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May 07, 1968 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-07

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Tuesday, May 7, 1 968


T u s a , M y 7 1 ! ," , 1 9 6! ! * ,i~ T H E M I C H I G A N ! . I - II . ." D A;I L Y ,"

Diamondmen split with Indiana

Golfers take Northern tourney

':There's a lot of luck in i,
really,' says Michigan baseball
coach Moby Benedict. "It all de-
pends on when you get the hot
"Let's just hope that our luck
hold on for another three or four
weeks," he concludes, and with
good reason.
Michigan's "hot-handed" dia-
mondmen have won eight of their
last nine ganes, and are sitting on
top of the 1968 Big Ten baseball
race with a highly respectable 5-1
onference record.
The Wolverines ripped of five
traight conference wins before
.uccumbing to Indiana in the sec-
ond half of a twin bill on Satur-

I where else, managing only two hitsA
in the nightcap.
Michigan had little trouble in
the Saturday opener. SophomoreI
hurler Steve Evans went all the
way as the Wolverines banged out
a 5-1 decision. Right-fielder El-
liott Maddox, one of numerous
players sporting .300-plus batting
averages, had two hits in the con-
test. . }
fJack Hurley started the second
game on the hill, and allowed a
single Hoosier score that was too
much for his teammates to handle.
Hurley issued a pair of walks in
the first frame, and a single
knocked in the game's only score.
Paradoxically, he allowed only the
one hit to the visitor, but was tag-
ged with the loss just the same.

"We really should have beat In- TMichiganmanaged to threaten
diana in that second game," notes the Hoosiers three times in the
Benedict. "We hit the ball pretty game, but all were cut short by
well, but we, just hit it at people." fine defensive plays and the strong
Unfortunately, the Wolverines pitching of Larry Oliver.
weren't able to hit the ball any- Wolverine third-baseman Glen
ThinC-ad trpO
Purdue in triangular

Redmon got a walk in the fourth
with two outs, and stole second.
Doug Nelson followed with a soft
fly over the head of Hoosier sec-
ond-baseman Mike Baughman.
Baughman sprinted back and_
made a diving catch to end the
Michigan second-baseman Bud-
dy Forsythe also' performed ad-1
mirably, robbing two Hoosiers of
seeming sure hits with sensational
glove work.'.
In the fifth, Chuck Schmidt got
the first Michigan hit, looping a
Texas-league single to right cen-
ter field, but catcher Pete Titone
grounded into a double play to
end the inning.
The Wolverines mounted an-
other threat in the sixth. With two
outs, Andy Fisher walked and
Maddox drilled a single to left.
The rally was once'again cut off,
however, when Redmon flied out
to left.
Benedict is obviously pleased
with the prospect of leading the
Big Ten scramble at this date, but
is not overly optimistic about thet
rest of the season.
His charges had a rough time{
of it through the first three weeks,
and there are still a lot of gamesI
to be played. His team has im-#
proved remarkably since returning
from a' disastrous trip to Arizona.
"There's nodoubt about it,"
states the Michigan mentor. "But
we 'were playing teams that had
been outside all year down"there.
We knew we needed work, butwe
always do when we get started so
"These are the bestjteam, in
the country, and its 'always roughf
meeting them in our first games.
And 'of course we have to play'

By FRED LaBOUR finally by a margin of two strokes.
Associate Sports Editor Michigan's team total was 1485,
The Michigan golf team is followed by Indiana with 1487,
scorching its way across the links and Michigan State farther back
and breadth of the land, leaving with 1500 strokes.
the carnage and heartbreak of Sumpter and Schroeder were
many a collegiate enemy behind. high men for Michigan. They tied
Why just last weekend the Wol- for third place in individual hon-
verine team, led by captain John ors with 291 each. Next Wolverine
Schroeder and Rod Sumpter, on the list was Frank Groves in
blazed its way to a victory in the sixth place with a 294.
Northern Intercollegiate G o 1 f Low man for the tournament
Tournament in East Lansing. This was Ohio State's NMike Good
tournament is considered a tune- with a stroke total of 289.
up for the Big Ten trials later in Michigan's golf team is enjoy-
the season because most of the ing a very successful season, as
Western Conference teams' ap- are the other spring sports, inc;-
pear in it. dentally. The team has yet to
The Wolverine golfers were taste honest defeat since its re-
forced to play catch-up as they turn from Florida a month ago
trailed by four strokes .at the end and several tournaments,
of one round, three strokes at the The next hurdle for the squad
end of two, and five strokes at crops up tomorrow as they meet
the end of three rounds. Michigan State in East Lansing.
Indiana, generally acknowledged The twvo teams clashed earlier in
to be the biggest threat to Wol- the season with the Spartans get-
verine chances in Big Ten compe- ting credit for the win on the
tition, held the lead. basis of nine players while Mich-
But even the damp, drizzly igan won on the generally ac-
weather failed to cool off the cepted five player basis.
blistering Wolverine irons and The team is priming for the
woods, and they gained seven upcoming Big Ten championships
strokes on the Hoosiers, winning to be held at Indiana weekend


after next. This meet alone de-
termines the final standings of
the conference.
If the team manages to win in
Bloomington, they will go on to
the NCAA championships to be
held in Las Cruces, N.M.

.... ,...




