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May 17, 1968 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-17

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Cloudy and

Va. LXXViI, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, May 17, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages




George Meany Wa
NP candidate
campaign for
*'ir . sT w-r..r


The New Politics Party will hold
a noon rally and bucket drive to-
day for Ann Arbor school board
candidate Bill Ayers.
Last night NP anounced plans
for neighborhood organizing to aid
the campaigns of Ayers and Mrs.
Joan Adams. Meetings will also
be set up with teachers and stu-
dents in Ann Arbor.
Both candidates took further
steps last night in outlining their
Ayers explained that he is run-
ning because "there are too many
grownups on the school board."
He said, "Although there is a
0 slim chance that I will be elected,
my campaign provides a forum to
start talking about what's hap-
Expect b law'
At their regular monthly meet-
ing today the Regents are e c-
pected to delay action on a con-
troversial bylaw revision which
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler had ori-
ginally planned to submit for ap-
Cutler agreed Tuesday to 9sk
the Regents to postpone a final
decision on the bylaw until ,tu-,
dent leaders were able to give it
further review.
The bylaw deals with the for-
mation of a tri-partite university'
council to legislate conduct rules
for the University community.
Also on the agenda for the
meeting is a report from Cutler
on public forums for recruiting
agencies. The Regents have been
considering a proposal that would
require the University to ask con-
troversial recruiters to participate
in open forums if a petition signed
by one per cent of the student
body requested it.

pening to
which seld
board elect!
He contii
tions and
Ayers ad
.ing to kids
pening or
From the,
New Politic
to broaderi
Ayers, 23,
rimental sc
four to eig
been active
Party for th
Mrs. Adan
primary re2
that she ho
they didn't
ized that t
"real comm
on the scho
Mrs. Adar
mittees focu
of the scho
claims is '
She is al
cerned Pare
ers working
volved in t
the Jones s
Both Ayer
be in the Ju
two incumbe
back, wife o
sor of mec
and Dr. Har
Robert Do
the board, w
to his seat.
The other
Renken, an
Aerospace ]
Warner, a s
Wood, an
Heusel, a mi
WOIA-B rac

breaks ties
link with
CIO officially declared yesterday
K the suspension of the United Auto
Workers, biggest and richest union
in the labor federation, for refu-
sing to pay its dues.
"We didn't receive a check. They
are automatically suspended," said
a spokesman for AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany, who was
drafting an official letter of noti-
fication to the auto workers presi-
dent, Walter Reuther.
Following the announcement,
Iter Reuther spokesman for the UAW began
_hinting at a shifting of alliances
Tin organized labor.
"There are going to be a nun-
ber of defections from the AFL-
CIO and new coalitions will be or-
ganized," said an Auto Workers;
begin source afterAL-CIO President
George Meany officially suspend-
ed the federations's biggest union.
Sourcesjin both the Auto Work-
b oard ers and the Teamsters union hint-
relationship, although discounting
kids in the schools, prospects of any immediate at-
om happens in school tempt to form a new labor fed-
ions." eration to challenge the AFL-CIO.
ued that "usually, the The break climaxed a two year
just debate fiscal ques- quarrel over the leadership of or-
other things I don't ganized labor between ReutherI
and don't talk about." and Meany, the two principal
ded, "What's happen- founders of the AL-CIO 13 years
is part of what's hap- ago.
ganically to society. SUSPENSION COSTSI
school campaign, the The suspension will cost the
s Party hopes to move labor federation some 1.5 million
issues." of its more than.14 million mem-
is the director of the bers and more than $1 million a1
Community, an expe- year in dues'from the auto work-l
hool in Ann Arbor for B ers.
ht year olds. He has But the final break between the
in the New Politics two labor leaders stemmed from
ie past year. virtually everything except money.'
ns said that one of her It capped a two year Reuther
asons for running is attacK on Meany's leadership as
as "served onenough undemocratic" and "stagnant" in
thst "servd oeno AFL-CIO policies on everything
fulfill." She emphas- from wages to water pollution.c
here should be more INTERNAL REFORM
iunity representation" Reuther had demanded "intern-
ol board. al reform and democratization of}
us has been active in the AFL-CIO.' He said the fed-{
several steering com- eration "lacks the social vision,c
Ising on the problems the dynamic thrust, the crusading
ol system, which she spirit that should characterize the
completely outdated." progressive, modern labor move-s
so a member of Con- ment."
nts, a group of moth- Meany said the AFL-CIO hadt
to solve problems in- been accused of "failing to dis-
busing children from play an adequate sense of social
chool district income consciousness-whatever the hell
that means."t
Auto Workers rejected an AFL-r
s and Mrs. Adams will CIO offer to call the special con-t
tne 10 run-off against vention to debate the dispute.
nts, Mrs. Frances Fel- The final break came when the
f a University profes- Auto Workers at their recent con-g
hanlcal engineering, vention voted to withhold pay-b
old J. Lockett, a child ment of dues to the AFL-CIOs
pending possible settlement of thea
err, vice president of dispute, but continue to partici-t
ill not seek re-election pate in "worthwhile" federationr
candidates are Duane The AFL-CIO in the past hasj
employe of Bendix overlooked nonpayment of duest
Divisions; Cecil W. from unions in financial trouble.s
enior engineering ad- "This case is unique," Meanyv
at Bendix; Richard M. said of the well-heeled Auto p
attorney, and Ted Workers. "We never had anyone
ember of the staff of tell us they were going to stayt
dio. in without paying their dues."s

