RATS AND INDUSTRY IN SCENIC OHIO See editorial page Y gu It 4JUU A& 4kv :43 a t I CONVENTIONAL Hrigh-OS Low-58 Partly cloudy, cooler; slight chance of rain I Vol. LXXIX, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 13, 1969 Ten Cents Six Pages I. Study By SHARON WEINER Eventual independence from the Univer- sity and immediate expansion to a four-r year college are among the key recom- riendations of the special study committee on the future of the University's Dearborn campus. The report, released yesterday, is pres- ently under consideration by the Univer- sity's executive officers. The student-fac- ulty-community committee was established last November by Vice President for State Relations and Planning Arthur Ross. "Although the committee was asked to base its study on the assumption that the Dearborn Campus would remain an in- tegral part of the University, the Commit- tee found no strong reason for an in- definate continuance of this policy," the report states. The committee recommended that a de- tailed five-year plan, consistent with the asks independence for Dearborn recommendations of the report, be formu- lated to prepare the campus for independ- ence as a state university. During this five year period, the campus should strive to become a "viable, self- sufficient unit capable of assuming major responsibility for higher educational needs in the metropolitan area," the report states. Dearborn is on the edge of Detroit. The campus would remain an integral part of the University during this time. The committee also urged that freshmen and sophomores be admitted in the fall of 1970. "Such a move would permit the campus to compete more effectively for students and to serve them better once enrolled," the report says. The Dearborn Campus is currently one of the only schools in the country which offers "upper-division instruction," a jun- ior-senior level curriculum with a limited graduate school program. The limited course offerings are one of the principle causes for a disappointing growth rate, the report says. However, if expansion were agreed upon, Ross said yesterday, "1971 would be a more practical date for its inception." The report says the Dearborn Campus has a great potential and opportunity for growth. If its recommendations are adopt- ed, "an enrollment projection of 2,200 by 1975 and 5,000 by 1980 seems quite reason- able." The number of students has grown at Dearborn from 34 in 1959 to 777 last fall, most of them transferring after completing two years at adjacent Henry Ford Com- munity College, But the committee also maintained "the community college is not oriented toward the upper division college." Although the committee was aware that nearby community colleges might object to expanding Dearborn to four years, it was "not discouraged." "There is no evidence at Flint that the four year program has injured the Flint Community College, Ross observes, "al- though we will be discussing the expansion with the Dearborn community college of- ficials before we decide on the merits of the program." In support of the recommendations for autonomy and independence, the commit- tee asked that; -Academic programs at Dearborn be directed toward the needs of the western Detroit metropolitan area, and consider specifically the "needs of urban youth, local public service agencies and institu- tions and local industry"; -Four year academic programs in the liberal arts and sciences, education, busi- ness administration and engineering be offered, with the present cooperative pro- gram-where the students alternate terms of classroom instruction with relatea work assignments in business and industry-be- coming optional rather than mandatory; -Masters level programs be initiated where faculty strengths and resources per- mit without distracting from the develop- ment of undergraduate options; -A new name be chosen for the campus to "connote the autonomy of the campus and facilitate its future transition to in- dependent status;" -The chief executive officer of the cam- pus carry a title other than "Dean," per- haps Provost of Chancellor, and report to the President and other executive officers of the University; -The Dearborn Campus be advised by a citizens' committee appointed by the Re- gents and broadly representative of the metropolitan area; -A capital building program, including a new library building, student activities facilities and additional campus housing be initiated; -A long range plan for physical de- velopment of the campus be undertaken to meet projected enrollment increases. The committee also suggested admission standards, currently the same as in Ann Arbor, be made more flexible "to serve a more diverse group of high school grad- uates." Graduation standards should re- main at the "same high level." "Findings and recommendations of the Dearborn study, as in the case of other such reports, are advisory and subject to consideration by the Regents," Ross said. "It is our intention to consult fully with interested parties before proposing a defi- nite plan of action." (HAUNCEY INCIDENT: e t 4 4 1 ninistrator IM board recommends use T- t tj uui blasts HRC action By JUDY SARASOHN City Administrator Guy Lar- com, Jr. issued a highly crit- ical statement yesterday blasting the Human Relations Commission for its actions concerning the alleged police beating of HRC staff member Ray Chauncey. Chauncey was arrested May 