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June 12, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-12

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See editorial page



ESSA says it
will rain

Vol. LXXIX, No. 25-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 12, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages

Victim seen
party early



Alice Kalom, sixth victim in
a string of brutal murders in
the Ann Arbor area, was last
seen leaving a private party
at the Depot House with an
unidentifed male companion}
at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, police
revealed yesterday.
The owner of the Depot House,
416 S. Ashley, a converted train f
station used largely for music re-
hearsals and offices-said he did'
not know who had rented the
building for the evening. He added
that he thought the party wasl
fairly open to whoever wanted to
Miss Kalom - who graduated'
last month from the architecture
<f school-was found dead Monday
in a field near an abandoned farm
building seven miles north of Ann
Arbor. The building is just south
of N. Territorial Road and east
s rv' of U.S. 23. ;
" Ann Arbor Deputy Police Chiefj
Harold Olson said police learned!
yesterday that Miss Kalom had
dinner with a girlfriend and then'
went to the Depot House with her.;
He said police had not learned
what she did after arriving at the
People who saiw Miss Kalom at~
the party said the clothes she was
Press wearing then were the same as
those found at the murder.
Witnesses generally declined to
discuss the case with reporters,
apparently on instructions from
the police.
Until Miss Kalom's presence at
the Depot House had been estab-
lished, pathologists had placed'the
time of the murder at about Sat-'
urday night. Earlier estimates'
jlaced the murder on Sunday

Joseph Kalom, the victim's father
Wagner defends

-Associated Press
Double missile costs.
Barry J. Shillito, assistant secretary of defense for installations and logistics, uses a chart to
illustrate his testimony yesterday before a Senate-House economic subcommittee. Shillito confirmed
that the cost of the Minuteman II intercontinental ballistic missile program had approximately

may endorse
booksto re
Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell
said yesterday the Student Government Council proposal for
a University bookstore will probably be endorsed by the Uni-
versity's executive officers "as an auxiliary enterprise."
She added that the proposal will be on the Regents'
agenda for their June meeting next Thursday and Friday.
The University is currently the only Big Ten school with-
out a university bookstore.
Mrs. Newell said that the executive officers were present-
ly "working on the wording of their statement concerning
the bookstore proposal."
She explained that the m a i n
problem blocking immediate en-
dorsement of the bookstore pro- S G
posal was the question of fund-
ing. The SGC proposal makes no "
mention of funding.
SGC Executive Vice President c
Marc Van Der Hout said that this
was done because SGC was main-
ly interested in having the execu-
tive officers recommend the con- OA p a
cept of a student-operated book-
store to the Regents. Student Government Coun-
The proposal simply explains cil tonight will consider two
that the first year's operationcitoghwllondeto
would probably require an in- proposals aimed at increasing
vestment of between $200,000 and the student role in University
$250,000. The $200,000 would be decision-making.
for inventory and the remainder One, sponsored by SGC Presi-
for equipment and operating ex- dent Marty McLaughlinp
penses until the store becomes trhat C ceasegtoiap oposes
self -supporting. ta G es oapitsu
SGC President Marty McLaugh- dents to serve in purely advisory
lin said last night he will sug- positions in the Office of Student
gest financing through student Affairs.
fees, donations and University The proposal would mandate'
operating funds. McLaughlin will the SGC executive board to send
present the proposal to the Re- a letter to the various directors of
gents OSA requesti g a formal reply
Last March, students passed a explaining what they believe is
referendum by a 2 to 1 margin their responsibility to the policy
favoring the allocation of $1.75 per boards, which McLaughlin says
. student from student fees to SGC generally serve only in an advis-
for the purpose of starting a Uni- ory capacity.
versity bookstore. The resolution also calls for
However, SGC estimates that reports from the various policy
this would provide only $65,000 boards on the actual state of stu-
initial capital. dent decision-making in the OSA
Roger Keats, chairman of the at the first fall SGC meeting on
SGC committee to draft the book- Sept. 15. At that time, SGC would
store proposal, speculated that consider further action.
the managers of the major book- 'McLaughlin's proposal charges
stores in Ann Arbor-Ulrich's Fol- that student participation on ad-
let's Slater's, Overbeck's a n d visory committees in OSA only
Wahr's-would probably request gives the impression of student
an open meeting bf the Regents decision-making without the sub-
so they could voice their com- stance.
plaints against the students pro- The resolution explains that the
posed bookstore. proposed new University bylaw
Their complaint will probably draft specifically delegates OSA
assume the position that the book- policy-making to the advisory
store would be unfair competition boards. ,
since it will be subsidized in part !A somewhat similar proposal
by the University. will be introduced which would
Al Warrington, a member of the call for concerned parties to con-
committee to draft the bookstore sider as binding the recommen-
proposal, said there would be little dations of all-student advisory
justification to the manager's committees on the reciprocal fac-
complaints, since the proposal ulty or administration units.
provides for a University book- The resolution, sponsored by
store, and not an independent SGC Executive Vice .President
and separated business enterprise Marc Van Der Hout and member
owned and operated -by students. Shelley Kroll, in effect would
Warrington, also a member of raise advisory committees to the
the University committee studying status of policy-making commit-
space allocation, said there was tees.
available room for the bookstore However, backers of the resolu-
on either the second floor of the tion do not expect it to b ac-
Union, or in one of the first floor cepted by the administration if
lounges. passed by SGC. Van Der Bout
Warrington said the space com- suggested that as a result SGC
See OFFICIALS, Page 2 See SGC, Page

