See editorial page
41it iA an
Ia it1
High near 80
Sunny and windy;
showers tonight
Vol. LXXIX No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 10, 1969 Ten Cents
Six Pages
Mi lage
scores upset
270 votes
Johnson, WarnerBishop
win school board seats
In a surprise vote yesterday, residents in the Ann Arbor
School district passed the 6.67 mill proposal for funding
public schools by nearly a 270-vote margin.
The nearly $5 million bonding issue for a new junior
high school passed by 3000 votes and the half-mill addition
to toe present half-mill tax for special education passed by
almost 6500 votes.
Voters also elected Henry Johnson, Cecil Warner and
Dr. Ronald Bishop to the Board of Education.
Although only one-third of the registered student voters
turned out for this election, compared to the April mayoral
contest, the 6.67 mill proposal passed by more than a two to
- ,-one margin in heavily student
found E
The body of a young woman
was found early yesterday in a
secluded area about seven
miles north of Ann Arbor.
Police said the woman w a s
sexually molested, stabbed in
the heart, shot once in the
head, and stabbed' several
times in the neck.
Douglas Harvey, Washtenaw
County sheriff, said the slaying
"appeared to be a carbon copy"
of five area slayings in the past
two years.
Harvey said the victim was ap-
proximately 5 feet, 5 inches tall,
about 135 pounds and wore her
brown hair in a ponytail. She wore
a purple blouse, a white mini-
skirt, a multi-colored shawl and
a gold pin enscribed with the let-
ter "A".
Police are waiting for relatives
to claim the victim before any
identification is announced..
Harvey said police are making
a state-wide effort to locate the
killer. About 45 state police de-
,,4* tectives and the state crime lab
are currently investigating.
Harvey said he'has not gotten
the results from the crime lab and
thus far he knows of no clues.
Harvey says the woman was
murdered some time Sunday night.
The area is reputed to be a lover's
He says the police have been
making efforts to check all such
areas in Ann Arbor. He does not
know if the murder was comjmitted
where the body was found.
All the girls reported missing
from the University are being
"Any time is critical for this
case, not just the next few days,
says Harvey. This case could break
three months from now."
Bodies of five other young girls
have been found within 15 miles
of the spot during the past two
years. There have been no arrests
in any of the cases.
Apts., Ltd.
Unio ree"
Kenneth Barnhill, a manager o
Apartments Limited, rejected yes-
terday a demand by the Tenants
Union that he recognize it as the
bargaining agent for Ann Arbor
Barnhill's statement came in
response to a list of demands pre-
sented to him after last Friday's
protest march conducted by the
Tenants Union. One of those de-
mands was immediate recognition
of the Tenants Union.
Barnhill stated, "Until this
small minority of activists (the
Tenants Union) can prove they
can help me more effectively oper-
ate my business and provide better
services to my tenants and owners,
I will continue a policy of non-
He added, "They (the Tenants
Union) attack the system while
making no positive suggestions for
Stuart Katz, a member of the
steering committee of the rent
The 6.67 mill package adds 3.3
mills over a five year period to the
present 3.37 mill assessment. This
means a tax hike of $3.30 per
$1,000 of state equalized valuation.
The bulk of the millage-3.6
mills-is slated to pay for prom-
ised salary increases to teachers
and predicted increases for custo-
dial, cafeteria and other staff not
covered in the agreement with the
teachers association.
"It's good news," said Super-
intendent of Schools W. Scott
Westerman of the 6.67 mill pass-
age. "We knew it would be a close
outcomebecausenofthe pressure
for funds." He. indicated that the
last few days of campaigning for
the proposal helped pass it. Earlier
reports had predicted possibly a,
two to one defeat for the millage
Henry Johnson, who topped the
winning candidates unofficially
with 9,183 votes, said he was "very
pleased" with his victory and with
the passage of the millage.
"I'm also gratified to see that
the student population is interest-
.ed in making a quality system
here," Johnson added. "And I'm
grateful for their support."
Cecil 'Warner, who ran a close
fourth in last year's election, was
the second leading vote-getter un-
officially with 8,835 votes. LastE
night he said he still believes the
school district can operate ade-
quately by adding only 1.43 mills
to the 3.37 renewal.
Warner added he still wants "to
take another lo'k" at the proposed
budget. I f it is not finalized,
Warner said he would still try for,
a smaller levy than the 6.67 mill.-
See MILLAGE, Page 2
-Daily-Peter Dreyfuss
Dr. Bishop checks election results
draft s Thse
Release to
Regents only
In a closed door session last
night, the Intramural Advis-
ory Board drafted, a secret
proposal for two intramural
buildings for presentation to
the Regents, possibly at their
June meeting next week.
After the meeting, the bo a r d
refused to comment on the con-
tents of their proposal. Rodney
Grambeau, board member a n d
head of intramurals, explained
that the board believedi the Re-
gents should be the first to see
the proposal.