-Associated Press
Renault workers in Flins announce unlimited strike

" their

Students draft

An ad hoc group of students
met last night to consider draft-
ing their own versions ofathe con-
troversial bylaw proposals which
are to Ve presented to the Re-
gents at their meeting today.
The group, composed of most
Student Government C o u n c i1
members who are in Ann Arbor
this summer and other student
leaders, criticized thebylaw draft
w"hich would set up a University
Council and decided to meet again
today, tomorrow and Sunday to
work on their own drafts.
The proposed bylaws were pre-
pared by Director of Student-
Community Relations William
Steude for Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Richard Cutler in
consultation with two students
and two faculty members. Their
purpose is to implement the rec-
ommendations of the Hatcher
Commission on the role of the
students in Decision Making.
The group objected to many
specific areas of the University
Council proposal. All members of
the group agreed that the bylaw
was unacceptable as it stands.
Among the objections outlined
at last night's meeting were that
the Council would only make
rules for students and that Fac-
ulty Assembly would not have any
effective veto power.
The group also objected to the
general tone of the document.
SGC member Sam Sherman, '68,
said that the proposal "reads like
a riot control bill." He objected
to what he saw as an overall
negative tone to the proposal.
After listing all of their ob-
jections to the proposed bylaw
the group decided that members
should work individualy on re-
writing it and return to discuss
proposed changes.
All meetings of the group are
to be held in SGC offices in the
Student Activities Bldg. The stu-

dents will meet today at 1 p.m.,
tomorrow at 7 p.m. and Sunday
at noon.
The group disagreed among
themselves on precisely what
should be written into their ver-
sion of the bylaw. SGC member
Thomas Westerdale, Grad, said
that "it should indicate what we
think the students want, not what
they'll accept." He added that
"there are some sections in the
Commission report that I don't
think are what we want."
Westerdale also argued that
perhaps the students should not

that he recognized
legitimate demands for.


Factory strikers take plants
in Paris, other" majors cities
PARIS ( -- Workers following the lead of Paris's rebel-
lious students took control of at least six French factories
yesterday welding the doors shut in one. A wave of social
disorder spread across the nation.
In a nationwide broadcast Premier Georges Pompidou
appealed desperately for order, saying agitators are trying
to destroy "the very basis of our civilization". He said he
spoke after a phone conversation with President Charles De
Gaulle who is on a state visit in Romania. Pompidou had
told students earlier last


byla w
offer any proposals until the Fall
Semester. "What will happen
when everyone comes back from
vacation and says that during the
summer we sold out everything
they won during the year?" he
Other members of the group
contended that it was important
to have an alternative proposal
for the Regents to consider over
the summer and that final im-
plementation of the Commission's
proposals could be withheld until
the Fall, when all SGC members
will be present.

