Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS columbia: The sevendays' war sere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers. or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1968 NIGHTEDITOR: JOHN GRAY : Federal spending cut: Why Hot Vietnam? PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S proposed 10 per cent income tax surcharge came one step closer to passage Monday when a majority of the members of the key House Ways and Means Committee, including its chairman, Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.),'agreed to support the $10 bil- lion tax hike if it is coupled with a '$4 billion cut in government spending. The only problems remaining are to hammer out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the budget' and to decide where the spending cuts should be made. While various "non- essential" projects - such as our space program - have been. recommended for the scrap heap, it seems foolish to aban- don these ventures while we continue to pour over $2 billion a month into the most non-essential project of all-the war in Vietnam. This, of course, is the one area which' no one seems to have suggested might be a good, one in which to decrease spend-_ ing. Instead it is proposed that federal funds for education, space exploration, highway development or agricultural sub- sidies be cut. And because, with the exception of farm subsidies, none of these programs has very many people to lobby for it, they are almost certain to/ be the ones to get the ax. It's a pity, because these are just thef programs (again, with the exception of agricultural subsidies) which are among those which will probably be most bene- ficial for the nation in the long run.- A SUBSTANTIAL cut in military spend- ing, however, would be both diplo- matically and economically desirable. A cut in Vietnam spending would have to be achieved either through reduced troop commitmeits (probably achieved' by shipping no additional men overseas and letting the number of troops dimin- ish as terms of duty expired) or through drastic cutbacks in bombing. Since the last month's sham bomb halt is hardly the kind of demonstration of good faith we should bring with us to the Paris con- ference tables, a genuine' halt in the bombing might well be in order at this time. A reduction in Vietnam spending would also be valuable for economic rea- sons. The whole purpose of the proposed tax hike is to hold back inflation by re- ducing the amount of money available for private consumption. Cutbacks in government spending, similarly," will be that much reduction in public consump- tion. In theory at least, the combined impact will be to stop or slow the rise in prices while maintaining our present level of resource utilization. One of the byproducts of the wave of inflation we have been experiencing for the past four years has been a growing lack of faith abroad in the stability/ of the dollar. The higher American prices climb, the harder it is to sell our. pro- ducts abroad, and the easier it becomes for foreign merchants to sell their goods in the United States. This, coupled with an estimated $25-30 billion a year being spent in Vietnam, means the country is faced with a serious balance of payments problem, which can lead to speculative runs on gold such as hit the international money markets three months ago. CUTTING MILITARY spending in Viet- nam, apart from decelerating the war and allowing us to keep more worth- while programs intact would be an im- portant first step toward lowering our balance of payments deficit and restor- ing international confidence in the dollar. -JENNY STILLER By STEVE DIAMOND Liberation News Service Second of Three Parts WEDNESDAY was tense, but the driving rain served to miti- gate the tension. At around 4:30 p.m., Dean Coleman and two others emerged from Malcolm X/ Hamilton Hall. Coleman stated that four black students had en- tered his office and told him he might leave if he wished. The ap- parent reason for this move was that the students who were holding the building felt violence (between themselves and NYC police) was in the wind and did not want to be responsible for Coleman's health. Outside the building, Coleman stated that he had been treated "very nicely." The blacks then called a press conference, stating their condi- tions to the hungry pack-of-news- man, yipping to be allowed inside. The blacks announced that one man from each press service would be allowed in, but the New York Daily News reporter would be ex- cluded because the News, an arch- conservative tabloid, was a racist paper. White student sympathizers outside Malcolm X/Hamilton Hall cheered this move. The order of admittance for newsmen was: black newsmen from black media; black student press; white student press; 4) black reporters from white media; whites from white media. By now, both the black and white students had formulated de- mands, each separate but basically asking for the same things. The demands were: * All work on Columbia Gym must cease immediately. t Institute for Defense Analysis must leave Columbia. s Six students involved in IDA demonstration in March must not be suspended. , Amnesty for all in current demonstration. 