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May 11, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-11

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Chance of rain,
cooler tomorrow

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 9-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, May 1I, 1968 Ten Cents

Six P

RoOsevelt expels
Refusal to reappoint Lynd full time
results in student demonstrations

Sixteen students were expelled
from Chicago's Roosevelt Univer-
sity yesterday following a sit-in
in the eighth floor offices of the
university's only building.
The students were protesting
Pesident Rolf Weil's refusal to
appoint Prof. Staughton Lynd to
a full-time position.
Thursday evening the 16 stu-
dents broke into the offices and
barricaded the doors with office
furniture. A spokesman for Roose-
velt explained the campus offices
are locked at 5 p.m. everyday for
safety reasons.
The campus protest began Mon-
day with student and faculty
picketing in response to Weil's
failure to retain Lynd -on the
ftrm rival
for AFL
his United Auto Workers union
walks out of the AFL-CIO, Walter
P. Reuther indicated yesterday,
the UAW will attempt organiza-
tion of a competing federation.
The indication came at a news
conference, following a convention
at which some 3,000 ' delegates
representing 1.6- million UAW
members voted overwhelmingly to
disaffiliate unless the AFL-CIO
meets Reuther's demands for its
"reform and revitalization."
Reuther said the UAW automa-
tically would disaffiliate by Dec.
15 unless the AFL-CIO calls a
convention by that date without
any strings attached for a show-
down between himself and AFL-
CIO president George Meany.
"Historically," Reuter told news-
men, "I l1elieve there is a\parallel
between what happened in 1936,
with the birth of the CIO, and
what we are trying to do in 1968."
t Asked if this did not indicate
organization of a :rival union
structure, Reuther replied "That
is obvious. "
John L. Lewis, then leader of
the United Mine Workers, organ-
ized the Cngress of Industrial
Organizations (CIO) in 1936 as
a competitor of the American
Federation of -Labor (AFL).
The CIO organized industrywide
in such businesses as steel, autos
and rubber.
The AFL stuck to an organiza-
tion by crafts, such as carpenters,
printers, and machiists.
With Reuther as CIO president
and Meany as AFL president, the
rival organizations were consoli-
dated in 1955.
Within recent years Reuther
and Meany often have differed on
.policy, with Meany winning all
major tests between them before
AFL-CIO Executive Council.
Reuther has charged Meany!
with acting like a dictator and
permitting the labor movement to
"vegetate" under his leadership.
Reorganization of'the AFL-CIO
hierarchy, an organizing crusade,
and deeper involvement in social
reforms such as civil rights have
been made the price of his union's
continuing membership by Reu-

Roosevelt staff in a fulltime capa-{
The activist professor has since
stated he. would not accept , a
teaching position with Roosevelt
unless amnesty was granted to
all of the arrested students.
Around 9:30 Thursday night,
Dean of Students Lawrence Sil-
verman came down to the campus
and met with the students. -He
told them, "Those of you who wish
to give me your L.D. cards may
do so and may leave peaceably.
We will not arrest you."
Silverman said, however, he was
not talking about amnesty. He
told the students the university
would decide on academic punish-
ment at a Thursday meeting.
Three of the students surrender-
ed their cards and were per-
mitted to leave. The police were
called and-the remaining 13 were
Silverman announced yesterday
at a 2:15 p.m. conference 'all 16
students were expelled, effective
In the same statement he said
23 students arrested in Wesnesday
night's protest were suspended ef-
fective June 8, the end of the
Eleven more students were ar-
rested later yesterday when they
refused to leave Weil's office at
the 5 p.m. closing time.

Paris delegates
call first talks
Vance, Lau agree to begin
initial negotiations Monday
PARIS (N--Negotiators for the United States and North
Vietnam, meeting in what both sides called a good atmosphere,
agreed yesterday to open preliminary peace talks Monday
The accord broke through a potential barrier of technical
problems and raised hopes of U.S. officials that serious nego-
tiations on ending the war in Southeast Asia may become
Another session on arrangements will be held today by
Ambassador Cyrus R. Vance, deputy chief of the U.S. delega-
tion, and Col. Ha Van Lau, No. 2 man of the North Vietnam-
ese group.
Both Vance and Lau made clear after yesterday's session
that the agreement on Monday's meeting is firm.
A North Vietnamese spokesman said later he believed
the few procedural questions left to be decided could be
settled today and that a thirdf

-Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
ANN ARBOR spring people, animals and others: Top, L-R-Lou Solomon, Good o' Gary, Judith Bailey, Bob Jackson and Cathe
Mackin; Bottom, L-R-Grant Fisher, Dog and friend, the back of T.R.'s head, and Greta Buss.
Su.m-mer in the cit: eloe0U

The grass had been cut on the
Diag yesterday and people tallied
about the University, Ann Arbor
and summer. t
Grant Fisher was sprawled on
the grass.
"This is a really nice place to
be in the summer," he said. "It's
nice at night; one of the nicest
places in the country at night.
Lots of places to walk."
Over on one of the concrete

benches a girl named Greta Buss good. I guess you just have to
was reading. have your own people."

