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June 06, 1969 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-06

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Ehe Mt ianpt t
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan




420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

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I FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1969


Nixon at Colorado Springs...

"THE AGGRESSORS in this world are
not going to give the United States a
period of grace in which to put our do-
mestic house in order - just as the crisis
in our society cannot be put on a back
burner until we resolve the problem of
Yes, play it again Sam. We have a Pres-
ident whose logical abilities are not yet
fully developed. Mr. Nixon is affirming
his critics' belief that he does not possess
the capacity to bring our house to order,
and, that it will be a mess for quite a
His commencement address at the Air
Force Academy Wednesday brings f e w
surprises. He is intent, of course, upon
continuing the Ruskian brand of foreign
policy. You know, the empty phrases and
tired cliches: a continued emphasis upon
the "honoring" of American commit-
ments abroad (what about at home?); the
portrait of an international Communist
monolith ever-anxious to exploit t h e
slightest weakness among the "free
world;" no possible reconciliation w i t h
the Soviet Union until Communist aggres-
sion in Southeast Asia ends (did the Rus-
sians send volunteers?); and, finally, a
very firm insistence upon continuing de-
fense spending lest the smallest budget-
ary cut bring nuclear devastation. After
all, our destiny demands that America
take no respite from making the world
over in our'own ugly image.
HIS SPEECH reveals a politician heavily
committed to the art of rhetoric -
senseless verbiage really - whose o n 1 y
utility derives from the fact that it may
very well prevent the common man and
the suburb people from seeing his wide-
spread logical errors, his tendency to
skirt he subject in question, and his con-
fused, muddled thinking.
However, Mr. Nixon undoubtedly feels
that the demagogic charisma of John F.
Kennedy defeated h i m in 1960 and is
making every attempt to become one in
his own right. Hence, the old homilies,
clinched-rhetoric, and d u11 dogma are
paraded before our eyes in order that we
might better appreciate the intense bur-
dens our valient leader carries upon his
shoulders. And you think Portnoy suf-
Mr. Nixon straightfordwardly a s k s
what "America's role in the world" shall
be, "what responsibilities of a great na-
tion toward protecting freedom beyond
its shores are," and whether "we can ever
be left in peace if we do not actively as-
sume the burden of keeping the peace'
(nothing more t h a n comic-book melo-
drama and suspense), only to discredit
dissent and despair as a weariness of the
ON SUNDAY President Nixon journeys
to Midway Island in the Pacific for a
"peace" conference with President Thieu.
It is not yet clear what is the exact pur-
pose of Nixon's meeting with Thieu.
Some believe that the meeting is mere-
ly a good-will mission to keep Thieu in
line with the eight-point American peace
plan. But there are others who tell us
administration sources have been hinting
that Nixon's visit is to inform Thieu of
our intentions to withdraw 50,000 Ameri-
can troops in the near future. Either way,
the meeting is likely to contribute little
to a quick end to the Vietnam war.
Past conferences in the Pacific attend-
e4 by Nixon's predecessor have been
nothing m o r e than political gimmicks.
Johnson went to Honolulu in 1965 to take
the spotlight off Fulbright and to Manila,
in 1966 to convince the folks that their,

President was doing everything in his
power to advance the cause of peace.-
Nixon's visit appears to be one of these
grandstand efforts - like his European
trip - to attract publicity that is both
plentiful and favorable.
JUNKET TOURS to the Pacific staged in{
the interest of theatrical diplomacy do
not constitute movement toward peace.{
After Thieu's trenchant remarks in Ko-
rea that he will "never" accept a coalition
government, there seems to be little rea-
son to confer with him now. The problem t
in Vietnam is not lack of communication.j
On the contrary, our position and Thieu'si
position are too clear -and too similar.E
The very fact that Nixon finds it nees-i

