-- -1 Pege Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 27, 1968 f 3 X Pag~ Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, Augu~t 27, 1968 y a i --URBAN LEHNER-- i- .n Research sit-in LAST NOVEMBER, a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal visited Ann Arbor on an assignment which would have puzzled the know-nothings in the state legislature who regard any political expression by students as inherently subversive: he was to find out why student protests at the University of Michigan were so tamhely non-violent and non-disruptive compared to those at other univer- sities At the time, it seemed like a good question for anyone-but especially a reporter from a newspaper in the state of Wisconsin- to ask. During the previous months there had been student demon- strations at both the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin, and by comparison Michigan, seemed a hotbed of sweet reasonableness. In Madison, a few hundred students sat-in on the hallway floor of a classroom building to protest recruiting by Dow Chemical Com- pany. The police arrived and demanded an end to the sit-in. When some of the students blocked their entrance, the police reacted with savage brutality. Sixty-five students were injured, many of them onlookers or'those passing between classes. IN ANN ARIOR, over 250 students and 30 faculty members sat-in in the lobby of' the administration building to demand an end to University acceptance of classified research contracts from the Department of Defense and University assistance to counter-insur- gency work in Thailand. At the offset they voted to eschew "disrup- tive" tactics, but that only serves to illustrate how meaningless the word ha become: sitting-in in the lobby of the administration building, the protesters here were far more disruptive of the normal process of work and life than those who staged their demonstration in a classroom building at Wisconsin. Nevertheless, the day was uneventful. There was a lot of talk, a number of paper motions were passed, a few University vice presidents got the afternoon off. Six hours after it had begun, the protest gagged in its own rhetoric and the 25 who had remained to the end tramped wearily out of the building. Since then, the University is still working hand in hand with the Royal Thai military, and the faculty committee set-up the day before the sit-in to review classified research policy has given Willow Run Labs a blank check. NOW WHY, the journalist from the Journal wanted to know, did the protests at the two schools have much different denouements? The answer lies in the reactions of the administration. At the Univer- sity the police not only weren't called in, according to one version of the story Vice President Perpont actually asked them to stay away. Vice President Norman volunteered to discuss the issues with the sitters-in and for the next two hours an honest if sometimes un- informed and frustrating evasive dialogue took place. Vice President Cutler strolled through the crowd, joking with students. When the scene shifted to the hallways on the first and second floors, Vice President Smith sat-in with the protesters outside his own office. President Hatcher, as was his wont, was out of town. Although the University has never treated a student protest with such civility, few protests have had more serious consequences. No demonstration on the University campus In recent memory has ended in violence, although the draft rankings crisis of November 1966, in which over 5000 students mobilized, obviously had the potential, Only one building has been "liberated" a la Columbia, by black stu- dents last April, and that was under clearly extraordinary circum- stances and the administration handled it thusly. The whole thing was over in five hours, and there were no reprisals. YET, I DO NOT subscribe to the "it can't happen here" school of thought. The sociogical profile of the student body, and especially of the radical students, is strikingly similar to that of students at Wisconsin and Zerkeley, scenes of numerous violent incidents in the past few years. The national issues are the same everywhere. And although it appears that the administration here has finally learned how to handle demonstrations when they happen, it is still incredibly insensitive to student opinion on local issues. In fact, I think the University right now is sitting on a bomb which could explode at any time. Part of the explosive potential exists because the administration, as well as much of the faculty, is afflicted with the same law-and-order complex which riddles the larger society we live in. Administrators are so concerned with averting manifestations of unhappiness that they never really listen to what students are saying, never deal with their arguments on a serious intellectual level. YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR U of M MUSIC UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GLEE CLUB: White Tie and Tails... ,On Tour.. . Go Blue Songs of American Universities UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BAND: Kick Off, U.S.A... Touchdown, U.S.A. Hail Sousa ... On TourI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FRIARS P.S. We also have U of M Songbooks Hatcher report: Bese t by troubles By JOHN GRAY. The Hatcher Commission, a1 child of compromise and student power, was born in December, 1966. In the wake of almost a month of student teach-ins, sit-, ins and ultimatums. At this print- ing the Regents are considering, a series of proposed bylaw revi- sions that would translate some of the Commission's proposais, into the law of the University., The 17 