"It's much nicer to go to school
in the summertime," she observed.
"But unless you have a car there
isn't much to do. I'd rather be in
California anyway."
Across the square from Greta
were two boys and a girl, sitting
on the benches. Larry Kasden
spoke first.
"It's no good," he said. "I'm
just here for the week but it's no

House approves moeto punis
pesen a
prtet'byhodngstdet i

Lou Solomon mildly disagreed.
"I like the trees and the squir-
rels. I'm pretty disappointed in
the' squirrel turn-out today."
"North Campus is great this
time of year," he continued. "They
oughta put a dome over it in the
winter so- it would be warm. Lots
of squirrels out there, too."
Barbie backed away and said
"Oh come on. I don't want to be
A svelte blonde was walking on
the sidewalk looking like she had,
just practiced her smile. Her
name was Judith Bailey.
"It's easier, more relaxed in
the summer," she said. "I haven't
opened a book yet and I'm taking
eight hours."
"The weather's nicer and it's
easier to forget you're in school.
I think even the professors for-
get they're in school and they're
a lot less formal," she continued.
"I think it could end up being a
more meaningful experience than
it is- in the winter."
Bob Jackson and Cathe Mackin
walked arm in arm down the side-
"The people are definitely
friendlier," said Cathe. "It's nice
because the houses are closed and
there is, more mixing between
Greeks and non-Greeks than in
the winter."

Bob said that the instructors
didn't stress attendance and that
they seemed to be loosened up.
"I think they talk more," he
said. "They've got the bug too."
Mark Barron sauntered along
in froht of the General Library.
"I'm not going to school," he
said. "I'm just sticking around
because there's nothing to do in
my home town."
At the north end of the Diag
some high school students were
sitting in a circle, playing with a
pop bottle and talking.
"I kind of dig it in the sum-
mer," said Gary. "There are dif-
ferent vibrations. The town isn't
nearly as up-tight." /
Sue Nevins likes the Arb.
"It's a lot warmer out there
than in the winter and it's fun to
go there and romp," she said,. "A
lot of our things are outdoor
things and they're a lot 'more fun
Gary had more to say.
"People get to know each other
easier," he said.
"Yeah," said Sue, "but all the
coffeehouses are closed and there
isn't much to do."
Their friend T.R. then ap-
"Hey T.R. We're beitig inter-
viewed!" said Sue. "What do you
think of this place in the sum-
"It's better," T.R. said.

j ..!.

The House of Representatives
has acted to insure that students
who break the law in the course
of protests-the law of a state,
a city, or even a university-do
not go unpunished.
The House Wednesday and
Thursday passed by overwhelm g
votes a series of amendments to
federal education bills providing
that students receiving grants and
loans under various sections of
the National Defense. Education
Act (NDEA) and the National
Science Foundation (NSF) Appro-
priation Act be threatened with-
loss of financial support for dis-
ruptive .campus activities.
In an apparent response to stu-
dent take-overs at universities
throughout the country, Rep. Lou-
is G. Wyman (R-N.H.)' intro-
duced an amendment to the NSF
act which urges universities to
recommend to the appropriate
federal agency that students who
"willfully refuse to obey the law-
ful regulations of university au-
thorities and engage in'a disrup-
tion of the university" be re-
moved from federal support lists.
The amendment, similar to the
one attached to the NDEA bill
under Wyman's sponsorship the
nextday, was clear in its delinea-
tion of the final authority for
such action to each university..
"The amendment is a tool for
university authorities to use if
they want to," Wyman told The
Daily. The amendments authorize
federal agencies to terminate sup-
port upon certification by the re-
specttve universities that the stu-
dent in question was indeed in-
volved in a disruption of normal
university processes.

