Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 8, 1968 Indicinw Kennedy wins nn. 2 i+ (Continued from Page 1) tioned later on the basis of con- gressional district winners. Nixon gets all of the state's 26 Republican convention votes. Kennedy pronounced himself pleased with the outcome, as well as with the apparent victory of his delegate slate in the District, of Columbia primary. But he add- ed that there is still a long way to go to the August party conven- tion in Chicago. The New York senator contend- ed that he had entered the In- diana contest against the advice of professional politicians who said Branigin, a popular govern- or, couldn't be defeated. He made no claims for the fu- ture, including the Nebraska pri- mary next Tuesday in which he and McCarthy will meet head-on. "Vice President Humphrey says he's the front runner, Sen. Mc- Carthy says he's the frontrun- ner," Kennedy said. "I'm not mak- ing any predictions where I am, because the only way I can doI well is to take my campaign to the people." McCarthy, whose supporters had feared that a walloping in In- diana might knock him from top contention for the nomination,' said he thought he had done all right. "I'd anticipated that if we got over 25 per cent of the vote we'd feel that we were doing very well." he said.,Last week McCarthy said he needed 30 per cent, but re- tracted that figure Sunday. In Washington, two chief cam- paigners for Vice-President Hu- bert H. Humphrey said Kennedy "did not run nearly as well as he expected to" in Indiana. "Nearly two out of every three Democrats preferred someone else," said Sens. Walter F. Mon- dale of Minnesota and Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma, co-chairmen of United Democrats for Humph- rey. An aide said Humphrey himself would have no comment on ther Indiana outcome. Kennedy denied charges by Branigin's aides that he spent $2 million in the primary. He said the cost of campaigning was less than $600,000. McCarthy has said he spent less than $500,000. At stake in the Democratic con- test was the prestige of victory in a swing, midwestern state and a claim on the 63 Indiana votes toward the 1,312 needed to win that party's presidential nomina- tion. Nixon had the 26 Republican votes toward the 667 needed to top the GOP ticket. How the state's Democratic votes will be cast at the party's Chicago convention remained to be decided later. The Democratic state committee has the power to determine whether the delegates shall be lined up behind candi- dates on' the basis of the top vote getter in districts or on a state-, wide basis. It would be possible but not likely for Kennedy, McCarthy and Branigin to share the vote on the first ballot at the convention. TheI governor, armed with state pa- tronage powers, controls the state committee. Photos y ANDY SACKS FOR RENT 1 OR 2 GIRLS share furnished 2 bdrm. apt. $40. Need car. 662-8046 or 483-0500, Ext. 269. C173 APT. WITH GARAGE. Male with car in exchange for 12 hrs. per wk. NO 3- 2588. C45 FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. Call '971- 2650. C20 GARAGE-Church St. 2 blocks south of East Quad. $8/mo. until July 1. 668-6665 after 5. C21 NEED MALE Student (pref. grad) to share most beautiful 2 bdrm. 3-man apt. on campus. For info call Betsy 761-9184 after 4 p.m. C13 2-MAN FURNISHED APT. avail. Air- cond., off-street parking, laundry on premises, good for couple. 4 blks. from campus. Call 761-5775 anytime. 14 APT.-AvailableJune 1. Furnished 3 rms. plus bath. Near campus, $105 mo. Parking included. 761-0614 after 5. C FURNISHED Single Room with private entrance and refrigerator. Just 7 mn. walk to campus. Please call Miss Cosar at 764-4424 after 2 p.m. If no answer 665-0534. C48 BEST CAMPUS & HOSPITAL LOCATION 101 N. Ingalls, ! block from Frieze Bldg. & Rackham Graduate School. 839 Tappan, % block from Bus. Ad. School. 3-4-5 MAN UNITS FOR FALL OCCUPANCY Completely modern, air-cond. From $56-$75 per man per month Phone for opportunity to see-663- 6052 or evenings call 665-2398 or 662- 5469. 