Wednesday, May 1, 1968 A. . RC .G.+ ~rr3Y}' 4'p3Si: . ~ }'y':: . ."H ...........u .....J '. .v.rh~""n .}.. +~ .r% JO The Daily Official Bulletin is an Service Organizations: Defined as or so distributing the worst sort of officIal publication of the Univer- those student organizations organized malicious distortions regarding the sity of Michigan for which The for the purpose of serving the campus University of Michigan, and since Rep. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- as a whole, e.g., Alpha Phi Omega. Sharpe has refused an invitation to; ial responsibility. Notices should be Priority Class No. 3: visit our campus and make some judg- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Interest Organizations: Defined as ments formulated free of the comfort Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- those student organizations organized of his Lansing office, SGC wishes to fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding for the purpose of serving the needs make public its conviction that Rep. publication and by 2 p.m. Friday of a specific field of interest with a Sharpe is operating in the worst tra- for Saturday and Sunday. General service to the campus as a by-product dition of American politics, the path Noticesi may be published a maxi- of their operation, e.g., Voice, Campus of scandal-mongering and witch-hunt- mum of two times on request; Day Crusade for Christ, Sailing Club. Ing. - Calendar items appear once only. Priority Class No. 4: SGC appreciates the concern ex- Student organization notices are not pressed by many citizens of this state accepted for publication. For more MiscelCan: Those not covered by about the trend of campus activities information call 764-9270. above, e.g., Canterbury House. over the last several years. There has _____Within each class the following cr- been a change of atmosphere in the teria will serve to help allocate spacebe hneo amshr nte WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 t political, social, and personal spheres 1. Service provided to the campus. of students' lives. We are convinced 2. Length of existence on campus as that this change has been for the bet- a functioning group ter; that it has made education on this 3.Dnemersip campus a deeper, more exciting, and Reading Improvement Service Regis- 4. Need for space more relevant experience for all con- tration - 1610 Washtenaw, 8-12 and MOVE: That Council approve the cerned. We are prepared to defend this 1-4. general guidelines set forth above as conviction publicly and discuss its im- a corollary to the Council resolution of plications with Rep. Sharpe or - any Management of Managers, Program April 4th (Neff). other citizen or group of citizens. This No. 58 - North Campus Commons, Approved: That SGC recognize the kind of discussin has been missing, 8:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Michigan Federation of College Re- and the gap must be filled. publicans as a student-community or- For this reason, SGC restates its In- ganization. vitaton to Rep, Sharpe, this time pub- Foreign Visitors Approved: That SC recognize the licly We ope-that an informed and Borganzati.intelligent dialogue between members The following are foreign visitors organization. of the University community and the who can be reached through the kor- Approved: That SGC recognize Burs- public representatives of Michigan cit- eign Visitor Programs Office, 764-2148. ley Hall Council as a student organiza- izens will transcend the recent public Mr. Milos Rajkov, Assistant Lecturer, tion. relations efforts of Rep. Sharpe and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Approved: WHEREAS: SOC recog- expose his rumblings as the crassest Belgrade University, Yugoslavia, May nizes the right of students to form 2-4. whatever voluntary organizations they Prof. Sadao Wada, Professor of Econ- see fit; and Amendments to delete were defeated: omics, Osaka Prefectural University, WHEREAS: All such organizations 1. Par. 2 . . . the path of scandalp Japan, May 2-5. should have the equal right to the mongering and witch-hunting. (Brown)' Dr. and Mrs. Gyorgy Kroo, Professor use of University facilities; 2. Par. 1 . . worst sort of malicious of Musicology, Ferenc Liszt Academy, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: distortions . . . (Rorke) Musical Editor-in-Chief and Music That SGC mandate its representatives Approved: That SGC allocate $1100 Critic Hungarian Radio-TV, Budapest, to the Calendaring Committee to con- for use in publishing a public relations Hungary, May 5-9. sider only those considerations speci- booklet to be distributed in the fall of Dr. Houshang Montaseri, Chancellor, fled in the minutes of March 21, 1968 1968. Tabriz University, Iran, May 5-10. as criteria for determining concert That Bob Albertson be appointed to Dr. Adam Fraczeck, Psychologist, eligibility. lay out the copy and design of the Staff Psychological Laboratory, Univer- Approved: That SGC allocate $50 to booklet. sity of, Warsaw, Poland, May 6-10. pay for the expenses of the five Rus- Approved: That SGC allocate $100 to sian students who will be on campus a Martin Luther King Scholarship in the- early part of May. Fund in the hope that such a fund SG . Approved: That SOC postpone its will be established by the administra- decision concerning reaffliation with tion. Summary of action taken by Stident NBA until early next fall, and Approved: That SC applauds the Government Council at its meeting That SOC send two observers chosen action