Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan "When we gonna get around to a South Vietnam withdrawal ...?" 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD ROSENTHAL ._ .. 1 The real trial of the Tenants, Union IN THE LATEST ISSUE of Nation magazine is to be found an alarm- ing and accurate diagnosis of the mal- aise of our civilization. Nation quotes a lecture given by German political scientist Ralf Dahrendorf that points out the development of a new kind of fascism in t h e countries of Western Europe and in the United States. Dahrendorf makes t h e distinction between what we know as historical fascism and a new "systematic fase- ism." He says, "systematic fascism de- scribes a state of social and political affairs in which the individual is ec- onomically well off, has a safe job, is provided for by the state in case of need, even has the right to move about (although not to stage a protest dem- onstration), to read different news- papers, and vote for different parties- and yet is not free in the sense of hav- ing a realistic chance to influence the course of events." Students and other groups seeking to bring about change in the political and economic configuration of American society fare too aware of the existence and effects of what Dahrendorf calls "systematic fascism." The quest f o r change has been driven back not so much by dictatorial oppression as it has by the inertia and inflexibility of American institutions. And while the repressive influence of someone 1i k e Ronald Reagan is both real and sig- nificant, the less obvious institutional inertia is even stronger than the sheer muscle that Reagan puts in the streets of Berkeley. STUDENTS AS A GROUP have found it almost impossible 'to apply the concerted and constant pressure need- ed to change institutions like the uni- versity, the military establishment, and the forces of. economic deprivation. Student activism has been too frag- mented and too transient to have a real effect. Unable to direct constant pressure, students have found their de- mands too easily ignored. Take the example of'housing in Ann Arbor. Students made several futile at- tempts to shake loose from the stran- glehold of the oligopoly of local land- lords. But efforts like the eight-month lease campaign attracted too little stu- dent support and no support from the University. Without active momentum to carry it over the months last sum- mer, there is little wonder that t h e campaign for t h e eight-month lease was easily aborted Many students became convinced that Ann Arbor landlords w e r e un- touchable, in firm control of City Hall and the local courts. What was worse, the landlords appeared to be operating with at least the tacit consent of the University. It seemed that students were powerless to change an unshake- able prostration by exorbitant rents, the twelve-month lease, and w i d e- spread landlord negligence. BUT THEN CAME the rent strike and the Tenants Union. The Tenants Union is the first con- certed step that has been taken to seek correction of t h e deplorable housing situation in Ann Arbor. Students have organized around the rent strike in an attempt to wii recognition of the Ten- ants Union as the bargaining agent for local tenants. The Tenants Union is not demanding immediate rent cuts; it is not asking, an end to, private prop- erty. The Tenants Union asks only that it be recognized and allowed to par- ticipate in collective bargaining with landlords. Its acceptance so far has been en- couraging. Gaining strength from the days when Peter Denton presented the idea to an indifferent SDS, the Ten- ants Union now commands' wide stu- dent support, several important court victories, and the endorsement of the local Democratic Party, ,as well as that of members of the City Council and the University faculty. But the Tenants Union is something more. It is probably the most success- fl ,ni Pn t mmnvrment evers non this student withholding rent is worth ten at any demonstration. YET, THE TENANTS Union will need increased student support next year to keep it going. Except perhaps for money, it has everything else it needs to keep itself alive - including a good issue and good leadership. Most student movements run out of gas because of the entropy inherent in - most of their issues. The abortive stu- dent power movement of 1966 disin- tegrated when Harlan Hatcher ap- pointed a committee to investigate stu- dent demands. But housing in Ann Ar-i bor is not an issue that can be quieted by appointing committees. The Tenants Union is not making de- mands that can be met quickly - like abolition of women's hours. Lower rents and better housing are continu- ing issues. But definite progress can be seen in seeking lower rents and better housing conditions. Little can be seen in fights against such things as racism and militarism. Students who are dis- illusioned with fighting a losing war against the Pentagon can be convinced that the fight f o r better housing in Ann' Arbor is something that can be won.. More importantly, the housing issue has in it something to be gained for everyone. It cannot be dismissed as a' parochial interest being fought for by an already privileged student class. The housing issue is one that students can w i n lasting benefits for them- selves, but it is also an excellent way to fight poverty. Things like high rents and poor maintenance are serious problems for low-income people in this city. The Tenants Union can do some- thing about that. The Tenants Union has shown that it can appeal to a wide range of stu- dent opinion. Support for the r e n t strike has come from groups ranging from IFC to Radical Caucus. It is sig- nificant that the Tenants Union can mobilize the more conservative a n d apathetic elements on campus. Too of- ten, people have dismissed student ac- tivism as the work of a small minority. If there was ever a chance to confront people with a real majority, the Ten- ants