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June 05, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-05

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Showers, clearing
by afternoon

Vol. LXXIX, No. 20-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 5, 1969

Ten Cents

S;ix Poes


.Siy Pnr uyc



Nixon asks the nation


reject isolationism

LP~ - President Nixon called}
on the nation yesterday to re-
.~~ ect new isolationists who are,
f.hesaid, charting a disastrous
course that poses a false y
choice between meeting re- I
sponsibilities abroad and at
The President counseled t h e
American people that the skeptics
f ~do not build societies - it isr f
idealists who are the builders.
"Only societies that believe in
themseves," he said, "can rise
to their challenges, Let us.ynot, $
then, pose a false choice, be- .>.,
tween meeting our responsibilities k
abroadand meeting the needs of;.
our people at home. We shall meet
both or we shall meet neither. y. ...'...f.
It was Nixon 's last scheduled r;,
${ speech before he moves on Sun-
x? day to a conference at Midway
Island in the Pacific with Pei
dent Nguyen Van Thieu of Viet- Quaker protest iutei
nam-a conference to reset t h e
sights on the course of the war iCapitol police arrested 12 members of a Quaker group readin
and the possible paths toward Capitol steps yesterday, but ignored three Congressmen w
peace. munity to take part in the demonstration. From left to right
fhAddressing the 676 members of and Reps. Charles Diggs Jr. (D-Mich), Edward Koch (D-N
the graduating class of the U.S.
Air Force Academy, Nixon said,
"It is 6pen season on armed forc- rAOD
-Associated Press OT ERACIO CNSDEED
on "Military programs," he said,
ai e ridiculed as needless, if not#
deliberate waste. The military
' pirofession is derided in some of I C [l u !
consiered y som tobCbc-ivil rights c
the best circles. Patriotism is c ni e e y s m o b a k
ward, unfashionable fetish of the,
uneducated and unsophisticated.
tA CS Nationalism is hailed and ap-
plauded as a panacea for the ills re
of every nation - except the,
United States."
pokesmen fueled One school of thought, the By ALEXA CANADY distributed to the commissi
ounce some U.S. President said, holds the United The Ann Arbor Human Rela- confidential report of all the
-summit meeting States is blocking the road to tions Commission rejcmapro that HRC has gathered per
on Sunday. peace by maintaining military posal last night that would have ing to the alleged discrimin
ect limited U.S. strength at home and defense requested the Michigan Civil against HRC staff member
k forces abroad and calling for a Rights Commission to investigate Chauncey in the Star Bar,
ke over more of the alleged police brutality oi>
. unilateral arms reduction. Nixon the beating of an HRC staff mem- tolan ad e Wr.
the mid-Pacific ruled this out, ber after his arrest while on as- patrolman Wade Wagner.
incement. He said this appeal should never signment. - Williams revealed that H
uance in a joint be underestimatedI, because it HRC discussed the Chauncey- had asked HRC to refrain
the withdrawal. touches a responsive chord w i t h Wagner incident and other recent making any further staten
the ithdrwa overburdened taxpayers. issues in a special meeting. After on the incident until he, Will
ild fit projections "It would be easy," he said, "to the proposal was rejected, com- and other city officials ha(
is fall y buy some popularity by going missioner John Evans requested opportunity to meet and att
along with isolationists. But it that his committee, Police-Com- to draft a joint statement
men also refused would be disastrous for our nation munity Relations, meet with next week.
Dixon has reach- and the world." Mayor Robert Harris' n e w 1 y Cowley's discussion of pos
n a withdrawal Nixon was willing to accept formed citizens committee on new laws that might, aid the'
part of the 542, a measure of criticism from foes police-community relations and in its work precipitated a h
ow in the war of the vanguard antiballistic mis- inform them that HRC will do response from Commissioner
sile system and proponents of a whatever it can to aid them. orah Grubbs, who said,
ss secretary Ron- See NIXON, Page 5 HRC Director David Cowley, don't need any new laws, we

