CALIFORNIA DREAMING See editorial page Y ~43UU 43 0- tly THUNDERSHOWERS High-7z Low-46 Warmer with increasing cloudiness Vol. LXXVIII, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, May 14, 1968 Ten Cents Six Pages Massive anti-De Gaulle CnnfrnvPQx flares over march staged in Paris e nraneshit 1e - V 1 - bylaw revision -Associated Press Paris demonstrators tear down flags PEACE TALKS: Trny, HarriMan "set first demands PARIS (A')-Hundreds of thou- sands of protesters against the De Gaulle regime surged through the. heart of Paris yesterday in the climax of a day of general strikes and demonstrations across France. Workers, students, people of all ages and classes marched for three miles amid chants for President Charles de Gaulle to resign and cries of "De Gaulle assassin! De Gaulle assassin!" It was the largest people's pa- rade through Paris in memory and the strongest such demon- stration against De Gaulle's 10- year-old Fifth Republic. He leaves today for Romania on a state visit After some concessions from the regime toward students who had rioted last week, the demonstra- tions took on a wide tone of cri- ticism against the entire Gaullist structure. De Gaulle talked with Premier Georges Pompidou last night-for the second time during the day- about the strike and demonstra tion. As the last of the demonstrators joined the line of march, it was estimated, that there had been a solid cortege of 20 abreast for 31/ hours. Organizers of the demonstration started off esti- mating a million people, but later scaled this down to 700,000 to 800,000. Official sources who re- fused to be identified said their information indicated 200,000 to 300.000 The parade headed peacefully into the Left Bank but armed police in battle dress massed at bridges crossing the Seine to block any attempts by students to cross to the Right Bank, where, American and North Vietnamese: diplomats are holding preliminary peace talks. The work stoppage itself, called by the country's four major la- bor unions to support student protests against police action dur- ing the past week 'of savage riot- ing in the Latin Quarter, was a near failure.; Organizers had hoped for na- tionwide paralysis. But despite appeals by the unions and stu- dent groups for a total walkout of Frnch workers there were only relatively minor disruptions in transport and electric power. There were practically no mail deliveries in Paris but service was continued in smaller towns. About half of Paris' subway trains were running and long distance train service was normal. Electricity service came back on in the afternoon after being cut in many areas, including the hotels that house the American and North Vietnamese delega- tions. A sit-down strike of air traffic controllers resulted in suspension of all outgoing flights! from Paris. The Sorbonne - the University of Paris - was reopened in the morning. And company-sized con- centrations of police in control of the Latin Quarter since Saturday morning were pulled out of sight. -Larry Mattis THE REV. A. D. KING, brother of the late Rev. Martin Luther King, participated in the Poor People's March yesterday. Meanwhile, demonstrators holding a dead rat threatened to throw the rodent on President Johnson's desk when the caravan reaches Washington. Inc iden~t mrsDtri Poor People 's March Cutler to meet with KoenkNeff today SGC, faculty question consistency of proposal witl commission report By JOHN GRAY and STEVE NISSEN A heated controversy developed last night over a pro- posed change in the Regents' Bylaws Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler plans to submit to the Regents Thursday. The proposed bylaw is concerned with implementation of a recommendation of the Hatcher Commission on the Student Role in Decision-Making that a tri-partite Uni- versity Council (UC) be es-> PARIS (R) - In its turn, each side in the Vietnam war demand- ed yesterday that the other side scale down the bitter conflict as a step toward peace. But the special emissaries of Presidents Johnson and Ho Chi, Minh - Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and Minister of State Xuan Thuy - were careful to muffle their charges and counter- Soos evet protesters, arrested By NADINE COHODAS Ten more students were arrest- ed at Chicago's Roosevelt Univer- sity yesterday after they refused to leave the duter room of presi- dent Rolf Weil's suite of offices. Another 40 protesters simul- taneously staged a peaceful deit- onstration in the office lounge. This brings the total of arrests to 57 in the nine day protest of Weil's refusal to appoint contro- versial history professor