When asked if the report in-
cluded any specific recommenda-
tions on the controversial ques-
tions of funding through a tui-
tion increase and the need for a
student referendum on the issue,
board members refused to com-
Several board members who had
favored some type of recommend-
ation on the question of funding,
especially through the use of stu-
dent fees, as well as a firm stand
on seeking further student input,
were out of town and unable to
attend last night's meeting.
Athletic Director Don Canham,
chairman of the committee, has
said he believes these matters are
not the concern of the committee.
The board's decision to have a
closed meeting was "only typical
of the total disregard this com-
mittee has had for student opin-
ion," noted Marty McLaughlin,
Student Government Council pre-
sident. WASHIN
"Not only do they want the stu- al yesterday b
dents to have no say in the final Burger to be
decision, they appear to want The roll ca
them to have no knowledge of it voting present.
when it is made," he added.
Gambeau, however, said that Minn.), Gaylor
the committee believed the clos-Min)Galr
ed session to be necessary, ex- The action,
plaining that members felt they judicial decisio
would work better if the meet- Dirksen predict
ing was closed. coming neither
Grambeau also noted that the But action
closed meeting guaranteed that criticized the s
the Regents would be the first to successfully to
see the proposal.
"We want the Regents to read it Burger wil
first. We don't want them to read as the Suprem
it in The Daily, the Ann Arbor court's decision
News or any other newspaper," liberal.
he said. Burger, 61,
The Regents may release t he District of Colu
board's proposal after their meet-
ing. Vice President for Academic He is Nixo
Affairs Allan Smith may also is now expecte
make it public since it must pass ceed Justice Ab
through his office' before being Dirksen, an
sent to the Regents. confidence tha
Grambeau said that he believed court intrusion
it was "highly unlikely" that the of criticism of t
Regents would take any action on He said Bu
the proposal at their June meet- "He knows
ing. For a proposal to be con- "
sidered by the Regents, it must hands of an ar
See IM, Page 2 sen said of Bur
Laird says withdrawal
includes combat troops
Warren Burger with Nixon
WASHINGTON W)A -- The 25,-?
000 U.S. troops being pulled out of
Vietnam w i ll consist mainly of
regular combat veterans, and will
include both Ariny and Marine
Secretary of Defense Melvin R.
Laird, announcing this yesterday
declined to say when the approx-
imately 10,000 National Guard and
Army reserves s e n t to Vietnam!
after the 1968 Tet offensive will Laird flew back from the Mid-
be brought home. way Island conference w h e r e
Laird said t h e administration President Nixon announced Sun-
will be deciding on further troops:day this country's decision to
withdrawals between now and withdraw 25,000 troops from Viet-
early August, but he emphasized nam.i
that the United States is not mak- The announcement failed to
ing a unilateral pullout. quiet some war critics, but other
"We will only pull out w h e ,n senators a n d house members
South Vietnam can replace U.S. viewed it as a ray of hope.
Ufr". ni netInU A erni rIpUIjL
orcesgn e t o 1 a an impromptu
Pentagon news conference.
City to releaseHRC report;
Harris requests more studies
The city administrator's office
announced at last night's City
Council meeting that a confiden-
tial report concerning the actions<
of Human Relations Commissionj
staff member\Ray Chauncey, who1
was arrested on assignment andi
allegedly beaten by ex-police of-
ficer Wade Wagner, will be re-1
leased to Council members tomor-
Information concerning the con-t
tents of the report will be releasedt
to the public Thursday.
. 0
lectively fight oppressive living{
conditions in this city."t
Barnhill said the Tenants Unionl
takes "the legitimate complaintsF
of a few and parleys them intot
what they call massive and wide-
spread neglect on the part of allt
apartment owners."
Katz said this was a "misrepre-
sentation of the facts" in that
"there is a long record of wide-
spread violations and complaints
against Ann Arbor landlords even
before the rent strike was organ-F
Barnhill did not officially re-;
spond to the Tenants Union's oth-
er three demands because "I do!
not recognize the Union and coi-
sequently can not answer a n y
questions they pose to me."
Barnhill, however, did commentf
informally on the other q u e s -
tions of disclosure of financial re-r
cords, relation to the John Bircht
Society, and dismissal of the con-
spiracy suit he and six other land-T
lords have brought against t h e
The council also heard Larry
Hochman, a physics professor at
Eastern Michigan University, who
asked if the city intends to bring
charges of assault 'against Wag-
ner. He said, "(City Administra-!
tor Guy) Larcom and (City At-
torney Peter) Forsythe have ad-
mitted that the beating accusa-
tion against Wagner has beenI
Mayor Robert Harris modified
this, saying the city recognizes
that Wagner struck two blows
against . Chauncey, but that no
legal conclusions can be drawn
without examining extenuating
In response to Hochman's ques-
tion, Forsythe said, "Striking does
not automatically constitute as-
In other action, City Council
heard a request from Harris to the
City Administrator for a "descrip-
tion" of thehrelationship between
HRC and the police department
and current rules and practices
concerning HRC testing.
