Tuesday, August 27, 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY T ~ s a, A gs.7 9 5T H C I A A L Curricular innovations By DAVID MANN on about a dozen proposals for The literary college will be tak- changing the requirement, which ing a fresh look at some old and range from abolishing language troublesome issues this year, in- grades, as was eventually sug- cluding the language requirement gested by the steering committee, and the extension of the pass-fail to lengthening the requirement to option to underclassmen. three years. The language requirement re- As the winter semester ended, ceived considerable attention last the curriculum committee had year both from the college's cur- received snggestions from the Ad- riculum committee and the lit- ministrative Board of the college, erary college student steering com- and the steering committee in ad-- mittee. dition to those it had developed., Inquiry into the requirement While considering whether or was prompted by what was viewed not to modify the requirement, the as an inordinate number of re- question of inability on the part quests to drop either a language of some students to learn a sec- course, or petitions to waive the ond language arose. James W. entire requirement. George R. Shaw, assistant dean of the col- Anderson, assistant dean of the lege, requested a study of diffi- college, and his two assistants culties students face in learning hear over 600 such requests per foreign languages. year. ~ A study was initiated to find if, The steering committee started in fact, it may be impossible for a review of the requirement in some to learn a second language; the fall, as did the curriculum or if it is possible for all to learn committee. Out of the two studies another language, what kinds of many different opinions emerged problems make it so difficult for so many students. The study is to be completed this year. Many of the proposals for modification of the requirement suggested a two track approach to the requirement. This would involve teaching reading and cul- tural aspects of a language to students who take a foreign lan- guage to satisfy the requirement, and a full linguistic approach similar to the current' one, for those who plan to go on in the study of languages, There are two opinions' on the two track system.? It is favored by many because it will lighten the teaching load on the department of :=romance languages. Presently, the teaching -fellows who teach the first four semesters of lan- guage are forced to present a staggering amount of material to their students in too short a time. The proponents of the two track method assert that if only read- ing is taught in the bulk-of the courses, which would be the case. if the plan were adapted, the reading course load would be suited to the amount of class time available to teach it. The linguistic track, they say, would have a much smaller en- rollment. This would allow assign- ment of the more qualified teach- ing fellows to the track with the more difficult material. Those opposing the two track plan include JamestO'Neil chair- man of the department of ro- mance languages. In his opinion, language cannot : be divided into its component parts; but must be presented as a whole. O'Neil further points out that the period of rapid enrollment increase is over for the Univer- sity. With enrollment leveling off, the number of introductory lan- guage students will not continue to spiral, and eventually decrease because of better high school language preparation. This will . allow the romance language de- threatened partment to catch up in its teach- Teaching who is doing the study ing chores under the present lan- at the request of the curriculum guagerequirement. committee, is among those who Whatever action the curriculum would have pass-fail extended. committee takes concerning the Calling grades a manifestation of requirement must be accepted by "educational conservatism," Pas- the college faculty before going cal favors a general application of into effect, however, which is a pass-fail.I lengthy process. For the near The steering committee sug- future, then, it appears as though gested extension of the option to students will have to continue all students except first semester suffering with the requirement, freshmen. Prof. Roy Pierce of the political The pass-fail option, currently science department, last year's available to all upperclassmen in curriculum committee chairman, good standing' also was the subject indicated that considerable study of discussion last year. of pass-fail is yet to be done. The current option allows one "Although the committee has been non-concentration, non-distribu- discussing pass-fail for quite some tion requirement course per se- time, any recommendation for mester for upperclassmen with changing the option is still quite pass or fail grading only. A stu- far off." dent of pass-fail which will not When a recommendation does be completed until April, leaves come from the committee, it, like some hoping the option will be other curriculum changes, will extended before that date. have to be cleared with the col- Charles E. Pascal of the Center lege's faculty before going into for Research on Learning and effect. t 1 Academic discipline shaken by more than cribsheets I Languagelabs could be deserted iw i By DAVID MANN The easy-going disciplinary sys- tem of the literary college and the entire University was shocked out of its long slumber last fall, and repercussions of the shock con- tinue to be felt, The Administrative Board of the literary college normally handles discipliuary cases involv- ing academic dishonesty (cheat- ing, plagarism, and similar of- fenses). Controversy flared when it was revealed that.Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler had requested the Board to academically discipline Mrs. Karen Daenzer '70, then chair- man of Voice-SDS, for participa-M tion in what was considered to be a disruptive protest against war research. Student leaders, expressing the view of many on campus, felt if any kind of disciplinary action should have been taken, a dubious move to begin with, it should have been through the civil channels, channels that the University ad- ministration refused to use. Vice President for Research A.- Geoffrey Norman said after the October 11 protest no action would be initiated to discipline the students involved either through University or civil channels. The Cutler letter asking for dis- Daenzer came to light December 1, The Administrative Board, after a month of debate, declined to accept initial jurisdiction of the case. "Throughout the debate, the Board never knew exactly which student or students were involved," said James Shaw, assistant dean of the college and chairman of the Board. The Board was con- sidering the case in the abstract- considering whether or not to hear it. Previously the Board had heard only traditionalacademic cases. Soon after the Daenzer case, it was revealed, letters had been sent to the graduate school asking ap- propriate academic discipline be used against Eric Chester Grad, and Sam Freidman Grad, both members of. Voice, who had par- ticipated in the October war re- search protest. The graduate school administra- tion declined to act on Cutler's fequest. "The whole thing became a dead issue after the literary col- lege and the grad school refused jurisdiction," according to Ches- ter. The issue, however, is not quite dead. In the wake of the Daenzer case, there is a policy vacuum concern- r _ "r ing discipline. It is not clear what3 disciplinary body should have jur-1 isdiction over non-academic of- fenders. Nor is it clear what ex-. actly constitutes the difference between academic and non-aca-j demic offenses. An academic offense is inter- preted as anything that disrupts' the functioning of the University, 'according to a Board statement. This would include disruptive sit- ins and demonstrations. Many stu- dents, however, feel that those sorts of offenses are non-academ- ic, and their participants should not be Qeld liable for them by the University. Academic status should not be endangered by political activities' outside the University's academic sphere in the opinion of manyl students. In the present nebulous state of the University's disciplinary sys- tem, the Administrative Board "has reserved the right to consider hearing cases involving students of the college accused of disruptive activity as well as traditional aca- demic offenses. But the Board would rather not be the discipli- nary body in such matters," .said Saw. The 'procedures to be followed in the event of the Board refusing to hear a case have not been de- ternmined. Judicial alternatives are currently being worked out, with final approval resting with the Regents. The - proposal now under con- sideration by the administration, the faculty, SGC, and the Grad Assembly involves implementation of the Hatcher Commission Re- port. The report recommends a tri-partite University Council that would have jurisdiction over all possible discipline cases. Final approval of the measure, which must be written into the Univer- sity's bylaws and approved by the Regents has been the, object of considerable negotiation during the summer.- The bylaw proposals have left the Board in doubt as to its future role. The summer planning ses- sions have not elucidated the role of the individual college judicial systems, and some members of the Board are concerned that faculty members of other colleges might be involved in making decisions effecting literary college students. The Board would serve, if the by- law were adopted, only as an appeal body. 'While the issue of the college's disciplinary autonomy remained vague, the Board began to estab- lish a written policy of due pro- cess procedure for all cases that one that will let the student know exactly where he stands with the Board, what his rights are, what the possible penalties he may face, and what his rights of appeal are. The due process statement is currently in fits third draft form, and is in the hands of the stu- dent literary college steering'com- mittee., The steering committee has been charged with the responsi-' bility of presenting the statement to the students of the college in any' manner that it feels will a- low the committee to accurately determine student opinion on the matter. The steering committee will make any check of studies open in the fall. It will then work out a final proposal with the Board. As yet, however, there is no assurance that the statement will ever be eriployed by the Board, because the Board's role in the future of the University discipli- nary system awaits action by the larger bodies of administration, faculty, and student opinion. STUDGNT BOOK SQRVICG THE SMALLEST STORE IN TOWN i THE BGGST STOCK OF USED TEXTBOOKS (olso new books, paper, notebooks, supplies) FOR ALL YOUR COURSES STUDGNT BOOK SCRVICG 1215 South University it hears, Shaw explained this action as T E X T B OOK S UP TO V3 OFF U ItI C HS ANN ARBOR'S FRIENDLY BOOKSTORE Out on your ear for protest? m - I. 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