10 while he was testing the Star Bar in Ann Arbor for dis-I crimination. In his statement, Larcom said the behavior of HRC director David Cowley "in this case has not been functional in terms of clari- fying the facts and taking ef- fective and appropriate action." The city administrator also crit- icized Chauncey for his "totally unacceptable, inappropriate" be- havior at the bar. Neither Cowley nor Chauncey was available for comment yes- terday. Larcom particularly criticized! Cowley for: -releasing "to the press a num- ber of unsupported negative gen- eralizations about the police;" -releasing to the press "a one- sided version of the incident with- out indicating that a full investi- gation was in process and yet to be completed;" -not interviewing all the wit- nesses at the time of his press re- lease and basing "the release on only one perspective of the inci-; dent; and" assuming the release was ap- propriate and supported, "after d the fact, his employe's proceeding is with unauthorized testing of the police." is Cowley said he originally was not allowed to read any of the testimony from witnesses whom Sthe police questioned. Now even though he and three others mem-! bers of the commission have view- . ed the evidence, Cowley still be-r g lieves Chauncey acted properly. of tuition for buildings Fee hike wold start wihen facilities open By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The Intramural Advisory Board, which barred reporters from its key Monday night meeting, has recommended the use of a $15 per term additional tuition levy to fund con- struction of two IM facilities, The Daily learned yesterday. Under the proposal, however, the levy would not be insti- tuted until construction of the buildings had been completed. Thus only students who could use the proposed facilities would be required to pay for them. The IM board proposal also suggests that the Regents and Student Government Council reach some agreement on a method of allowing for increased student participation in the controversial decision of how to fund the buildings. SGC has demanded that anyfinal decision on IM fund- ingawait a binding student IIbo r referendum on the question. -Associated Press Finch Allen Finch, Allen hit disruption1 bill WASHINGTON () - The Nixon administration expresse opposition yesterday to a bill backed by House Republican that would require colleges to file with the government plan for controlling campus disorders. Secretary of Welfare Robert H. Finch and James E. Allen U.S. commissioner of education, told the chief GOP sponsor, of the legislation they could not support it. Both officials, along with President Nixon and Atty. Gen John N. Mitchell, have said major responsibility for dealin with campus disorders should be left with the universities The lack of administration support failed to dampen th determination of the Republicans to push the bill, howeve They hope to have it approved by the House Education an Labor Committee next week. Finch and Allen were called to the office of Rep. Alber H. Quie, (R-Minn.) to make clear their position on the bill a compromise measure with bipartisan support that wa introduced Monday. The bill's chief feature is its re- quirement that colleges applying for federal funds submit a code of approved campus conduct and a plan for dealing with 'st'dent / ! uprisings. , _.__ . ..4 Daily-Jay Cassidy Thiecoolig off peiriod Some days it's just too hot to move. And if you don't have air conditioning, what's a body to do? Sit in the League fountain pool, of course, and soak up the long awaited summer sun. Precisely what this young lady is doing as she reads, perched up on her damp derriere. RETURNED TO COMMITTEE: State Senate defeats moderate proposal for abortion reform k 4I I t t 7jI i I i I i# By SHARON WEINER The State Senate yesterday de- .a e r- d t I, LS Larcom said any charges against feated the abortion reform b1ill a city department should be made proposed by Sen. Gilbert Bursley through proper channels and only (R'Ann Arbor). by a vote of 16- then, if the case is not resolved, 17. The bill needed 20 votes to should HRC resort to public ex pass. posure. Backers of the bill immediately The city administrator also dis- moved the bill back to commit- puted Cowley's claim that what tee, where it remains in posi- happened to Chauncey was not an tion for further action in the fall "isolated incident," or that it is or early next year. See CITY, Page 2 The bill would have allowed DOCTORS QUESTION REPORT abortions when the mental or tion of pregnancy only when the physical health of the mother was life of the mother is in danger. endangei~ed, when there was "I will continue to fight," vowed "significant risk" that the b a b y Sen. Lorraine Beebe (R-Dear- would be seriously deformed and born). "I speak as a woman and a in cases of rape or incest mother, who was told she had one If the mother's mental health chance in a million to have a were involved, the bill stated, the child," she said. "And I had a operation would be performed only therapeutic abortion." after consultation of three doc- "You cannot impose your will," she told the Senators. "The tors, one a psychiatrist. ?woman must make the decision State law now allows termina- and she must live with it." Sen. James Fleming (R-Jack- son) attempted to modify the bill, but failed in a 22-8 vote. Supporters of the bill had said Fleming's amendment w o u 1d "emasculate" their proposal. r ,.