Friday, May 17, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five _ ;. , The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- ciilnination in the University comn tlunity. Quertions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400. FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET BEST CAMPUS & HOSPITAL "AM INTERESTEDuIN SUBLETTING BEST CASIOSPTA STUDIO APT., June 15-Sept. 1. Write LOATONKlein, 2707 Meadowood, Toledo, or 101 N. Ingalls, % block from Frieze call (419) 472-9377. U23 Bldg. & Rackham Graduate School. 839 Tappan, %' block from Bus. Ad. KEEP YOUR COOL in our mod per- Schoo. id ir-nnnditt frP. oPaf Uia , . 2- PERSONAL FOR RENT V J~OR A COLORFUL FALL-Consider rustic living with 2 girls, recorders and a cat. Help us find a home. For more information call 761-1688. C42 1 AUG. VACANCY in 2 man 2 bdrm. 769-1582. 040 CAMPUS, HOSPITAL-Rooms for men and women. Reduced. Panelled, car- peted, attractively decorated and furnished. House refrigerators and phone. Lease through June, Aug. or longer. 665-0925 or 662-7992. 041 FED UP with looking all over your apt. build- ing for the 1 "house" vacuum? Tired of walking 3 or 4 blocks to the nearest iaundromat? Tired of seeing those dishes stacked all over your already cramped kitchen? Come to Charter Realty, where individual apt, vacuums, laundry facilities and dish- washers are standard equipment. CHARTER REALTY 1335 S. University 665-8825 C39 MONSTROUS TWO MAN. Across from Frieze. Free parking. Cheap! Call 663-5863. C35 1311 WILMOT - Newly carpeted and furnished 1 bdrm. apt. for fall with fireplace, modern kitchen, parking, and laundry facilities. Days: 662-7787. Eves.: 761-6890. C37 GRADS ONLY-July 1. Unfurnished 2 bdrm. with study, carpeted, walk-in closets, air-cond., dishwasher, dis- posal, pool, playground, children and pets welcome. 761-7600 9-5, 434- 0359 after 6:30. C38 State 'Street Manor ' 1111 S. State St. (across from Yost Field House)_ Modern, Furnished 2-3-4 Man Air-Conditioned Newly Furnished Balconies Ample Parking Garbage Disposals Low Rent- Owner operated' Ask our present tenants for references. Also available bi-level 4-man, $45/man. Call 761-5692 or 1-864-3852 C53 24-HOUR Dial-Apartment 761-8786 04 SINGLE ROOM for man. Clean, quiet, no cooking. 73 Packard near State. C30 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for FALL. Two-man, entire floor of friendly house. Parking. Phone 769-5336. CD C27' I OR 2 GIRLS share furnished 2 bdrm. apt. $40. Need Ycar. 662-8046 or 483-0500, Ext. 269. 017 APT. WITH GARAGE. Male with car in exchange for 12 hrs. per wk. NO 3- 2588. C45 410 Observatory FALL OCCUPANCY- Modern 2-bedroom 4-man Apartments with: Wall-to-wall carpeting New furnishings Modern kitchen with disposal Air-conditioning Covered parking Laundry and storage facilities CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 East Huron Days: 662-7787 Eves.: 761-69 A36 BARGAIN CORNER Sam's Store Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore For GALS and GUYS -JUST ARRIVED- LEV/I'S FOR GALS! NEW STYLES AND COLORS GALORE! BUTTON FLY LEVI'S $5.29 (Guaranteed to shrink) SUPER SLIM DEMINS $5.50 S-T-R'JE-T-C-H LEVI'S $6.98 WHITE LEVI'S $4.98 4 Colors and Pure White WOOL CPO SHIRTS Plaid and Solid Colors T4 n t Af V7 Q 3-4-5 MAN UNITS FOR FALL OCCUPANCY