months between the formation of the Commission and the beginning of Regental imple- mentation were relatively quiet for the Commission and its mem- bers: a quiet that was in sharp contrast to both the circumstances of the formation and the threat of student action following Re- gental proposals for implementa- tion, In November, 1966,..the campus was readying for a Student Gov- ernment Council-sponsored ref- erendum to determine whether the University should compile class rankings for the Selective Serv- ice System. Before the voting, SGC, Voice and The Daily de- manded that the University abide by the students' decision, what- ever it might be. Voice threat- ened disruptive sit-ins and dem- onstrations if the demand was refused. Vice President for Student Af- fairs Richard L. Cutler responded to the threats by quickly and quietly instituting a banon dis- rptive 'sit-ins.' $GC 'promptly withdrew from the Office of Stu- dent Affairs to protest this move, leaving itself in a state of insti- tutional limbo that still cor fuses members and administrators. By this time, events had started moving fast and it looked like the administration had -a full- fledged student movement on its hands, First, the students reject- ed ranking by a two to one mar- gin Then, a teach-in sponsored by a loose coalition of Voice and SGC filfed Hill Aud. to capacity and came up with a collective ultima- tum: either the University imme- diately rescind the sit-in ban and comply with the results of the draft referendum, or it would be faced with a sit-in in the Admin- istration Building. The night before the sit-in was to take place, then-President Har - lan Hatcher issued a compromise proposal to the University com- Inunity. He set up three Presiden- tial Commissions to deal with the student demands and temporarily rescinded the sit-in ban. The proposals were met with mixed reactions from the mem-I bers of the loose student coali- tion. Although some claimed thei fight had been won, others de- manded action rather than study. And although 1500 students sat in, the unity was lost, the mo-' mentum was gone and finals were coming up. The student movement was effectively dead, leaving be- hind a Student Government Coun-I cil of doubtful status, three,.Pres- idential Commissions and a lot of bad feelings and distrust. Hatcher's Commission on the Sit-in ;Ban never got off the groad: the issue was dead as the. ban was never reinstated. The Commission on the Draft and Class Ranking issued its re- port in April, 1967. Although it supported the administration's; stance on ranking, student lead- ers never saw fit to make an is- sue of it again. The President's Commission on the Role of the Student in Deci- sion-Making deliberated for over a year. When' its report was fi- nally issue last March, it had been all but forgotten by the students whose-protests forced its formation. The Commission's report was sweeping. Made up of four stu- dents, four faculty members and ifour administrators, the group called for the formation of a- campus- wide University Council which would be composed of equal numbers of faculty, stu- dents and administrators and which would make rules for all "members of the University com- munity." The Commission also stated that the formation of a student judiciary system was "the pri- mary responsibility of the stu- dents.°- The student judicial system, like student government, should be a primary responsibilty* of the students ofrthe University. The Commission recommends that a central judicial system' be established incorporating the following provisions: 1. original jurisdiction by stu- dents, 2. due process, 3. faculty review of those de-, cisions involving suspension or expulsion.- The Commission recognizes, that certain colleges and profes- sional schools already have es- tablished judicial systems that incorporate these characteristics. However, to provide the most consistent campus-Wide pattern, we urge that these units and all others move to the central sys- tem upon its development. The Commission members neg- ldcted to clarify the question of who had judicial jurisdictior over faculty and staff infractions of University Council regulations. According to most members of the Commission, the intent was that there should be separate sys- tems set up for hearing com- plaints against faculty and staff. This summer's controversy over implementation' of the Commis- sioin report began at theRegents' regular meeting in April. At the meeting the Regents "approved in principle" portions of the report, including the formation of Uni- versity Council and the principle p that regulation of students while off-acmpus should be left en- tirely to civil authorities. The Regents met with the mem- bers of the Commission and de- cided to have the report drawn up in bylaw form. According to Commission members, they agreed. that the drafting would be done by another commission, to be composed of one student, one faculty member and one adminis- trator. However, the Regents later as- signed the task of drafting the bylaws to Cutler. Their charge to him did not include any of the provisions that Commission mem- bers say were agreed upon. He was asked that the drafting not be done by 'him alone, ,nd in in- terpreting this request he con- sulted with two faculty members and two students of his own se- lection. When SGC and the Commission became aware that the final draft of a bylaw establishing Univer- sity Council had been prepared, many expressed immediate con- cern that they had not been aware of the drafting and its procedures. After they read thee draft, reactions ranged from being "a littletroubled" to shocked in- dignation