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June 07, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-07

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See Page 6

Sir igau

Odds on precipitation:
2 to 1 for weekend

Vol. Lxxix, No. 2,2-S Ann Arbor Michigan--Saturday, June 7, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages




backer s


punitive drat'
WASHINGTON (/P) - The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled yesterday
that draft boards have no right to reclassify registrants because of
antidraft activities as Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey had suggested
they dio.
In a now-famous letter to local boards Oct. 26, 1967, Hershey
reasoned that defermhents are issued in the national interest, and'
anyo e t yin to amp r t e dr ft r p bli o licy h coul ot be I
acting inu therpublic interest.
Altoug Heshe stppe shrtof actuallsy elighdrat boardst
to dey defrment to atigv refemnstrors the Crourton of
e------- Apeal alledv s lvetter a dc
lar ation ar agadinst antoiar
C o n flictn Th reasoning, the ctaded,
spran "fullgow romk the U.e.d
oftrc CGen t Heryithou eeit e
The Uiversty's entef r efderienc fy provision ofth
Researc on Coflict il he d eective ereuct.toa.
this tionfwhichecarriedtthe casemto
eroffeore d th ujc f AThe appeals court efed S
f Dstric Cssur aiercio rejectedkthe
By t - AECHDI 'sudntgrupconetion thatydo-
aTthe'Uiery'enter faebe o r he- einqsuncy prvsidons ofdg-e
Rsearch on Coflcts l of ferna ndrafnt awarte unonitthi oal.
bnernof a corssonfthe subjec aoft "Te a nction troblsok
"Wcounfnw ikit e.r applicain of njthe n Hershe t dc
For aldt ten earsischol,"sstyney focal aft arlads. ft
aJotehcener th e eene on re- r I rn issu ging t d .ltr judg
sociology department. "Our goal "Indeed, we do not even know
is deeper understanding of t h e that the offending portion of the
causes of conflict." directive is in fact being widely
"These should supplement pro- applied . . .Finally, we have no
grams in other departments and reason to believe that draft board
make it much more relevant to members would act contrary to
what is happening in the outside ~the law as judicially declared."
world," explains Ben-Dak. The court upheld the draft sys-
In the area of race relations, tem's ,right to reclassify regis-
0. Jackson Cole; research assistant trants who violate delinquency
of the center, will teach seminars regulations.
on black consciousness as par} This applies, for example, to
of the psychology department's those who destroy or abandon
Outreach project and "Readings their draft cards.
Psychol 506 radingn corse. criminal proceedings can also bet
In the area of international applied in certain cases, such as
clas on Jewish-Arab relations in Bu glp t Herse' letter,rinsaid,