50 ROOMS FOR RENT-1346 Geddes. Large room, men, newly furnished. Summer and/or fall, NO 8-6906. C49 FEMALE WANTEDto sublet for spring and summer terms. Modern apd. con- veniently located apartment on Ful- ler at reasonable rate. Call 761-7405 after 5:00. C37 APARTMENTS FORFALL For 2-6 people. Call Summit Associates 761-8055 043 REDUCED, furnished, campus rooms, apts., and suites for rent, Very at- tractive All units paneled, carpeted. Rms. $9-12/wk., efficiency apt, with study $95/mo., large 2 rm. suite $75 mo. Leases thru June, Aug. or lnger. Call 662-7992 or 665-0925. 052 WANTED-4TH GIRL for fall at U.T. $65/mo. Call 761-0861. 16 Near Hospital THE BRIDGE HOUSE 1035 Wall Street ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR FALL Under cover parking Air-conditioned Garbage Disposals Laundry Facilities WELL FURNISHED Carpeted Kitchen 1 and 2 Bedroom Large Efficiency Must see Owner operated Call 761-5692 or 1-864-3852 054 SI NGLE Furnished Apt. for rent. Rooms for men. Both for summer and fall. Close to University Hos- pital. 1328 Geddes (shown between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. , C22 NEED 2 ROOMMATES to share large modern apt. (The Abbey) for next fall. Call 769-4038. C24 521 WALNUT ST. Campus-Hospital Area 418 E. WASHINGTON ST. Near Frieze and Angell Hall LARGE-MODERN-NEW ONE BDRM. AND EFFICIENCY Modern Apts. Inc. FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET PERSONAL State' Street Manor 1111 S: State St. (across from Yost Field House) Modern, Furnished 2-3-4 Man Air-Conditioned Newly Furnished Balconies Ample Parking Garbage Disposals SUMMER- NEAR HOSPITALS 2 bdrm.. brand new. Reduced summer rent. All conveniences. Cc vered park- ing. 761-5692 or 1-864-3852. U34 SUMMER SUBLET Modern 2-bdrm.. furnished apt. with wall to wall carpeting. Excellent hos- pital and campus location. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E. Huron Days 662-7787. Eves. 761-1498 U35 SUMMER ROOMS $30-45 .662-3302 ARE YOU INTERESTED in playing duets, trios, quartets? 769-2396. F20 TRY OUR SAUNA -Private and com- munity rooms. Basic membership $5, Ann Arbor Gymkhana. 662-9200. F WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8871 (24 hours). F BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh negative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4: Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1899; 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan Community Blood Center F The Kennedy handshake proved successful -- Low Rent - Owner operated Ask our present tenants for references, Also available bi-level 4-man, $45/man.! Call 761-5692 or 1-864-3852 C53 DODGE MOTOR HOMEI Rent our new deluxe air-conditioned' home-on-wheels for your family's touring and camping trips. Accom- modates 6 in luxury. Self-powered and self-contained. No worry about park or motel accommodations. Re- serve now. See at 2512 Prairie, Brom- ley subdivision off Plymouth Road. ,-- - C9 EFFICIENCY APT. Newly decorated. Near St. Joseph's Hospital. 769-0425. RbOM WITH private bath available for. grad student in residence of healthy gentleman in his 80's who wishes to share a single rm. Close to Burns Park. and convenient to main cam- pus. Call 663-5107. C12 24-HOUR Dial-Apartment 761-8786, C4 1335 GEDDES FALL OCCUPANCY Spacious 4-man 2-bdrm. furnished apt. with wall to wall carpeting, new fur- nishing, air-conditioned, laundry. storgge, and parking facilities. CAMPUS' MANAGEMENT, INC. X37 E. Huron Days 662-7787, Eves. 761-1498 Cl ALBERT TERtRACE 4 MAN BI-LEVEL 2 air-conditioners, dishwasher, balcon- ies, all masonry, sound conditioned construction. Located on the right side of campus. I OR 2 MEN NEEDED to share 4 man. Air-cond., dishwasher, parking. stereo, TV. balcony, own bdrm. 1 block from campus. Cheap. 769-160 . U24 HONDA C.B. 160, 1966. Must sell. Best I 1 offer takes it away. Call 769-0927. Z19 NIKON "F" with auto F2.0...I....$175 NIKON "T" with auto F1.4.......$250 FOR SALE NIKON "Photmotic" auto F2.0 .. $175 NIKOREX "F" body only for .... $45 NIKORMAT FS body for "55" UNIV. CHARTER Flight No.'2 May MINOLTA S RT 101 with F1.4 ... $185 20-Aug, 19. Call 761-8984. B40 MINOLTA SR lB with FI.4 4110 1963 VW-Good cond. Leaving country. PENTRAX H3v with F2.0......I..$120 $450. 