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August 27, 1968 - Image 18

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Michigan Daily, 1968-08-27

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Page Six


Tuesday, August 27, 1968

Conscience-stricken tutors seek
communication with AA poor

(Torture, ritual
vie in honoraries


The Ann Arbor Tutorial Proj-
ect is one of many local service
oriented organizations currently
being forced to undergo an ex-
cruciating re-evaluation of its po-
tential to do good.
It is pursuing fundamentally
charitable aims in an environ-
ment which is growing less and
less receptive to efforts which
spring from the assumption that
the black communityneeds the,
help of whites to get ahead.

ily are basically serving to main-
tain, social, economic and politi-
cal stability," according to tutorial
student President Bill Scott.
The basic organizational struc-
ture of the tutorial project, until
this year, has been one-to-one
tutoring, a technique built upon
the assumption that individual
whites can significantly help to
bridge the gap between individual
blacks and white society.
And of course, there is the eter-
nal problem of coping with a
sizable institution, namely the

Tutoring involves the kind of University, which remains large-!
completely non-dramatic direct ly indifferent to the needs of the
action which can never be made surrounding community.
to satisfy the emotional needs of The project has been in exist-
extreme white liberals. ence for six years. During that
Furthermore, the contradictions time the number of tutors and
inherent in the basic tutorial proj- tutees involved in it has quad-
ect structure are rapidly bringing rupled. But this phenomenal!
it to a crisis. growth has not proven to be an
"We have reached the point unmitigated blessing.
where we feel that we have too "The project has become too
many odds against us when it big to operate without a great deal
comes to alleviating fundamental more cooperation from the Uni-
social ills because institutions such versity than we are getting,"
as the school system and the fam- Scott says.

The University gives the project
the use of an office, but provides
no other support.
Attempts to involve the Univer-
sity in the problems of the com-
munity, of which it is but dimly
aware, is a task which is beyond
the ability of the tutorial project.
But the project is making some
strides in working around the for-
midable academic obstacle which
controls its purse-strings.
It is discovering, in the thores
of a severe depletion of its own
staff, the overwhelming necessity
of involving black students inti-
mately in the direction and staff-
ing of an organization designed
primarily to benefit blacks.
The de-emphasis of individual
tutoring in favor of in-school
tutoring by students will have to
be qualified for temporary teach-
ing certificates is one step in the
direction of more concerted effort
which the project will be taking
this fall.
Hopefully this arrangement will
prevent the project from com-
pletely disintegrating into a so-
ciety of white middle class college
students and low income Negro
children who do little but buy
each other ice cream.
The theory is that there is still
a role for the white students in
seeking to gain the cooperation
of the school system and serving
as a liaison between the schools
and those who are in a far better
position to deal with the problems
of the black community.
The task of dealing directly with
the black community and the
total problems of black children
are considered more appropriately
the role of black students.
The pre-school program which
it is offering next year is aimed
at preparing low income and black
children to face the formidable
experience which attending ele-
mentary school frequently is for
The problems of delinquent as
well as disadvantaged youth also
fall within the scope of the ef-
forts of the tutorial project. The
project works with boys at Maxey
Boys Training School.

Remodeling Yost Field House for basketball courts
Little known intramural sport:
Finding space for the amateurs

It seems strange that the Uni-
versity puts its most honored un-
dergraduates through the great-
est humiliation possible.
Reminiscent of the gold-fish-
eating era, men's honoraries ask
their initiates, to go through dis-
comforts ranging from crawling
in the mud to slithering through
steam tunnels.
Neophytes are tapped for men's
honoraries in a night-time raid.
The honored individual generally
finds himself pried from his bed
and sprayed with water and brick
dust while being congratulated on
his selection.
Public initiations then follow
on the Diag, where the chosen
people undergo tests of virility to
prove their worthiness for the
honor and dedication to the group.
Women's honoraries are more
sedate; they make nocturnal jour-
neys serenading their new mem-
bers in 'the glow of candlelight.
However, be the initiation rites
gory or gorgeous, membership in
a campus honorary, often an or-
ganization limited to this cam-'
pus, remains an accolade and a
source of recognition for special
achievement or all round good-
Outstanding senior men in ev-
ery school (except engineering)
are eligible for Druids, which'
chooses its initiates for achieve-
ments in athletics and activities.
"Saplings" (those tapped) be-
come mighty trees through plenty
of water and green dust. Duck-
walking and reciting Joyce Kil-
mer's "Trees" are also tradition-
al branches of the ceremony.
New members are given tree
names which are announced pub-
licly at initiation. Druids is named
for the forest priests of old Eng-
land and was founded in 1909.