Business decisions:
Best and worst, of '67

Mary Wells is the best thing
that has happened to American
Motors since George Romney.
At least that's what most of
the 1800 businessmen queried in a
Bureau of Industrial Relations
survey responded when asked for
their estimation of the best and
worst business decisions of 1967.
The executives credited the ap-
pointment of the Wells, Rich,
Greene, Inc. advertising agency
with changing American's "loser-
economy car-Aunt Martha" im-
age to that of a comeback-
minded manufacturer of cars
worth showing off before the
Other high-ranking "best" de-
cisions were the involvement of
many companies in inner-city
problems, the merger of McDon-
nel and Douglas Aircraft, the
signing of the General Agree-
ment on Tariffs and Trade and
the merger of North American
Aviation and Rockwell-Standard

U' janitors*: Endless war against, grime,

These five "best" decisions, plus
five "worst" business decisions,
were determined by polling high-
ranking executives in a variety
of industries. The survey was the
second conducted by Prof. David
L. Lewis of the business adminis-
tration school.
Lewis, who teaches a course in
the history of the entrepreneur,
started the survey "mainly out
of curiosity. I hope that scholars
will find them useful in the years
to come," he said. "What I am
trying to do is collect fundamen-
tal research data for future his-'
The worst decision of 1967, ac-
cording to the executives, was
the acceptance by auto manufac-
turers of an inflationary labor
contract. Other business blunders
were the prolonged copper strike,
Congress's refusal to pass the 10
per cent income tax surcharge,
the Defense Department's in-
sistence that the Navy and Air
Force use the F-111 fighter-
bomber and the Federal Commun-
ications Commission edict that
the Bell Telephone system make
an annual profit no greater than
7 to 7.5 per cent.
The executives called business'
involvement with inner city prob-
lems a wise move, and beneficial,
for all concerned. "Businessmen
are better equipped than anyone
else to deal with unemployment in
the ghetto," one respondent noted,
"and helping the poor and un-
trained to help themselves will
benefit everyone - whites and
blacks, the cities in which they
live, and long-range, the partici-
pating companies themselves."
In considering the worst busi-
ness decisions of 1967, most of
the executives were sharply crit-
ical of the auto manufacturers'
settlement with the United Auto
The three-year settlement pro-
vided annual wage and benefit
increases of 6 per cent. "These
agreements;" observed one exec-
utive, "lit a fuse for similar am-
bitious demands in other indus-
tries - demands rarely matched
by gains in productivity. When
such demands are met, everybody

university reforms but that
the government would not
"tolerate the disruption of
republican order."
As he spoke about one thousand
undergraduates marched from
Paris's Latin Quarter to one of
the struck plants in the capital's
industrial belt. He said they
would sit in with the workers.
In developments yesterday the
2500 workers at the nationalized
sud-aviation factory in Nantes,
who occupied the plant two days
ago and locked up the director in
their fight against a longer work
week, welded factory gates shut
to keep police out.
Nationalized Renault auto
plants at Rouen, Le Harve, Le
Mans and Flins just outside Paris,
began sit-down strikes. Entrances
and exits were barred at Flins
where the red flag flew.
Strikers demands range from
pay perity with Paris workers to
restoration of the forty hour
week. The move seemed to be
spreading to the main Boulogne-
Billancourt plant in Paris and to
one at Sandonvile More than
20,000 workers were involved at
Sandonville including Bordeaux
shipyard workers who are pro-
testingcutbacks in ship building.
The upheaval, threatening to
spread to French farms as well,
appears to have its root in econ-
omic problems joined with uncer-!
tainty, even frustration, about
the future.
The direct trigger was police
action to oust students from a
demonstration at the Sorbonne
May 3. It led to two weeks of
fighting and rioting in Paris'
Latin Quarter.
Pompidou, who' faces a censure
motion in the normally meek Na-
tional Assembly, dealt with the
crisis yesterday in a statement
warning against subversion.
The Premier recalled that he
"has not been sparing in gestures
of appeasement, but the govern-
ment will not tolerate the dis-
ruption of republican order by
attacks on the national heritage
and against the legitimate inter-
ests of all categories of the popu-
"Since in this case university
reform would only be a pretext
for plunging the country into dis-
order, the government has the
duty of maintaining public peace
and protecting all citizens with-
out exception against excesses
and subversion," he added.