Completely modern, air-cond. From $56-$75 per man per month Phone for opportunity; to see-663- 6052 or evenings call 665-2398 or 662- 5469. C50 THE BESTf CAMPUS APTS. FALL 1968 NEW, FURNISHED, AIR COND., CLOSE IN STUDENT APARTMENTS DAH LMANN APARTMENTS Off ice: 545 Church ioa, air-conai. (free), spacious, z- bdrm., 4-man, sun-deck free prkg., nr. Union. Many extras. Price is sacrifice at $140/mo., July-August (negotiable). Call Diane (761-8347) or Sue (453-8055-local), eves, only. UD SUMMER SEMESTER SUBLET: 1 girl wanted to share 4-man with 2 others. Near hospital and campus, air-cond. Call 769-3437 after 6. U24 NEEDED-1 man to fill 3 man apt. for III-B term. $40/mo. 'Call 769-3528 or come to 7 7 E. Kingsley, No. 16. U17 1 MAN APT. near campus, immediate occupancy, bathroom, kitchen, liv- ing rm., private parking. Call 769- 1036 or 427-7996. U18 2 BDRM. APT, available for 3-4 now through Aug. Furnished, with air- cond., (dishwasher and 1% baths. 761- 8416 or 764-6587. U19 FURNISHED STUDIO Apt. for mature female grad student. Available im- mediately. $80. 769-4765. U20 BEST SUBLET VALUE - Call Pete, 665-8432 or see at 1700 Geddes, C1, Rent negotiable. U21 MALE ROOMMATE needed for 2 man. $50/mo., early June to Aug. 20, Park Forest Apts. (modern, air-cond., pri- vate parking). 911 S. Forest, Apt. 9. 761-3420. Ull SUBLET 2 ROOM APT. around June 1. Attractive, comfortable, yard, park- ing. Cheap! 761-0922. U12 AVAILABLE anytime, sublet for roomy 2 man. Modern, very close to cam- pus. 315 S. Division, No. 1. 769-5039. U13 ATTRACTIVE airy apt. near Stadium and State. Couples only. 769-1596. U14 1 OR 2 GIRL summer sublet to fill 5 man. 'Good location. Cheap! Call 769-3536. U15 FEMALE GRAD or working girl wanted immediately to share 4-man modern bi-level air-conditioned apt. Close to campus. Rent negotiable. Call 665- 3179. V 1 OR 2 FEMALES needed in mod. apt. 'ti lAug. 18. 1 block from campus. Call 769-2749. U4 ROOM. Available n owthru Aug. in house, with 3 men. 665-6263 eves. U5 POOL, AIR-COND. Modern 4-man apt., 2 blocks fiom campus to rent for summer term. Call 761-6707 between 6 and 7:30 p.m. U2 SUMMER SUBLET wanted for III-B. June 23-Aug. 1,9. 2bdrm. apt. for 2 male grad students. Prefer air- cond., off campus housing. Send de- scription, info, to Melvin Whartnaby, Dept. of Pon, Sc., Temple Univer- sity, hhila., Penn. 19122. U7 SUMMER SUBLET wanted for II-B. June 23-Aug. 18. 1 bdrm. student apt. on N. Campus. Air-cond. preferred Write Ken Davis Dept. of Pa1. Scl., Temple University, Phila., Penn. 19122. U8 Summer Sublet Call Summit Associates 761-8055 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan,Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center I'M TRYING to get information on sports car clubs, rallys, etc. in this area. If you've got any leads or other useful info, please contact Tom Copi at the Daily: 764-0552/764-0561. FO HONDA C.B. 160, 1966. Must sell. Best offer takes it away. Call 769-0927. Z19 1964 BMW 500 cc, sport tank and mufflers. Call 761-6532 after 5 p.m. Z33 '66 HONDA 850. Excellent running condition. 761-8194. Z29 BSA MARK II. 668-8517. Z30 FOR SALE MA6S-Tl[ RES Prices for set of 4 wheels Chrome wheels ................. $39.95 Super reverse ea ................$14.95 Blue tint Rev, chromes, ea. ..