Harris asked that the City Ad-
ministrator consult appropriate
d e p a r t m e n t and commissioni
heads, and report to council on:
-"Current co-operation or non-
co-operation between the HRC
and the police department: What
are the sources of current fric-
tion? What can be done to reg-
ularize this relationship?
-"Current rules and practices1
concerning "testing' by HRC per-
sonnel: Is testing limited to ef-
forts to detect illegal ethnic dis-!
crimination? May testers engage
in provocative conduct to try to
elicit a hostile response? What!
restrictions are there on who is
to be tested how, when, and by
whom? Are these decisions the
responsibility of the HRC com-
missioners or the City Adminis-
"Policemen already have this,"1
Harris said, "but other city em-I
ployes do not."
Harris specifically requested an
examination of ''current rules and'
procedures for handling situations
in which an employe allegedly en-
gaged in conduct which merits
discipline, but sharp disputes of
fact must be resolved to know
what discipline, if any, should be
Contacted after the meeting.
Harris said he does not expect
results from his request for quite'
a while because of the many dif-'
ferent city bureaus involved. "I
don't even know if I will get a
compilation in one report, or sev-
eral separate reports," he said. I
Laird said most of the returning
units will be brought back to the
United States, although he left
open the possibility that some of
them may be detoured to
strengthen American bases in Ok-
inawa and Hawaii.
"The 25,000 will be very heavily
weighed as far as combat forces
are concerned," he said. This dis-
counted early assumptions t h a t
most of them would be drawn
from support-type elements which
make up a b o u t 40 per cent of
American servicemen n o w in
South Vietnam.
Laird said "our U.S. forces have
to supply support for the South
Vietnamese forces" w h o replace
American combat units.
As the Pentagon began prepa-
rations for the pullback, expected
to start in early July, Democratic
Sens. Eugene J. McCarthy of Min-
nesota and George S. McGovern
of South Dakota termed the with-
drawal inadequate.
Sen. Edward M. Iennedy (D-
Mass.), declined to join in this
criticism, saying "It's too early to
make any broad characterization."
irger wins
GTON (M - The Senate gave resounding ap ov-
to President Nixon's choice of Judge Wa ren E.
chief justice of the United States.
[1 vote was 74 to 3, with Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-Ark.),
ve votes were cast by Sens. Eugene J. McCarthy, (D-
d Nelson (D-Wis.), and Stephen M. Young (D-Ohio).
, which could open a possible new era in the trend of
ns, came after Senate Republican Leader Everett M.
ed Burger will take a middle road as chief justice, be-
an arch conservative nor an arch liberal.
was delayed for a time by some Senate liberals who
peed of the drive for confirmation. They sought un-
delay a vote
1 succeed Chief Justice Earl Warren, who is retiring
e Court concludes its term this month. The Warren
is have been criticized by conservatives as being too
is now a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
n's first nominee to the high court, but the President
d to act soon on a second court appointment, to sue-
e Fortas who resigned.
Illinois Republican and a friend of Burger, expressed
t the nominee will avoid the "legislative thicket" of
into the powers of Congress. This has been a source
;he court under Warren.
rger will stay on "the judicial side of the fence."
full well that the judicial power, when lodged in the
rogant judiciary, can be a strong force for evil," Dirk-
ger in advance of the vote.
Report urges use of police on campus
President's commission on vio-
lence yesterday issued a hurried
report urging campus adminis-
trators to call police to put down
"the dramatic tactics" of ter-
ror of the "nihilist" minority.
The report insisted that the
vast majority of more than
seven million students "neither
participate in nor sympathize
with campus violence."
However, the report also
urged Americans "to reject
hasty and simplistic answers"
and asked restraint on "those
who would punish colleges."
The commission, headed by
Milton S. Eisenhower, brother
of the late former President,
and president emeritus of Johns
Hopkins University, warned that
punitive measures such as cuts
The commission explained
that the report was issued be-
cause of the urgency of the sit-
uation. A final report will be
published in the fall. Eisen-
hower delivered the interim re-
The report was the first issued
by the National Commission on
the Causes and Prevention of
Violence, established by Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson last
year in the hours after the
shooting of Sen. Robert F.
Previously, the commission
issued, without comment, task-
force studies on violence.
A spokesman said the com-
mission had been urged by a
number of college presidents to
issue the report now.
The commission took note of
the basic structure of our de-
mocratic system," the report
"Their main desire is to im-
prove its ability to live up to its
stated values."
The study, however, recog-
nized that a small but deter-
mined minority aims not at
reform but at the destruction of
existing institutions. These are
the nihilists. They resort to
violent disruption as the means
best suited to achieve their ends.
"By dramatic tactics of ter-
ror, they have focused wide-
spread public attention upon
themselves and have often in-
duced university authorities
to either surrender or to meet
force with force."
"They are the agent that con-
>:: 3i
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