"There are, however, no re-
quirements that colleges provide
such certification after a student
is involved in protests," Wyman
The amendments have been un-
der attack from minority circles
in the House, after being passed
easily by a voice vote Wednesday
and then by one roll-call tally 'of
306'54 Thursday.
Most observers, however, doubt
that the amendments will survive
the Senate or any joint hearing.
Resiste rs plan
turn-in at MSU
ers of a Michigan State University
chapter of "Resistance," a league
for those who want to fight the
draft, have set'May 28 as the day
for supporters ,to turn in draft
Details of the turn-in, including
time and place, will be decided at
future meetings of the newly.
formed Resistance group, said
Brad Lang, an MSU sophomore
an Mur Michigan State
stau organizing the chapter.
Lang characterized the organi-
zation as a "place for people who
are resisting to get together with
"It's very lonely to take a stand
like this and go to jail when the
rest of the country thinks you're
crazy4" he said.
Lang said the turn-in will pro-
vide an opportunity for "those
who.desire to turn in their cards
and sever their connections with
the Selective Service System."

One critic of Wyman's amend-
ments, Rep. Neil Smith (D-Iowa),
explained, "The university does
not enact laws. I don't know what
Wyman means about the law of a
university. The language on his
amendment is so loose it will be
hard to enforce."
The New York Times earlier re-
ported that Dr. Donald F. Hornig,
one of the President's science ad.
visers, called the amendments
"unenforceable, unworkable anc
an administrative nightmare."
The Times also quoted Rep. Og-
den R. Reid (R-N.Y.) as saying,
"Quite aside from Constitutional
questions and the questions of
academic freedom that the amend-
ments raise, there is the questior
of Congress entering into internal
affairs of universities."
Reid aides told the Daily that
he feels the amendment might be
unconstitutional and borders or
being a violation of academic
Wyman, former chairman of the
American Bar Association's Stand-
ing Committee on Constitutiona
Law and Jurisprudence, respond-
ed, "Well forget it, it's not."
Smith agreed. "There is not a
Constitutional question involved
here," he said, "Constitutionality
is not the issue, just sloppy think-
ing and working."
However, Ernest Mazey, execu-
tive director of the Michigan
chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union, said, "I think we
would be opposed to any punitive
action taken against students for
political activity. Any interference
with education in such cases by
the federal government would be
considered unduly punitive."


session on procedure would
not be needed.
One question settled, the North
Vietnamese spokesman said, was
that of tongues. He said English
and Vietnamese would be the of-
ficial languages of the talks and
that statements by both sides
would be translated into French,
the conference's working language.
The Hanoi spokesman declined
to give further details, saying,
"The Americans suggested that
nothing further be said and we
agreed with that."
This agreement, he said, was
part of the good atmosphere that
The White House in Washing-
ton said President Johnson re-
ceived a full report on the session
from Vance. Tom Johnson, as-
sistant White House press secre-
tary, said the President will con-
tinue to receive reports from his
diplomatic team as the talks
Monday's meeting will bring to-
gether Ambassador W. Averell
Harriman, President Johnson's top
negotiator, and President Ho Chi
Minh's special envoy for the talks,.
Xuan Thuy.
Yesterday's meeting took place
in the International Conference
Center, suggested by France last
week when the site within Paris
threatened to become 'as much of
a block to arrangements as selec-
tion of a city for the talks had
been during the last mont
The session lasted an ur and
45 minutes. When it was over,
Col. Lau -and his advisers left
first. Vance and his associates
then departed. Each informally
told newsmen of the decision on
Mondays' talk. Then the U.S. Em-
bassy here issued a statement un-
der Vance's name.
It said: "Representatives of the
two parties met from 3 p.m. to
4:45 p.m. today to discuss proce-
durps to be followed by the two
delegations in the future. We will
continue these discussions tomor-
row, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
. "The parties have agreed that
on next Monday the full delega-
tioins representing the two parties
will meet.",
Apart from this statement,
Vance said the time also would
be 10:30 a.m. He did not spell out
procedural problems still to be
discussed, but officials said earlier'
such matters as arrival schedules
and seating of delegations would
surely come up.
A diplomat familiar with yes-
terday's proceedings said he un-
derstood the atmosphere was not
too bad and that Vance and Lau
shook hands when they met.
U.S. officials who see prolonged
and difficult negotiations ahead
were not quite sure what to make
of the day's, turn of events.