$21.95 Radar mags caps and nuts .... $99.95 lag one ps. mags complete .. $110.95 Crager G-T mags complete .... $119.95 Crager S-S mags complete .... $149.95 Rocket Mags dark center....... $109.95 E. T. one pc. mags complete $159.95 E. T. two pc. mags cormplete .. $129.95 Astro customs with nuts....... $99.95 Astro Supreme with nuts .... $139.95 American racing mags 6"...... $179.50 American racing mags 7"....... $189.95 American Mags 15x4" pair .... $125.00 Aluminum mags 15x8%" pair .. $89.90 Intern'l Dragmaster mags .... $155.95 Mickey Thompson mags.........$129.95 New! Mickey Thompson Slicks .. $24.95 Locks for mags and chrome .. 8.. 0.95 Cheater slicks from ............ $15.95 1968 M&H compounds B14 B150 B 160 Super stock $40.00 M&H Racemaster-XS 100x15 $63.60 Caster Cheater-Slicks $19.95 F70-14 4-ply wide oval 1st $30.95 G70-14 4-ply wide oval 1st $33195 Baby Moone, set of 4 $4.88 FOR SALE WANTED: Good home for small fe- mate puppy. ;House trained. Call 761- 1450, Murray. B5 FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO Wanted: responsible party to take over low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Canb e seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana. B30 TWO COMPLETE SETS of U.S. Army uniforms for sale. Call Detroit 345- 4429. B 1966 FARFISH Combo compact organ. Used but plays well. $175. Call 769- 3338 eves. B2 UNIVERSITY Charter No. 2, May 20- Aug. 19. Call 761-4281, ask for Ro- berta, Bi ELECTRIC GUITAR (beginners), new. Only $27.00 with books. Call 971-3450. HONDA 90 step through. Less than 2,000 miles. Call 761-9368 after 6. B47 HELP WANTED LIFE GUARD WANTED. Must have Sr. life saving or instructors. Part or full time. 50665 W. Huron River Dr. HU 3-5010 Bellville after 6. H10 SERVICE STATION Attendant. Part- time. Prefer someone who will be here in the fall/ NO 8-9446 between 8 and 5. H9 handicapped student. 20-28 yrs. old. handicapped student, 21-2 yrs. old. Must be able to drive. $50 per wk. plus rm. and board. Weekends off. Call 769-5154. H41 TYPING in my home. Theses, term' papers. 662-1863. J48 ENGLISH RACER-761-9679, mornings. K24 ROAD RALLY-Sun., May 26 at 11 a.m. at Auto Lab, Limited to 100 cars. WIN TIRES, OIL, AND TROPHIES. Register at 225 W. Engineering. M35 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Sails in sail bag. 1 jib. Spe- cially made. Useful only to owner. Reward. 769-3449 after 5. A49 LOST in the vicinity of Ath and Oak- land-a 3' mo. old tiger cat. With bill around his neck. Call 761-5707. A50 LOST - Small black and white dog. Collar fell off. Name is Willie. Call Bob, 769-5912. A47 LOST-Gold Hamilton watch. Call Sue, 761-2423. A48 FOUND - Black, brown, and white puppy, femae. Call 764-7492. A46 4345276500, alias SUSAN PAULA KORN: pick up your lost ID card at the Daily business office. AC USED CARS 955 1600-S PORSCHE. Perfect condi- tion. Call Detroit 341-0589. N6 '65 SUNBEAM, 15,000 miles. $400. 663 5371, 5-7 p.m., ask for John. N50 ALFA-ROMEO. 1964. 