taken by several hundred black April 11, 1968. by the executive board to this sum- students on Tuesday, April 9. Council Approved: That the Regents Meeting' mer's congress, regards this action as a significant and on April 18, 1968 is' and shall remain The following stipulations were In- successful attenpt to call attention to an open meeting. cluded in the above motion: a crucial failing of the University - Approved: That Council allocate $250 Council expresses its dissatisfaction its practical indifference as an insti- to Mike Koeneke and $350 to Bob Neff with the present structure and opera- tution to the critical problems of the for summer room and board. tion of N.S.A. . Black Revolution. Approved: That there be established SGC at no time send more than two SGC endorses the demands of the a "Select Committee on Panther's Re- representatives to the NSA Student black students as legitimate, and even form" to be responsible to the Admin- Congress. ninimal requests. We call on the Uni- istrative Vice President, and to help Specifically, SGC mandates its rep- vrsity to accede to these requests, and devise ways to make University pro- resentatives to pursue the following look forward to the formulation of grams more relevant to the outside positions: further demands of this nature. world, and (2) bring students into (a) Oppose any consideration of is- Approved: No action by the' student closer, active contact with their fac- sue-legislation at the National Con- government of the University of Mich- ulty. gress. igan, nor by its judiciary nor any Approved: That Panther White be (b) Investigate and expose any com- amendment to the Student Govern- appointed Chairman of the Select promising relations with the U.S. Gov- ment Council Plan adopted while this Committee on Panther's Reform. ernment. clause is in effect, shall deny to any , roved: That the Select Committee SGC disavow any relation With the student of the University the equal on cademic Free Choice be dissolved. regional organization of NSA. protection of the laws, specifically in- Approved: Introduction: The. follow- SGC forbid its representatives to the cluding electoral matters (Amendment ing classes are set up 'as guidelines for Congress from pursuing or accepting to the SGC Plan (New part C. Section the allocation of office space by the any office in the national or regional Ix, Bill of Rights). Coordinating Vice President and the offices of NSA. Accepted: A report "The Student S.A.B. Coordinator. They are used when Roll Call Vote: Yes - Neff, Brown, Apartment Market in Ann Arbor Con- there is a need for space by a number Davis, Hollenshead, Lowan, McCreath, ditions and Solutions," from Mark of' organizations. : Rorks, Rubia, Sherman; No - Heyboer, Schreiber, Chairman of the Student Priority Class No. 1: Knowles, Milgrom, Westerdale. Housing Association. Major Governing Groups: Those Approved: That the following be add- Approved: Resolved (at the request groups who govern a clear segment of ed to the Student Bill of Rights be- of the Chairman of the Constitutional the campus population, i.e., SGC; IFC; tween Section 11 and 12: Convention - which failed to meet to IHA; Pan Hellenic, etc. The right to be exempt from any set a date for meeting): That a meet- Priority Class-No. 2: rule or regulation the object of which ing of. Con-Con be called this semester is not legitimately a joint concern or at a time and place to be determined Wa , ..:-.+F# {{+\ :''"zrs#.:a"";+ f common interest of the group, organi- by the Con-Con Chairman. O N lzation, or constituency governed by it, Approved: Whereas the two-thirds IR A ZA O N but is rather a matter concerning the quorum of the members elected (be- u individual members considered sever- ing 25) may be unattainable in the fall ally, that is an individual's health, semester, NOTICES safety, morals, or personal behavior. Resolved that each delegate to the Approved: WHEREAS: Anglo-Amer- Con-Con may submit to Mrs. S., by the can jurisprudence has traditionally end of the exam period, the name of i ''r }tkY " "' ' ++ h r treated trial by one's peets as a don- an alternate delegate. After the sub- USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- dition of justice; and mission of such name, the delegate NOUNCEMENTS is' avilable to offi- WHEREAS: One's peers are those who designating the alternate may resign cially recognized and registered stu- may come before the same court from Con-Con; his seat then being dent organizations only. Forms are charged with the same offense; and filled by the designate alternate dele- available in room 1011, SAB. WHEREAS: The University should gate. * * * never. be less just thn the society it * tries to teach; University Lutheran Chapel, May 1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 10p~. 111Wsheaw Sron tis HR EFR tac;, EITREOVE:Placem ent 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw, Sermon: 'That, while in general endorsing the "The Saint of the Overshadowed" by "Report of the Commission on the Role BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS Peter Scheips. Holy Communion, of the Students in Decision-Making," 3200 SAB * * * Council emphatically opposes the pro- GENERAL DIVISION lach Club meeting, Thurs., May 2, posed inclusion of non-students with Placement Services available in the 8 p.m.; Guild House, 802 Monroe, pro- voting power on a body the only func- summer do not include interviewing, gram: Bach's Clavier Concerto No. 7 in tlo nof which is judging students, however company materials, director- G Minor. For further information call A pp rove d: Since Representative les, and current listings of openings 769-2922. Sharpe has been for the last month sent us are available for browsing. s 3 }r f K'U LEV'S@ FOR GALS Perfect fit in the jeans ook you love -the long, lithe Levi's look. In Sanforizedl* all-cotton fabrics, great selection of colors. