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August 27, 1968 - Image 1

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SW 43AU1

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Vol. LXXIX, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Tuesday, August 27, 1968 Seven Sections

60 Pages





















Controversial b y
Regents drop 0St k
disciplinary power. ~
The Regents postponed action on three controversial h
bylaws July 19 and rescinded the sweeping disciplinary
powers delegated in 1966 to the Office of Student Affairs.
Through a resolution introduced by itegent Gertrude
Huebner, the board agreed to postpone action "in deference to
the request of both faculty and student members of the
academic community."
The proposed bylaw changes had drawn sharp criticism
Vt from student leaders and
some faculty members.
At an open hearing the previous
day members of the ad hoc group
, " " which is drafting three sections
restriction gen tse hatpassage of the pro-
posals would seriously hamper
" e :,their work.
Cfrta ed /The bylaw changes stem from
eu rtaL i Lrecommendations made in the
Hatcher Commission Report on
At their July 19 meeting, the the Student Role in Decision-
Regents removed all restrictions Making. The Commission also rec-
on the operation of motor vehicles ommended disciplinary authority
by students but retained the re- be removed from the jurisdiction
quirement that students obtain a of the Office of Student Affairs.* y w fae am
registration decal to use Univer- Tha fate kin
sity parking and storage facilities. The Regents took no action on
the proposal to rename the unit
The Regents also voted to ex- the Office of Student Services but
tend the experimental policies of approved the appointment of Prof.
no curfew for women and demo- Barbara Newell as interim vice w srtcdtrinto fvstainpeiet
Scratic determination of visitation president.
policy by residents of individual One faculty member called the By JOHN GRAY
housng unis, stripping of disciplinary power Daily News Analysis
However, women who plan to f from OSA "the end of an era." When the Regents deferred
live in residence halls will have"
the option of living in certain Indeed, problems caused by the tion on three controversial by:
housing units which will have sweeping authority granted the proposals at their regular Ji
specific visitation rules established vice president on October 21, 1966, meeting, they said they were do
in advance. were a prime factor in the crea- it in deference to the requ
The University will continue to tion of the Hatcher Commission .r of both faculty and student mi
reur rsmnadspooelater that year. bers of the academic communil;
require freshman and sophomore That was putting it mildly
women to obtain written parental The Regental resolution said
permission to be eligible for ex- "the board would regard it as a The Regents themselves n
emption from curfew. sign of good faith on the part of not be aware of just how cl
Regent Paul Goebel (R-Grand those members of the faculty and; they came to precipitating
Rapids was the sole dissenting students who are working on these major confrontation between
Rapds)wasthesol diseningbylws f, s rpidy a pasibe, Univer'sity administration and
vote in the decision on hours and bylaws if, as rapidly as possible, radical-liberal alliance of stude
visitation, they submit redrafts of any of the
bylaws now contained in Chapter and faculty.
Despite the lifting of vehicle Seven with which they disagree." Two of the bylaws the Rege
restrictions, a letter will be sent did not act on were written
to the parents of all freshmen and Student dissatisfaction with the change the structure of the U
sophomores urging "as strongly as bylaw, draft centered on several versity's decision making pro
possible" the students not bring sections of the proposal. Student dure. The third bylaw would h
car to school except in "very un- leaders criticized a regulation in reorganized the Office of Stud
usual circumstances.'" the bylaw that no speaker spon- Affairs.
The elimination of the regula- sored by a student organization At an open hearing on the
tions for all students except may 'urge the audience to take laws the day before the Rege
freshmen had been recommended aton whc is prohyhe decided not to take action, vei
by a joint University-City com- ules of e University or which threats and warnings of viol
mittee in June. isillegal under Federal or Michi- reaction against passage a t
Previously, only seniors, gradu- gan law." bylaws were repeatedly made
ate students and students over 21 Another controversial section of student and faculty observ
were permitted to have cars in the proposal states that "respon- alike.
the campus area. sibility for public meetings and One history professor urged t
In recommending the action on programs must be assumed for- the proposed bylaws not be pass
vehicles: Vice President for Stu- mally by a person over 21 years noting "I spent the month
dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler of age who is a University student May in Paris. History," he add
said "a recent attorney general's or staff member." "is repeating itself."
ruling makes doubtful the Regents They were also critical of the Some radical student lead
authority to regulate the use of statement in the bylaw draft that actually expressed dismay t
motor vehicles on public streets. "all offenses of students against the bylaws had been defeat
In recommending the Regents good order and proper conduct They had spent long hours wo
extend the experimental liberal- committed in any classroom or ing out plans for a confrontat
ized dormitory regulation Cutler laboratory ,jn the presence of any and were unhappy that they h
said "the visitation policy has instructor .nay be dealt with sum- not been given the opportunity
been extremely successful." marily by the instructor." use them.