With the Big Ten outdoor cham-
pionship meet just two weeks.
away, the Michigan track squad'
is attempting, to put together the
things that can help them de-
throne indoor champ Wisconsin. -
They travelled to Columbus. over.
M~e weekend, and returned with a'
triangular meet victory over Ohio
State and Purdue. It was;not an
easy win, however, with the yWol-
verines edging the Buckeyes 89 2/3
to 83 x/3.
Wolverines won seven events in
the trianguar meet, and that is a
good sign as the outdoor season
comes down to conference action.
Dependable Jim Dolan copped
another three-mile victory, Larry
Midlam skimmed the high hurdles
in :14.0 for a second Michigan win,
and'Ron Kutschinski edged team-
mate Paul Armstrong in the 880
for a third Wolverine first.
There were also wins where they
might not have been so readily
expected. Ken How, one of three
Canadians who have done well in
a Michigan uniform, won the mile
run with a respectable time of
And sophomore sprinter Sol Es-
pie took the 100-yard 'dash in
:09.6 seconds. Strength in both of
these events will become vital in

WOLVERINE PITCHER STEVE EVANS fires it home in the first
game .of a doubleheader against Indiana last Saturday. The
sophomore starter 'allowed only three hits, as the Michigan
squad romped 45-1. The Hoosiers came back in the second game,
winning 1-0 on Larry Oliver's two-hitter.

them in their home parks; that
home crowd, the field, everything
help you."
Meanwhile, the Wolverines are
getting it all put together, and the
possibility of another conference
title now looms large.
Michigan enjoys a half game
lead over both Minnesota and

Wisconsin (6-2). The Badgers host
the Wolverines this weekend, when
Michigan- meets both Wisconsin!
and Northwestern on the road. I
First, however, the Wolverines
play host themselves, entertaining
Western Michigan in a single
game here today. The contest geta
under way at 3:30 on Ferry Field.

two weeks.
Bob Thomas, the

defending Big

Netters 10-0
as road trip
is com leted
Michigan's tinnis team is bask-
ing in' the sun of unparalleled
success this spring.
The team sports an unblemish-
ed record of wins, in fact, a nearly
perfect record for the year. They
have shut out every opponent this
year 9-0 with the exception of
Wisconsin and Indiana who went
down 8-1 each.
The Wolverines met Iowa yes-
terday at Iowa to make up a con-
test that was rained out earlier
in the season.
Tomorrow they'll face Notre
Dame , at South Bend before re-
turning to Ann Arbor on Satur-,
day to meet Michigan State.

Ten discus champ, came throdgh
with a win in his specialty Satur-
day. He must be expected, like Do-
lan, to be winning consistently,
And Carl Flowers gained an-
other first for the Wolverine thin-
clads when he leaped 22'81" in
the long jump. He outjumped
teammate Ira Russell by 2"; Rus-
sell finished in second./
Michigan still has not found the
quarter-milers that were missing
from the indoor squad, but the
wolverines still have put together
a mile relay quartet that may be
among the best in the conference.
The foursome took second at,
Columbus, with captain Alex Mc-
Donald running a fine :47.7
anchor leg. Leon Grundstein re-
corded a :48.9 effort and Taimo:
Leps a :48.8, but these will have
to be improved upon for a place
in the conference meet.
One event does seems to be
rouding into fine shape after a
long dry spell. Gary Knicker-
bocker, Clarence Martin, and Rick
Hunt took first, second, and third
at Columbus for their finest col-
lective showing of the year.
Both Martin and Hunt have
been erratic since the start of the
indoor season, and their imlrove-
ment will mean a lot to the team.
Kutschinski's victory in the 880,
in the very fast time of 1:49.6, is
also encouraging. He has run well
for weeks now, after suffering an!
annoying leg injury in February.


Julie Spiessi
Kimberley Barclae
Jane Poulton
Patti Kelly
Pat Connolly
Ginny Smith
Sue Taylor.
Margie Davidson
Barbara 'Boyle
Carol Jean Hilema
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Pamela Manuel t
Cindy Nash
Judy Anrod
Andy Sanhar
Maggie Frasier
Francie Cuthbert
Gretchen Dowen
Sally Duff
Sue, Wenger
Roberta Straley
Betsy Hanson
JoAnn Gillen
Merry Ann Halligan
Jean Scott


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Katheen McCarthy
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Bob Beals
J im Embree
Jim Couch
Nick Hulchiy ,
Durlin Hickdck
Tom Ward
Bill Tobin
Mike Ferrante
Charles Akhuen
Jim Kreggs
Harold Weckler
Wilfred Haugh
Mike Carpenter
Rob'rt Davidson
Jamie Quakenbush
Pete Graff
Jim Neel
Dave Graf
Mike Keebler
Art Toi
Bill Brater
Rick Flagon
Don Blokely
Pe'te Fodor
Jim Wiseman
Chuck Lungerhausen
Donna Mills
Ann Holmgren
Donna Hawald
Cindy Merry
Marcia Johnson
Sue Lane
Joanne Miller
Sally Seiler
Marilyn Cheney
Becky Kimmen
Loretta Diphoye.
Elise Phebus
Susan Lapene
Cherie Olson 1
Chris Dabrowski
Layne Zimmerman
Laurie Weston
Sandy Stone
Sue Kromelow
Ava Atler
Ronna Freeberg
Judi Richards
Susan Beenford
Mary Alice Godfrey
Betsey Begle
Becky Head




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