1600 Spider. Excel. cond. R. H. plus extras. Call 761- 5'415. N4 '66 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, British RacingTGreen, radio, radialtires. many extras, perfect condition, low mileage. Call Detroit, VE 5-8216. NA NEW MGB-1 mo. new, 11 mo. war- ranty. Wire wheels, all x-tras. $2600 or arrange payments. Call Cliiis, 763-0247 or 769-0648. N1 FORD FAIRLANE. '62, 2 door. Radio good cond. 769-2825. N49 1966 MG MIDGET. Red with wire wheels. $1050. Call 761-8686. Ni 1965 MUSTANG Ivy green, automatic, V-8, power steer- ing. $1275, Ask for Roy Ashmall, 665- 0871. N2 1964 TRIUMPH Spitfire. Call 665-9918. N34 TRANSPORTATION NEED FEMALE companion to travel to Europe, June 27-Aug. 22. Call Karen at 662-7701. G2 RIDE TO Minneapolis-Duluth June 4 or 5. Will share expenses. Call John, 663-5371, 5-7 p.m. Gl BUSINESS SERVICES 10c PER COPY-Photos of Everything Including Book Pages, free parking while waiting. 400 s. Dvision (cor- ner of Williams). NO 5-4467. J49 BUSINESS SERVICES DON'T TSK IT . TASK IT, Typing-theses and term papers our specialty; IBM typewriter,; executive type and justified copy available. Transcription - Medical, technical, business, conferences Printing - Mimeograph, offset, Photocopying. Composition and Art Work Stuffing, mailing and addressing Resumes Telephone answering (Pick-up and delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 West Stadium Blvd. An Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146 eves. 665-3531, 761-1187, 662-8495 Marilyn L. Keith, Director J PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES: Perfect copies now only 6c on over- night service. Use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures on your original and yet be assured of copies that even look better than the, original from the new Xerox 2400 duplicator. We supply 20 wgt. copy paper free. Overnight service only 6c per page (stored in office safe for complete safety of documents), Immediate service during business hours only 8c per page. S. Univ. right next to U. Towers. 769-0560. JJ Creative Photography Weddings, parties, candid and formal portraits. Professional quality at stu- dent rates. Call 764-3285 days, 769- 0868 evenings. J1 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 HONDA CBI60. Excellent cond. 66 HONDA 160. FIrst $275 takes. Ca 3500miles, Best offer around $300. Tery79-64 r 63379 Z~ 769-0927 or 1-646-3947. Z35' ITALIAN MOTORCYCLE (BreVattati) 4, cycle 106cc. 9 h.p. good cond. 2300 mi. 10 mo. old. $225. 761-4620 eves. Z40 HONDA 305cc Super Hawk. Racing parts plus spares. 971-2885 before 3:00 weekdays or anytime Sat, and Sun. Z HONDA 90 Step Through. Excellent cond. Reasonable price. Call 761- 9368 after 6. Z35 66 SU-UKI 3-6, great shape! $400, 665-0495. Z36 FOR FUN AND PROFIT- Reald and Use haily (lassifieds discount records, NAME YOUR DISCOUNT PHOTO SUPPLIES USED SPECIALS NIKON "F" body only for......$125 NIKON "Photomatic 'F' " auto F2.0 ........ ..........$175 MINOLTA SRT 101 F1.4 case ... $185 PENTAX Spotmatic F1.4 case ....$189 PENTAX H2 with auto F2.0 ....$ 75 IXAKTA VXIIA case only......$ 65 4XS Pacemal er_ speed graphic ... $ 89 ROLLEFLEX F3.52 less M.X.. $ 85 YASHICAMAT LM with case ...$ 45 LEICA IIIF with elmarlens. $ 75 CENTURY CAMERA 12838 Woodward-Detroit TO 5-0300 Take Edsel Ford Expr. to John Lodge North-Exit Glendale-Right-Turn to Woodward OPEN SUNDAY t 12-3 P.M. DARKROOM-SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER WE BUY, TRADE, SELL (Michigan Bank & Security Charge accepted) D PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p m. We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in-) sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. BUSINESS SERVICES MW. R6 9S. 6,000 miles. 