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August 27, 1968 - Image 21

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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MUSKET's "Entertainment 1
Jlow Ilearned o

UAC - University Activities
Center ,- is "student power in
a different way," believes Kar-
en Skromme, '69, executive vice-
UAC is the student-run or-
ganization tl.tat is responsible
for many of the University's
social, academic and cultural
programs. "Without crying for
student power, we find that
we've ended up with as much
power as I've ever wanted -
of a different sort," Miss
Skromme explains.
"People keep calling up ask-
ing to speak to a faculty ad-
visor in charge - how do you
explain that we just don't have.
UAC's activities range from
Homecoming to symposiums of
controversial speakers; from
bridge lessons to candlelight
Among other things it char-
ters summer flights to Europe,
organizes a "World's Fair" at
the International Center and
sponsors "Last Chance Lec-
tures" by professors in the
MUG (Michigan Union Grill)
on what they would tell the
world if this were their last
chance to speak on earth.
It brings University and out-
side talent together in a Crea-
tive Arts {Festival budgeted at
a loss - "which is an example
of the kind of philosophy UAC
o f t e n works under," Miss
Skromme points out,

Some of the public figures
UAC plans to bring to the Uni-
versity this year are Judy Col-
lins, Ravi Shankar; Adam Clay-
ton Powell, Dick Gregory, Di-
onne Warwick, and Senator
William Fulbright.
Beginning its fourth year of
planning ' University extra-
curricular activities, UAC's his-
torical roots actually go much
deeper.AThree and a half years
ago UAC was formed out of
the merger of the Men's Union
and the Women's League.
T h e s e organizations had
worked separately, each with
its own offices - the Union
building on State Street dating
from 1920 and the League on
North University first opening
in 1929.
Today UAC has offices in
both of these buildings.
The organization w o r k s
through 14 standing commit-
tees: six staff committees
which co-ordinate work with-
in. UAC, and eight program
committees which directly plan
and execute the activities.
In addition to these there,
are five co-ordinate activities
of special weekends and musi-
cal productions.
Members are not confined to
one committee, but can work
on several at once, or switch
Miss Skromme emphasizes
that freshmen are welcome on
UA'C committees. "We realize
that they have often, had ex-
perience in such activities in

for S
high school. and can bring new
ideas to be put to use in UAC.
"We don't like to just give
them envelope-licking jobs."
But she notes that many
members don't join until their
sophomore or junior year.
"When a person has the time
and the desire - that's the
time for them to come.",
While UAC members often
work as individuals onstudent
government activities, UAC it-
self remains apolitical. In this
way it can be used as a neutral
mechanism for sponsoring dis-
cussions and debates concern-
ing campus controversies. Last
year UAC organized, a discus-
sion of the classified research
UAC attempts to determine
what activities students want
through a series of surveys. Ar
instance, the decision to con-
tinue Homecoming was made.
on the basis of a survey taken
last year.
Likewise, the low response to
Winter Weekend last year has
influenced UAC to replace this
with "Michigras" to be held
closer to spring.
UAC members cite several
reasons why they joined: the
chance to meet and talk with
national figures, a place to mix
in an informal situation, an op-
portunity to learn and try out
organizing, clerical, journalis-
tic skills, and the knowledge
that with all this they are also
accomplishing things.

U.S.A." with the U.S.O.


and love MUSKE

Participating in a college
musical does not often lead to,
dodging bullets along the DMZ;
but at the University, anything
can happen.
Last year MUSKET, the stu-
dent run musical open to all
classes, sent 15 members of the
1966-67 cast to perform "En-
tertainment USA" for United
States military men in the
Black-outs, nearby battles,
lack of stages-nothing stopped
them. In Korea the group broke
all club records and was award-
ed five standing ovations.
rM The Pacific area coordinator
for all entertainment in the Far
East cited MUSKET as "the
best, college group I have ever,
"Entertainment USA," a pot-
pourri of popular songs, folk,
jazz and rock, was sponsored
by the Defense Department for
a USO tour of Far Eastern mil-
itary establishments.
If there is a tradition in the
relatively young MUSKET, it
is expressed in the iritiation
and organization of last year's
Far-East tour.
Jack Rouse, Grad., was the
director of the revue; Bruce
Fisher, Grad., was its musical
director. They felt, in working
with the student cast of last
year's show, "Sweet Charity,"
that "Michigan had a lot of
Their idea was borne out by
the military's response.
In Hiroshima, the MUSKET
team performed for an all-
Japanese audience. "One of the

most gratifying exper
have had," Rouse sai
The group's tour
was a success, despite
ing that was going o
of Korea since Jan
performance of the r
700 soldiers - the i
tendance ever in a KO
ice club.
Students, however}
decided to put on V
for applause. It was,
something they, wan
"because it was there
the travel expenses
for by cast members
A similar review is
on a tour of Europ
and military bases1
the, students' initia
MUSKET, like man
sity organizations a
abbreviation, means
Union Show Koeds3
Among its ancesto
now defunct camp
MUSKET made its
impression on the ca
"West Side Story" t
Stressing openness,
chooses its script to i
largest .number of p
sible - frequently n
or speech majors.

T, Soph Sou
riences we duction of the sophomore class,
d. can fall back on University Ac-
of Korea tivities Center for financial
the fight- backing, they are self support-
n in parts ing. MUSKET sees about $10,-
uary, One 000 in revenues and expendi-
evue drew'- tures.1
argest at- Soph Show is limited to
rean serv- members of the sophomore
class, but involves a lot more
, had not than your high school's class
the review plays.
it seems, This November Soph Show
ted to do; will put on "Carnival" a comic
." Most of love story from a book by Mi-
were paid chael Stewart with music and
s. lyrics by Bob Merrill.
currently "The challenge," explains
)ean cities Soph Show secretary Jeff Mc-
largely on Clean, in choosing a script is
hive once in finding one that will involve
enough people yet provide tech-
ny Univer- i nical challenges."
perverse Technical challenges for both
Michigan MUCKET and Soph Show in-
Too. volve a lot more than dramatics.
rs are the Soph Show's central commit-
us opera. tee, officers and committee
first big heads, has already been chos-
mpus with en.'It involves committees for
hree years everything from choreography
to tickets. Committee members
MUSKET are more than welcome, Mc-
nvolve the Clean commented, b e c a u s e
eople pos- many hands are needed for
non-drama jobs such as make-up and scen-




Last year MUSKET put on
"Sweet Charity"' a musical
comedy about a single girl's
search for love. Next year's
production, to be presented in
.the spring, will be selected by
Although both MUSKET and
Soph Show, an analagous pro-

If you're willing to chance a
trip along the DMZ or the self-
consciousness of stepping up in
front of the lights at Lydia
Mendelssohn, student produc-
tions provide the opportunity
for the heavy involvement that
students curse near finals yet

The fascination of the rah-rah remains




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