Staugh- ton Lynd to a full time teaching position there. A spokesman for the university said the administration has not taken any action yet on the 10 arrested yesterday or the 11 ar- rested in Friday's similar protest. It is expected, however that these 21 students will be suspended by the end of the semester. In last week's protests 16 stu- dents were expelled and 23 ar- rested. Weil, who until recently has re- frained from commenting on the Lynd decision, appeared on a Chi- cago area televisioi show Satur- day evening. Regarding his de- cision, Weil said he knew he would be "damned either way." In a weekend meeting the Roosevelt Faculty Senate Execu- tive Committee passed four reso- lutions supporting Weil's decision. The resolutions stated that: 1. The president of the uni- w versity followed constitutional procedures in the Lynd decision and did not exceed his constitu- tional powers. 2. The consultations between the president and the deans of the respective colleges were fre- quent. Q 'flI,.. . i~.4nn 1 n,'nenaPd oc charges in relatively mild terms. It was as if they were signal- ing a readiness to talk on and on, despite their public postures, to end a war .both said they detest. Harriman and Thuy, seasoned in the graces of diplomacy, each courteously promised to study .the presentation of the other and to xmeet again tomorrow. The central demand of Thuy's declaration, delivered first at Har- riman's invitation, was as simple as it was stark: "Since the U.S. 'government has unleashed the war of destruction against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the U.S. has to definitively and unconditionally cease its bombing raids and other acts of war on the whole territory of the DRV. That is the prime and most pressing legitimate demand of the DRV ." To the relief of some on the American side, Thuy did 'not go' on to warn he will leave,.the con- ference if he does not get his way. He siloke instead of the "serious attitude and good will" with which his side intends to seek an end of American military action in order to be able to proceed "to other points of interest." This was a plain reference to the problem of a wider peace settlement - the problem which Harriman made the theme of his 2,000-word address. The American diplomat out- lined a seven-point program for peace in all Indochina, beginning with a swift agreement to restore the once-demilitarizedr zone be- tween North and South Vietnam as a genuine buffer. Six other measures proposed by Harriian were: 0 American forces would be withdrawn from South Vietnam as the other side withdraws its forces to the North, stops the in- filtration and as the level of vio-' lence subsides." 0 A concert of Asian nations-! which E presumably could include Red China - should devise a new system of supervising any agree- ment that might emerge. It would take over from the existing but powerless International Control Commission made up of India,: Canada and Poland. " All South Vietnamese people, including the Viet Cong, must be allowed to determine their awnj future, "without outside interfer- ence" on the basis of "one man, one vote." 0 The neutrality of Laos must By RON LANDSMAN Special To The Daily DETROIT-A brief incident of violence broke the generally peace- ful campaign of the Midwestern swing of the Poor People's March through Detroit last night as a group of marchers tried to prevent police from towing away a com- munications car parked by a driveway in front of downtown Cobo Hall A march leader said a replace- ment for a dead battery had been sent for but meanwhile about 200 police, some mounted, converged on the scene. Reporters said the tense situa- tion was quieted by the march's own marshals. Some minor ipjuries, mostly cut! lips, were reported. Police lines blocked entrances to the lobby of Cobo Hall. The incident followed a rally at the hall. Most Detroit specta- tors left when caravan members began ripping legs from bridge tables to use as weapons. March marshals dissuaded them from any violence. A crowd of about 1000 people, many still angry, was persuaded by march leaders to move to a meeting five miles away at a I church in the inner city. Earlier, all went well in the six mile march through business and rises in ghetto areas as almost 3,000 De- ' troiters joined the 600 campaign- ers who will go on to Washington. More than 200 poor from the city are also expected to join the march on the Capitol. In Washington, a spokesman for the Southern Christian Lead- ership Conference, which is spon- soring the march, said the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, Martin Luther King's