Rent striker
arrested for
'bucket drive
Janet Handy, a 'miember of the rent strike steering com-
mittee, was arrested yesterday for soliciting funds without a
permit during a bucket drive to raise money for the Tenants'
After her arrest she was released on personal recogni-
zance pending investigation by the city attorney's office,
which investigates all, possible prosecutions. No formal
charges have been filed.
The arrest br~ought strong reaction from the steering
committee, which responded with a statement demanding

that the police apply the, law impartially
greater citizen control over the police.

and calling for

-Associated Press
g names of Vietnam war dead on the
ho claimed they had waived their im-
I are Capitol Police Chief James Lowell
Y), and George Brown (D-Calif).

Air Force cadets honor Nix

Limited troop Pt
seen in summit
Ftom Wire Service Reports
Non-committal responses by administration sp
speculation yesterday that President Nixon will ann
troop withdrawals from Vietnam at a Midway Island
with South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu
Both Nixon and Thieu have indicated they exp
troop pullouts as Saigon forces become able to tak
the fighting. But they have yet to set any specific date
Administration spokesmen would not deny that'
suimit would be a likely forum for such an annou
It would receive global publication, and an issi
communique could underscore Thieu's agreement to
* The timetable cou
that as many as 5
brought home th
But the spokes
10 , to confirm that N
for fi nys-us ed a decision or
timetable for any
000-man force n
The decision whether toP bring zone.
the ten-member cast of "Dionysus Presidential Are
in '69" to trial was postponed yes- ald L. Ziegler, in
terday to June 24, by District Nixon, said he ha
Judge Pieter Thomassen ment. State Dep
official Robert J.
Thomassen will decide if there "I will not comm
is "probable cause to believe a on what will or w
crime was committed," and if the at the Nixon-Thi
defendants had actually com- At the Pentago
mitted it. would only repea
The Dionysus cast was charged the conditions
with indecent exposure when they down for America
performed two scenes nude. Play These are agreem
Director Richard Scheckner con- Vietnam on a mu
tends the issue is not indecency a downturn in th
but "freedom of artistic expres- ing; or ability
sion." Vietnamese to ta
now being done
The preliminary hearing was After recent ta
held on May 7. Defense attorney tary of State Wi
Peter Darrow motioned at that Thieu said that "s
time that Thomassen decide the -as many as 50,0
hearing by examining briefs from South Vietnamese
both-the prosecution and the de- ready by Septemb
fense. placing American
Thomassen has said he will de- It is generally a
cide the case based on the stand- U.S. could remove
ards of a "cross-section" of the troops without g
University community. the military balan


on a
f ex-
d an

n Coorado with
ad no announce-
artment p r e s s
McCloskey said,
lent or speculate
vill not be done"
eu parley.
an, a spokesman
at for newsmen
Nixon has laid
in troop returns.
ents with North
tual withdrawal;
e level of fight-
of the South
ke over fighting
by Americans.
lks with Secre-
Iliam P. Rogers,
ignificant units"
000 men-of the
army would be
ber to begin re-
agreed that the
50,000 or more
reatly affectingr
ice in Vietnam.