0 Dropping of charges on ar- rests of previous community dem- onstration again the gym. Edict on no indoor demonstra- tions must be dropped. Thursday, April 25 On Thursday night, the threat of police intrusion on campus be- came more apparent., Police had been present in increasing strength since the beginning of the revolu- tion, but on Thursday night it seemed likelythat the cops would come in and bust students in the liberated buildings. New YorkSNCC, Harlem CORE, and many .other black-oriented community groups had promised to come up to the Morningside Heights campus to 'demonstrate in support of the blacks in Malcolm X/Hamilton Hall and in sympathy with the white SDS members and their groups who were now holed up in Low Library, Avery Hall, and Fayerweather Hall, the "third front" which was opened Thurs- day Afternoon. On Thursday night a mob of approximately three hundred Co- umbia athletes formed at the 116th street entrance to the campus, a forty-foot wide open gate facing Broadway. Earlier Thursday, at the request of Lean Coleman, the university had sealed off the en- tire campus by closing approxi- mately thirty entrances, leaving only the two main campus en- trances, 116th and Broadway and 116th and , Amsterdam Avenue, open. AT THE BROADWAY entrance, the jocks were trying to keep back a crowd of slightly larger size composed of the Harlem groups who had sworn to come on the campus in support of their bar- ricaded brothers. There were only a handful of police present and they were mainly concerned with trying to keep traffic moving past the community people who couldn't "It became necessary to destroy the university to save it!" The greatest show on earth push their way on to the campus and were spilling over into the street. Charles Kenyatta, a prominent black legder and head of the Har- lef Mau Maus, stood up on a car and spoke to the crowd through a bullhorn. "You depend on ;mob support. Man for man you are nothing. You wouldn't be able to attend this university if your grandfathers hadn't gotten rich off the black man's backs. We are going in to support the black stu- dents and their white brothers who are defending the Harlem com- munity, representinga community which has been ignored so far by the Columbia racist administra- tion." While Kenyatta was addressing the crowd, the athletes, who were beginning to feel the surge of those outside the. gate area, began chanting "Hold that line, hold that line." At that point, an un- identified SNCC organizer took the bullhorn from Henyatta and said, ; "If you people don't move away and let us through the cam- pus there is going to be violence. I don't intend to let any college- educated honkie stop me now, especially you jocks. I used to be a jock too,-a BLACK jock." Police at this point decided to enter the confrontation. Sur- prisingly, they opened up a path- way for the black people from Harlem and the supporting stu- dents from NYU and other local schools to come through. Dean Coleman, recently released from Malcolm X/Hamilton Hall, took the microphone and announced; "We are going to walk these peo- ple through the campus, and there will be no violence." ALTHOUGH THERE were minor scuffles with some of the ath- letes, there was no major ac- tion. The five hundred marchers walked briskly through the college walk, 116th Street from Broadway to Amsterdam Avenue, and then followed Kenyatta down into the Morningside Park area where. speeches were made against Co- lumbia's racist gym. Sensing that everything seemed to be slowing down, I went over to Low Library where the SDS group was in control of President Grayson Kirk's office suite of four rooms. i had not been in the building yet, and I was curious about the condition inside. In order to get by the thirty or so NYC police ringing the building, I had to climb a fifteen foot wall, which fortunately had window gratings that made the scaling quite easy. Inside, a meeting was in pro- gress. About fifty people in one room were debating the tactics to be used if the rumored police bust came later that night. I walked through the - dissheveled office, noting files spread out of. desks and fancy cigar boxes, now empty. All told, there were slightly over one hundred people in the presi- dent's office. While I was walking around the office, a tall white headed man came through the window. It was Stephen Spender, the sixtyish ex- editor of the British publication Encounter and a well-known poet. Spender smiled at the scene and very modestly began talking with the students. On his rumpled con- servative blue suit was a red but- ton with a cartoon of a rat hold- ing a rifle; the logo of an under- ground NYC paper, "The Rat." AS I HAD HEARD that another front was opening up in the Ma- thematics Building, I climbed back down out 'of Low in order to go over to Mathematics, about one hundred yards away. A large group of counter-demgnstrators had formed around the Low Library windows and were screaming for blood. But they could not get near enough to get into the liberated president's office. By quietly sneaking into the all- but-deserted building, SDS stu- d e n t s liberated Mathematics Building. There were several night, maids working, but they were quietly escorted out of the build- ing. Barricades were' quickly set up, but the university at that time (approximately 12:30 at night) was not aware of the new front. When Vice-President Truman was informed of the fifth building taken over by students, he issued a statement that police would soon be called in to free the build- ings. Truman had been pressured by the jocks who claimed the ad- ministration had deserted them by taking no action against SDS. An emergency faculty meeting was called. About three hundred fac- ulty attended. The faculty voted to link arms in front of all five "liberated" buildings in order to force the police to go over the fac- ulty members if they wanted to! get into the buildings. WKCR shut down for approxi- mately one-half hour after threats by the trustees that its license would be revoked. This example of the trustee's arrogance was a predictable concomitant of WK- CR's unbiased reporting. But it resumed broadcasting after V.P. Truman responded to protests and ordered the station to continue. THIRTY TO FORTY