# Both the majority and minority leaders of the Senate had predict- 12 miles south of Ann Arbor. ed passage of some kind of Harvey said a suspect in the abortion reform in the Senate, Milan stabbing was arrested and had said they would support while hitchhiking a few miles some kind of limited reform. away a half an hour later and "The proposal is still alive," was being questioned in Ann Bursley said yesterday. He pled- Arbor. The suspect was picked ged to introduce the bill again up on the basis of the girl's de- next session. scription of her assailant, Har- Bursley said he believed many vey said. colleagues who voted against the However, he was cleared by proposal were "just scared." sheriff's deputies of any con- "Chances are favorable it will nection with the six area mur- pass next time," he said. "Had all waam. the Senators been nresent for this Such a vote would be taken during the fall. Several key administrators - including Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Allan F. Smith - have said they would prefer using the results of a survey of stud- ent views as a basis for deciding whether students favor the tui- tion assessment plan. Smith, who asked the IM com- mittee to draft the proposal, has said he would trust the results of a survey more than a referen- dum because he believes refer- enda on taxation attract negative votes. However, proponents of the re- ferenda have countered that peo- ple are more likely to respond to surveys if they favor the plan' being suggested. The IM board's proposal is ex- pected to be brought\ to the Re- gents next week at their regular monthly meeting. No immediate action on the proposal is expect- ed, however. The proposal was drafted at Monday's closed meeting. After the meeting, board members re- fused to disclose the contents of the plan. The meeting was closed largely at the request of Athletic Direc- tor Don Canham who tolduboard members the Regents would be annoyed if the proposal appeared in the newspapers before it was sent to them. A wide range of student groups -including SGC, Inter-House As- sembly, Interfraternity Council, the Tenants Union, and Stock- well Council - have expressed strong opposition to the use of an increase in tuition to fund the proposed IM facilities. by, SGC By LORNA CHEROT and ERIKA HOFF Student Government Coun- cil last night,lashed out at the Intramural Advisory B o a r d and its proposal to use, in- creased tuition assessments for construction of two new intramural facilities. Council demanded that the Re- gents restructure the board "to represent fairly all groups in the University community, in propor- tion to their use of intramural The board is presently compos- ed of six students, four faculty members and five administrators. The board met in closed session Monday to draft a proposal for funding the plannedrbuildings. The proposal called for a $15 per term increase in student f e e s which would begin upon comple- tion of the buildings, The Daily learned yesterday. SGC also urged students to withhold payment of any tuition increases slated for intramural construction, if the decision to use student fees is made "without stu- dent consent." SGC has already demanded that the final decision on the fund- ing question await a binding student referendum in the fall. Council further demanded that the board's secret proposal be officially released to the public. In other action, Council amend- ed the student bookstore proposal to provide only the Regents with the right to review decisions by the student-faculty board of di- rectors. The original proposal gave review powers to both the V i c e President for Student Affairs and the Regents. SGC will present the bookstore attacked Failure to file a plan with Office of Education within days after enactment of the would lead to withdrawal of federal education aid. the - 60 bill all P1CtLIJL4 seen downtown ai There had been conflicting statements by supporters and op- ponents of the bill as to where the administration stood on it. Finch and Allen told newsmen they oppose such an approach to the problem of student unrest and had :come to no agreement with the congressmen on other legis- lation. Alice Kalom, the latest victim in a--series of local slayings, was last seen at Dunkin' Donuts restaurant on Main and Liberty about 4 a.m. Sunday, truck driver Ben Rosenberg reported yesterday. However. Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey refused to confirm the report that Miss Kalom was seen in the coffee shop with two young men as Rosenberg had claimed. Rosen- ed railroad depot now used as a rehearsal hall for bands, was being used for a party given by an Ann Arbor woman to cele- brate the birthday of her boy- friend. If the murder occurred early Sunday morning, then detec- tives only have three hours to account for in tracing her move- ments just before death. Al- though Harvey has not confirm- ed the truck driver's report, de- ing, which was found yesterday near the spot where Miss Kalom was believed to have been mar- dered on Earhardt Rd. in Ann Arbor Township. The weapon was brought in to the County Jail, then turned over to State Police laboratory technicians for examination. Meanwhile, yesterday the body of a 33-year old secretary was found in a rural grass spot near Grand Rapids. Police declined to -n m£f f P nn l + . 0' +th mammmemmaassaussa