successor as SCLC leader, left for . Detroit imme- diately. Detroit was the seventh city in the Midwestern swing of the cam- paign which will arrive in Wash- ington around May 20. The cam- paigners leave for Cleveland by bus this morning. The march was slated to go. down Detroit's main street, Woodward Ave., but was unex- pectedly rerouted by march lead- ers through Negro residential areas "so wedcould go through the ghetto and see." Marchers chanted "yea, black power" and "do right, white man, before I get mad." Many carried signsreading, "I have a dream," a King slogan. The march started two hours after its scheduled 1 p.m. begin- ning time. The contingent trav- eling to Washington attended a dinner at Cobo Hall while other marchers held a rally nearby. The Rev. James Groppi from C apital Milwaukee was among the group arriving in Detroit yesterday aft- er an overnight stop in Toledo. The parade line stretched for three blocks, 15 marchers abreast at some places, with women and children on the inside of the col- lumn, flanked by men. March marshals explained this was for protection in the event of any heckling from bystanders along the line of march. An estimated 90-plus per cent of the Midwest caravan was made up of Negroes, the majority of them apparently under 30 years of age. Abraham Rice, who identified himself as editor of Chicago's bi- weekly Westside Torch, ordered See TROUBLE, Page 2 vote on Albert apt., By LESLIE WAYNE Ann Arbor City Council was ad- vised last night by City Attorney Peter Forsythe that a special nine vote rule would be in effect when the council reconsiders action on a propsed. zoning change at Albert Terrace. The change, requested by John Stegeman, owner of Albert Ter- race, proposes that land presently zoned for residential dwellings be rezoned to provide parking space for residents of Albert Terrace. Acting on reque'st by owners of property adjacent to Albert Ter- race, the statute would require nine members of city council to approve the change rather than the usual six. (Under terms of the Ann Arbor' city charter, owners of property adjacent to property undergoing a zoning change can request that three-quarters of council approve the change rather than a simple majority.) A definite date for a hearing on+ the proposed change has not, been set. City building codes require that 1/3 parking space must be provided1 for every apartment. Albert Ter-+ race presently does not meet thisl requirement. If the zoning change is made, the existing house on the, site would remain while the area be-i hind the dwelling would be re- tablished to legislate conduct rules for the "University com- munity." The controversy was touched off when several students and faculty members qu e s t i o n e d whether the recommended bylaw is consistent with the spirit of the Commission report and whether the proper student and faculty groups had been consulted on the proposal. They also ques- tioned the timing of the move. Last night SGC President Mi- chael Koeneke, '69BAd, and Vice President Robert Neff, '69, asked Cutler to delay consideration of the proposal. He agreed to meet them at 9 a.m. this morning to consider their demands. Other nemebrs of SGC indi- cated that they would consider a sit-in should Cutler refuse to withdraw the proposal. The controversy centers on two major differences between Cut- ler's recommendation and the Commission report. The proposed bylaw deals only with regulations for "students apd student groups." Many members of the Commis-, sion feel the regulations should apply to the entire "University community." The bylaw also provides that UC-approvedregulations vetoed by Faculty Assembly or SGC be submitted in their original form, to the Regents after a 45-day waiting period. If the Regents ap- prove the regulations they would take effect over the vetoes of Faculty Assembly, SGC or both. The Commission's report expli- citly recommended that UCH reg- ulations be approved only after ratification by Faculty Assembly and SOC. Koeneke said if the sections in question are not changed, "we just can not accept" the bylaw. SGC memb'er-at-large Michael Davis, Grad, said "I will never let my vote be used to support UC or anything that goes with it in its present form." Cutler claims the drafting of the proposal was "an absolutely faith- ful attempt to transpose the Com- mission's report into bylaw form within the guidelines set down by the Regents." However, Residential College Dean and member of the Hatcher Commission James Robertson said he is "a little troubled" by the rec- ommended bylaw. Cutler received a mandate from the Regents at their regular