'aw/ action delayed

In-state fees
increased $6
The Regents June 28 approved 'non-resident yearly
tuition increases of $240 for undergraduate, law, medical,
dental and public health students, and $60 increases . for,
students in the same schools who are Michigan residents.
Out-of-state graduate school fees were raised $248, in-state
graduate fees $80.
The size of the increases marked a decision to abandon
the ratio between out-of-state and in-state fees of 3 to 1
which previously existed. The Legislature for the past few
years has insisted that out-of-state students should ply 75
per cent of the cost of their education.
This is the second consecutive*
year in which student fees have '
been raised. The fees are thea
highest among state-supportedIc
collges in the Big Ten and the
state, and second highest in, theI
nation behind the University of U bo d et
Verm on1968-69 general operating
fund, in which student fees are
additional $550,000 in student aid all0ati11
included, will make available an o a i l
funds. Total aid available to stu-
dents from all sources will be ap- By STEVE NISSEN
proximately $10 million in schol- The , University received this
arships and $12 million in loans. summer an appropriation from
Automatic supplements will be the Legislature that forced the
granted students with grants from Regents, under the threat of cur-
the Michigan Higher Education tailing essential services, to raise
Assistance Authority. tuition for the second year in a
The University traditionally has row.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
n~ounied ~ I v Re%~r'uts 111AndeIrsounu Roomi aflter l1h4'arj4Jrthe tIeiou dayi!.

thlrlaten violent i

d a

There is a great feeling of dis-
trust o~f the University adminis-
t ration among student leaders and
some faculty members today. The
ieeling is a result of what the
student leaders see as an attempt
by the administration to take
back the power that the students
have effectively won for them-
selves since the demonstrations
and confrontations of 1966.
At that time, Student Govern-
ment Council refused to recognize
the veto over SGC's rule making
and governing prerogatives from
the Office of Students Affairs.
Since then, SGC has effectively
wiped all administration rules
concerning the non-academic con-
duct of students off the books and
substituted regulations of its own.
Through its power to appoint the

members of Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil, SGC has made its legislation
binding and reduced the adminis-
trations rules to dead letters. JJC
is the highest court in the Uni-
versity judicial system.
That is, the administration
rules were dead letters until this
summer. In July, President Rob-
ben Fleming. at the request of the
Regents. instructed the faculties'
of all the schools and colleges
to enact "interim" regulations
governing student conduct until
such time as the bylaws imple-
menting the recommendations of
the Hatcher Commission could be
All of the schools and colleges
enacted legislation that was sub-
stantially in accord with regula-
tions enacted by SGC concerning

attempted to compensate for tui-
tion increases by providing addi-
tional student aid funds.
dJThe rest of the student fees are
fund. The gross total of student
"disruptive demonstratipns." The fees this year, before subtracting
difference was in the judicial pro- total student aid funds of $2.5
cedings. When the schools and million, will be $29.3 million, an
colleges had no student conduct increase of $4.3 million over last
regulations, students could only ,yea.
be tried by the student-run JJC. This year's tuition increases
Penalties could be fines or social were lower on all levels than
restrictions. last year's except for the increase.
Now the faculties will try the in in-state graduate fees, whichI
students and penalties can include was again $80. Last year, all non-
suspension or even expulsion. And resident fees were raised $300, in-
although these rules are known
as "interim regulations" at least 4ew tuition levels on page 2
some schools . apparently want state law, medical, dental and
their power rer . non-academic elth fedsc 1, and
conduct to remain in effect even public health fees $200,.and, i-
after the Hatcher bylaws are en- state undergraduates $72-
acted. The Medical School remains the
The Hatcher Comniission by- most expensive graduate school
laws were being written by an ad with yearly out-of-state tuition
hoc group of student and faculty of $2,140 and in-state tuition of
See BYLAW, page 2 $960. The tuition hike put fees
for out-of-state law students up
to $S1 740 and up to $680 for resi-