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Please inform us as to any address in supervisory and administrative changes. If you got a job, report it to levels. us so we may remove your name from City of Palo Alto, Calif. - Managing the active files, also report any offers Director for Department of Community you did not accept, for statistical pur- Services, administrative ability with poses. If you are still seeking a posi- empathy for the arts, areas of oper- tion, and either have received your de- ation are library science, recreation, gree in April, or will in June or Aug- fine arts, and natural sciences. Min. ust, please let us know, so we may of 10 yrs. in community services ad- best assist you in your search. Current minist. openings will be posted in the Daily City of Owosso, Michigan - Head Official Bulletin as usual, monthly lists Librarian, for library of city of 17,000. of openings for alumni, i.e. experienced Man or woman, MA in Libr. Sci., de- personnel, or those with degrees, are sirable to have exper., but not neces- mailed, and current listings are avail- sary. able to degree candidates. Community Health Association, De- troit, Mich. - Director, Div. of Re- Current Position Openings received search and Statistics, supv. staff of by General Division by mail and phone, 5-6. Man or woman, MA degree, bckrnd. please call 764-4760 for further infor- in stat., and some supv. exper. mation: Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc., Fullerton, Page Sever 7- .p 41i at Ann Arbor's Friendly" Book Store Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., Chicago, Ill.,-College Textbook Sales- man, BA/MA in broad liberal arts areas or bus. admin.; call on members of faculties to promote sales. Oppor. for advancement into mgmt. or edi- torial positions. Economic Opportunity Program, Flint, Mich. - Data Systems Coordin- ator, most work with community ac- tivity and organization among the dis- advantaged; organizational exper., fa- miliar with financial and statistical work, degree in variety of flds. with interest in this sort of work, Sylvania Electronic Components, Sen- eca Falls, N.Y. - Supervisor Inven- tory and Systems Control, assist in maanging receiving tube inventory, BS in IE or rel. fads., exper in data pro- cessing syst. orientation and know, rof inventory control. Bendix Corporation, Detroit, Mich/- Behavioral Scientists for Management Development, Location at corporate headqtrs. in Detroit, but consulting to divisions nationwide. PhD. clinical or industrial psychology and one or more years of Indust. exper.; or MA and a minimum of three years clinical and/ or industrial experience. Assessment and counselling for changes in status of employees, performance reviews, manpower analysis on maangement level, identification of managerial po- tential. Polak's Frutal Works, Inc., New York -Chemical Engineer, R & D Labs., BS/ MS ChE plus 0-4 yrs. pref. Plant Engi- neer, supervisor, MS/BS ChE plus 3-5 yrs. industrial exper. William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Mich. - Physical Therapists, reg- istration necess. American Foundation for the Blind, Inc., N.Y.C. - Professional vacancies in governmental and voluntary agen- cies serving children, youth and adults visually handicapped. Areas of Educa- tion, Rehabilitation counseling, Social Work, psychology, Mobility instruction, rehabilitation teaching. General Electric Company, Manufac- turing Services, N.Y.C. - Wood Tech- nology graduates interested in manu- facturing careers, forest products util- ization. Local Organization -- Research As- sistant, snail culture, hybrid studies, contact with immunology, cytology and electropnoresis, man if draft exempt, or woman, BS in Nat. Set., no exper. req. Calif. - Staff Economist, commodity trading and analysis, PhD in Agric. Econ. or Econ., Operations Research, MA in these flds. with emphasis on price analysis or econometrics accept- able. Trainee exper. in quantitative analysis good exper. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lower Level Hours 10 a.m.-12 and 1:30-5 p.m. Openings and listings still coming in. Stop in and browse. Please report positions taken for statistics. U r iJ:'S t w .is w.r~wr~ww w I _ -*- t - KENNEDY CA N N O T W ININWI HU..' ININDIANAWTHU YOUR HELP! Kennedy's major opponent, Governor Brannigan-a favorite son candidate-runs one of the most tightly controlled political machines in the country. To win, Ken- nedy must mobilize the support of voters outside this machine, You can help achieve this by spending May 3-5-7 working with Kennedy in Indiona. FREE TRANSPORTATION AND LODGING To sign up or for further information call 663-7259 Sponsored by Michigan Students for Kennedy Oakland County Commission on Economic Opportunity, Mich. - Exec- utive Director, adv. degree preferred in Behavioral Sciences, Social Work, Edu- cation, Labor Relations or rel. flds. 5 yrs. exper. in business, education, public or private agency, three of these 'I .F . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . ,° , . E ,s ' ! , ,_, ' t: ,, . ,.. i 'I MMss J unytegauto -' . ' ' 1 : t , 3" ;..a ':: f ? . {) resist stains and raindrops.Sizes 5 to 1.