialists, and bureaucrats. The pain and ur- gency of City problems are so overwhelm- ing as to defy 'politics as usual.' And, although politicos long ago co- opted this line to secure their power, the City's plague is still very much with us. Mailer and Breslin argue, then, that it is impossible to "change this city for the better without creating a new political basis." EVERYONE KNOWS OF the problems of the megapolis and the extent of liter- ature on the subject mocks the pretenses of the imagination. Still, air pollution worsens, crime in the streets soars daily, new construction of highways only brings greater congestion and cities appear to be losing their ability to meet welfare costs. Public housing is a sham, municipal financing floats on speculative markets, city police verge on racism. Political Niro who? QPIRO AGNEW said the. other dlay that mediocrity seems the order of the day. And, to add to all of this, we have even lost our ability to know each other, as the only community that exists within our cities becomes the community of flight, or the community that finds it- self in resistance to urban renewal. Our public spirit has been debased by the engine of capitalistic greed, our com- munities torn apart by the forces of mo- bility, our life-styles destroyed by t h e dictates of mass-regimented conformity and sterility. "The face of the solution," Mailer tells us, "may reside in the notion that the Left has been absolutely right on some critical problems of our time, and the Conservatives have been altogether cor- rect about one enormous matter - the federal government has no business whatever in local affairs." Why should City residents, for every five dollars they contribute, receive only one dollar in tax monies? Why should the City pay for the services provided to "the good farmers and small-town work- ers of New York State" that only detest the climate of the City and rarely miss the opportunity of stabbing urgently needed City programs in the back with compromise? "The connection of N e w York City to New York State is a mar- riage of misery, incompatibility, and abominable old quarrels," says Mailer, and only one course of action for the City exists. New York City must become a state. THE NEW CITY-STATE would provide I a more effective mechanism for at- tacking the "ills of overproduction." Cars would be banned from Manhattan there- by diminishing air pollution; a monorail would be erected around the islnd to fa- cilitate mass transit; that dreadful docu- ment, the City Charter, could be scrapped for a state constitution - one that would give the city-state new authority and power that its attachment with New York State has denied it. Money, of course, is only a small part of the struggle and unless t h e r e is "a structure to pour it into," Mailer conclud- ed to a man on the street, "it's like pour- ing concrete on the ground." If there is a key aspect to Mailer's ima- ginative program, it is symbolized by the cry, "All power to t h e neighborhoods." The largest difficulty for man in the twentieth century, Mailer tells us, is iso- lation from community a n d alienation from self. In the city-state, people could come together and constitute themselves upon any principle they pleased. Neighborhoods, if they so desired, would manage their own municipal services, their own police, educative institutions, and welfare, or could a 1 i g n themselves with friendly boroughs across the way. No neighborhood, he insists, would come into existence because the Mayoralty (through urban renewal), or the planners, or the technocrats dictated. The development of the city would proceed along lines toward the development of community. POWER TO THE neighborhoods, Mailer concludes, would represent a reloca- tion of old political directions. Borrowing from the left, "it says a city cannot sur- vive unless the poor are recognized," their problems underlined as a threat to the whole, and privatism eschewed for com-. munity action. Yet it would take into account conser- vative principles too. "It recognizes that a man must have the opportunity to work out his own destiny, or he will never know the dimensions of himself, he will be alienated from any sense of whether he is acting for good or evil . . . a man must have the right to live his life in such a way that he may know if he is dying in a state of grace." Vote The Rascals In! -DREW BOGEMA -GEORGE BRISTOL -STEVE ANZALONE -LORNA CHEROT -JOEL BLOCK -RON LANDSMAN -TOBE LEV 04 as I Mrs fror by: TWO] ti Near bruta duri who free. Th man ners nak, giers morn tered ports heav W1 men some youn Fred lay b 2 an( It July polic repor ferri veral admi "self ted n IN ings Augu Sena that Se word off f wasn tiona Au degre De pitt t that the arous result the i W1 derwE it w' court seat JudgE Aft timor not-g of th pears invi TH the sion 0e spensingjustice By DAVID WEIR giers, as told by August, an as- ed that bo MASON, MICH.sortment of State troopers, Na- gunned to tional Guardsmen, other Detroit Paillef I'm going to fight this case patrolmen, and a group of sur- Temple,s ong as I got breath in me." viving "victims" of the motel in- Senak "sh( . Rebecca Pollard cident. ly at the m: The Algiers Motel Incident From this testimony, a picture him were John Hersey emerges of August as a fright- Court by ** * ened cop who, in Lippitt's words, Mascio bet R MRS. REBECCA Pollard, "wasn't very well-prepared f o r advisedc he fight ended on Tuesday. what happened during the riot." rights. ly two years after her son was When August, Paille and Senak ally beaten and murdered arrived at the motel that night, DID TH ng the Detroit riot, the man they didn't find any trace of snip- giving Aug admitted shooting him w a s ers. It has since been learned crime? W that the "snipers" existed only in brought a te fight began when ex-police- the imagination of a frightened insufficien Ronald August and his part- National Guardsman named The- viction? Robert Paille and David Se- odore Thomas. The an all whites, entered the Al- What they did find, however, questions Motel annex early on the were ten black men and two white was not a ing of July 26, 1967. They en- girls, all staying in various rooms weighted f the motel to investigate re- in the Algiers Manor House, an Augustfrom a s m that "the Army is under annex to the motel. 