See editorial page
Showers ending this morning;
cloudy and cooler
Vol. LXXVIII, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, May 16, 1968 Ten Cents
Blackstudent demands: Findingthe ans
By MARCIA ABRAMSON to determine for themselves what professorship, said Prof. William will retire as dean of the literary a study to determine whether ne Chavis represented the Univer- tion
When more than 100 black progress has been made towards Leveque, chairman of the mathe- college June 30. University complied with civil sity's steering committee on de- most
/students locked themselves ip the implementation of the demands. matics department, who is work- At the first promised meeting, rights legislation and was eligible velopment of economic opportun- to th
Administration Bldg. on the day Response was immediate to the ing for the fund. He emphasized seven representatives of the stu- to receive federal funds. ity. no d
of Martin Luther King's funeral most obvious demand of an en- that the professorship and chair dents discussed with Fleming and -"University activity in the Also present was Robert Hunter consi
last month, University President dowed chair and a scholarship in are completely different. other administrators the four re- community." Neither Fleming of the Ann Arbor Human Rela- "T
Robben Fleming smoothly con-, King's name. "A fully endowed chair re- maining demands: nor the students explained this tions Commission, who said he tile,"
cluded the lock-in by setting up a The Regents allocated $10,000 quires around $500000," he ex- -immediate appointment f a phrase, which was used in thie was "only, an observer." this t
meeting for discussion of the stu- for the King scholarship program plained. oiginal list of demands passed Richard Tripp, '68; spokesman can't
dents' grievances. at their April -meeting and pass- The Regents also appointed out at the lock-in, for the students, called the meet- apply
That session spawned a series ed a resolution urging contribu- Dean William Haber of the liter- of admissions. Fleming convened a group of ing "as fruitful i as it could Th
of more meetings with University tions for a King faculty chair. ary college to a special advisory -appointment of Negroes to the key administrators and relevant be," but declined to explain any ing
administrators to work out pos- If sufficient funds for a King position which will include work- athletic staff, personnel for the first April 13 further. The students consistent- plac
sible implementation of the five chair are 'not raised by Sept. 1, ing towards establishing a pro- -immediate implementation cf meetiiig. ly refused to comment during the tranc
student demands. contributions will be transferred gram for recruitment of Negro the Defense Department's Greene Attending were Vice President five-hour lock-in and afterward, a me
Whatever progress has been to the scholarship fund. staff and faculty members. report, which labeled the Univer- for Academic Affairs Allan F. Fleming's statement on the allow
made has been obscured by the Prof. Deming Brown of the Haber said he will not be cer- sity a place for "rich white stu- Smith; Vice President for Student meeting said all the demands nad Inf
insistence of the black students Slavic languages department had tain of the exact details of his dents" and called for measures to Affairs Richard Cutler; Haber; been discussed. stude
on not discussing the meetings. already organized a drive for a work unti: he begins his new ensure more employment of blac.ls John Chavis, coordinator of spe- "On many of these matters we port
This morning the students will separate King professorship which post July 1, but added that he on non-academiic and academic cial projects 'in Smith's office: found that we had no differ- mand
meet with Will Smith, assistant has collected nearly $15,000. "hopefully will be of maximum staff. The report was issued in and Clyde Briggs, manager of ences," Fleming said. have
director of student organizations, Some $60,000 is needed for the assistance" in recruiting. Haber November, 1966, as the result of training and personnel, The seizure of the Administra- repre
Six Pages
Building was accepted al-
immediately as a reaction
e assassination of King, and
isciplinary action was ever
dered against) the students.
hese kids have not been hos-
Fleming said. "We've had
terrible, terrible tragedy. You
expect the normal rules to
e students seized the buml'l-
at 7:15 a.m. April 9 and
ed chains on all the en-
es. They left at noon, after
eting with Fleming, who was ,
ed to enter the building.
ormed sources indicated the
nts plan to make a full re-
on the progress of their de-
Is in the fall. The itudents
no official organization, but
sent various campus croups.
spute over
name d
Daily News Analysis
The controversy that developed
over attempts to implement rec-
ommendations of the Hatcher
Commission report may take sev-
eral months to resolve.