Union seems most likely. BUT NOW THE Tenants Union is at a turning point. A c a s e in Circuit Court brought by seven landlords could decide to what extent the Tenats Un- ion can continue their battle with sole- ly "legal" means. The small group of landlords are charging the Tenants Union with "conspiracy" to get tenants to break leases. The landlords also charge that the Tenants Union con- spired to have libelous articles printed in The Daily, although they have yet to point out any. Judge Ager could pass down a perm- anent injunction against the Tenants Union. But, fortunately, even this ex- treme decision is not likely to exting- uish the Tenants Union. Not even a court order can turn back the clock. Really, what is on trial in Circuit Court is the health of our democratic institutions. Do tenants - or a n y group of people - have a right to or- ganize and bargain collectively? "Can change come about peacefully and le- gally? Or, when we are told so often to "dissent within the system," are we really being told not to dissent at all? The real trial will extend from the courts to local government and the lo- cal police. Is, in fact, the new Demo- cratic administration any more willing to accept change and the right of col- lective bargaining than the Republi- cans? Are the local police, as recent episodes cause us to wonder, the serv- ants of the people or the stewards of the vested interests in the community? THE FLEXIBILITY and well-being of our democratic institutions will be tested beyond the case in Circuit Court. If students want to make any real im- pact on the course of events, the Ten- ants Union may provide that chance. .MURRAYKE M PTON N Preaching-by sirumpets THE TIMES reported the other day that "at least'a dozen seh.. for members of the Cornell faculty have announced that they are leaving "far less scenic but calm- er universities." Their complaint is that "free- dom to teach has been comprom- ised" largely by President James Perkins' appeasement of black student dissidence. One of the de- parting complainants was D r. George H. Hildebrand who says "I wouldn't come back u n d e r Perkins. One-quarter to one third ofethe faculty support his at- tempts to politicize the campus. One-quarter to one-third see through him, and know what's going on. The rest are soggy mid- dle ground professors that want to keep peace in the family." Hildebrand, by the way, is leav- ing Cornell to become deputy un- dersecretary of labor for interna- tional affairs. Now there's a clois- ter where a scholar can feel assur- ed of his freedom to think and teach. * * * I KNOW VERY LITTLE about the international affairs office of the Dept. of Labor beyond the, memory that sensitive friends in the department used to talk about its occupants in the tones Albert Anastasia's more respectable neighbors employed about him, a mixture of pity and embarrass- ment. We should be happy when the undersecretary for international affairs occupies him t i m e with lying in public, because the chan- ces otherwise are that he is con- spiring in private. The interna- tional affairs work of the Labor Dept. is a function in intimate t a n d e m with the AFL-CIO's George Meany and his anti-Com- mitern rep Jay Lovestone, who is as close to the CIA as a wing to a fly. A more ethical part of the job of undersecretary for interna- tional affairs, of course, is to ped- dle the Vietnam war to the trades unions of the free world. All in all, this Hildebrand could] find consid- erably more respectable company inLa Stella in Queens than where he's going. And yet he has the nerve to depart protesting that his university, having been "politicali- zed," is no longer, deserving t h e standard of scholarship he brought to it. The American student may be trying hard, but he will be a long time catching up with his teacher when it comes to disgracing t h e American university. These m en have sold themselves to e v e r y buyer from the Air Force to the American Tobacco Institute. There it one professor joining Hildebrand in protesting the de- gradation of Cornell who has tak- en fees from some labor unions, which is like saying of someone that he used to pick up sailors at the Navy Yard. You will notice Hildebrand's re- ference to "soggy middleground professors." This is the elevated, courteous and delicate language we have come to take for grant- ed in the activist academic. HARPER'S RECENTLY s e n t Marshall Fraidy to Austin to seek out Lyndon B. Johnson in the shadows; Fraidy could not find the President, but he did wonder- fully with his ambience, coming across, among other shipwrecks, Walt Whitman Bostow, the e c o - nomist who had been Mr. John- son's special assistant. "No priggish scholar, (Rostow) has even acquired, to a mild ex- tent Johnson's famous unprint- able earthiness of language, and has a way of talking in military terms-'I was in a GI frame of mind, like a scholar in the line . . . We greeted Nixon and h i s people as fellas coming to take our places in the foxholes . . . We clobbered them in Tet." And this, mind you, is t h e manner of speech of the most eminent American scholar to serve in a high place in two national administrations. All in all there are few exper- iences more repellent than listen- ing to strumpets decrying t h e morals of juvenile delinquents. (c) New York Post The Texas Wedge By DREW BOGEMA ANYONE WORTH HIS SALT can tell you who the best journalist in America is. No, he is not a product of any of the huge jour- nalistic combines-not a Tom Wicker, Eric Sevareid, or, thank the lord, a James Reston-who have made it more because of the loyalty they have shown toward the powerful institutions for which they are employed than because of their contributions to public enlightenment. They have displayed a peculiar form of co-optation toward Ad- ministrations, whether Democratic or Republican, that one can scarcely imagine them functioning successfully as journalists without their privileged