'y sniper fire. impressed y snip-r fire." With the help of an undeter- n- clean-cut en the threerDetroit patrol- mined number of state policemen conduct in drove away from the mn o t e 1 and Guardsmen, they "interrogat- what slope time later, the bodies of three ed" the twelve about the "snip- noxious w g blacks - Auburey Pollard, ers." community Temple, and Carl Cooper - The trial testimony projects a Also, Ju )attered and bloody in rooms grisly image of police terrorism pitt to sho d 3-A, and brutality, which the police riot in ort was nearly a weak later - on officers called a "game." ment that 31, 1967 - that the three The residents were lined against tions" exh emen finally got around to a wall, while Senak and several were there rting the deaths. After con- unidentified officers walked up whateverf ng together and retrieving se- and down the line, beating them It was n conflicting reports, August with clubs and guns. At one point, most all of .tted shooting Pollard in Senak broke a shotgun over Pol- were black -defense", and Paille admit- lard's head. THERE nurdering Temple. When it became clear that the question a4 helpless victims of this p o li c e presenting VARIOUS trials and hear- "game" were unable to give any choices - since then, the testimony of information about the alleged on the first st and Paille has implicated snipers. Senak, Paille and Thomas The evic k in much of the violence began taking them one at a time it difficult. took place at the motel. into side rooms. tion and r nak himself has never said a Once in the room, the policemen the Pollar about the killings. Paille got told the blacks to lie down on gree or n rom any charge because he the floor and be quiet. They then would hav 't advised of his constitu- shot several times into the ceiling of the evic t rights before he confessed. and walked back out to the line, choice. gust was charged with first- boasting of "killing another one." Beer wou ee murder. decision to fense Attorney Norman Lip- AUGUST claims that he had however, a then got to work and argued no part of this "game," but that edly that the trial be moved, away from he remained back against a wall consider t, Detroit area because the watching the proceedings with tained tot sed passions of the residents numerous other state troopers and ting from wide publicity of Guardsmen, many of whom were ncident. laughing. hen the trial finally got un- August testified that Senak ay on May 14 of this year, turned to him and said, "This as in a scenic small-town one (Pollard) wants to see an of- house in Masor, Michigan - ficer. Do you want to shoot one of Ingham County - with too?" Senak then handed him a e William Beer presiding. shotgun. To the Ed ter hearing five weeks of tes- August said he then took Pol- EZRA R ny, the jury found August lard into room 3-A "to protect Saturday's ;uilty. And as far as the facts him," and that Pollard grabbed ministratio e case are concerned, it ap- for the gun, forcing August to Larcom co that their decision was an shoot him. their polic table if unfair one. The circumstances surrounding release, M the other two deaths - those of his true co [EIR DECISION was based on Carl Cooper and Fred Temple - ployee. T1 partially-reconstructed v e r- are still unclear and probably will charge. Ha of what happened at the Al- never be known. Autopsies reveal- is where t] in Mason, Michigan th had been beaten and death at close range. admitted to shooting stating that he and ot almost simultaneous- man." Charges against dropped at Recorders' Judge Robert E. De- cause he had not been of his constitutional E COURTS succeed in gust a fair trial for his rere the right charges gainst him? Was there t eivdence for a con- swer to all of these is no. The murder trial fair trial because it was from the beginning in avor. The all-white jury nall town was obviously by the ex-policeman's appearance and s o b e r contrast to the some- py and occasionally ob- itnesses from the black adge Beer allowed Lip- )w movies of the Detroit der to stress his argu- t"battlegroundcondi- sted and the troopers afore justified in using force was necessary. no coincidence that al- f the faces in the movie ALSO IS a serious s to Beer's reasoning in .the jury with only two coiviction or acquittal t degree murder charge. dence in the case made to prove "premedita- malice-aforethought" in d killing. A second-de- manslaughter c h a r g e e taken better account dence and given a real uld not comment on his limit the alternatives, and he stressed repeat- the jury was only to she "facts" as they per- the first-degree charge. The jury was obviously unim- pressed by several black witnesses who testified against August. Prosecutor Avery Weiswesser re- peatedly apologized for the ap- pearance and the behavior of some of his witnesses, many of whom were survivors of the Al- giers incident. THERE ARE A number of un- answered questions about t h e court's handling of the case. Paille and Senek, for instance, spent only one night in jail before be- ing released on $5,000 bond. Despite his confession to the Pollard killing, August has never been janled or curtailed in a n y way. The prosecuting attorneys have not handled the case