1966. $1150 or best offer. 665-0042. Z37 SUZUKI-XG Scrambler, 1967. Perfect cond. -ust sell. Call 769-0925. Z34 761-7600 days ONE DAY ONLY, C2i Near Hospital THE BRIDGE HOUSE 1035 Wall Street ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR FALL Under cover parking Air-conditioned Garbage Disposals Laundry Facilities WELL FURNISHED Carpeted Kitchen 1 and 2 Bedroom Large Efficiency Must see at 1235 S. UNIVERSITY store only STORE WIDE SALE Owner operated Call 761-5692 or 1-864-3852 C541 I f 7 7 t l l l t 1 t c a f { { APARTMENTS FOR FALL For 2-6 people. Call Summit Associates 761-8055 043 ATTRACTIVE, 1 bdrm., quiet neigh- borhood, near campus. Young couple preferred, no children., $135. 761- 7727. C33 521 WALNUT ST. Campus-Hospital Area 418 E. WASHINGTON ST. Near Frieze and Angell Hall LARGE-MODERN-NEW ONE BDRM. AND EFFICIENCY Modern Apts. Inc. New Goodyear Polyglas Tires Now in Stock!!! M/T IN DY PROFILE Fantastic New Indy Profile Tir6 6" to 8%" width from $32.95 Inglewood Pos-A-Traction 7" $32.95 Inglewood Pos-A-Traction 8" $34.95 Inglewood Torque Master Indy Tires 7" to 9" wide, from $33.95 Goodyear Blue Streak Slicks $40.95 Wide oval style retreads, all sizes $19.95 PROWLERS All sizes $29.95 up Dirt and asphalt oval track-tires Drag Slicks 15" size 8" wide $19.95 §pecial made rims 8" to 12" $20.00 Plus many other wheel and tire deals. Eight service bays for fast mounting of mags, tires and balancing. Tire prices plus $1 to $2.89 fed. tax. $0 down. Chrome prices exch. All major creadit cards accepted. 30 days same as cash. Up to 12 mos. to pay. Hi-Speed Balancing TIRE DISCOUNT HOUSE, Inc. 25751 W. Warren 1 Mile W. of Telegraph (US-24) OPEN DAILY 9-9, Closed Sundays B50 Ticket to Europe for sale May 20 N.Y.-London Unbelievably cheap Almost any offer accepted Call 761-7728 B3 MALE DALMATIAN. 7-week pup. AKC registered. Good companion and watchdog. 971-4286. B4 Buy 5 or less L.P.'s NOW NOW NOW Get 25%0/o o NOW Buy 6-10 L.P.'s NOW NOW NOW Get3 33/% off 319 3 486 I 53 31/3 Buy 11 or more L.P.'s NOW NOW NOW 40% 288 341NO were 4.79 were 5.79' were 6.79 SUNDAY, May 19-11 A.M.-5 P.M. NO 8-6906 761-2943 C23 FALL APTS. FOR 2-6 PEOPLE (1, 2, & 3 BDRMS.) CALL Summit Associates 761-8055 C42 WANTED TO RENT MALE GRAD desires share off-campus house/apt. Own room. 6/68-mid. '69. 1-2227-7989. L23 WANTED TO RENT -- Furn. apt. or house by grad student. 8/24/68-5/30 69 or 6/30/69. Fam/daug, age 3-12. Contact R. Klassen, 2073 Mesabi, St. Paul, Minn. 55109, L22 PROFESSOR, wife and 1 child desire to rent 3 bdrm. house or apt. Occu- pancy about Sept. 1, 1968 to Sept. 1969. Contact us in Ann Arbor May 11-14 at the Inglis House, 764-9486 or call collect (614) 486-8906 before May 11 or after May 14. L20 MISCELLANEOUS LEARN TO SAIL. Enroll now for les- sons in beginning or advanced tech- niques. Phone 761-1208 evenings. M29 FRENCH LESSONS. All levels. By ex- perienced native teacher. Call 665- 2105, eves. M33 AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pups, beautifully marked, excellent with children and for hunting. Call HU 3-5973 after Noon, MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS M . AnAVTmn VmUTAR STUIO U22 1 BDRM., nicely furnished, perfect for married couples. Avail. June 15-Aug. 25. 