communications with the seats of power, granted solely because of the influence of the corporate structures for which they work. Galbraith's New Industrial State has in fact arrived, leaving the conventional wisdom of the day its first victim. No, the most capable publicist around today is not Norman Mailer. for all of the life he breathed into the stylistically-sagging journalistic form. After all, Mailer was only doing his thing-demonstrating to us his enormous capabilities at pursuing diversity for its own sake. To ask Mailer to suppress his restless energies and become a public watchdog would be the equivalent of asking Le Roi Jones to get off the "Negro problem." RATHER, THE MOST competent journalist around lives and works in a small, unpretentious, brick frame house in the northwest section of Washington, utilizing a converted upstairs bedroom and a basement reference library to house his labors. It is a rare occasion indeed when someone leaks him information and he has few, if any. inside sources in the government. You will not see him at White House or State Department dinner parties. 'He rarely even attends press conferences, the single most important source for most Washington correspondents. His principal tools are the pub'ished record and the telephone. In 1953, when I. F. Stone began to Imablish *As Weekly, its future looked less than promising. As a veteran of sUhh "leftish" media as the New York Post, the Nation, the old PM, and the New York Daily Compass, he had acquired a substantial public following. It was nothing like that of Walter Lippmann or Arthur Krock, but enough to bing over five thousand subscriptions to the fledgling Weekly when he announced to the former Compass subscribers that he intended to go it alone, to test the ideals of free enterprise and the pretensions of journalism. "Izzy" this given name is Isidor Feinstein) had always enjoyed the privilege of writing for publishers who gave him the liberty say what he wished. But as a journalist, he had pretty much destroyed any possible future credence with the media when he publicly supported Henry Wallace for President in 1948. By 1953, however, the nation was moving rapidly to the right, and few newspaper publishers had the courage to resist the tide, as few could find room for I. F. Stone. So, after the Compass folded, stereo- typed as a radical jurnalist, he went it alone. "EVEN WHEN I ATTACKED Joe McCarthy it didn't require any particular courage. What was McCarthy to do to me? Expose me? It would be like exposing Gypsy Rose Lee." Stone was the first to have the courage to call McCarthy a nihilistic demagogue, and, even to this day when his circulation figures have exploded from 5,500 to well over 45,000, he seldom worries about alienating readers with judgments that may grate upon their own carefully-nourished subjectivity. Stone's greatest contributions to public enlightenment, however, and the topics he grants the greatest emphasis relate to Vietnam and racism. He was of the few to see Johnson in 1964 as he really was: "Money and power have been the motivating passions of his life," and among the first to penetrate the myth of Johnson's legislative mani- pulative skills and infallibility when wheeler-dealing. Early in 1965 he criticized the escalation of the war, warning us that we had forgotten what "we swore after the Korean war we would never do again-commit American troops to an Asian land war." He played a large role in initiating teach-ins across the land in early 1966 and 1967 when it was thought that American policy could, indeed, be made responsive to public opinion. NOR HAS STONE considered the heroes (or shall one say, op- portunists?) of the anti-war movement immune from his acid wit. He describes Bobby as "equivocal," after the junior senator was heckled in Chicago by students when he said "he happened to have some disagreements with Johnson, too, on Vietnam." Stone heckled too, "Is he saving them for his memoirs?" While many liberals would like to forget, he points out that Ful- bright cast an affirmative vote for the Tonkin Gulf resolution, which at the time he described as "legalizing secret preparations to widen the war." Preparations, Stone claims, Fulbright must certainly have known about. And as for the likes of Dean Rusk, he will dismiss them with a quote and devastating comment: "Every small state," Rusk said, "has a right to be unmolested by its neighbors even though it is within reach of a great power." Stone's reply: "This will add to the Secretary's fame as a humorist in Guatemala and Cuba." IS STONE A RADICAL? He is closer to the John Reed or Tom Paine brand of radicalism than the Big Bill Haywood or William Foster. No, he doesn't do organizational work, not even for the multi- tudinous number of self-styled revolutionary groups that have shaken the roots of American ideals. He is an eternal optimist, forever hoping that the nation, for all of its pretensions and imperfections, may yet deliver on its promises of a good society. When Stone takes apart American policies which have proved wantonly inhumane, it comes out not as a shrill polemic, but as a carefully documented record of shattered hopes and dreams. Speaking to Sol Stern once concerning the Black Revolution, Stone said, "I don't want to burn this country down. I love it. It's awfully/ hard to have a decent society. Look at all the new countries; they are awfully hard on their people. I feel we have a pretty good society. In how many countries is there a tradition of a free press?" But what value is a free press without Mr. Stone? Murry Kempton is most certainly right when he says, "The argu- ment could be made that the average issue of I. F. Stone's Weekly is more illuminating than the average Sunday edition of the New York Times." The Old G.I. 6 MAT ORE~& A . MIPIFA- BOT I, -rHVJ L?(FEY )NAL4T A you, PO5~S. 5 BH 55.. AO~: Tf{R2CAT SI~l ITY ~RAW SAM it U :r-- AA .... WE 0J ASOT 1k 1 -tinA-*fl AI A, I C I