April meeting to have the proposal See NEW, Page 2 blaw' ehange9 Following are excerpts from the proposed by-law which Vice Pres- ident Cutler is expected to present to the Regents on Thursday to- gether with relevant sections of the Hatcher Commissions' report: Commission Report: "We rec- ommend that the Regents as- tablish a University Council . . (which) should determine, subject only to review by the. Regents, the locus of authority for making rules of conduct by members of 'the University community .. ." Proposed Bylaw: There is hereby established a University Council which shall have the au- thority to formulate and propose rules and regulations governing the conduct of students and stu- dent groups on University-owned or University-supervised proper- ty Commission Report: The rules governing activities in this sector, to be formulated by the University council, should become effective only after submission to and rati- fication by/ the faculty asifembly and, the central body or bodies of student government. Proposed bylaw:' In the event ;that a rule or regulation proposed by the University Council is re- jected ..'. by the action of either the Senate Assembly' or Student Government Council ... such rule or regulation shall be with-at ef- fect until such time as either, (1) the rule . . in amended form is ratified by both bodies, or (2) a period- of forty-five (45) days has elapsed, at which time the rule or regulation will be considered, in its original form, for ratifica- tion by the Regents, whichever is earlier. SGC member Michael Davis has proposed as revision to the pro- posed bylaws that: --in sections of the proposed bylaw where the terms "students" or "student groups" are employed, the terms "members of the Uni- versity community" or "groups composed of members of the Uni- versity community" be substituted, and -that p rt .2) of the above paragraph be deleted. Camp WASHINGTON (P-The Poor People's Cam- paign raised its wooden camp on a lawn by the Lincoln Memorial yesterday to begin what its leaders say will be a summer-long siege of Con- gress. The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy promised protesters, "We're going to plague the pharaohs of this nation, with plague after plague, until they agree to give us meaningful jobs and a guaranteed annual income." , About 400 demonstrators chanted "Free- dom" with each blow of the hammer as Aber- nathy drove the first nail for the tent-shaped plywood dwellings that will house the throng of marchers converging on the nation's capital. Although the Pentagon placed an unan- nounced number of troops in what it termed "a state of readiness," there were no incidents of any type reported. Abernathy, leader of the campaign planned by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said, "We're going to stay here until the Congress acts or the Congress adjourns, and then we will go to wherever Congress goes." The first marchers arrived by bus from Mis- sissippi and Tennessee Sunday. Other regiments wound their way toward the capital yesterday "We are tired of living with rats and roaches while a few people live in mansions with wall to wall carpeting," he said. Abernathy said, "We are proving to the na- tion today they cannot stop us by killing Dr. King. They killed the dreamer but they cannot kill the dream." The campsite stretches to the edge of the circular drive surrounding the Lincoln Memorial, where King stood in 1963 and, in an emotional speech to 200,000 civil rights supporters, intoned, "I have a dream..." Two new candidates file for school board By MARCIA ABRAMSON Two more candidates have filed for the Ann Arbor school board election. The entries of Mrs. Joan C. Adams and Ted Heusel bring to eight the number of candidates seeking election to three seats. Mrs. Adams is a member of the boards of directors of Washtenaw County Citizens for Economic Op- portunity, the County League for Planned Parenthood and the Housing Emergency Loan program. She is also a member of Human- izing Existing Welfare, Fair Play for Peonle. and Concerned Parents. the board,'' Mrs. Adams said in her statement. Heusel will announce his formal candidacy .today. He is a member of the staff of WOIA-B radio. Last week Bill Ayers, director of the Children's Community, also announced his candidacy for the school board: The Children's Com- munity is an experimental school for four to eight year olds in Ann Arbor. Ayers has been active in the New Politics Party for the past year. Other candidates include two incumbents. Seeking their second t ,rpp vp +ar t..p oa Mrs Wrances p .tbsi. .vk. :: .. ..' : ...' ...... . U&