Rent Strike to


County ,Deputy Wade Wa
Ann Arbor police force followi
leged beating of Human Rela
Chauncey charged yesterdayt
and "made an overt act indica
Wagner said he had not;
was "bound by departmental
He was hired by County S
after his resignation.
Wagner claimed statemen
the incident were "to put it ve
of what happened." "I was the
Ti T T e


arrest /1ightA 1% 111U Vl/ LtQJ 1
E a r 1 i e r yesterday, President
Robben Fleming announced at a
fgner who resigned from the news conference that he had 55
ng an investigation of his al- spoken with Joseph Kalom, the .f
tionis Commission worker Ray dead girl's father, and said he
that Chauncey was disorderly would discuss possible increases in
campus security with the Regents By HAROLD ROSENTHAL "Since there have been a num- Miss'Haynes claims that he then
sting his intent to strike." at their regular meeting next The Rent Strike Steering Com- leer of alleged assaults where no started walking out with a tele-
spoken out before because he week. mittee voted last night to post a action has been taken by the city," vision. At the time Miss Haynes
regulations" of the police de- "One can understand the pain $50 bond with the criminal divi- said Gene Trupin of the steering and her roommate assumed that
and bitterness of Mr. Kalom," sion of District Court to force the committee, "The Tenants Union the television belonged to the
said Fleming. "The whole Univer- city to prosecute a case of assault feels that the only way to get jus- people they were subletting from,.
heriff Douglas Harvey the day sity community shares his grief." against Louis Feigelson, manager tice in Ann Arbor is to post bond." She then stood in front of the
The father said Tuesday after of the Ambassador Co. Miss Haynes alleges that Feigel- door and told him that he was
ts from the HRC concerning identifying the body of his daugh- The bond will be posted at 11 son was allowed. to enter the not taking anything from the
ry charitably, a biased version ter, "I want the president of the a.m. today. apartment the evening of May 4, apartment, she says.
police officer involved in that university to bury her on his The case involves an incident when he knocked, because they She claims that he then pushed
picentffierknovatha- lawn. between Feigelson and Lynn Hay- were expecting a friend. She had her against the wall and started
micident. I know what hap- "I don't want her, not dead," nes, a sub-letter at 609 S. Fifth just moved in the night before as to leave.
pened," said Wagner. the irate father said. "They can Ave. No. 6, on May 4. a sub-letter. He then came in When he was near the door, she
Chauncey was observed in the have her so they can remember The bond must be posted to yelling that she and her roommate says, she tried to push him out
Star Bar by Wagner and two other she was here. It's about time force prosecution because the city were trespassers and that every- of the apartment by closing the
policemen as being disorderly, something is done. They have to attorney's office has declined to thing in the apartment belonged door on him. He then knocked her
Wagner claimed. protect these girls." ' prosecute the case. to him, she says. back by thowing his body into the
"He turned aside a suggestion door.
made by myself and the other of- C7 *h0Miss Haynes and her roommate
ficers that he quiet down and ' Jj m '1v 1o y cott then fled the apartment and called
when he continued in a disorderly j1J JI l lLL the police and the Tenants Union
manner he was arrested in order office.
to maintain peace in the business " S S Trupin said that when he ar-
place," Wagner said. "Because of iiirived with Barry Cohen, also of
his belligerent attitude he had to the steering committee, police
be handcuffed in order to safely were talking to Feigelson. -