State legislators prepare for
abortion law reform struggle

to implement the laws we already
have, starting with city hall. She
then asked Cowley what was be-
ing done regarding complaints of
discrimination against the city.'
Cowley replied that "the six
cases of alleged discrimination in.
city hall have been presented to
the city administrator."
When later asked as to the dis-
pensation of these cases, Cowley
said, "Two of the cases were set-
tled immediately when the ad-
ministrator hired the two people."
However, he continued, "One per-
son still doesn't have a job."
Cowley did not comment on the
status of the other three cases.
The Community Committee for
Child Day Care and Development
also presented a detailed report
to HRC on the structure and pur-]
poses of the Day Care Center they
hope to have functional by early
July. Because HRC has already
made $40,000 available to the Day
Care Center, the discussion cen-
tered on concerns with the spe-
cific organization of the center.
Evelyn Moore, a commissioner.
made clear that "the center is a,
new concept of self determina-
tion." She continued, "Most of the
planning must be done by the
mothers themselves."
Mrs. Grubbs, who said she
wanted to make sure the original
purpose of the. center was not
lost, said, "It is a program to en-
able the children's mothers to go
into training programs and get
off relief."
Richard Cutler, Special Assis-
tant for Urban Affairs, said the
University would provide bus
transportation for the center. He
also mentioned the University
might provide other services in
the future.

. Steering committee members
were upset because there has been
no police action against Mrs. Ike
Kozminski, wife of a landlord,
who allegedly struck rent striker
Jim Brugh in front of a police
lieutenant and an assistant city
I Brugh and other tenants were
picketing Kozminski's barbershop
Tuesday to protest alleged diffi-
culties they had had with him.
\David Goldstein, steering com-
mittee member, explained, "It is
a political question why they bust-
ed Janet and not Mrs. Kozmin-
City Attorney Peter Forsythe
said last night that he had no
information on Miss Handy's ar-
rest, which occurred late yester-
day afternoon. He added that as-
sault complaints are being in-
vestigated against Mrs. Kozmin-,
ski and against Louis Feigelson, a
landlord's agent also charged with
assault in an incident that occur-
red Tuesday inthe rent strike of-
fice in the Student Activities Bldg.
Miss Handy was also involved in
that incident. Steering commit-
tee members present claimed Fei-
gelson attacked them, while he
countered that they were the as-
Goldstein said yesterday that
Major Robert Harris told him the
city would investigate all t h e
complaints on the basis of the
facts without considering their
connection to the' rent strike.
If the city attorney feels the
elements of a crime exist and can
be proven to a jury, then he will
prosecute the case, Harris t o I d
Miss Handy was, arrested in
front of the Ann Arbor Bank on
East Liberty. She had been there
for about 45 minutes, she said,
when sa person came out of the
bank and asked for a leaflet. .
Twenty minutes later, she said,
a police officer came and asked
her if she had a permit to solicit
funds. After finding she did not
have a permit, he arrested her.
It was the third day that the
steering committee has been con-
ducting the bucket drive. No other
incidents have occurred.
The steering committee's state-
ment said: f
"The police have refused to
prosecute landlords (Ike Koz-
minski and Louis Feigelson) who
have violated the rights of tenants
by assaulting them and by turning
off utilities and threatening to
throw tenants into the street. This
is in spite of the fact that they
have actually seen the landlords
perform these acts.
"The police have, on the other
hand, readily harrassed the Ten-
See STRIKER, Page 5

Bias ease
The State Civil Rights Commis-
sion heard final testimony yester-
day on a charge of discrimination
against the University M e d I c a'1
Center by Mrs. LaVerne Hill,
Mrs. Hill claims that when she
requested withdrawal of her re-
signation as assistant operating
room supervisor at the Medical
Center in June, 1965, she was re-
fused and instead offered an in-
ferior position at the hospital be-
cause she is black.
Louis Rosenzweit, referee ap-
pointed by the commisison, will
either' recommend dismissal of the
case for lack of evidence or rein-
statement of Mrs. Hill at her old
position. He set no date for his
James McClung, who originally
investigated the case for the com-
mission, was the last witness for
the hospital. His investigation did
not find evidence of discrimina-
McClung testified that Miss
Muriel Horton, Mrs. Hill's super-
visor, and Dr. Roger B. Nelson,
senior 'associate director at the
hospital, commented there was a
"communication problem" be-
tween Mrs. Hill and Miss Horton.
Dr. Nelson and Miss Horton at-
tributed this problem to M r s.
Hill. According to McClung, Miss
Horton said Mrs. Hill often wrote
her notes when she , could ,have
spoken to her in person. But, ac-
cording to McClung, Miss Horton
described Mrs. Hill as a capable
Rosenzweit must submit his re-
commendations to a special board
from the commission for endorse-
If the University does not com-
ply with the commission's request
the commission can obtain a bind-
ing court order.
Rosenzweit will consider the
testimony of witnesses at the
hearing and the final briefs sub-
mitted by both attorneys before
making his recommendations.