plain- clothes police were the first to ar- rivehat Low Library. They at- tempted to storm into the building, clubbing several faculty members in the process. Prof. Greenman," of the French Dept and a mem- ber of SDS, was hit on the skull and was led away bleeding pro- fusely. Vice ,Pres. Truman, who was inside Low Library, stopped the plainclothesmen who had suc- ceeded in passing the faculty, from entering the barricaded presiden- tial offices. Around 3:15 a.m., Truman came out and announced to a crowd of approximately a thousand faculty; athletes and demonstrators that he had originally called police but rescinded the decision at faculty request, and that Mayor John Lindsay and President Kirk had decided to stop work on the Co- lumbia Gymnasium until "every- thing is worked out." Truman also announced that the entire univer- sity would be shut down until Monday, April 29th, and that Fri- day morning at ten a.m. a faculty meeting would be held. Police then began departing, leaving behind skeleton crews at all entrances to the campus. Friday was a stalemate. Around three thirty in the afternoon, four hundred high school kids from Harlem flooded the campus. Im- mediately thereafter, police moved in on the remaining two entrances to the campus, the two 116th Street entrances, and set up a checkpoint whereby people would have to show Columbia identifica- tion to get on campus. I spoke with some of the high school kids, who told me that they had come to show support for the black stu- dents who were holed up in Mal- colmX/Hamilton Hall. Ted Francis, a senior from Brandeis H.S., on the west side, held a huge sign which read "LBJ & RUSK - YOU COOL IT." Francis said that "The black peo- ple haven't known who they were for hundreds of years. Now we know, old men and children, every one knows who we, the black people, are. No more NEGROES- just black people." The students who were barri- caded in Malcolm X Hall did not admit the high school. kids for fear of loosening security measures and depleting food and water sup- plies. They also did not want' to assumeresponsibility for the safe- tY of the high school kids in the event of violence. AT AROUND 3:30 on Friday, Rap Brown and Stokely Car- michael showed up. They had a bit of a hassle at the guarded gate but strode right through and walked briskly to Malcolm X/Ha- Milton Hall. They were inside for about forty-five minutes when both suddenly came out. Brown took the reporters' microphones and spoke to a mixed crowd of leftists, athletes, black high school kids, and concerned faculty and administration members, number- ing over a thousand. "The black students and some of the community brothers have held Hamilton for over fifty-si; hours in protest against the racist policies of the university which has refused to alter these policies under normal protests. We have exerted every possible means to stop this racist activity but can no longer resort to non-violence. There are our demands: if the Jim Crow-Gym in Mornngsde Park is built it will be blown up; amnesty for all students partici- pating in these demonstrations here at Columbia, Institute for Defense Analysis must go. It is a tool of the government, the racist government, to suppress the poor peoples of the world, Latin Amer- ica and the ghettoes of this cou- try. "If the university meets the first two demands then the black students will negotiate the third. If not, the students will remain indefinitely. They have set up an' efficient working cafeteria and have large supplies of food. They also have a doctor in there and a good infirmary system. Their mo- rale is extremely high, they know they will win. They are in com- plete control of Malcolm X/Ha- milton Hall and are not going to let any Honky cops in. If they have to, they will get massive support from Harlem. Ig the university refuses to deal with us, with the black brothers inside this building, then they had better be prepared to deal with the black brothers in the streets." Then Brown and Carmichael, whose only comment had been "Rapis my leader,he speaks for me," left very quickly. TOMORROW:THE END GAME °' * 4 4 THE HOUSE Un-American Activities Committee has never won any prizes for the sophistication of its analysis of social upheavals. But with its latest re- port on Communist infiltration 'of the black nationalist movement and its pro- posals .for containin'g Communist-in- spired black guerrillas, HUAC has out- done itself. The linking of Communists and black guerrillas (and the slippery vocabulary, which equates black nationalists with guerrillas) is so clearly an echo of the past that it hardly desefves comment. Whether or not any of HUAC's qubstan- tive charges iare true is almost irrelevant at this point: what else could HUAC have been expected to find? Indeed, had HUAC stopped with this, few eyebrows would have been raised. What attracted national attention was 'the. committee's suggestions for dealing with black guerrillas. "The McCarran Act provides for various detention cen- ters to be operated throughout the coun- try," its report stated, "and these might well be utilized for the temporary im- prisonment of warring guerrillas." No comment WHAT IS critical in the crisis is that when some Negroes kick up a fuss' about the way they live, and others take advantage of the fuss to go on disorderly sprees, the authorities respond with a murderous fearful vidlence wholly dis- proportionate to the offenses. The (Kerner Commission) Report finds that rioters killed only two of Detroit's 43, dead. . There may be and have been other possible readings of this Report. Mine is that its driving argument is one against the violent repression of Negroes. This is a difficult and unpopular argument. t make when the