at the proposal. The consensus of those disturb- ed by the proposed bylaw was that more time was necessary. Although the Regents charged Cutler with preparing the bylaw by their regular May meeting most observers felt, that the Rhegents shoulddelay action on the pro- posal until all complaints had been thoroughly considered and discussed. Cutler agreed not to recommend passage' of the proposal to the Regents. But the final decision remained with them. A Regental move unacceptable to most students threatens. at the printing. of this article. If the Regents do decide to pass the by- law as currently proposed, stus dent unrest - and perhaps an- other Presidential Commission-- can be expected. - Fall 1966, 1500 students s ttitg in prefaoe tQonhmiSsionI A GREAT MYSTERY: How mucht cantthen-l U know of. you By LESLIE WAYNE One of the great mysteries of, the University remains: what kind of records are kept for each stu- dent, and how many people have' access to those records? With the numerous tabs the University keeps on students. frcmt results of the cooked 'or is it raw) carrots test to encounters with Health Service, the problem of privacy becomes a touchy - and confusing-issue. For example, concerning the draft, the University follows a policy of releasing only "ublic" information--such as addresses and dates of attendance at the University. All other information; is released only upon written re- quest from the student. Yet many departments keep' records, and each department has its own rules. The. problem swelled from a; nagging concern to a crucial issue in August, 1966, when the Uni- versity, upon request, submitted membership lists of three student ol-gazations to the House Un- American Activities Committee. The groups were Voice-SDS, the W.E.B. DuBois Club and the Committee to Aid the Vietnamese. Following a long, heated con- troversy, a special subcommittee of the Committee on Student Re-, cords and Their Use was set u), sponsored by Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cut- ler. Members were the then As- sistant to the Director of Coun- seling James Lawler, who is now assistant director of student org- anizations. and two students, one graduate and one undergraduate By the following sprin-, th- Lawler committee compiled a re- port which would have detined the position of the University in respect to such records. However, both Student Govrn-[ inent Council and Graduate As- sembly refused to accept the Law - lcr report, largely because it gA:,ve wide disciplinary prerogatives to the Vice President for Student Af- fairs. During the past summer, both against unwarranted inquiry." If a student transfers to ano- the Lawler conunittee and the However, the major objection ther University, his objective rec- Civil Liberties Board have been to the report came over a section ord goes with him. The University working on new repor ts. The re- granting the Vice President for will also answer direct questions ports will be issued this fall. Student Affairs the privilege to about the student's behavior. The original Lawlei report as- disclose information about a stu- "Only about five per cent of sified most information as matter dent "to preserve and protect the the running comments are judg- for public record, with the e(cep- reputation and integrity of the ments," explains James W. Shaw tion of University activity ener- University." dean of the literary college. "The al public information -suen as Records are divided into two rest are just notes about the gen- address--could be released to any- categories. objective and subjec- eral course interests of the stu- one. Limited public information tive, in the literary college, the dent." could be released to the preper largest record - keeping depart- Extracurricular records, how- source- -for example. a prospec- men t. All records are kept for five ever, are often of more personal tive employer would be able to to nine years after each student's concern to the student than his see employment rfcords. graduation or departure from the academic record. However, no information wo .ld University. The records are stored If the FBI needs information be released on University icavi- in the depths of Angell Hall. about a student or if he is being ties without a stenement iromn the Objective records include trans- cleared for security, the admin- student. cripts and any correspondence istrative board of the literary col- Until a new report is isued, t he with the University, while com- lege will answer only factual ques- Office of tudent Affairs a ma- ments from counselors make up tions on the "public information" j;or record-keeping ,office, is tol- the bulk of the subjective evi- section but will not reveal the sub- lowing the guidelines already set dence. jective record. up by the Lawler committee. Within the University, both Neither the reconvened Lawler The report alows the OSA to types of records are distributed committee nor the committee withhold any information when on a need-to-know basis among headed by the Civil Liberties "the interests of the University faculty, counselors and adminis- Board is able to disclose any de- or the student are safeguarded trators. tails of their upcoming reports.t 417 E. Liberty music Just past AA Bank NO 2-0675 Former President Hatcher Orp Olllrll r I 1 7 __ J Il 0 --N For Monetary and Am ir igttn Dati Need 0 Swe saym Carli )r BOO K BOO K BOOK BOOK S S S S SLAE R'S Make yourself athome. You'll findh everythi'one d ing you need ia very friendly atmosphere. All this. . nd more SLATER'S BOOKS BOOK BOOK BOOK BOQK S S S S Editorial, Business, or H 336 So. State 662-4543 'i C I A TECD'C _I I 111111 #J