The report, which defines the
student role in University deci-
sion-making, is an exceedingly
complex and ,admittedly vague
The present controversy, how-
ever, surrounds only a part of
the Commission's report-the sec-
tion dealing with establishment
of a University Couhcil (UC) as
the legislative body for conduct
Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler has also
been charged by the Regents with
preparing the rest of the Com-
call lo0west
since,. April,
fense Department yesterday issued
a draft call for 15,000 army in-
ductees in July, the lowest month-
ly call since April 1967.
It also forecast lower than
normal draft calls for the July-
December period.
At the same time, the Penta-
gon reduced its June draft -call.
by 9,500 men--from X9,500 to 20,-
000. It did so because the Army
has overestimated the number of
men who would be discharged in
Draft calls reached their 1968
peak in April, when 48,000 men
were 'ordered to report for induc-
tion-under Selective Service.
Draft calls rose sharply at the
start of this year because so
many men called in the Vietnam
buildup two years ago were com-
pleting their compulsory service.
goes on
mission's recommendations in by-
law form.
Among these are recommenda-
tions relating to "conduct and
discipline," a University - wide
judicial system, and a Committee
on Communications.
Cutler and Director of Student-
Community Relations William
T Stuede have completed several
rough drafts of these bylaws, but
only the Committee on Com-
munication proposal is expected
to be ready for Regental action
The bylaw on the judiciary sys-
tem is expected to cause the
greatest disagreement. Anticipat-
ing this problem, Cutler and
I Stuede have prepared two parallel
but significantly different rough
drafts of the proposed bylaw.
In one proposal cases would be
heard and adjudicated by three
to seven man panels from a judi-
ciary composed of one member
from each school or college in the
In the other, a "hearing offi-
cer" does the preliminary work in;
a case and recommends action to
the judiciary which would act as
a kind of appeal board.
At issue. in both proposals is
the composition of the judiciary
itself. Student leaders have ex-
pressed extreme displeasure with
a clause in the bylaw draft that
the 15-man judiciary have one
and only one member from each
school ors college.
They feel such a system would
be unfair to students of the Uni-
versity's several largest units who
represent the vast majority of
Also at issue is the jurisdiction
of the judiciary and the adminis-
trative boards of' the various
schools and colleges. The bylaw
draft dealing with "conduct and
discipline" gives the governing
faculties of University units the
authority to regulate conduct re-
lated to "formal academic pro-
Some students want assurance
that non-academic conduct of
students is the responsibility of!
solely student judiciary. -
to fill
To s ucceed
b g anking head
Gov. George Romney yesterday
appointed Regent Robert P.
Briggs state banking commission-
er and named former State 'Re-
publican Chairman Lawrence B.
Lindemer to succeed him.
Lindemer, a 46 year old Lansing
attorney, will officially take over
Briggs'. post on May 31.
Lindemer, was known- to have
been under consideration for the
post contingent on Briggs' ap-
pointment as financial commis-
sioner. Lindemer was an. aide to
Romney during his brief bid for
the Republican presidential nomi-
nation and served as a member of
the Legislature in 1951-52. He wash
state Republican chairman froze
1957 to 1964.
Lindemer told The Daily Yes-
-Associated Press
Eggs hit -Hershey's car in Madison
Lindemer Brigg0
O 0penA
LANSING (P) - The open
housing bill was back in the Sen-
ate with 21 amendments yester-
day after a session of arm-twisz-
ing and bitter debate brought the
measure 76-31 approval in the
Forty Republicans And 36 Dem-
ocrats joined forces behind the
controversial bill - a top priority
goal of Gov. Romney since the
1967 Detroit riot - and yester-
day gave it the 21 votes more
that it required.
But hidden behind the wnop-
ping majority was a frantic lob-
bying effort by Romney aides and
House party leaders to prevent
some members from rewriting the;
measure along the lines of the
weaker Federal Civil Rights Avt
of 1968.