prevailing, not always outspoken agreement seems to be that if repression is not the right thing to do, it may be the only thing to do. In strict cost analysis terms-say in dollars per peaceful Negro-it is the cheapest. And a growing body of opinion holds that if the state is neitb'r to "appease" rioters Copies of the report haven't arrived in Ann Arbor yet and none of the stories in the national press explained why the committee recommended the reincarna- tion of detention centers, so it is prob-' ably unfair to condemn the proposal out of context. Yet one is left with the strong impression that HUAC would have to devise a fairly complicated argument to demonstrate why existing means of in- carceration are insufficient to handle the hordes of Communist black guerrillas who inhabit our urban jungles. The committee's morbid fascination with offbeat punishment techniques like the detention centersis only slightly-less. scary than its proposal to issue a census card on each slum-dweller bearing his photograph and providing information of the name and address variety. For this HUAC's report offered a fairly elaborate explanation: "This, classifica- tion would aid the authorities in know- ing the exact location of any suspect and who is in control of any given district." THE PHILOSOPHY behind issuing cards to all slum-dwellers niftily flies in the face of the facts (which show only small minorities of slum inhabitants par- ticipating in disorderly riots and say al- most nothing about the extent of "guer- )rilla activity" - what the committee is allegedly concerned with, after all), landing in a presumption of guilt pro- foundly alien to the American tradition of justice. Above and beyond innocent- until-proven-guilty objections, the whole idea of issuing information cards on citi- zens reeks of creeping big brotherism. Fortunately, HUAC's recommendations are not likely to be implemented. The committee's principal functions seem to be to provide a tension-reducing, blow- ing-off-steam place for those paranoiacs who sincerely believe the internal Com- munist conspiracy theory and to ruin the lives (or, alternately, make martyrs) of those who naively sign petitions of pro- test, unaware that there exist organiza- tions like HUAC which comb the signa- tures to see if any Communists or Com- munist fronts have signed the same pe- tition. Long ago HUAC ceased to be im- ' ..,.. r . ... M1...L.R .A..... x....Yrl....t..Y.., } , ..r. ..... ......: "." ..... ........ ..."........... """ ...... .. ....... .. "........r ^. Y."t":xVr.t4Y.'".V.tV:rtY: ""N::: t."W r.b "r: J xx"XtV:::: r.Y ttV:: rt. .ttt""rx:.t V.tY .:"tr:.t'rx.'."" .... . :rrxn ' . .:::: t:: ' .. .. .........:.............1...5..........: ".4., . h h .r....tL .1 . ....h.r. .h...... " t ..................... ...".. . f y ....... .. ".. A.... ..... .......... ...t .....4.. " ... 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As a former Catholic, I found many such people in the church-it has been a source of constant dismay and disillusion- ment with organized religion. The South, of course, is known as the "Bible Belt"; this would be greatly amusing if the problem were rot so real and serious. How can a man profess to love God, yet hate his fellow man?! It brings to mind a line from "The Eve of Destruction"-"Hate your next door neighbor/but don't forget to say grace." This religious hypo- crisy, the complete lack of hon- esty, even with oneself, is at the root of so many of the world's' problems. It is manifested in the white suburbanite, calling himself a lib- Pr" t n1 .syA ~+ Kthe xanetime Aficrhtin~r racism lies the real danger-the man who says, "I'm not preju- diced, but . . ." and all the other time-worn cliches; the George Wallace's and the Lester Maddox's of the world are not the problem; it's the people who aren't preju- diced . . . just "realistic." I'm rambling now-I wanted to tell you that Mr. Wildstrom wrote a fine editorial. I have always thought Jews (as a whole) less prejudiced than others, but I guess no group is without its blind men. Perhaps your editorial will open a few eyes-lest they have forgotten. You did a great job. -Amy Bachelder Exploitation To the Editor: W HEN I WAS A student at, Michigan I had the privilege of meeting many students from the Middle East. At that time, 1954-1956, I listened to these stu- in my classes and identified the Israelis with these classmates from New York and Chicago. As a pre-seminary student, I held a Biblical eschatology based on the literal return of the Jews to the Holyland. After two and a half years serv- ice with the church here in Jor- dan, I wonder how emotional and complaining I have to become af- ter seeing injustice pour like muddy waters. I wonder now how anti- Semitic I have become after I've seen the weak exploited by the Zionists., I wonder also about my own theology when I see the sec- ularists and Zionists try to build a nation on the naive faith of many Jews as well as Christians. If any student now studying is fortunate to have an Arab student as a friend, please try to under- stand that it is easy for one to become emotional and cynical af- ter seeing what has happened to the people here. I also would like thPCP apctndpcntq to now vrnrthat Today only a few people seem to care about this area of the. world. I am happy to say that' many Jewish men have spoken, against the modern state of Is- rael. Thes4 leaders realize that Zionism and Jewish faith are not equivalent. I-hope that in the days to come mo e studients and others will see that Israel's aggressive and over-confident position is becom- ing too burdensome for America as it has been for the Arabs in the last twenty years. -Rev. David Bentley Amman H. K. Jordan 1 \1 tI goo,", I -WWT I