Try Daily Classifieds second front page Z P "tr4i ttn 43a"'111110't-Iu NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 ry Presents THIAX Friday, June 6-9 P.M., Looking at it, Getting it on, Bringing it in: MOVING MOTH ER-MUSIC MOTHER MUSIC-MOVING MUSIC-MOTHER, MOVING "/ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ATALE OF' TWO CITIES dir. JACK CONWAY (1935) RONALD COLMAN EDNA MAE OLIVER "Tis a far far better film than I've ever seen before" -l. Claudius 7 and 9 ARCHITECTURE 662-8871 75c AUDITORIUM Monday--ne. 9 Ark 1421 Hill" 9:00 15c Budd Boehicher's COMMANCHE STATION Friday, June 6, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Kuhn, fHuber criticize Kelley. Mafia probe By SHARON WEINER The State Senate Wednesday was asked to study Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's investigation of allega- tions of bribes to public officials brought by Mafia informer Peter Lazaros. A resolution which, if approved, would set up a five-member com- mittee to "study the handling by localsand state public officials of the charges" made by Lazaros was introduced by Sens. George Kuhn (R-Birmingahm) and Robert Hu- ber (R-Troy). The committee would be em- powered to subpoena witnesses, ad- minister oaths, and examine the books and records of any person, partnership, association or cor- poration "involved in a matter properly before the committee." Kuhn and Huber called for $25,000 in state funds to finance the committee study. A group of Oakland county citi- zens had asked Kelley to call for a grand jury investigation, the resolution says. "The Attorney General has in the ensuing three months taken no action to allow or deny the re- quest, nor made any announce- ment of his findings resulting from the investigations," it says. "There is no official determination of the truth or falsity of certain charges involving important public offi- cials, which is a gross injustice not only to persons under suspicion' but to the public as well," the res- olution adds. Yesterday, Huber reaffirmed his support of the resolution. "He said he will push for it "in the hope ? that this resolution will serve as an additional spur to the reluctant Attorney General." Kuhn asked U.S. Atty. Gen. John Mitchell to take over the investigation from Kelley earlier this week. Kuhn had laid down Fa one- week deadline for Kelley to "clear the air" of the allegations over a week ago. He had also called for a grand jury probe into the matter several weeks ago. "Mr. Kelley has taken far too long to prosecute in the investiga- tion," Kuhn said Wednesday. "It took only 11 days following the Life magazine article to resolve the Abe Fortas issue, and Kelley's investigation is already at least eight months old." Kuhn claimed state police have sufficient evidence to justify is- suing warrants, and wrote a letter last week to Gov. William Milliken charging Kelley with intentionally delaying investigation on Lazaros' statements. Milliken said he was fully in- formed of the program of the in- vestigation, and defended Kelley in his handling of the probe. Milliken repeated yesterday he was satisfied Kelley "has been pursuing the matter carefully and without dilatory tactics." Kuhn called Milliken's gefense of Kelley "hasty and wrong." State Deputy Atty. Gen. Leon Cohan said Wednesday the Justice Department "has been kept close- ly informed of the progress of the 'investigation." He said Kelley personally briefed' the head of the organized crime division of the Justice Department on the status of the investigation only a few days ago. "The department of justice has indicated it will in no way parti- cipate in the investigation," Co- han added. Kuhn declined to comment on Kelley's communication with the Justice Department, and s a i d yesterday .he hasn't heard f r o m Mitchell yet. Huber along with Kuhn charged Kelley with trying to defend "his discredited Democratic cohorts." "Every person named by Mr. Lazaros is a Democrat", H u b e r said. "Not a single Republican has been dragged into this case." Cohan said Republicans as well as Democrats have been implicat- ed. "Harking back to the days of their favorite investigator, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, these senators seek to change a professional in- vestigation into a public w i t c h- hunt," Kelley charged last Tues- day. He said the people "should re- call the last time these two gentle- men tried to conduct a major in- vestigation - their ill-fated in- quiry into the newspaper strike. It was necessary for this office to save them from going to jail for contempt of court." The investigation will soon be finished, and the timing will not be determined by political pres- sures, Kelley added.. Lazaros, awaiting a new trial on a fraud conviction, had made the accusations against a number of public officials during the past seven months while informing State Police about Mafia opera- tions. Gov. Milliken -- - -_' The Michigan Daily, edited and man. aged by atpdents of the University of Michigan. News phone': 764-0552. Seconc Class postage' paid aat. Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, 420 Maynard St., AnniArbor Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues day through Sunday morning Univer sity year. Subscription rates: $9 b carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesda through Saturday morning. Subscrip tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 b mail. fanaeesamn GET YOUR 'AIMWITH A r.Want AdS irman" mm fu! aF al i 'Hard Contract' is not only an exciting adven- ure, it's also a meaningful contemporary com- bent on violence. A stunning film which should ppeal to the thrilr seekers and content seekers. alike. Says a great deal about sex and society ,ith tautness and tastel" -Joyce Haber, N.Y. Post 1-difthe s- y by The Associated Press and College Press Service P-. REP. WILLIAM A. STEIGER (R-Wis) said yesterday that student unrest is far more widespread and serious than is gen- erally believed. Steiger, one of a group of Republican congressman who recently toured college campuses across the country, said it is a mistake to assume than only a handful of revolutionary students are dissatis- fied with the way colleges operate. Steiger testified before a House education and labor subcommittee considering legislation to deal with campus unrest. The group later failed to agree that it should even act. ' * * * * ARAB SABOTEURS wounded six Israeli soldiers yesterday in a wave of anti-occupation violence on the second anniversary of the six-day war. Saboteurs hurled hand grenades at soldiers in Jerusalem, the Jordan West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. The violence followed the killing of two Israeli army sergeants and a corporal in a bazooka and grenade attack near Gaza City Wednesday night. In Jerusalem, Arab shopkeepers closed their stores in the ancient walled city. SECRETARY OF STATE William P. Rogers refused to predict, yesterday when the first pullout of U.S. troops' might be an- nounced. He noted, however, South Vietnamese forces are making rapid strides toward taking over more of the combat burden. Rogers leaves today for the Midway Island 'summit conference amid continuing speculation that President Nixon, and President Nguyen Van Thieu will announce there Sunday a specific date for withdrawal of perhaps 50,000 of the 540,000 GI's now in Vietnam. THE UNITED STATES has reached agreement with Spain for continuation of its military bases there. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved the accord. The settlement provides for a two-year extension of the 15-year- old arrangement under which the United States maintains a sub- marine base and three Air Force installations in Spain. Senator William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the new agreement will be signed soon, perhaps within a few days. * * * * THE RATE OF AMERICAN DEATHS in civil disorders has been infinitesimal in comparison with the worldwide average, the National Commission on Violence disclosed. The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention on Violence issued their report on the anniversary of the assassination of the death of Robert F. Kennedy, which precipitated its formation, and said "We have become a rather bloody-minded people in both action and reactior." Hugh Davis Graham, an historian from John Hopkins, and Ted Robert Gurr, a political scientist from Princeton, who directed the task force and prepared the summary of its conclusions, speculated in the the report, "We are likely to remain so, as long as so many of us think violence is an ultimate solution to social conflict." ,Court ruling may affect servicemens' convictions P anthers =arrested' WASHINGTON (le) - The Army's Judge Advocate Gen- eral estimated yesterday that 450,000 Army servicemen con- victed in military court since 1951 could 'have their convic- tions upset by Monday's Su- preme Court decision. That decision prohibits the court-martialing of service- men accused of strictly civil- ian crimes. Maj. Gen. Kenneth J. Hodson said the ruling by the high court could mean freedom for a number of court-martialed servicemen now serving time in disciplinary bar- racks or federal prisons. Hodson wouldn't venture a guess on how many might be freed, but he said that of 4,000 men presently confined under court-martial convictions, 2,000 were tried in whole or part for .ivilian-type offenses. The Supreme Court held that in order for the military to assume jurisdiction in a case, the offense must be "service-.connected." In handing down that decision Monday, the high court was silent on the issiue of retroactivity- How- ever, Hodson told newsmen, "This opinion 'is retroactive for 180 years unless the court changes it." Just going back to World War 1, said Hodson, would involve some four million men. Presumably the Supreme Court will clarify this point in subse- quent cases. Hodson predicted that the Pen- tagon will be confronted with "a vast amount of litigation arising out of the decision." Much, he said, will involve men seeking to clear theirmilitarysrec- ord of dishonorable discharges af- ter conviction of civilian crimes. He said the Pentagon thinks many individuals may sue for back pay and veterans' benefits which they lost as a result of such discharg- es. The general also predicted liti- gation by relatives of dead ser- vicemen whose court-martial con- victions on civil type offenses de- prived them of burial in a nation- al cemetery. What makes an offense "ser- vice-connected" is now the prob- lem the military is grappling with. Hodson said that whether a man wears his uniform when he per- forms an unlawful act of duty or off base could be a "relevant fac- tor' in the question of jurisdic- tion. But he said he doubted -the uniform alone could provide the basis for military handling of a case. , %IIaJ. -( t~f~ioW8 £A0.% S. R j S k I' r "Something remarkable and speciall One of those infrequent movies which succeed at the level of sizzling good story, but, also and more significantly at the level of incisive ,cdmmentary about the way we live now." Charkes Champlin, Los Angeles Times. Shows at113,5,7, 9 Denver Police and an FBI agent prepare to search Black Panther headquarters. Two suspects wanted in the torture death of a black panther member in New Haven, Connecticut were taken into custody. The 'two men in jail are Rory B. Hithe, 18, and Landon Robert Williams, 25. A0 FIJ amiSRwIre"-tap ofS 'sonvra t Iona DIAL 5-6290 - a a a a 1 THE LTENATIVE GRAND OP ENING TODAY' Student-Faculty Co-op Coffee House 11:00 a.m.--2:0Q o.m. ,a Courtyard S.A.B. Across from Ad.' Bldg. 3 BANDS-COME JAM WITH THEM ! a °Thk 'n rna Iktt-korn - 3020 Washtenaw, Ph. 434-1782 Between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor TODAY One Show Only at 8 P.M. HOUSTON (R) - An FBI agent testified in the Cassius Clay wire- tap hearing yesterday that tele- phone conversations of Elijah Mu- hammad, head of the Black Mus- lim sect, had been monitored by federal agents at least four years. Similar testimony Wednesday indicated that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader, had been under electronics surveil-, lance from 1964 until his death in 1968. The hearing was ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court to determine Whether the wiretaps affected the trial in which Clay was convicted of refusing to be inducted into the Army. The former heavyweight boxing champion contended he was a Black Muslim a n d thus exempt from military duty. Agent C. Barry Pickett of Jack- sonville, Fla., did not give the spe- cific reasons for the surveillance of Elijah Muhammad. Charles Morgan Jr., Clay's chief counsel, sought repeatedly to ob- tain specific reasons, but Pickett insisted his instructions were gei- eral. "I am trying to prove he had specific instructions to obtain in- formation on tle religious beliefs of this defendant," Morgan told U.S. Dist. Court Judge Joe In- grahm. Summaries of four taped con- versations involving Clay were ad- mitted into evidence Wednesday., One involved King and three in- volved Black Muslim officials. j Ingrahm had a fifth summary in a sealed envelope but refused to admit it into th e record on grounds such action could endan- ger national security. RVINOW I