gowns, singing their song, "Thy
Ideals." New members wear mor-
tarboards the next day.
The University chapter, Pi Sig-
ma Alpha, was one of the four
founding chapters in 1918. There
are now 95.
Participants in either of the
three ROTC programs are select-
ed on the basis of leadership, pa-
triotism, efficiency, loyalty and
honor for Scabbard and Blade.r
Initiates are tapped in the star-
light with sabers and during the ++
trial period must guard the mu-
seum's lions and defend the scab-
bard and blade in front of the
The group's purpose is to raise
the standards of military educa-
tion and spread information on
military careers.
Another, local organization,
Scroll, honors senior affiliated
women for leadership, character
and loyalty.
Its purpose is to promote co-
operation between alumnae and
students and to further interest
in campus activities.
Senior Society recognizes inde-
pendent women with high schol-
astic averages who have actively
served the campus.
During the initiatiorn ceremony,
each member's name is added to a
long ribbon with the names of all
members since the orgainzation's
Red brick dust and water trans-
forms the neophytes into Egyp-
tians and then the initiates must
crawl on their stomachs looking
for the River Nile (otherwise
known as the League fountain).
They must prove their worth by a

Lack of black tutors worrisome

Summer Sports Editor
It has long been argued that a
person's intellectual development
should be accompanied by a pro-
gram of vigorous physical activ-
ity - the "sound mind, sound
body" approach to education.
In keeping with this philosophy
colleges make a general practice
of requiring that students take
courses in physical education, and
most have facilities which give
all students the opportunity to
participate in the sports they like
on a recreational basis.
Michigan is no exception to this
rule, requiring that every student,
male and female, complete two
courses in physical activity before
The University also has an in-
tramural program, but it is here
that a difference from the norm
may be found. Michigan's intra-
mural and recreational sports pro-
grams have lagged far behind the
pace of growth set by the inter-
collegiate program.
Hampered by a lack of adequate
financial support and out-moded
facilities, the intramural system
now rates solidly as the Big Ten's
poorest and with the worst in the
country among schools of com-
parable size.
The'men's intramural building
on Hoover was once the standard
of excellence which other schools
envied, but has long since become
inadequate-both in size and in
general condition-for the present
student body.
662-0022 ..<..

Construction of new indoor fa-
cilities has been at a virtual stand-
still since the 1920s, and such in-
cidents as the cave-in of a por-
tion of the ceiling in the IM pool
last year have brought the situa-
tion to a peak.
The Intramural Department of-
fers as many as 36 different sports
to interested students, facilities
Most popular sports - football,
basketball, volleyball-are offered
on a league basis for dormitory
and fraternity, as well as inde-
pendent groups.
A space shortage prevents the
IM department from allowing
what many students would prefer
-more time to participate in fa-
vorite activities purely as recrea-
tion, without the pressures of
On the average afternoon, va-
,.cant basketball courts are about
as plentiful as parking places.
Finding one for the first time
often rates as the high point of a
student's freshman year.
There is hope, however. Don
Canham, who succeeded H. O.
(Fritz) Crisler in - June, has
pledged himself to improving the
lot of the student athletic and
recreational programs.
Under his direction, basketball
courts are being installed in Yost
Field House. The addition of these
courts will greatly relieve the
overcrowded conditions in Water-
man Gym and the IM Building.
Further renovation presently in
progress will give students new
touch football fields on Wines


Field and south of Fuller Road
near North Campus.
These fields will also be ade-
quate for soccer, rugby and la-
crosse, which exist as club sports
for all members of the University
The club sports have enjoyed
rapid growth during the past two
years. The intramural brochure
lists nine sports clubs, offering
team competition in such favo-
rites as cricket and judo for the
true enthusiast.
The major sports clubs-rugby,
soccer and lacrosse-compete with
teams from other schools in the
area. The rugby club is in two
leagues, and undertakes rigorous
schedules during both fall and
spring seasons.
Participation in intramural ac-
tivities is encouraged for all stu-
dents and faculty members. Fra-
ternities, dormitories and inde-
pendent teams compete in most
sports for team trophies, as well
as for all-sports honors.
The Daily sponsors an annual
ward for the athlete voted most
outstanding for his accomplish-
ments in intramural activities.
New this fall will be an Intra-
mural Advisory Board, established
by the Regents last spring, in the
reorganization of the Athletic De-
The Board, composed of four
students (two men and. two
women) and representatives of
the faculty and University staff,
will advise Canham on Intrau-
mural and recreational programs
and will assist in the planning of
future facilities and programs.

