Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Tuesday, August 27, 1968 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 27, 1968 U museums go from prehistory to Picasso By NADINE COHODAS "Don't touch the dinosaur's jaw," is a cry that can be heard in University museums as well as, "on your right we have an early Picasso." A wide variety of exhibits make the University's museums a delight to thousands of ele- mentary school children as well as an integrated part of many University courses. The recently r e m o d e l e d Alumni Memorial Hall, primar- ily used in conjunction with History of Art courses, con- tains several permanent collec- tions included two galleries on the first floor devoted exclu- sively to Oriental art and a dis- play of contemporary art in the main room. The second floor houses more of the museum's permanent art- work including several galleries of western art from the ba- roque to the mpdern period in Europe and America. Among this collection are paintings and sketches by Whistler, Pi- casso, Van Eyck, and sculpture by Rodin and Arp. Also in the second floor per- manent collection is a display .-of ancient eastern art from Persia, Iran, and Mesopotamia. Rugs, sculpture, and etchings comprise this display. In late March the Alumni" Hall acquired its most recent, permanent exhibit,, the . Flor- ence Stol ;collection, also dis- . played on the second floor. Miss Stol is a Michigan alumna who began her collection around 1920. The collection includes sev- eral prints and watercolors by both American and European artists. The temporary exhibit room is also located on the second floor. This year's schedule of visiting exhibits is not yet available, but past displays have included paintings by Tao Chi, a 11th century Chinese artist, artwork of alumni, and the Berkley collection presently displayed by the University of California. The Print Study room, an- other new addition, is exclu- sively for the history of Art department. It houses the mu- seum's collection of prints, and a graduate art student is on hand to assist any interested students. A laboratory was installed in the basement of the Alumni Hall where research is being done orr'the methods for better preservation of art works. In the field of Natural Sci- ences the Exhibit Museum of- fers several detailed displays of simulated environments native to North American animals, and a ,special prehistoric exhibit. The museum was designed as a supplement to the general sciences. Consequently many courses include museum trips as part of the semester work. Zoology and geology students, for example, can find displays of evolution and ecosystems as well as fossil remains and rocl collections. Astronomy students or en- thusiasts will find a planetar- ium and astronomy alcove. Demonstrations are given on weekends or by request for spe- cial groups. The alcove contaips photo- graphic representations of ce- lestial bodies, and a reconstruc- tion of the surface of the moon as seen through a telescope. The Exhibit Museum, how- ever, is now open for general public use. Each yeargmore than 100,000 people come to view the various exhibits. The Kelsey museum', pres- ently closed for remodeling, dis- plays exhibits which are the result of archaeological expe- ditions by University faculty and students. This museum's collections In- clude the Mediterranean and Near Eastern displays of jew- elry, art work, coins, glass, pot- tery, and writing material. The Clements Library is a combination of both a museum and a library archives. Donated to the University by former Re- gent William Clements in 1922, the'building houses a collec- tion of rare documents and pic- tures connected with American history. The museum was constructed to be like Clements' Bay City home, only on a much larger scale. The main room includes George Washington's payroll lists and first additions of the "Star Spangled Banner" from Boston, New York, and Phila- delphia.% Several portraits of, early 19th century Americans com- plete the atmosphere of the main room' which contains relics up to 1800. The upstairs balconies house specific libraries which Clem- ents accumulated. The base- ment contains later documents and books. The Clements library is pri- marily for use by scholars of American history. The displays, however, are open to the pug- lic. In addition to these main museums, the University also has other exhibits not located in specific buildings. The Nat- ural Science Building has a per- manent display of rocks and minerals acquired through Uni- versity sponsored exploration. The Sterns Collection of Mu- sical Instruments in Hill Audi- torium exhibits all types of musical instruments and traces their histories. The collection includes fore- runners of the iodern guitar, the highly ornate instruments of 17th and 18th century Europe, as well as several Far Eastern