The Senate now must decide
whether to accept the 21 changes
-most of them minor, but a few
likely to generate considerable
zo using p
controversy-made by the House to chE
to the version given 'Senate ap-j the ar
proval April 4. Ret
If the Senate endorses the chamt
House version, the measure would amend
be ready to be signed into law --inch
by Romney. If not, the two cham- Democ
bers would attempt to negotiate while
their differences. added
The bill forbids discrimination Ron
because of race, religion or na- appea:
tionality in the sale or rental of Festiv
most housing accommodations, ment
provides for financial penalties, arm-t
and permits courts under certain and o
circumstances to order comple- ferenci
tion of a real estate deal. with -
A real estate firm, bank or oth- Past
er professional violator could be clears
fined up to $1,000 for committing was ex
an "unfair housing practice," and consur
up to $2,000 for a repeat violation. loW th
An individual accused of hous- educal
ing bias could be held liable for Univer
up to $500 in actual damages suf- today
fered by the victim of discrimin- The
ation. A person filing a false bias the Si
complaint could be made to pay appror
the court costs and attorney fees was r(
of the person accused. last w
The House Tuesday night, in for an
a wearying eight-hour session,, lion ft
hammered the bill into what lead-
ers hoped would be its final form.
Rep. William Hampton (R- C
Bloomfield Hills),. the major ity ~4
floor leader. then hoped for a
vote on the measure by yesterday
But the optimism vanished to
when Rep. Thomas Sharpe "R-
Howell), succeeded in a second By
attempt to tack onto the bill an
amendment which in effect would Aice
have permitted discrimination in Affair
transactions involving: stall h
-Single-family houses rented of Aug
or sold without the aid of a real-
fered the property to only certain , Cu
races or religions.t
> t
'RFK:Movinig in Motown
>ge the votes of backers of terday that although his infor- r
iendment. mation on the University "is not LVI. i Y c a
mendent.current,", he' expects to bring it
trning in the afternoon, the up to date as a Regent. I
er voted 41-61 against the . He explained that because his!
ment as nine Republicans knowledge of the University is not
rats switched to opposition ment on the state of the Univer-
one Democratic vote was sity before meeting with the Re-
in favor.-' gents or the administration. Al- By The Associated Press
ney cancelled a planned though Lindemer is not expected A revolutionary struggle in
ance at the Holland Tulip to attend tomorrow's Regents which extremists hope to take
it after Sharpe's amend- meeting, arrangements for a control of great American univer-
vas adopted. Following the meeting with President Robben sities is under way, Richard M.
listing lunch break, Sharpe Fleming are currently ,gbeing Nixon said yesterday in Oregon.
;hers complained of inter- made. The recent disorders at Colum-
e by the executive branch Commenting on the past and bia University were "the first
he legislature. present student power and in- major skirmish" in the effort to
age of the open housing bill volvement movements, Lindemer turn the universities into saictu-
the House calendar of what said, "The state constitution no- aries for radicals and vehicles for
pected to be its most time- where rests the administration of 'revolutionary political and social
Wing debate and should al- the University with the students, goals," he claimed.,
e body to act on the higher and as a constitutional officer, I Meanwhile, a car carrying Gen.
ton bill, which includes the must respect and follow the docu-
S its state approprston, ment. This doesn't mean anything Lewis B. Hershey was pelted with
sity's state appropriation, in specific cases, however." a barrage of eggs as he drove
or tomorrow. Briggs, who will take over his through a picket line of jeering
bill - already passed by new job on June 3, had been ex- University of Wisconsin antiwar
nate with a $61.3 million ecutive vice president of Con- protesters in Madison.
riation for the University- sumers Power Co. for 16 years. He The Selective Service director
ported to the House floor, has been retained on that com- escaped being hit by the dozens
eek with recommendations pany's board of directors after of eggs that splatted his auto and
appropriation of $63.6 mil- retiring as vice president on later brushed off the incident at
r the University. May 1. an Armed Forces day luncheon
-~-~~-~~~.--~~ ~ ' before the Madison Rotary Club.
