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June 02, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-02

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Vol. LXXIX, No. 18-S (Extra) Ann Arbor, Michigan-Monday, June 2, 1969 Free Issue

Four Pages

Poher win


PARIS (ff-In a surprise dis-
play of strength, Georges
Pompidou won nearly 44 per
cent of the vote in the first
round of the French presiden-
tial election yesterday.
Running second was Alain Po-
her, provisional president since
Charles de Gaulle resigned April
28. Although early polls had indi-
cated he might pull as much as 38
per cent of the vote and defeat
Pompidou, Poher won only 2ยง.4

r<' per cent.
Seven candidates sought the of-
fice. Since no candidate won a
majority, a runoff between Pom-
pidou and Poher will be held in
two weeks to fill the seven-year
The key factor in the run-off
Georges Por idou will be the backing of the Commu-
nist Party. Communist, candidate
Jacques Duclos won 21.5 per cent
of yesterday's vote-about average
.. for the Communist 'Party in
France--and will control the de-
cisive votes.
The question now is which way
' the Communists will swing. Du-
cls said during the campaign that
Schoosing between Pompidou and
Poher would be like choosing be-
~ 4 tween cholera and the plague.
some communist sources hinted
that the party leaders would ask
thei supporters to stay away from
the polls on June 15, which should
throw the victory to Pompidou.
Poher needs all the Communist
and Socialist votes to win. He has
said he would not ask for the
Communist vote, but that he wants
4A to be a president for all French-
men and cannot control where the
votes come from.
From his position of strength,
Alain Poher Pompido" suggested that Poher
withdraw from the race din the
- name of national " reconciliation.
Poher refused heatedly: "No I am
Ni x onA 1 ask s from Brittany. I don't give up."
1X 011RS S Poher said his duties as interim
president kept him from waging
an active campaign. He depended
mostly on radio and television ap-
pearances. He is planning a vigor-
ous campaigh tour for the next
" two weeks.
forei nother per cent of the
vtswas divided among four also-
rans: Gaston Defferre, Socialist
WASHINGTON (R) - Presi- Michael Rocard, secretary general
dent Nixon has proposed of the Unified Socialist party, 3.68
a partially revamped, $2.6- per cent; Louis Ducatel, million-
billion foreign aid program aire industrialist, 1.27 per cent;
wih afprceg tad prgra0m- and Alain Krivine, a 27-year-old
with a price tag of $900 mil- cent.
lion above what Congress re- Official results lacking only
luctantly voted last year. about 500,000 votes from some!
In :his first message to the legis- overseas areas, gave these totals:
lators on the, perennially embattled Pompidou, 9,858,824; Poher, 5,-
program, Nixon said his new ad- 221,022; Duclos, 4,787,665; Def-
ministration's aid review has fere, 1,130,050; Rocard, 815,512;
"come to this central conclusion" Ducatel, 285,736; and Krivine,
so far: 237,758
"U.S.. assistance is essential to
express and achieve our national
goals in the international com-
munity-a world order of peace adm me.

Daily-Jay Cassidy
THIS WAS THE SCENE at North Hall this morning in the aftermath of last night's b6mbing of the University's ROTC building.
In front of the building is the Army staff car under which the explosion was detonated.