6f5-6098 eyes, and weekends. PENTRAX H2 with Semi-auto Lens $75 B42 MAMIYA PRESS 2x3 like new ... $150 .---------- FRANKTISIX II 2 SCR Chse ... $165 4 iWHY NOT go. to Europe on my U-M chafter- flight ticket? Detroit-Lon- don May 20-Aug. 19. Name your own price. Cafl 663-2993 6 to midnight. B41 AIR-CONDITIONER, HOTPOINT, 115 volts, only slightly used, $85. Call 761-1574. B43 FLY TO EUR. Cheap. May 12-Aug. 13. -+Call 769-5434. L8 R CH? Buy a Marantz. second thought; up grade your sound -with an Acou. stech amp and pre-amp. Solid state. 100 watts RMS. call Lyman, 761- 7306 for a demonstration. B35 UAC CHARTER FLIGHT No. 3. May 12 to Aug. 13. Call 769-5524. B34 HONDA S90. $150. Call 663-7403. B37 HONDA C.B. 160. 1966. Must sell. Best offer takes it away. Call 769-0927. B36 USED CARS RED '65 OLDS Dynamic 88 convertible. Top cond. Call 665-2597. N35 65 ALPINE Series IV. Ied, wire wheels, Tonneau. Call 665-0326 after 6 p.m. N46 F-85 OLDS, 1961. 4 door sedan. Stand- ard, radio, $125. gall 764-0345 days, 761-4191 eves. Ask- Tor Rich. N48 '64 MG-1100. $650 but flexible. NO 2- 2684, N47 1 964 Austin Healv Sprite White, 22.000 miles. $1075. Ask for; Roy Ashmall, 665-0871. N44 '55 OLDS from W. Coast. Low mile- age. $190 for a pampered car. 761-1 7727. N45 1965 CORVAIR, std. 3-speed, radio and snows. Good condition. Call 971-5793 after 5:30. N41 VW, Green Sedan, 1965. 1 owner. Com- plete service record. Radio, snow tires,. excellent cond. $950. Call 761-8513. N43 1964 TRIU7MPH Spitfire. Call 665-9918.. N34 HELP WANTED SCANNER EWanted - Student wife living near North Campus. No previous training' needed-to read tracks in nuclear h nhntoJJ6 hpa c, UionO with . micro- MAMIYAFLEX 03 F2. ..,... Now $110 ROLLIOFLEX "F" Case M test ... $225 TELEROLLIE with case for....... $185 CENTURY CAMERA 12838 Woodward-Deroit TO 5-0300 Take Edsel Ford Expr. to John Lodge North-Exit Glendale-Right-Turn to Woodwa rd OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 P.M. DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUM I NOUS PAPER WE BUY, TRADE, SELL (Michigan Bank & Security Charge accepted) L WANTED TO BUY STEAL A MOVIE CAMERA 16 mm. sell it to a deserving cinema- tography student. Call 761-7306 in- stantly. K23 TRANSPORTATION 2 SPACES available on U of M group flight NY-London-NY June 28-Aug. 14. $230 ea, Call Caro Sorenson, 764- 0510. 08 MUST SELL ticket to Europe Cheap. Leave Sunday, May 12. Return Aug. 1, 13. Call 769-5804. G9 RIDER WANTED to L.A. area M. or F. Call collect 1-868-5524. Leaving May 25-28. G7 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA 305. 3500 miles. Excellent cond., racing bars, custom fender and paint job, buco-helmet. $405. Call Steve, 761-4245, Z25 HONDA S90, 3700 miles .Best offer 761- 6935. 26, ' 1966 HONDA 50 step-through model. Electric starter. 1000 miles. $135. Call 229-4491 Brighton. Z27 1966 H~ONDA $90 with: Luggage rack and 2 free helmets: 769-3342. Z28 HONDA 160 - Good condition, 4800 n les, 2 helmets, cover, best offer 4 r $250 Call 761-8194. Z21 4i PHOTO SUPPLIES USED SPECIALS Charter 1335 S. University ReaIty 665-8825 pnooograpn einuisos win;mir C51 scope. $1.82 per hour to start. Con- ALLSTATE '63, red, buddy seat, 125cc, - -tact Personnel Office, 1020 Adm H low mileage, good cond., best offer. istration Bldg. Phone 764-7280. H3I 761-6902. Z22 handicapped student. 20-28 yrs. old. 59 TRIUMPH 650. Call 769-4928. Z23 handicapped student, 21-28 yrs. old.;- Must be able to drive. $50 per wk. '66 HONDA $90. 2500 miles, runs beau- plus rm. and board. Weekends ,off. tifully. Call Jim Purdy around 6 at Call 769-5154. H41 663-2313. Z24 PTS. GIL-..........eens o GIRL NEEDED to work weekends for HONDA S90. 1965 w/helmet. Excel. cond. 'EOPLE handicapped student. Must be able $220. 761-6409. Z16 to drive. 12 noon Sat, to 6 p.m. Sun. $15/wk. Must stay overnight. WANTED TO RENT Call 769-5154. H44WT FALL A NO 8-6906 761-2943 C23 FOR 2-6 P ti Kennedy used a casual approach at an Indianapolis shopping center AVAILABLE NOW until Aug. 24-Huge, loveable apt. for 2-5 or family. Close to campus. Rent negotiable. 665-4200. 