405 Nob Hill. 665-9803. U42 ROOM FOR MAN in nice southeast home. Call 663-8244 evenings or week- ends. CB 1 OR 2 MEN NEEDED to share 4 man Air-cond., dishwasher, parking, stereo, TV, balcony, own bdrm. 1 block from campus. Cheap. 769-1608. U24 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY and / or1 summer term sublet. Prime loca- tion: Thompson at Liberty-a luxuri- ous four room, two man with real class. Don't miss this one, it'll be gone soon. 769-1438 between 5-7 p.m. or after midnight. Hurry. UC ----- - - - 4-MAN APT, available for sublet. $45' per man. Phone 761-7600. U48 SHEER INERTIA has prevented us from subletting our glorious 3-man, 3-bedroom apartment replete with balcony. Shake us out of our reverie by calling 769-1183 persistently. UC PERSONAL SINCE ALMOST all gem diamonds come from Africa, a brand label for a ring mounting does not guarantee the quality of the major diamond in the ring. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univ. 663-7151, F PARTICIPATE in the Poor People's March in Washington over Memorial Day weekend. Stuents needed for Memorial Day mare and to work in Washington beyond the weekend if possible. If you are interested in making the trip, call761-8943 or 769- 4739. Cars and drivers urgently need- ed! FA DON'T LEND HIM YOUR NOTES; he might lose the whole set. Xerox them instead, and save hours and hours of copying by hand. Only 8c per page. S. Univ. right next to U. Tow- ers. 769-0560. F17 IF YOU WANT custom sandals fitted to the contour and concept of the individual, 25 styles to choose from at one low price ($15.00), see LLOYD'S for the sandal with the soul soul, 218 E. Washington 663-9410 Hours: 1:30-9 p.m. F24 WHY MESS with erasing carbon cop- ies? Why ruin your papers witl smudges? Why not? Because you can now Xerox your original at only 8c per copy during business hours, or only 6c per copy on overnight serv- ice. S. Univ. right next to U. Towers. 769-0560. P18 SUPPORT US Ann Arbor High School's only under- ground newspaper! Send money and articles to P.O. Box 625. FC STROBE LIGHTS-761-0195 Fa - - ---------- The, Eighte~s C4 Imagine a panty girdle as pretty as this controlling like that! Overlapping, overstitched panels y go'round and'round the panty to pare down tummy, hips, derriere. And not a bone anywhere. Just the easy comfort-control of carefree° spandex. S, M, L, XL. Long leg (shown),$11_ -1T V)1 fi Belle-Sharmeer Legsize Stockings May 17 through May 25 A wonderful opportunity to save and dress your legs in beautifully tinted seamless or full- fashioned styles, proportioned to fit perfectly. ' .~ SEAMLESS Reg. 1.45 pr. Walking sheer....... . . . . ' 4 once-a-year savings event... '; :{ .Y r . . . . . . . . 1.23;3 pr. 3.65 I Reg. 1.55 pr. Dress sheer, heel and toe;.and Magic-Lace mesh. .1.32; 3 pr. 3.95 Reg. 1.65 pr. Daytime sheer, cotton sole or nude heel. . . . . .1.39; 3 pr. 4.15 Reg. 1.79 pr. Agilon sheer stretch and Second Skin Contrece. . . .1.49; 3 pr. 4.45 WITH SEAMS Reg. 1.75 pr. Daytime sheer.. ...... , . . . . . . . ...1.49;3pr. 4,45 COLORS: Shades of suntan, medium beige, light beige, brown and taupe. PROPORTIONED SIZES: Brev (short or slender legs), 8%-10'/; ,.. I - 116 Il. r' ..L -.-n (t... E.II ton al 9" /'.llalA I I