very enthus- iastically. Wayne County Prosecu- tor William L. Cahalan said he refused to prosecute police officers and his deputy, Avery Weiswas- ser, admitted he was hesitant about taking the case. And in his final, argument to the jury, Weiswasser used so me curious logiq in urging August's conviction. He said that August had "betrayed his fellow police- men, most of whom exercise their authority legitimately." Weiswasser then referred to the "jackass extremists who call po- licemen 'pigs'" and said that it was especially important to con- vict August since he "took the law into his own hands." He was arguing, therefore, not to curb excess police powers, but to increase overall police credibil- ity by prosecuting one who tarn- ished the policeman's image. OTHER QUESTIONABLE as- pects of the case are the repeated harassment of members of the dead youth's families as well as survivors of the motel ordeal by Detroit policemen. Many of these people have been arrested and some even jailed on a variety of charges over the past two years. Invariably when they get to police headquarters, they are questioned aobut, "what happen- ed at the Algiers Motel that night?" But by far the most regrettable by-product of the entire Algiers case is the disintegration of the Pollard family since Auburey's murder. His father, Auburey Pollard Sr., and his oldest brother Chaney went to the morgue to identify the body. Shortly after Chaney suffered a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized for three months. Mrs. Pollard claims her husband has "never been the same" since his visit to the morgue and the two have since been separated. Mr. Pollard appeared nervous and remote during the trial at Mason. The other two Pollard brothers -- Tanner and Robert - have been continually harassed by the police. Robert is currently serving a three-ten year stretch in pri- son for robbing a newsboy of sev- en dollars. "I'm the onliest one," M r s. Pollard told John Hersey last year, "me and my daughter, that ain't went to pieces." AND IT WAS Mrs. Pollard who, in an interview with Hersey, pro- bably summed up the miscarriage of justice in the Algiers case the best. "You know what hurt me so bad? Because they never was a white motel they could have, that the Negro police could come in and shoot it up like they did that Negro hotel (the Algiers), that they walk in out of the street and shoot an innocent guest like they did, and get turned loose. Tell me what would have happened if a Negro police had walked into an all-white neighborhood and shot it up, like they shot up the Algiers Motel." August, Paille, Senak, and a Negro private guard Melvin Dis- mukes now face a federal charge of conspiring to deny civil rights to the Algiers victims. It's the same tactic federal of- ficials were forced to use in Mis- sissippi several years ago. 4V 't" fr itor: f I Letters to the Editor ROWRY commented in Daily, "The new ad- on assumed that Mr. uld effectively carry out ies. In his present press r. Larcom h a s shown lors." Larcom is an em- Lhe Democrats are in arris is in charge. That he responsibility lies. Did Harris indicate any disap- proval of Larcom's report? No- Then who is being kidded? I un- derstand the reluctance on t h e part of those who have been wait- ing so long for a Democratic ad- ministration to come d o w n on Harris. One would think, though, that there had never been Demo- crats in control of cities before. Or that the results of such control have been really great. The Democratic administration notwithstanding, if those who know the score refuse to try to prevent Cowley's position from be- coming untenable, then things will be worse than ever before. If the one city agency which works for people, not property, is emasculat- ed; if the one professional staff prepared to challenge the police is rendered impotent, t h e chief sufferers will be the black com- mun, ty and, secondarily, the stu- dent community. THERE HAS BEEN almost no public backing for the HRC staff vis a vis Harris from where it should be coming. The Commis- sion itself has been very reticent. The New Democratic Coalition has challenged Harris privately, but not publicly where it counts. The Ad Hoc Committee on Police- Community Relations has not publicly supported the HRC staff. Privately, I know the support is there. But some distorted princi- ple prevents most Democrats from moving forthrightly. Yet of the 30 or so people who signed the open letter to Harris criticising him and Money for ' To the Editor: MR. MONTGOMERY'S accep- tance of State Rep. Richard Al- len's proposal f o r a designated, mandatory, financial "contribu- tion" by graduates of state uni- versities is overlooking s o m e meaningful aspects. For one, the small "contribu- tion" might not seem like much by itself, but added to other educa- tional loan payments which us- ually come due, also, after gradu- ation, it creates a sizeable sum to students who have been putting themselves through school. Not all students are as well off financial- ly as some at Michigan. IN ADDITION, there really are other ways of financing education besides the constant raising of tu- ition and taxes. Other methods might require more guts and ima- gination to enact, however. For example, if dog racing were allow- ed in the state and a significant percentage of the profits given to education m a n y financial diffi- culties could be alleviated. And the taxpayer and/or student feels the pinch less if some of his monetary loss at the track finds its way to a local university. But for political reasons, there won't be dog racing in Michigan- not this year anyway. Tax a n d tuition hikes are easier to imple- ment, apparently. -Ginny Lott, '70 A & D June 15 a .4 IIWma= I --l- J-I i-t+b . L , "' V41