LANSING (P) - Senate leadersI
speculated yesterday that t h e
emotion-charged issue of abortion
law reform would win approval in
the upper chamber.
"I believe that some proposal
has an extremely good chance to
pass," said Senate Majority Lead-
er Emil Lockwood, (R-St. Louis),
who has pledged his support for a
bill authorizing abortions under
limited circumstances.
Minority Leader Sander Levin,
D-Berkley, said, "There's a -better
than 50-50 chance" the Senate
will pass a measure reforming the
state law that now allows term-
ination of pregnancy only when


the life of the mother is in dang- i where to send any proposal that
er. may pass the Senate.
House Minority Leader Robert The judiciary committee is
Waldron, (R-Grosse Pointe), said chaired by Rep. J. Robert Traxler,
he felt the lower chamber "could (D-Bay City), who said he op-
pass" a reform bill, "depending on poses the concept of liberalized
what committee it's sent to and if abortion laws. Rep. Robert Ma-
it's reported out." honey, (D-Detroit) - a Catholic
Chances of favorable action ap- with 12 children - heads t h e
peared dimmer, however, in the social services committee.
lower chamber, where Speaker Chairmen do not, however, dic-
William Ryan, (D-Detroit), a tate their committee actions, so
Catholic, opposes abortion 1 a w the possibility of a bill being re-,
reform. ported to the house floor was up
/The bill probably would go to in the air.
either the judiciary or s o c i a 1 Discussion of the abortion ques-
services committee, although tion came yesterday after Sen.
Ryan said he has not yet decided John McCauley, (D-Wyandotte),
squeezed out the necessary 20
voe to ordr nrliin" r " dhn+


Counseling office funded

The education school yesterday appro-
priated $7000 for the establishment of a
Student Advisory Office proposed by Stu-
dents for Education Innovation.
Jack Eisner,.SEI president, said the pri-
mary function of the office will be to pro-
vide outlines describing courses within the
school and certification and degree in-
formation to assist the student in course
The office, which is scheduled to open
July 1 on the second floor of the educa-
tion school, will also provide information,
concerning scholarships, financial aid op-
portunities, and study abroad.
The office will provide a place for in-
formal discussions between students. Two

undergraduates, two graduates, and one
faculty member. The coordinators will be
ex-officio members.
SEI will give an evaluation report of
the office to Dean-designate Wilbur Co-
hen at the end of 1969 and again in Feb-
ruary, 1970.
Eisner says the ad hoc committee which
formulated the counseling office proposal
was formed because the faculty counseling
system within the school was wasting too
much time of "course-juggling and red
tape" for both students and faculty coun-
selors, instead of providing meaningful
academic counseling,
He also hopes the office will be able to
expand to include a system of course eval.
uation. The only existing course evalua-

on a proposal that would remove
criminal penalties against licens-
ed doctors who perform abor-
tions in licensed and accredited
The successful move to take the
McCauley bill from the table and
put it in line for discussion fol-
lowed two previous attempts that
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) sponsor of the more limit-
ed reform proposal, succeeded
Tuesday; in winning Senate votes
to take his bill from the table.
The vote was 21-9.
Bursley's bill - which leaders
believe has the best chance of
passage-would allow abortions
when the mental or physical
health of the mother was en-
dangered, when there was "sig-
nificant risk" that the baby would
be seriously deformed and in cases
of rape or incest.
The operation would be per-
fnrmedonnaftr constatinn nf


.: ...

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