March on
tended a noon rally yesterday
on the Diag in support of the
rent strike.
.... .... .,,.'~'.The rally was held to gather
support for the Tenants Union,
which is facing a crucial court
-decision on conspiracy charges
brought by seven landlords. Cir-
cuit Judge William Ager yester-
day heard further arguments for
both sides.
Following the rally, some 250
protesters marched to the offices
of Charter Realty and Apart-
I~ay-Jy assdy ments Limited, two of the plain-
.a .Ja asiy tiffs in the case. The protesters
- Rent strikers confront Kenneth Barnhill of Apartments Limited presented demands to the two
- _ ____-----..----... -. - ~------------ -<. landlords.
FOR Di ADVANTA ED:Several of the marchers carried
A A 1large blue banners with the yel-
low Tenants Union insignia. They
e shouted slogans like "Make Char-
ter barter" and "Limit Apart-
ments Limited."
Speakers at the rally Included
steering committee and Marc Van
Der Hout, vice president of Stu-
den Govrnnte edCouncil which
co-defendant in the conspiracy
By TOBE LEV Detroit school system, held its their ability to handle college casenDeHuttd hcrdth
A pre-college University pro- thr tn usa.wCash says the sub-committeet reasons for SGC's decision to be-
gram for disadvantaged high Dr. William Cash, University ppsashudbreyfrrviwcome a co-defendant.UnIf te
school students is only one of sev- human relations coordinator, was psa shouldx eeadg or rheiews peopl inteTnantUnoar
eral projects' being developed named head of .a sub-committee to att6nx etn ftelasnconspiring, then 37,000 students
jointly by the University and the establish a pre-college education committee in July Eventual the in this University are conspiring,"
Detrit ublc shool. pogrm fr diadvntaed ighRobben Fleming and the executive he pdemon stration then moved
A special liaison committee of~ school students. The program may officers for approval. to the landlords' office to present
six representatives from Detroit include courses in Detroit schools If the proposal is approved, four demands:
schools and six University repre- taught by University faculty. Cash will seek funding from both -Recognition of the Tenants
sentatives has been meeting The program will prepare these the University and outside sources. Union as the bargaining agent of
monthly since April to formulate "u lnwl comdt
proposals. The committee, which' students for college courses and suet r m plan wi hgacomde An n Aror tng fth osir
was set up at the request of the hopefully bolster confidence in studentsrom whther nithgre dup. -c rpan fth osprc
-------that far depends on the cost of '-Disclosure of all financial rec-
e the program and the money we ords of the seven landlords.
can get. We don't know either -Disclosure of the relationship
e as es naltlesyet," says Cash. of the John Birch Society to the
~"We have talked to some foun- conspiracy suit.
] dations about the general outlines Steering committee members
ofD t0H D O ~ Sheprojct BuIdont even~ gn talkdwt Aatmen Liie
e/ addadeclined to answer the demands ~
party-line vote, is a "product of "Yet," Levins added, "the gov- projectsfrd he Detrot spubic have ad respnseh at 10:30 this
the 'vacuum of leadership' from ernor is silent. school system, is working with morning.
the governor's office," charged "The Republicans in the Senate Cash on the project. Steering committee member
senate Minority Leader Sander have taken action today which is Another sub-comittee has met Peter Denton went into the Char- I
Levin, (D-Berkley). Icontrary to the position adopted to discuss more effective ways to ter Realty offices at Washtenaw
"This bill has several provis- by a representative of the gover- utilize educational TV channels and South University to present
tons which will hurt, not help, the Inor- yet there is no effort by the Iin D~etroit. A new project could the demands but found no onej
collective bargainig system,"' Lev- governor to carry out the position e'UPe exptaerery
ni aiu rr ~~u~±~ un .uu f Se 'd' Pae2ecpasceay
I U±bii ~A LLUV~ UjJ~I I~k1~L",



-Daily-Jay Cassidy
Peter Denton speaks to Diag rally

'the Mideast. On the graduate level
Robert Hefner, director of the
Center, will teach a theoretical
course on conflict systems.
Finally Prof. Raymond Tanter,
of the political sciende department,
will lead a seminar on quantifica-
tion of aspects of conflict while
Ben-Dak will teach a course in
simulating international behavior
through games.
"Very little is known about In-
ternational conflict and we feel
some work has to be done about
contributing to knowledge about
conflict," says Ben-dak, explaining
the basis for the courses.
"We feel that resource pe'ople
for understandin conflcts should
from whatever is known," he adds.
emphasze hard factual knowledg
and a critical .approach to read-
ings and different points of views.
"None of us takes a simplistic
view .of conflict resolution," ex-
plains Ben-dak. "We have a long
way to go."
"But we feel it is necessary that
a more intelligent and empirical
approach be taken," he concludes.
SThe courses offer students the op-
portunity to take advantage of
this rational approach, accprding
to Ben-dak.