aware of
PRAGUE (M)-Czechoslovakia's
national radio reported yesterday
that thousands of Soviet troops
moving just beyond the Czecho-
slovali-Polish border are engaged
in planned Warsaw Pact maneu-
vers that the liberal Prague go~v-
ernment was informed of in ad-
The statement came as Ro-
manian sources in Bucharest re-
ported Soviet infantry and tank
units had been concentrated
along its borders with Russia at
the Danube River and in former
Romanian Bukovina. They were
said to have taken up the posi-
tions earlier in May and in April.
Behind the Soviet buildup, the
Romanian informants said, was
an apparent desire to put pres-
sure on the regime of Nicholas
Ceausescu, who has defied Soviet
leadership in Eastern Europe.
Other sources had advanced this
explanation for the troop move-
ments near Czechoslovakia, vast-
ly more liberal internally than
Prague radio so9ght to elimi-
nate any such interpretation in
a statement by its diplomatic cor-
respondent. He said: "The re-
ports of some news agencies,
papers and radio stations th~at
there as a military move against
Czechoslovakia was considered by
Czechoslovak political circles to be
a political provocation."
In Washington, Pentagon
sources said the Russian troop
movements appeared to be re-
lated to summer maneuvers. These
sources said there was no feeling
of deep concern in the Pentagon
about the movements which were
reported in the last few days.
Western military attaches in
Warsaw reported Thursday that
Soviet forces had advanced as
close as 18 miles to the frontier
with Czechoslovakia. This coin-
cided with some limitations on
travel by diplomats. '
The units near the Czechoslo-
vak border in the south were
"positively identified" as being
between the Polish city of Krakow
and the frontier, about 45 miles
Reports from diplomatic sources
in Moscow and Warsaw that
reached Prague generally dis-
counted armed Soviet interven-
tion in Czechoslovakia, despite
the apprehension the Kremlin
feels about the freedoms of
speech, travel and the press that
have taken root here.


Circuit Court delays
appointments ruling

a_. T t"cr Tim VIAttATiL4


The Washtenaw Circuit Court
ruled yesterday that the County
Board of Supervisors must be re-
apportioned on a one-man-one-
vote basis but delayed action on
a controversial section dealing
with Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher's
power to appoint board members.
Acting on a suit introduced by
Dr. Albert H. Wheeler of the
medical school and state chair-
man of the conference of NAACP,
the court followed recent state
and federal decisions which set
precedent for the equal represen-
tation ruling.
' However, the court delayed ac-
tion on the,section of Wheeler's
suit dealing with the appoint-
ment power of the mayor until
next Friday. At this time, Wheel-
er and the city will submit briefs
explaining their position.
Presently, the mayor of Ann Ar-
bor is granted the power of mak-
ing board member appointments.
for the two-year term.
Wheelersoriginally challenged
the Mayor's appointment power
after he extended the terms of
present board members rather
than appointing new members.
Wheeler claimed the Mayor was
practicing "indirect racism" and
was "denying a people their own
effective voice," by refusing to
make any new appointments.
Specifically, Wheeler objected
to the extended appointments of
Cecil Creal, Herbert Ellis and
Bent Nielsen. The NAACP and
CORE had previously criticized
these men as being "unrepresen-
tative of the black community."
However, last Tuesday, Wheel-
er submitted a second suit ordering
the Mayor to make appointments
to the board. The two suits were
-,., ,. ,} err7, i.}h A. , rn..n

visors during the interim period'
and if the mayor has this power,t
whether present members can
Wheeler claims "the mayor must1
accept the responsibility to ap-
point members to the board." He
adds that the work of the ap-t
pointment commission can last
from over six months to a year
and the "Mayor would be sitting
comfortably without making anyl
Wheeler further questions thec
composition of the present ap-
portionment commission, "With
four Republicans and one Demo-
crat on the commission there may
be some attempts to gerrymandert
districts," he said.
Ann Arbor councilman Leroyt
Cappaert added that he has "con-s
siderable concern over the appor-
tionment commission" but said
that after the commission submits
its plan, any citizen can file a,
contesting suit.


Prof. S eager:

0 0


Prof. Allan Seager of the
English department, noted no-
velist and short- story writer,
died of lung -cancer yesterday
at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
at the age of 62.
Seager's ' latest novel was
"Hilda Manning," Among his
other long works are "Equi-
nox," "Amos Berry," and
"Death of Anger."
His literary interests also ex-
tended . to the biographical
form. In "The Glass House,"
he chronicled the life of a per-
sonal friend, the late Theodore
Roethke, a noted poet.
In "A *Frieze, of G~irls- " efr

The author's first wife, Bar-
bara. died in 1966. Seager left
two unmarried daughters. Mary,
of New York City. and Laura,
of London, England.,
Seager was born in Adrian in
1906. He did his undergraduate
work at the University where he
was a varsity swimmer and was
named a Rhodes Scholar.
In 1930, he graduated and be-
gan his studies at Oxford Uni-
versity in England where he
earned his MA.
Seager returned to the Uni-
versity in 1935 to begin teach-
ing, and to continue- his writ-
in a

- r


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