PreIcting enrollet
t *
c Guaranteed. uncertainy
By HENRY GRIX Together with the deans of the state's supported institutions, the
Somewhere on the campus a University's 17 schools and col- University last year was accused
, lonely statistician works an eight- leges, Zimmerman is responsible in an auditor general's report of
f hour day five days a week to fig- for preparing enrollment predic- "fixing" budget figures to re-
. ure out if the University will en- tions ceive more state aid.
roll 47,500 students in 1975 or But predicting enrollment is Although the misunderstanding;
47,600. plainly a matter of pot luck. has yet to be cleared up, and more
To a large extent, the Univer- Plans must be made as if the problems are destined tr follow
. sity's long-range planning as well University's growth were uncon- until enrollment can be precisely.
as its current budget depends on strained by the availability of estimated, the enrollment projec-
the work of this man. space, staff and funds. tions problem has likewise failed.
The Legislature has recently At the same time, administra- to be solved.
taken to basing its appropriation, tors realized the Legislature prob- Administrators are . concerned
which makes up most of the Uni- ably won't come through with the because the uncertainty draft laws,
versity's income, on the number funds for essential growth. makes guesswork of all predic-
of students expected to attend Although higher education in tion.
Backed into a financial corner by general has been cramped by lack Althuogh his projection for last
several years of skimpy state ap- of financial support, the Univer- fall came within one per cent of ,
propriations, the University has sity has received increasingly the actual figure, Zimmermann is
been circumstantially suspect of rough treatment by the state. worried the draft may take tenf
predicting larger enrollment than Once a favored child among the See HOW, page 2
the figures suggest.
Living with the figures they do
predict presents another problem. EWLY.
Enrollment projections of 70,000
or 100,000 students eventually on Culrte A n A b r c m s ex ai thtks l
enormous amount of construction
on North as well as Central Cam-
pus an brings questions about
what constitutes tolerable growth. University President Robben While a search for a perman-
Prediction of these all import- W. Fleming announced in July ent replacement for Cutler is
ant enrollment figures used to be the appointment of Dr. William undertaken by a joint student-
a simple matter. But the Legisla- L. Cash Jr. of Washington as faculty committee, Mrs. Bar-
ture, which is largely responsible human relations coordinator bara Newell will assume the
for stressing the projections, has and Richard L. Cutler as spe- vice presidential post.
made predictions more difficult cial assistant for urban affairs. Mrs. Newell is presenjtly an
by its sensitivity to accuracy. The positions are newly cre- associate professor of economics
Now, if you ask an administra- ated by Fleming to deal with and assistant to the president.
tor how many students he expects two pressing problems of the Regarding Cutler's new posi-
will attend the University in the University. Cash will be respon tion, Fleming noted that uni-
fall he is likely to shrug and ad- sible for programs seeking to versities face the requirement
mit he doesn't really know, enlarge opportunities for mi- to contribute substantively to
"The only sure thing I can tell nority group members, while the solution of urban problems,
you about enrollment in the fall vn ad conrin such as transportation, employ-

The increased fees, however,'
make the University one of the
most expensive public schools in'
the country. Michigan State Uni-
versity, for instance, has an an-
nual in-state tuition of from $350
to $501 and an annual out-of-
state tuition of $1,200.
President Robben Fleming said,
"We regret that it has been neces-
sary, for the second consecutive
year, to make up the difference
between the funds appropriated
by the state and the amount
needed to sustain adequate ope-
Although the Regents again by-
pased considering an "ability-to-
pay" plan modeled after the one
in effect at MSU, Fleming said,
"In the future, it has to be
thought about." The Regents feel,
that increased aid funds are as
equitable as the ability-to-pay
provision, and wish to avoid the
extra bookkeeping they feel it
would involve and its "question-
able constitutionality."

a June 28, the Legislature passed
a Higher Education appropriation
bill which included an allocation
of $63,272,392 for the, University.:
The Reents agreed that day on
a University general fund budget
of nearly $104 million for the
coming fiscal year. The figure re-
flects an increase over last year
of $4,210,448 in Legislative appro-
priations and $4,310,448 in esti-
mated student fees.
The $104 million figure reflects
a change in accounting to in-
clude $10.1 million formerly listed
under a different budget.
The adjusted budget is $8.4 mil-
lion more than last, year.
The appropriation is about
seven per cent higher than for
1967-68, but is about $12 million
less than the University request
submitted last October, and $1.5
million below Gov. Romney's rec-
The compromise measure was
worked out by a conference com-
mittee between the House and
Senate, each of which had ap-
proved separate appropriations
bills differing by $2.3 million. The
House version listed the Univer-
sity for $63.5 million and the
Senate $61.3 million.
The bill finally approved by
both groups was about $325,000
less than the House, figure. The,
cuts came from funds for the
University's joint computer sys-
tem and a decrease in the ap-
propriations for' the Flint campus.
However, since the Flint branch
has already hired additional fac-
ulty and admitted 200 more stu-
dents for next year, the Univer-
sity was forced t9 replace the cut.
by using general operating funds.
The budget includes a $4 mil-
lion increase in academic and
non-academic salaries. Faculty
wages were given the highest pri-
ority for the coming fiscal year,
University President Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday.
Faculty salary hikes will be "at
or better than the national aver-
age" increase, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith
See SALARIES, page 2

~an affairs post

A graduate of Fisk University
with a doctorate from the Uni-
versity, Cash will be specifically
concerned with increasing the
number of Negro students and
staff at the University.
Creation of the position of
coordinator of human relations
was ..a major recommendation
last spring of the faculty's
Steering Committee on the De-
velopment of Academic Oppor-
The University has come un-
der criticism for its handling

{ I I: /

. w;i .. , , , :.

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