Hershey, 74, was whisked into
the downtown hotel and city po-
it s successorliceimmedijely were set up at
Sentrances to the building.
In Tallahassee, the president of
+FloridaSte University has re-
take ver. n Aug st Isigned in the wake, of student
takie over in August ves smltn otsfor
protests in a censorship contro-
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN structured OSA might be taken rkansas to Paris continue to dis-
President for Student off the vice presidential level, rupt academic life.
Richard Cutler yesterday Cutler said that although this Insurgent French students'
e University expects to in- was a possibility, he hoped it swarmed out of their bastion in
s successor by the middle would not be done, the Sorbonne early this morning
ust. y mBy having thedead o SA tono take over the Odeon, majestic:
king with Faculty Assem- the vice presidential level, Cutler Left Bank branch of the French;
tudent Relations Commit- shidfheirs bette inred and national theater.
tier said much of the pro- the affairs of the University and ThJigengtwtha ad
of the O- can do his job with greater ease. The singlewght watchman said
reorganization of the Of- When the possibility of having he was overwhelmed by the crowd
Student Affairs would be students run OSA was mentioned, that swept out of the liberal arts
ted by the end of June and Cutler said the main disadvant- school as the last of the audience
e qualifications needed in ags of such a plan are that the at an American ballet perform-;
cessor would depend upon leadership of the office would be ance were leaving the theater.
al status of the office. continually changing and that the There were renewed protests at
purpose of the meeting was office. would lack a man who had the University of Madrid.
aint the committee with built up influence in the Univer- Fourteen black students at the
nblhmm involved in rnr- .University of Miami were arrest-
Thursday to protest Champion's
preventing publication of a story
in the campus literary magazine.
Their action was overwhelm-
ingly supported by the faculty
which called for an over-all re-
view of the policies governing
student publications at the uni-
Roosevelt University in -hicago
suspended 21 more students,
bringing to 45 the number so
disciplined for staging a sit-in in
the president's office last week.
In New York City, Columbia
University trustees turned down a
bid by leaders of the student strike
to meet together, referring their
complaints to the administration.
UAWV won't
DETROIT GP, -- The long
threatened final break between
the AFL-CIO and Walter P.
Reuther's United Auto Workers
came at midnight last night.
Thedeadline set by the federa-
tion for a dues payment by the
auto workers passed with the
UAW sticking by its vow not to
As the deadline approached,
Emil Mazey, secretary-treasurer
of the UAW, affirmed his union's
intention not to pay. Leonard
Woodcock, a UAW vice president,
put it bluntly: "We will not pay."
Reuther, head of the auto
workers union, was in Europe and
unavailable for comment, but he
See related story, Page 3
already was on record as endors-
ing the UAW decision to withhold
dues from the AFL-CIO-a deci-
sion that received his personal
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Sen.tRobert F.
Kennedy swept into Detroit
yesterday, drawing large, gen-
erally enthusiastic crowds in a'
three-part tour of the 'city, vis-
ited only the day before by Vice
President Hubert Humphrey.
Fresh out of a solid victory
in Tuesday's Nebraska presi-
dential primary, Kennedy first
spoke in downtown Detroit's
Kennedy Square. named in
memory of his late brothe'.
There, he addressedtover 10,000
office-workers jamming the
plaza on their lunch-breaks ,o
hear the New York senator
blast administration policies.
both foreign and domestic.
Members of Breakthrough, a
local right-wing organization,
heckled Kennedy as he made
his way to and from the speak-
ers' platform. Some of the
hecklers carried signs reading
"- ':rL- an ni' Marn in th
5 2
t t
"' }t
i !
-Any building containing four fice of
or fewer family living units if complet
one of them were occupied by the that th
owner. his suc
The amendment was first de- tihe fin
feated by two votes, but a second l The F
attempt yielded the 55 votes to acqu
needed. B:ckerso f the hill the ne
-y S _____ i e