07. Avialable Now Call Summit Associates 2-man luxury apartment. Summer rates. New Building. Best sound-proofing in town. 761-7600 C3 FEMALE ROOMMATE. Own room inE furnished apt. 512 S. Division, No. 4. Rent negotiable. 769-0413. 015" SINGLE RMS. for male grads-Reason- able, near campus. Call 665-4203. C8 BARGAIN CORNER Sam s Store' Has Gpnuine LEVI'S GaloreI For GALS and GUYS -JUST ARRIVED- LEVI'S FOR GALS! NEW STYLES AND COLORS GALORE! BUTTON FLY LEVI'S $5.29. (Guaranteed to shrink) SUPER SLIM DEMINS $5.50I S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S, $6.98 WHITE LEVI'S $4.98 4 Colors and Pure White WOOl CPO SH I RTS t 761-8055 REAL PROPERTY APPRAISED Needed by the city of Ann Arbor to appraise, record, and classify prop- erty for purpose of taxation, other related work as required. Degree in Business Administration desirable. Starting salary is $7228-7878 depend- ing on qualifications, with rapid in- creases. A truly outstanding fringe benefit program includes: 1-21 wks. pd. vacation 2-1 day a mo. sick leave-Blue C42 Cross Hospitalization-Life - -- Insurance-Retirement Contact Personnel Office, Cjty Hall, 100 N. Fifth Ave. .' SUMMER SUBLET BIG CHANCE. People needed immedi- An equal opportunity employer ately or for summer term. Own bdrm. H46 in big house. Call Muffy or Lee, 665- E m 2181 after 5. U39 STUDENT- WIFE to babysit in my _,_____ 3-9 home. 15-20 hours per wk. Good pay. SUBLET, very large bi-level. 4-man, Large yard. May bring another child. central air-cond. 2 bdrms., balcony, 663-6368. H45 etc. 921 S. Main, Apt. 29. See man- ager, Apt. 12 or phone 665-8330. U40 TYPING in my home. Theses, term papers. 662-1863. J48 GRAD COUPLE need 2 bdrm. unit starting 7/1 or 8/1, campus or commuting. Write Atrams, 1721 York No., Mpls., Minn. L19 MARRIED GRAD student couple seek- ing 2 bdrm. apt. within 20 min. drive of campus. $140/mo. max. Call 662-7904 or 769-4210. L18 MISCELLANEOUS LEARN TO SAIL. Enroll now for les- sons in beginning or advanced tech- niques. Phone 761-1208 evenings. M29 GENERAL Secretarial Work. Has had experience in insurance office. Ex- cellent typist. Available part-time. -665-4578. M32 FRENCH LESSONS. All levels. By ex- perienced, native teacher. Call 665- 2103, eves. M33 SPECIAL LECTURE "Biochemical Dis- crimination Between Benign and Malignant Neural Crest Tumors" by Prof. Aarn H. Anton, PhD. 2:30 p.m. Thurs., May 9, rm. 6450 University Hospital. NM28 AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pups, beautifully marked, excellent with children and for hunting. Call HU 3-5973 after Ijoon. SAILING instructor needed for sum- mer employment in Bay City, Mich. Housing supplied. Contact Lake Hur- on SaltBoats & Co.. 408 N. Hampton, Bay City, Mich. Phone 517 684-2970. M30 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS Summer Sublet Call Summit Associates 761-8055 SECRETARIAL-CLERK TYPIST Long and short term temporary posi- tions. 45 W.P.M. typing. Minimum $1.90 to $2.25 per hour depending on experience and skills. Contact V of M Part-Time Employment Office, 2200 S.A.B. Phone 764-2783. H47 LIBRARY ASSISTANT - U22 Prefer facility with at least one Eu- for ropean language, college background, tfr typing of 40 w.p.m. or better. Salary -Aug. $350 per month to start. Contact U42 U of -M Personnel Office, 1020 Ad- an, 2 ministration Building. Phone 764- loca- 7280, H48 . U43 MOTHER'S HELPER-Watch children -s and light house keeping, full time. $ouse. 35/wk.. plus room and board. Call i 1 BDRM., nicely furnished, perfec married couples. Avail. June 15 25. 405 Nob Hill. 665-9803 eves. AVAIL. JUNE-AUG.-Modern 4-ma bdrm. apt. Air-cond. Excellent 1 tion. 1320 S. University.769-0438 1302 OLIVIA, 4-man 1st floor of h Fireplace, basement, large back! Near Burns Park. Best offer $100/mo. Call 769-5448 after 6 ENORMOUS SINGLE (good for co " block from Angell Hall. Cool. yard. over p.m. U44 uple) $200 761-5431 after 5 p.m. H40j WANTED: College student for pianoj bar. Northern Mich. summer resort. Write P.O. box 215, Petoskey, Mich- igan. H35' SONY 350 tape deck. Best offer. 761- 6935. X45 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Acoustic, electric instruments, acces- ories, David lessons-repairs. Gibson, Harmony. 209 S. State. 665-8001, 10- 7 p.m. X ,. r .