JOnn L. LeWiS
dies at 89,
Lewis, a giant of the American
labor movement, died last night.
Lewis, 89, president emeritus of
the powerful United Mine Work-
ers Union, died at 7:15 p.m. EDT
.at Doctors Hospital, where he was

admitted Sunday night- suffering' transport him to the police sta- WASHINGTON (') - Oppo-'
from internal bleeding. tion." nents of a proposed federal law
Lewis, who waged notable bat- At the police station Chauncey to curb campus disorders boycotted
tIles with the White House and continued being belligenent, Wag- a meeting at the House Education
the coal industry in his hey-day ner claimed, and after Wagner Committee yesterday and prevent-
as UMW president, had served in had begun to search him, as part ed presentation of the bill.
recent years, s trustee of the of normal booking procedure, "he For nearly two hours the com-
union's multimillion-dollar health resisted and made an overt act in- mittee sat idle, only one member
and welfare fund. dicating his intent to strike me." short of the 18 required for a
He was president of the mine- " I took defensive and positive quorum, while a half dozen op-
workers for 40 years, until his re- action and subdued him," Wagner ponents stayed outside in a waiting
tirement in 1960. In the three' said. Then Chauncey identified room refusing to enter and be
decades after 1920 he headed its himself for the first time as an counted.a
frequently bloody organizing bat- HRC staff member. At a news conference later, the
tIes and strikes, and continued his HRC Director David Cowley has'holdouts said they would use any
leadership in the renewed indus- insisted that Chauncey was not parliamentary devices available to
trial warfare that came after disorderly at any time, either in prevent action on a bill they re-
World War II. See WAGNER, Page 2 gard as dangerous to academic.
Gras hit con-mtroversial

freedom and more likely to in- would lead to a withdrawal of 0ll
crease campus disorders than to federal aid.[

bring them under control.
Stalled temporarily by the boy-
cott was the bill backed by a ria-
jority of the committee. Chairman
Carl D. Perkins (D-Ky) said an-
other effort to act would be made
The bill would require any col-
lege applying for federal funds to
adopt a plan establishing a code
of conduct for students and fac-

Rep. Edith Green (D-OreY, thej
chief sponsor, said the majority ,
was trying to deal with campus
disorders in a responsible way in-
stead of having more punitive
measures added as amendments to,
other legislation on the House
The argument was rejected by
the holdouts in their news con- j

Upon seeing them, Feigelson
accused them of trespassing, Tru-
pin claims.
It was not until later that it
was established that the television
did belong to Feigelson, and it
was returned to him at that time.
When called last night, Feigel-
son declined to talk about the

ulty members and to outline the ference.
steps that would be taken to deal Rep. James G. O'Hara (D-
with a student uprising. Mich), said no matter what the
Failure to file such a plan with committee did, the amendments
the U.S. commissioner of education Mrs. Green says she fears would
be offered on the floor. "This
would just provide another ve-
hicle for such amendments," he

byla w

Still another objection to one of the
most controversial sections of the pro-
posed Regental bylaw draft developed at
last night's Graduate Assembly meeting.
Many GA members objected to the
vagueness of the section which would give
the faculty of some professional schools
sole jurisdiction over student non-academ-
ic behavior as it relates to licensing re-
quirements in the specific field.
The GA members opposed the section
on grounds that it fails to specify which
schools have this power.

This vagueness could even cause diffi-
culties in departments like history and
English, GA members said. Although these
fields are not considered as "professional"
fields, they do prepare people for teach-
ing. And teaching on the elementary and
high school levels requires licensing, while
teaching on the college level does not.
This section of the bylaw draft has al-
ready come under attack from Student
Government Council and other students
who say that no faculty should have con-
trol over any non-academic student be-
But the provision has so far been re-

"If the faculty wants this power," Har-
rison said, "there will have to be an or-
ganized review committee." He said this
section of the present bylaw draft makes
the conferring of any degree "a v e r y
subjective decision on the part of the
Harrison said he felt a formal review
committee would insure that students
would not be denied degrees without just
cause. The faculty would be forced to pro-
duce reasons as to why a particular stu-
dent should not be allowed to graduate
beyond things like "my wife doesn't like
him. "he'said.

Rep. Ogden R. Reid (R-NY),
the only committee Republican
who joined the boycott, said the
bill was "irresponsible and pan-
icky-a clear reaction to hystecia
and emotion.
Rep. John Brademas (D-Ind),
leader of the boycott read a letter
from the American Council of
Education, a major organization
{dealing with higher education,
which said some provisions of the
bill were "almost disastrous.'
The boycott led supporters of
the legislation to accuse the dis-
sidents of acting like the militant
students at whom the bill is aimed.
"We're victims of campus dis-
order right in this committee,"
.,'nA i an, John-.N, T '1-t ,+ (T"1 Dnl


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