"weight of free world leadership that fell
upon us in the wake of World War II"
His image of the world political struggle
tells him that if America were to become
a "dropout in assuming the responsibility
for defending peace and freedom in the
world . . . thekind of peace that suffo-
cated freedom in Czechoslovakia would
settle over this planet."
The Russians aren't going to like that,
for they made this deal (tacit consent is
the same as the shaking of hands) with
the West that they'd respect our sphere
if we'd respect theirs. Hence, no Russian
troops in Vietnam. However, Mr. Nixon's
"hard-line" raises high the ugly specter
of isolationism (the concept we were all
taught in school that brought about
World War II) in order to bring us "for-
ward together."
REPRESENTATIVE Gerald Ford stalked
into the political arena with the very
same sort of speech a few weeks back,
telling us that critics of ABM and of the
military were seeking to disarm t h e
country, t h a t isolationism would bring
damnation and ruin. Mr. Ford, you may
recall, scrambled back to his comforting
House cronies, tail between 1 e g s, after
even Ev Dirksen dismissed that approach
as less than the truth.
Apparently Mr. Nixon has the courage
to disregard, a busted "trial balloon" in
order to present his "urgently needed"
conception of the national interest, and
hence, g a v e this speech, informing the
blind unwitting dupes that we are, how
it really is.,
You see, Mr. Nixon will not sacrifice his
paranoic need for defensive security
(ABM) for the wise political recognition
that he will lose what little credence he
now possesses if ABM is shoved down the
throats of the Senate. This much is clear.
"One school of though holds," he told us
Wednesday, "that the road to under-
standing with the Soviet Union and Com-
munist China lies through a downgrad-
ing of our own alliances and what
amounts to a unilateral reduction of our
arms in order to demonstrate our good
Since when does not building the ABM
lead to unilateral disarmament?
Even if it were, after Vietnam we des-
perately need to show to t h e world as
many acts of good will (devoid of good
'ole' American paternalism) as we can.
"It is open season on the armed forces,"
he cynically ,tells us. So be it. Let it also
be open season on fools that through na-
tional prostration and accident have
come to enjoy the levers of power.
and at Midway
block to peace: that Nixon still regards
the Thieu regime as the legitimate gov-
ernment in Vietnam. It is impossible toI
express our support for free elections in
Vietnam when we continue to regard the
Thieu-Ky clique as legitimate. Diplomatic
gestures of goodwill a n d statements of
purpose for Vietnamese self-determina-
tion are meaningless as long as we con-
tinue to support a disreputable, authori-
tarian regime that has made it perfectly
clear that its intentions are not peace or
self-determination - but self-perpetua-
THERE HAS BEEN no change in the at-
titude and policies that led to our ad-
ventures in Vietnam. Nixon s t i11 sees
America intervention as justified, as a
war necessary to c h e c k the spread of
communism and to make good our global
commitments. Without a fundamental

revision of these basic assumptions un-
derlying our foreign policy, there can be
little hope for a rapid a n d permanent
Most of the efforts of the Nixon admin-
istration have not been directed to find-
ing a settlement to the war. Nixon seems
content to search for a level that the war
can be reduced so it is no longer finan-
cially and politically detrimental to his
It is only necessary to look to the state-
ments of Melvin Laird to see the tragic
unconcern for a quick settlement of the
war. When Laird announced a reduction
in B-52 raids in Vietnam, he quickly add-
ed that they could be resumed if budget
inrrancP.- n m ,.thrnfo hci orl


James Anderson, Jr.

Henry Johnson

James Anderson Jr. not only has excellent qualifica-
tions to serve on the Board of Education, but he has a
clear vision of what must be done to improve the school
system and how the system's resources can better be
Anderson understands both the necessity and diffi-
culties of financing the school system and supports the
6.67 mill proposal and the bonding issue for a new jun-
ior high school.
However, Anderson also realizes that tax reform and
responsible budgeting by administrators are necessary
along with increased funding. He favors. establishment
of a broader tax base in Ann Arbor and increased state
aid to schools.
Recognizing the responsibility the school system has
for all students. Anderson acknowledges the need for
vocational education classes within the system. He in-
sists, however, that programs not bind a student into one
curriculum but allow him to move between the vocation-
al and more academically oriented lasses.
A former chairman of the Human Relations Commis-
sion and chairman of its education committee, Anderson
recognizes the importance of developing black studies
courses throughout the entire system. He is aware that
one hour or one week programs scattered throughout the
school year are inadequate and ineffective.
Although somewhat cautious in his willingness to let
at least high school students have more say in their aca-
demic life, Anderson believes school authorities "must
recognize the contributions made by students and give
them an opportunity to participate in decision making."
Other candidates:

Henry Johnson, currently the director of group care
and counseling at W. J. Maxey Boys' Training School
in Whitmore Lake, can bring to the Ann Arbor Board
of Education the important understanding of student
needs and how they should be met.
Johnson would like to see student input into the
school board and increased student involvement in cur-
riculum planning. He also favors establishing a system
that would permit teachers to vary from traditional
class room procedures to meet the needs of each
Supporting the 6.67 mill proposal, Johnson acknow-
ledgesthat increased funding is necessary to maintain
the present quality of Ann Arbor's educational system.
To improve the school system, Johnson says more pro-
grams aimed specifically at mentally and physically
handicapped students are needed. Vocational education
programs should continue, Johnson adds, but he believes
more competent counselors and progrram administra-
tors must be hired to change the negative psychological
attitude -which surrounds the existing program.
Although Johnson favors the inclusion of black studies
in school curricula, he says he would prefer to see black
contributions to America included in standard history
books. He believes the present sex education program is
beneficial and should be continued.
Calling the police in student protests is "an abdica-
tion of responsibility, on the part of school administra-
tors," Johnson says. No student should be suspended
for causing disruption if he has a valid grievance, he

Dr. Ronald Bishop
Dr. Ronald C. Bishop, chief of services at the Veterans
Administration Hospital and professor of internal medi-
cine, understands the responsibilities of school ad-
ministrators to maintain effective educational programs
in Anh Arbor and to utilize the systems' resources.
Although Bishop is not inclined to seek educational
innovations, he' does acknowledge the need to support
the bonding issue and the two millage proposals neces-
sary to improve school facilities.
Supporting the present sex education program, Bishop
would like to see it developed further in all elementary
schools. In addition, he believes vocational programs
should be hired to help students make the best pos-
sible curriculum choices. "We have to ,make vocational
education worth doing," Bishop says.
In favor of black studies programs that are offered
to all students, Bishop feels these programs can 'en=
courage academic segregation if only black students en-
roll. He believes more should be done to regular history
courses to make specialized courses unnecessary.
The education process "needsd some sort of ordered
environment," Bishop says. Somewhat cool to student
power, he believes students should have a say in their
academic life, but, he strongly believes the board is re-
sponsible for maintaining an ordered academic environ-
Bishop believes there must be some means of punish-
ment for rule breaking, but "I don't think suspension is
the best way," he says. Bishop is emphatically opposed to
academic punishment, and would like to see student
grievances heard before any punitive action can be taken.