.House iay
budget bill
The House of Representatives is
expected today to pass the state
higher education appropriations
bill reported out of committee last
week'with little or no change.
No change is expected in the
committee's proposed $63.6 mil-
lion University appropriation.
The bill will then be returned
to the Senate which passed a
lower total appropriations bill in
March, including only $61.3 mil-
lion for the University.
While the University would
receive the greatest increase un-
der the House version of the bill,
other schools will also be allotted
substantial increases, totaling $2.5
Even if the Senate concurs
with the House recommendation,
the University's appropriation
would be $12.5 million less than
its original request of $75.8 mil-
lion and $1.1 million less than
Gov. George Romney's $64.7 mil-
lion January request.
Action on the bill was expected
yesterday but was postponed until
today as several representatives
made last ditch efforts to increase
appropriatio'ns for schools in their
In its final form, the bill will
still include a provision limiting
the number of out-of-state stu-
dents at state-supported schools.
The section, also part of the
Senate-passed bill, would restrict
universities with over 20 per cent
out-of-state students, from in-
creasing either the percentage or
number of such students.
Meanwhile, the Senate is ex-
pected to delay untfil next 'week
action on the controversial open
housing bill.
The bill first passed the Senate
last month but was retuirned to
that body Wednesday with the 21
amendments tacked on to it by
the ljouse.
Many representatives had orig-
inally hoped to pass the bill with-
out amendment to avoid return-
ing it to the Senate which took
five days of debate to act on' it
last month.

No one at the University ever really pays
attention to the "No smoking" signs posted al-
most everywhere. They light up, tap ashes on
classroom floors, and when they are done,
squash their stumps of tobacco into the corners.
And every litter bit of this hurts their lungs,
the floors and University building service em-
ployes. Ask a janitor and he is bound to say
"Students are a slovenly bunch."
"They make one helluva mess," says James
A. Jahnke, an area supervisor of custodians in
the science and research buildings on the east-
ern flank of campus.
Although the mess diminishes with the de-
crease in the number of students at the Uni-
versity in the spring and summer, custodians
still have their complaints. Sloppy smokers,
coffee spillers, pop bottle collectors, and
scribblers continue to interfere with the jani-
tor's never ending battle against grime.
Over 275 supervisors, tnaintenance mechanics,
window and Wall washers, fire extinguisher

worked there in two weeks," says custodian Ed
Stumbo takes his work seriously. He once
locked out a psychology class whose nightly
meetings usually turned into coke and pizza
He recalls pressure tactics used on Cinema
II patrons who refused to stop smoking dur-
ing a film. Stumbo said custodians threatened
to turn off the power until smokers complied
with the no-smoking order.
Nevertheless, students and teachers continue.
to meticulously avoid ashtrays and waste bas-
kets. A janitor in the undergraduate library is
"happy if the wastebaskets are one third full."
Undergrads are adroit at caching waste in
carrels and on library shelves.
Albert Taylor, chief custodian in the East
Medical Building, blames teachers for "fo-
menting" a campus mess. They not only en-
courage students to smoke, but dirty the floors
themselves, he says. And Taylor is irritated by
"teachers whose chief occupation is throwing

Seale to discuss philosophy
of Black Panther movement

Bobby Seale will speak at 4
p.m. today in the KLMN room of
the Union.
Seale, one of the founders of
the Oakland, California Black
Panther Party for Self-Defense,
will discuss the Panther's phil-
osophy and activities, black con-
trol of black community institu-
tions, and Panther work in elec-
toral politics.
Mrs. Eldridge Cleaver, wife of
the party's minister of informa-
tion, will not speak in Ann Arbor
today - contrary to rumors.

cisco Bay area, visibly carrying
fire arms.
When a bill was introduced in
the California legislature to pro-
hibit "instruction in the use of
firearms for the purpose of riot-
ing, and . . . the carrying of
loaded firearms on public streets
and in public places by all ex-
cept peace officers," the Panthers
staged a protest march on the
legislature - with arms visible.
Twenty-five )Panthers were aft-
erwards arrested in a gas station
on charges of violating a Fish

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