instruments. Grown folks come for star gazing Li~braries bo, The University's libraries are undoubtedly the most matronly part of the "Mother of State Universities'," campus. From the dark, massive shacks of the General Library to the reference librarians in the UGLI, the University library staff attempts to ease dissemination of the enor- rnous amount of knowledge contained in its 30 libraries. The General Library, housing 1.4 million of the University's four million volumes, Is filled with the essence of the splendour of knowledge. Browsing is easy, but many neo- phytes have been discouraged from ac- tually using the General Library because of its size and complexity. The building consists of a basement, four public floors, and an adjacent, book stack of ten floors. There is no correspondence in the numbering of the public floors and the stack floors, but students may easily find their way by noticing that the fifth stack level adjoins the second public floor. Confusion in the General Library may be explained by the fact that the currently overcrowded monolith is scheduled to be expanded. The new General Library Annex, begun last summer, will consist of eight floors of stacks, carrels, and staff work space, and will be connected with the old building at several levels. though Scheduled for completion in June 1969, the new Annex, is paid for through a fed- erally approved grant, a loan from the Col- lege Facilities Branch of the Office of Edu- cation, and allocations from the.undesignat- ed gifts portion of the University's $55- Million Program. The Regents have also approved the pledging of $340,000 from student fees in 1967-68 to begin repayment of the federal loan. If, however, the General Library proves too difficult to master even with fits new addition, the Undergraduate Library (UGLI) eliminates any excuse for avoiding the campus libraries. Notorious as a prime spot for campus pick-ups, the UGLI is geared for large un- dergraduate .classes. The recently clostd .reserve system, recently streamlined for computer check-out, assures the patient student of finishing his assigned reading. An audio room and a print study gallery in the UGLI plus 28 specialized libraries scattered throughout the campus complete the cultural spectrum of the library system, Remember when you get your first $10.00 fine from the UGLI for taking an overnight book out for two weeks, that you are only contributing to the "noble monument that many may construct.' Lovely student, employes at the UGLI are always willing to help students, but the new computerized check-out system makes it even easier for them to charge exorbitant fines. -41 Little people like dinosaursa FOL TT'S iY1 ^ t i " 9 STUDE TS' ,1 EDUCATIC These first few weeks in a new environment can be quite challenging to even the strongest of men. To many of you your whole life will change ... the strong may become weak, the weak many become strong. Only time will tell where and how you fit into this new spec- trum of life. But no matter the outcome you're all starting out equal. And as equals you'll all have the same problems to face. . . meeting new friends, adjusting to new surroundings, adapting to a new social structure. Follett's, right in the hub of the campus, can be a great asset to you as you start off. After registering and checking into new rooms one of the first tnings you'll have to do is supply yourself with textbooks and school supplies. This does not have to be a hair-raising exper- ience. Just stop in at Follett's and ask for some help if you feel you need it. Folletf's carries everything you'll need for this coming year. We're here to help you and to serve you. Why not take advantage of us. Listed below are some of the policies that we live by--please read them. They're there for your benefit. FOLLETT'S satisfies your used textbook needs .. . for all courses You can be sure, no matter what courses you're taking, that FOLLETT'S will have all the textbooks you'll need. FOLLETT'S is the complete supply and book store In addition to supplying all of your new and used book needs, FOLLETT'S also is equipped to supply you with all of your school supply needs . . . from "T" shirts to "T" squares, from pencils to pennants. COSTS DO /1 . FOLLETT'S saves you money on used texts To help you get the books you need at the lowest possible price, FOLLETT'S buys used textbooks throughout the country at the end of each semester and redis- tributes them to schools that will be using them in the following semesters. You save substantially by buying reconditioned used books from FOLLETT'S. FOLLETT'S will buy your used textbooks at the end of the semester We'll pay cash for your used textbooks-even those that won't be used on this campus next semester. FOLLETT'S has the facilities and organization to ship these used texts where they will be needed next