Mary Jane Shoultz

One must question the sincerity of Mrs. Mary
Jane Shoultz's candidacy. Basing her campaign
against "literacy" and against "slave training"
in schools, Mrs. Shoultz favors including the
"five f's" in the curriculum-Philosophy, Psy-
chology, Poetry, Phenomenology, and French-
instead of the "three R's."
Mrs. Shoultz has some good, innovative ideas.
She strongly believes in allowing students at
every educational level to express themselves
more freely in learning situations. She believes
students must be equally valued and not sub-
jected to any grading scales.
Presently a consultant with the University's
Child Development Consultant Project and a
former director of WRAND Day Care Center
in Willow Run, Mrs. ,Shoultz has excellent cre-
dentials for the board.
Despite her background, however, Mrs.
Shoultz seems to be a victim of her own rhetoric.
She is unable at times to pin down what she
means by "literacy," what she means by slave
training ,and what she would do either within
the present school system or in an entirely new
one, to implement her futuristic ideas.
Cecil Warner is running for the Ann Arbor
Board of Education on a platform of law and
order, preservation of the system, and respon-
sibility to the public.
He has no ideas that would improve the
educational system, and he has quite a few that
could be detrimental.
Warner opposes the 6.67 mill proposal, claim-
ing Ann Arbor's "quality education" can be
maintained without increased funds despite op-
posite claims by school officials. Elementary
French is the only program which would have
to be eliminated, he says.
Warner believes the first responsibility of
a school official is to maintain the order neces-
sary for the proper functioning of the system.
In case of a disruption in a high school, he says
he would call the police immediately. "That's
what they're there for," Warner explains.
Warner is not opposed to black studies pro-
grams but he contends that black students need
basic skills first-"the three R's-to achieve
Ivan Kemp shys away from innovation in
the educational process, and concentrates instead
on streamlining the school system.
Kemp opposes the 6.67 mill proposal, claiming
small increases in class sizes and discontinuing
the elementary French program would eliminate
the need for extra funds. He also believes ex-
penses can be cut by hiring more clerical work-
ers and redefining the teacher's role.
Kemp strongly opposes the sex education
program in elementary schools. "Moral stan-
dards," he says, "cannot be separated from sex

John Cruz, a bachelor, is running for the
board of education to win representation for the
left-out residents of Ann Arbor. Although this
is a commendable goal, Cruz seems to have an
insufficient :knowledge of the workings of the
Ann Arbor school system to be an effective
board member.
Cruz says the board has consistantly been
composed of "married men with children which
seems to be the necessary prerequisite." He
would like representation for people without
children like himself and for senior citizens "who
have already done their part."
The prime thrust of Cruz's campaign em-
phasizes tax reform and financial responsibility
by administrators. Cruz believes, for example,
that senior citizens should be given tax relief.
Cruz favors improving vocational education
programs and improving methods for giving
students a choice between curricula. He also
would like to see the current sex education pro-
gram continued.
Yet Cruz is presently unwilling to support
the millage proposal administrators say is cru-
cial to fund these programs.
John Schneider is an interested, taxpaying
citizen running for the Board of Education as
the "power to the people" candidate. Unfor-
tunately, though, Schneider lacks a deep enough
undeistanding of essential problems in the
school system to by an effective board member.
Opposing the 6.67 mill resolution, Schneider
says the school system can get along with 3.37
mill assessment, a renewal of current millage.
Schneider says taxpayers ."are tired of stories"
that present a need for increased funding.
Schneider believes that vocational education
programs should be continued, but does not see
the need to provide more highly trained coun-
selors to advise students on the best curriculum
choice. Contrary to some students' contentions,
he maintains that no students have ever been
pushed into vocational programs in Ann Arbor.
"They've had to fight to get in," he claims.
Reluctant to give students any say in aca-
demic matters, Schneider says students are not
capable of making such decisions. "If they are
capable," he says, "they should be the teachers."
A. Gerald Gottleib would like to run the Ann
Arbor school system like an industry. His man-
agerial approach calls for a highly structured
educational system in which "the teacher knows
what she is expected to teach, and the child
knows that he is expected to learn."
The ostensible result of Gottleib's approach
would be the complete suppression ,f students'
ideas. Gootleib would give high school students
no say in their own curriculum planning. He
believes a wide choice of electives should be
available, but he claims anything beyond this
could jeopardize students' basic training.

John Cruz



Cecil Warner

John Schneider


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