HECTRIANS'final dip in that body o water.
Hectorians, founded in 1953 Members are given secret Egyptian
recognizes and honors outstandingnm
fraternity men and meets to dis- TRIANGLES
cuss fraternity problems. Triangles, for junior engineers,
Members are chosen from the is also designed to recognize cam-
fraternity presidents, Interfrater- pus activities. Initiates are abducto
nity Council officers and Frater- ed for the night and must find
nity Buyers' Association. their way back to campus from
MICHIGAMUA an isolated part of the country.
The tribe of Michigamua is an The public initiation features such
The-amu trieo ichimu iny stunts as a human pyramid and
all-campus senior men's honorary cleaning the Enginnering Arch
for excellence in activities and with a toothbrush.

8:00 P.M. FREAK-OUT on STATE STREET-Take a free trip to the beat of
the St. Louis Union Band. 8 P.M. to 12 Midnight. On State Street
between N. University and E. Washington. Co-Sponsored with the
State Street Merchants.
Motorcycle Rally: Starts in Administration Building Parking Lot.
Entrance Fee-$1.00 per cycle. Free for members of the Ann
Arbor Motorcycle Association. Co-Sponsored with the Ann
Arbor Motorcycle Association.
Automobile Rally: Take-off point is N. University Building Park-
ing Lot (enter from S. Forest). Entrance Fee-$1.25 per
8:30 P.M. JUDY COLLINS IN CONCERT-Hill Auditorium
Ticket Prices: $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Excellent seats are available.
2:00 P.M. THE KING AND-HIS COURT-Eddie Feigner's mighty four return
to Ferry Field for another exhibition of their skill on the softball
diamond. Advance ticket prices: $1.25 for adults, 75c for stu-
dents. At the gate: Adults, $1.50; students, $1.00; children 8
and under, free.
8:00 P.M. SING on the grass until your mind's content. HOOTENANNY on
Palmer Field. Bring your guitars, everybody is welcome.


Cover Photo
MUSKET, the all University student musical, is hard work,
but the cast members of this Year's "Sweet Charity" don't seem
to mind the many rehearsals (see related story Page 9) in pic-
ture top left.
The quaddie (shown upper right) is taking a period of
student chore detail in good spirit.
Leonard Bernstein, conductor of the New York Philhar-
monic, was one of many renowned artists appearing at Hill
Aud. with the University Music Society (lower left).
Homecoming queen Opal Bailey (far left) and two members
of her court-Carol Woodward (second from left) and Susan
Southon (right) are shown in last fall's UAC sponsored parade
(see story page 9).

athletics. Members dress for "Rope I
Day" (initiation day) in Indian
costumes and turn the chosen
palefaces into young braves by an
ordeal which takes the selected
ones on a duck-walk journey
"seven flights up and seven flights
down the Michigan Union."
Initiates are doused with brick
dust and water and are given sec-
ret names revealed only at the end
of the year at the next rope day.
Founded in 1901 to serve the Uni-
versity, Michigamua is the oldest
existing campus honorary.
The national senior women's
honorary society, Mortarboard, is
the first of the women's groups to
tap in the spring.
Members chosen for service,
leadership and scholarship must
have a 3.0 average. The girls tap
at midnight clad in caps and

The only mortal acceptable in
the eyes of the god Vulcan is a
senior engineer who has served the
University in activities or athlet-
ics. Neophytes are abducted in the
night and taken out of town to
find their way back to campus.
Then they undergo a public in-
itiation by blacking themselves
with oil, chaining themselves to
each other and carrying torches
through the underground steam
tunnels. Each member is given a
mythological name of a god. The
society formed in 1904, works to
serve the engineering college and
the University as a whole.
Wyvern is also a local group
which honors junior girls who are
active on campus and have high

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1967--Anything Goes
Out of Our Minds
1968--Sweet Charity

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Sphinx souses honored fledglings

Expand your Iifea
a UniCqUe eXperier


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