An explosion at 11 p.m. last night rocked North Hall
-the administrative center and classoom building for
the University's ROTC program.
An explosive placed under a car parked next to the
building detonated, igniting the building and shattering
one wall and several dozen windows. Firemen arrived
about 15 minutes later and quickly extinguished the
There was no one inside the building at the time and
no injuries resulted.
Deputy Police Chief Harold Olson said this morning he
did not know what type of explosive had been used, and that
there were no suspects, at this time.
He added that at this point all the police are able to do is
study the area of the bombing to discover what was used and
where it could have been obtained.
Olson also admitted that there seemed to be some simi-
larity between this bombing and the bombings last fall of the
Ann' Arbor Central Intelligence Agency office and the Uni-
versity's Institute for Science and Technology building on
North Campus.
University officials briefly toured the wreckage early this
morning but were unable to give an estimate of the cost of
.the damage. However, they said there did not appear to be
any structural damage resulting from the explosion.
The car under which the explosive detonated was a mill-
tary staff car assigned to Col. H. K. Reynolds, the commander
of fhe Army ROTC unit at the University. The 1967 Ford was
destroyed by the explosion.
University officials said the car was normally parked t
the site where it was found last night.
Police said there was no evidence that the building tiad
been entered.
Ann Arbor police have summoned investigators from the
bomb squad of the Federal Bureau of investigation. The FBI
investigators were expected to arrive early this morning.
Olson said the FBI was notified of the bombing because
federal property-the Army staff car-was involved.
The two rooms which appeared most damaged by the
blast were Navy ROTC offices and the central administrative
Windows were shattered on all sides of the building, but
predominantly in the front portion of the south wing where
the explosive was located. The impact of the explosion was
felt at least one and one-half miles from North Hall.
Olson said he also was unclear as to the extent of the
damages but guessed that they would amount to $15,000 to
$20,000. He described the damage as "extensive." Firemen
were forced to breaik through an inside wall to reach the
blaze set off by the explosion.
North Hall is 69 years old. It functioned as a homeopathic
hospital before it came into use as the center for Army, Air
Force and Navy ROTC operations.
Last night's bombing was the third such incident in the
last nine months. On Sept. 29, 19'68, the Ann Arbor office of
the Central Intelligence Agency was gutted by dynamite.
Dynamite was also found to be the explosive used in the
Oct. 14, 1968 bombing of the University's Institute for Science
and Technology building on North Campus.
There have been no arrests in conjunction with last fall's
No ROTC classes are Mield during the spring and summer
terms. However, staff members do use the building during
regular office hours.

RudnBpooa 'ecuaig

Although the proposed capital
outlay bill is $1.8 million less than
the governor's recommendation
for the University, University of-
ficials have registered approval of
the, recommendation that $4.9
million be allocated to University
capital projects in the coming
"We are encouraged that the
University's pressing needs for
classrooms, offices, and laborator-
ies in major academic areas have
been recognized by the Senate

Appropriations Committee," says were authorized by the legislature.
Arthur M. Ross, vice president 'for An authorization implies intent

planning and state relations.
"It's been years since a state-
supported building for academic
needs outside of the health area
was authorized," he adds.
Except forconstruction in the
health science area, there has been
no state appropriations for aca-
demic facilities since the early
1960's. In those years, funds for
the School of Music Bldg., the
Physics and Astronomy Bldg., and
the Fluids Engineering Laboratory

to allocate funds in the future, but
does not bind the legislature to
do so. The authorization, however,
is a sign that the lawmakers rec-
ognize the need to construct the
The proposed bill of the Senate
Appropriations Committee allo-
cates construction money for six
University projects.
The bill, reported to the Senate
floor Monday, contains $2 million

Science foundation may continue
limitation on'U' research grants.'

for the Modern Language Bldg. to
be constructed north of Hill Aud.
The six-story building will cost
an estimated $6.3 million when
completed. The state has prom-
ised to pay up to $5.3 million.
$100 thousand is also earmarked
for completion of plans for re-
modeling the general library. This
project includes maj or renovations
of utility and vertical transporta-
,tion systems.
The proposal also authorizes
$220 thousand for completion of
plans for a new Architecture and
Design building to be built on
North Campus. If plans can be
completed during the 1969-70 fis-
cal year, Ross says, the University
will seek a supplemental appro-
priation to start construction.
Both the departments of Art
and Architecture have been warn-
ed by their respective accrediting
groups that improvements must
be made if the departments are to
remain in good standing.
The proposal also authorizes $2
million for continuation of work
on the $17 million School of Dent-
istry Bldg. The state has agreed
to finance $11 million of that
Construction started on the
Dental Bldg. in March, 1966.
A separate bill authorizes the
Budget Bureau in the governor's
office to assign funds for prelimi-
nary planning of four new Uni-
versity buildings without specify-
ing costs.
These would include a chemistry
building, an engineering building,
and two buildings at Flint College.