"neither said nor meant that war
protesters were to be reclassified
only after conviction for violation
of a statute, which the courts
have found to be consistent with
the First Amendment.
A source close to the court ex-
plained that the judges' 36-page
decision meant: "If an act, al-
though illegal, does not violate Se-
lective Service statutes, it should
not be made the occasion for



State Sena
for strikin
LANSING (IP) - Stiff penalties f

for striking public employe unions
were approved- in the Senate yes-
terday as opponents charged Gov.
William Milliken with a "vacuum
of leadership."
Debate on a companion meas-
ure requiring compulsory arbi-
tration for police and firemen,
meanwhile, was postponed until
next week.
The Republican public employe
bill, passed on a straight 20-17


hap been denounced by the chair-
man of the Labor Mediation
Board, an appointee of the gov-

Backers of the bill pointed to
strikes by teachers, police and
firemen and said some "law en-
forcement teeth" must be included
in the state law prohibiting such
Leincited a setion thatd al
check-off for up to 18 months
"willfully disobeys" any back-to-
work order. Such a move could
cpple the union financially,
The sbill faces strong opposition
and possible defeat in the Demo-
cratic-controlled House.
The Upper Chamber also began
debate on the compulsory arbi-
tration measure, but put off pre-
lsoiarapprove on a party-line
vote was a bill dealing with em-
ployment security provisions.
Given preliminary Senate ap-
proval yesterday was a bill divid-
ing the Detroit school district into
regional districts and expanding
the City Board of Education.
The measure, sponsored by Sen.
Coleman Young, LD-Detroit), pro-
vides that each of nine regional


Co-ed floor, seek

Circuit Judge William Ager heard arguments on motions In the
3uit' brought by seven landlords against the rent strike yesterday, but
it will still be at least a week before he makes any decisions.
Ager will accept additional briefs on the case until next Friday.
Among the motions which Ager will be considering are the
notion by the defendants for dismissal, requests by the plaintiff for
;ummary judgment, and a motion to allow Student Government
Council to become a co-defendant.
The suit has been brought against 91 rent strikers by seven
andlords who charge that the ultimate goal of the rent strike is an
attack on the concept of private property. The suit seeks an In-
unction to halt the rent strike.
Besides the injunction the lan dlords are seeking $10,000 in indi-
'vidual ..damages, $30,000 in ex-
emplary damages and recovery of
Tf unpaid rent being held in escrow.
feIn addition,c 12ed ofth91 de
spiracy to violate existing and
fusturelases and to obtain libel-
The defendants have filed
d women use only the shower counterclaims charging that the
ilities designated for them, and landlords have violated leases and
the floor must be fully dressed anti-trust s tatutes.er 0counter
ise that floor meetings be held damages.
reements. Women will evaluate If Ager rejects both summary
emen and"iftheyfeelthe motions, a date will be set for the
ement and if t eyr fee ther trial of the actual suit.h The
ent they shall do so without atutate.swl ls eer
lan says. No mention is made William Barense, the attorney
that the men may wish to Ifor the landlords, opened the ar-
ing of the sexes. guments by saying that the rent
will not begin immediately in strikers were violating the Ten-
explains that the deadline for Iants Rights (PA 286), ' which pro-
versity housing was April 30, 50 vides that anyone who is objecting
assignments would be made to a housing code violation must
r. count held by the enforcing
I et h approval of the agency. The enforcing agency in
rs-and all indications are that Ithis case is now the court, he said.
e Regents, the necessary rear- James Lafferty, one of the at-

A plan for a co-educational floor In a Univer-
sity dormitory is suffering from what may be a
critical lack of support-not from skeptical ad-
ministrative officials but from the students them-
Phil Cherner, '72, who originated the plan with
Richard Sanok, '72, says that as of now eight
more women and one more man are needed to
complete the experimental floor.
John Feldkamp, director of University Hous-
ing, says that discussion has shown growing sup-
port among members of the Board of Governors
of the Residence Halls.
But the major obstacle of the co-ed living
organizers now is finding enough interested stu-.
dents. The board decided in an April meeting with
Jordan residents to postpone recommendation of
the plan to the Regents until a solid case could

plan that men a
and bathroom f a
tat residents on
They also prop
to work out disa
the living arran
situation is intole
former arrangemr
restriction," the
of the possibilit
terminate the mbx
The experimen
the fall. Feldkam
reapphying for Un1
traditional living
for the second flo
If ' the propos
Board of Govern
it will-and of t


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