semester, and to get to you the used texts that you will be needing here next semester. FOLLETT'S has served the U M campus for 30 years FOLLETT'S structure requires it to maintain faithful and consisfent services. The FOLLETT'S store on your campus has been here for some time and will be on your campus to serve future students for years to come. Many co-ops and student exchanges appear 6nly because-of a temporary or seemingly profitable market, or as the result of student pressure. Because most of these ventures are not based on the sound economic aspects of experienced book sellers, these stores or services generally disappear due to, their financial difficulties. FOLLETT'S works hard to supply you with economical used textbooks Each year the Follett Book Company, our parent company, makes a calcu- lated investment, without guarantee of resale, of over $500,000 in the books it buys from students and other bookstores. These books are then classified, recon- ditioned if necessary, and redistributed to the colleges that need them. As a result, you, the student and thousands of other students, can be sure that your FOLLETT College Bookstore will have on hand every semester, every book, that you might possibly ned. FOLLETT'S contributes directly to students education In addition to the operating expenses incurred in providing this service for you, FOLLETT'S takes monies from its profits for educational grants, scholarships, and for contributions to student activities. At least $25,000.00 a year is spent in school newspapers and on school radio stations in an effort to serve the student better. FOLLETT'S makesrindirect contributions to your education Each FOLLETT'S store that appears on a campus is put there at an initial ex- pense of from $50,000.00 to $250, 000.00 to satisfy this need. The cost of ode- quately furnishing bookstore facilities to campuses across the country comes close to $3,000,000.00. Because of this investment by FOLLETT'S, the colleges were able to put that money to work in the form of additional educational facilities. In recent years local, state and federal governments have spent billions of dollars for the improvements of educational facilities, as well as for scholar- ships, grants, and student loans. Credit for this government assistance to edu- cation must be shared by every tax-paying business and citizen. Like any other successful business, our parent firm, the Follett College Book Company, must make earnings to support these educational tax programs. Our earnings, however low, indicates that not only are we operating efficiently but that we are serving you satisfactorily. And, our earnings, in the final analysis, provides the monies to re-invest in the college. market to serve you better and more economically in the future. FOLLETT'S saves you money on quality merchandise Your FOLLETT'S MICHIGAN BOOKSTORE benefits from the parent company by taking advantage of the centralized, volume-purchasing power program. This means that you, the student, are supplied with -top quality merchandise at the fairest price on campus. FOLLErT'S net profit is lower than the national average of the retail industry of 21o to 3%. In order for Follett's to exist at this low profit margin we have to sell large quantities of various merchandise other than books, and we have to offer better service than our competitors. This we do. FOLLETT'S services don't come out of the taxpayer's pocket FOLLETT'S stores are not subsidized by your educational tax dollar. Their effi- ciency of operation is not misleading based on "free rent," "free personnel," or "free maintenance and utilites," as is the case with many proposed college- owned bookstores. Therefore, we, as well as more than 95 7, of the college bookstores, cannot afford to offer student discounts on new books. Well, these points just about sum up what Follett's is .and what Follett's stands for. We're quite proud of our relationship with the school, students and faculty. We feel that we have something to offer; we feel that we're a big part of this school and we're going to continue being a part. So why not stop by as soon as you can and browse around . . . you'll be pleasantly surprised to see what Follett's has to offer. 7' I' I1 r FOLLETT'S can supply books in emergencies Because of our resources and facilities, FOLLETT'S can supply textbooks quicker than oy other bookstore in town when courses are unexpectedly opened or over-enrolled. FOLLETT'S offers full exchange privileges on books purchased At any time within fourteen days after purchase, FOLLETT'S wtil give you a full refund on any book returned because a course has been dropped or changed, if the book is in its original condition and if you have your receipt. FOLLETT'S consistently serves the student CiI rTT'C ..,,.... i tk,~m Start your year peacefu u!-like ... at Follett's I/ 33 1Aqp /F I