The National Science Founda-
tion will probably impose a sec-
ond consecutive expenditure limi-
tation on its grants to the
University for the coming fiscal
An expenditure limitation is a
ceiling on the amount of founda-
tion money researchers may spend
in the next fiscal year.
"A ceiling is not the same thing

Pending a stem-to-stern aid
study by a task force which could
recommend a major overhaul of
the program a year hence, Nixon
stressed in his interim blueprint
for the fiscal year starting next
July 1:
Technical assistance for back-
ward areas; creation of a public]
corporation to promote U.S. pri-1
vate investing there; food produc-
tion and family planning help;
and joint giving by economically
advanced nations.
Nixon said he considered the
$900 million increase to be "ne-
cessary to meet essential require-
ments now, and to maintain a
base for future action."
Nixon's aim is to help refill the
foreign aid pipeline which U.S.
aid proponents contend was dan- I
gerously depleted by Congress' ac-

a new 'Al

as a cut," says A. Geoffrey Nor-
man, vice-president for research,
"but really a stretchout in the
sense that what a researcher isn't
allowed to spend in NSF funds
this year he puts aside for next
Last year's expenditure limita-
tion was $6.4 million, which forced
researchers to withhold about $1.5
million for the future.
"The notice from the NSF is
not very helpful. We have no idea
what the ceiling will be and in a
sense it tells us that your guess
is as good as ours," Norman says.
He adds that the ceiling may
not be set until September, well
into the fiscal year.
The ceiling will depend on
Congress, Norman says. It may
not appropriate enough money to
the NSF or it may give President
Richard Nixon an expenditure
ceiling for his entire budget.
The latter course would force
the bureau of the budget to im-
pose limitations on several pro-
grams, most likely including the
"NSF received its first ceiling
last year," Norman explains. "At!
that time Congress applied a ceil-
ing to President Johnson's budget
to insure that incoming funds
from the 10% surtax would not
be squandered-
Certain programs have been ex-;

in science education run for high
school or college teachers, for the
purpose of upgrading their qual-
ifications in science. They are
generally one month or six weeks
in duration.
NSF has announced it will not
establish expenditure ceilings for
those institutions whose expendi-
tures for fiscal year 1'970 are esti-
mated at less than $50,000.
Those institutions whose ex-
penditures are less than $500,000
are also exempt for certain pro-
Approximately 150 institutions
receive NSF funds in excess of this


After nearly a year of red tape and ever-changing plans, there
is an Alternative.
The student-faculty run coffee house has found a temporary home
in the courtyard of the Student Activities Bldg. and the opening is
scheduled for Friday, June 6.
The Carnal Kitchen, now at Canterbury House, will be at the
coffee house for an all-night jam session to celebrate the grand
Temporary location in the SAB came as a result to problems which
developed after the Alternative was scheduled to move into a room
at the Union.
Prof. Marc Ross of the physics department, one of the Alter-
native's originators, says attempts to locate in the Union were ham-
pered by the unclear status of the Union, which is currently under
evaluation by members of a committee formed to study the Osterheld
report. The report recommends that student activities' offices be
moved to the Union.

See the
A three week field trip to the Soviet
Union during July will be a major part of
History 506 at the University's Dearborn
Campus this summer.
The class, historical origins of the Soviet
Union, is taught by Dr. Dennis Papazian
who received his Ph.D. in Russian Studies
from the University's Ann Arbor campus.
The trip is an experiment this year, but
Papazian believes "the 20th century stu-
dent, if he or she is at all conecrned with

USSR fr 'U' credt
hours credit for the trip depending on
how many classes they attend. If there is
enough space, students may be able to go
without receiving academic credit.
The group is scheduled to leave Detroit
July 9 and return July 30. In Russia, stu-
dents will travel by bus, plane, or train to
Leningrad, Moscow, Zagorsk, Sochi, Yere-
van, and Kiev. Other stops may also be
made, Papazian says.
To receive credit each student will be
required to keep a complete journal of his
impressions during the trip. After return-

empted from ceilings, however.
These include individual fellow-
ships and travel awards, trainee-!
ch.n raur.ipi t inubiinn -a

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